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Showing papers in "Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Medicina Tropical in 1968"

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The results of a biometric study of strains of T. cruzi isolated from human cases of Chagas' disease indicate that the limits of strain variations in T.cruzi are wider than those previously observed.
Abstract: Estudo biometrico de 10 amostras de Trypanosoma cruzi isoladas de casos humanos da doenca de CHAGAS, nove mantidas em camundongos brancos jovens e uma mantida em ratos brancos jovens, mostrou a existencia de grandes variacoes amostrais. Assim os valores do comprimento total medio das diferentes amostras variaram entre 16,3μ e 21,8μ., enquanto os valores do indice nuclear medio oscilaram entre 0,93 e 1,52. Estes resultados ampliam os limites de variacoes amostrais ate agora observadas no T. cruzi, especialmente os que se referem ao indice nuclear medio.

17 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Oogram studies have been carried out on mice, hamsters, and Cebus morikeys experimentally infected with Schistosoma mansoni and treated with trichlorphone, finding that despite a slight hepatic shift of schistosomes, all animais presented oogram changes when dosed, per os, at the schedules of 200 and 100 mg/kg/day.
Abstract: Oogram studies have been carried out on mice, hamsters, and Cebus morikeys experimentally infected with Schistosoma mansoni and treated with trichlorphone (0,0-dimethyl 1-hydroxy-2, 2, 2-trichloroethylphosphonate). In mice, despite a slight hepatic shift of schistosomes, all animais presented oogram changes when dosed, per os, at the schedules of 200, and 100 mg/kg/day × 7. In hamsters, antischistosomal activity could be detected only at toxic leveis. In monkeys, trichlorphone showed insignificant action even after oral administration of 30 mg/kg/day for 10 consecutive days. In 5 volunteers, a sharp drop in cholinesterase plasma level was observed 24 hours after a single oral dose of 7.5 mg/kg. However, cholinesterase levels returned to the initial values within a period of 11 to 27 days. Trichlorphone was then administered to 12 schistosome patients (7.5 mg/kg/day, every fort- night, × 5). One month after therapy, interruption of egg laying was observed in 6 patients. Late parasitological control showed that all treated patients continued to pass viable S. mansoni eggs with their stools.

16 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Os autores relatam o caso de uma paciente por eles acompanhada desde o periodo inicial da infeccao chagasica ate o obito, num periodo de cinco anos, que foram encontrados ninhos de leishmânias.
Abstract: Os autores relatam o caso de uma paciente por eles acompanhada desde o periodo inicial da infeccao chagasica ate o obito, num periodo de cinco anos Apresentou, durante o periodo inicial, manifestacoes radiologicas e eletrocardiograficas de comprometimento cardiaco, espontaneamente reversiveis, nao mais sendo observadas ao fim de 16 meses Posteriormente, desenvolveu a forma digestiva da doenca, tendo os sintomas de averistalsis do esofago se iniciado cerca de quatro meses apos o periodo inicial da infeccao, e os de megacolo, cerca de quatro e meio anos Faleceu no pos-operatorio de retossigmoidectomia Os principais dados de necropsia consistiram em dilatacao do esofago e do colo sigmoide, infiltrado inflamatorio ao nivel da musculatura do esofago, jejuno, ileo, sigmoide e coracao, bem como acentuada diminuicao do numero de neuronios ao nivel da musculatura esofagiana Nao foram encontrados ninhos de leishmânias

9 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Twenty cases of leptospirosis were studied from a clinical, laboratorial and anatomo-pathological viewpoint and important clinical elements for the differencial diagnosis of jaundice from other etiologies, were the sudden beginning with fever, intense muscular pain, congestion and conjunctival hemorrhage, besides the reddish color of the jaundICE.
Abstract: Vinte casos de leptospisoses, (15 por Leptospira ictohemorragiae, 1 por Leptosplra canicola e 4 nao determinadas) foram estudados minuciosamente do ponto de vista clinico, laboratorial e anatomo-patologico (5 necropsias e lObiopsias musculares). Chamou atencao o inicio subito, a febre alta, as dores musculares intensas, a congestao e hemorragia conjuntivais, alem da ictericia de coloracao rubinica, como elementos clinicos importantes para o diagnostico diferencial com ictericias de outras etiologias. Em contraste, as "provas de funcao hepatica" e as transaminases mostram-se pouco alteradas. As lesoes hepaticas mais frequentes foram a desorganizacao trabecular e a atrofia de hepatocitos isolados, mais evidentes em lorno da veia centro-lobular. O rim tem o aspecto da nefrose colemica; mostra impregnacao biliar nas celulas, cilindros biliares nos tubulos e necrose tubular predominantemente proximal. Nos musculos esqueleticos observam-se intensa infiltracao linfocitaria intersticial, binucleacao e as vezes infiltracao hemorragica e grave processo degenerativo das fibras musculares. No trato gastro intestinal predominam a congestao e as hemorragias punctiformes e no pulmao hemorragias petequiais de pleura, edema e hemorragias alveolares. No coracao foi constante a observacao de edema e infiltracao intersticial e fragmentacao de fibras miocardicas.

8 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The authors report the results of the reaction of Sabin-Feldman carried out on the serum of 101 dogs in a suburb of Rio de Janeiro, demonstrating that dogs in general become infected chiefly when younger.
Abstract: The authors report the results of the reaction of Sabin-Feldman carried out on the serum of 101 dogs in a suburb of Rio de Janeiro. They found a negative result in 21 dogs (20,8) and a positive result in 80 (79,2%). The titres of the reaction were considered positive from the dilution 1:16 and no positive result was found in an equal dilution or higher than 1:4096. The differences in the proportions of the negative and positive titres in relation to the sex of the animais were not significant. As to age, a significant increase in the proportion of positive results ivas observed among dogs of equal age or more than 5 years, this increase having been more evident in dogs of equal age or more than 7 years. Among the positive titres, the proportion of dilution 1:64 was significantly higher in the dogs of equal age or more than 7 years, when compared to that of the younger dogs. This result demonstrates that it was mainly because of this titre 1:64 that increased the proportion of positive dogs in the group of animais of 7 years or older. The predomiinance of a positive titre which is not high in this group of animais brings us to the supposition that dogs in general become infected chiefly when younger

6 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: "Vaccines" prepared from parasites of an avirulent cultivated Y strain of T. cruzi, suspended in phenolated 1/10.000 saline solution, with aluminum stearate, containing alive parasites, gave high degree of protection to mice against a posterior infection with virulent blood forms of the same parasites and strain.
Abstract: "Vaccines" prepared from parasites of an avirulent cultivated Y strain of T. cruzi, suspended in phenolated 1/10.000 saline solution, with aluminum stearate, containing alive parasites, gave high degree of protection to mice against a posterior infection with virulent blood forms of the same parasites and strain. The degree of protection with 1/1000 and 1/10.000 phenol "vaccines", with no alive parasites, was very poor specially in the first group. The immunity seems to be related to the number of alive trypanosomes in the "vaccines".

4 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A esquistossom ose m ansônica é produzi­ da pelo S chistosom a m ansoni, doença de vasta distribuição nas A ntilhas, Am érica do Sul e na Á frica, cêrca de 6.000.000 de brasileiros estão in ­ fectados sôbre extensa área territorial*.
Abstract: A esquistossom ose m ansônica é produzi­ da pelo S chistosom a m ansoni (Sambon, 14) . Na fam ília S ch istosom atidae en con ­ tram -se os diferentes tram atódeos parasitos do sistem a porta de m am íferos e pás­ saros. Os trem atódeos desta fam ília são dióicos, possuem 1 par de ventosas e os cecos in testinais unidos em um só ramo term in a l, Os adultos, m achos e fêm eas, de S ch is­ tosom a m ansoni vivem no sistem a porta do hom em e de outros m am íferos encontrados naturalm ente in fectados. No hom em, o trem atõdeo produz a esquistossom ose m an ­ sônica, doença de vasta distribuição nas A ntilhas, Am érica do Sul e na Á frica. No continente am ericano é a única form a en ­ contrada . A esquistossom ose pode ser considerada problem a nacional da m ais alta priorida­ de, considerando-se: 1 .°: extensão de sua zona endêm ica; 2 °: provável dissem inação a novas regiões do país; 3.° os elevados ín ­ dices de in fecção hum ana; 4 ° : aspecto m uito grave de algum as de suas form as c lí­ n icas; 5.°: a inadequácia de seu tra ta ­ m ento; e 6 .°: a precariedade de suas m e­ didas de controle. Num erosas publicações nacionais aí e s­ tão a atestar a validade dos conceitos a c i­ m a exp ostos. . Em conseqüência, a esquistossom ose p o­ derá in flu ir sôbre a saúde e a produtivi­ dade de larga m assa da população brasi­ leira, principalm ente de origem rural, con s­ titu indo problem a de larga repercussão na econom ia de um a nação em vias de de­ senvolvim ento . Cêrca de 6.000.000 de brasileiros estão in ­ fectados sôbre extensa área territorial*. Em relação particular ao Nordeste esta área é exatam ente aquela de maior produtividade e de m aior densidade dem ográfica. Embora nada se conheça sôbre a perda econôm ica causada diretam ente pela es­ quistossom ose, os estudos epidemiológicos indicam que a morbidade produzida pela doença pode ser elevada embora a m orta­ lidade seja baixa. São êstes aspectos que o autor pretende desenvolver neste sim pósio em boa hora promovido pela Sociedade Brasileira de Me­ dicina Tropical neste Congresso que ora se realiza na cidade do Recife.

4 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: An eosinophilic index was set up and it was found that 46,81% were infested by Trichuris trichiura; 23,85% by Strongyloides stercoralis; 22,46% by Necator americanus and/or Ancylostoma duodenale; 20,51% by Ascaris lumbricoides; and 0,65% by Schistosoma mansoni.
Abstract: 1 - Foram examinadas as fezes de 2.666 individuos, operarios e funcionarios de duas Empresas industriais, situadas, uma na cidade do Rio de Janeiro e outra no Estado do Rio (Brasil); 2 - Dos 2.666 individuos, 1941 (72.80%) estavam parasitados por um ou mais helmintos e 725 (27,20%) tinham seus exames de fezes negativos; 3 - De cada um dos 2.666 individuos foi feito um hemograma completo, tendo sido aproveitada a taxa de eosinofilos que, em associacao com os exames de fezes, constituiu o objeto principal deste trabalho. 4 - Na Tabela A observa-se o numero de vezes em que cada um dos vermes foi observado e seus respectivos percentuais. Embora nao seja um trabalho de epidemiologia, verifica-se que 46,81% sao infestados pelo Trichuris trichiura; 23,85% pelo Strongyloides stercoralis; 22,46% pelo Necator americanus e/ou Ancylostoma duodenale; 20,51% pelo Ascaris lumbricoides; 1,65% pelo Schistosoma mansoni; 0.67% pelo Enterobius vermicularis; 0,26% por Taenia solium ou T. saginata e 0,11% por Hymenolepis nana; 5 - Os exames de fezes foram feitos pelos metodos de Faust (ou de Ritchie), de Willis, de Baermann e de sedimentacao; 6 - A eosinofilia anotada foi a relativa ou em seu percentual, sendo considerada hipereosinofilia uma taxa de eosinofilos igual ou superior a 5% (Eo > 5%); 7 - Foram abordados de modo conciso os fatores que provocam oscilacoes na eosinofilia normal tais como a idade, a raca, as horas do nictemero, os fatores fisicos, o sexo, os fatores quimicos e outros; 8 - Tratou-se de modo mais extenso das diferencas entre as hipereosinofilias parasitarias e nao parasitarias, tendo sido focalizada a dinâmica da eosinofilia traduzida na curva de Lavier. 9 - A distribuicao dos 2.666 casos foi feita pelos diferentes graus de eosinofilia, tendo sido levantados graficos e tracadas curvas sobre a distribuicao de cada helminto e de suas associacoes. 10 - Por ser necessario a explanacao do assunto, foi criado o "indice eosinofilico", o qual corresponde a relacao entre o numero de casos de um determinado grupo com Eo > 5% e Eo < 5%. Para o total de casos positivos, ao "indice eosinofilico" denominamos "indice eosinofilico medio" em para o total dos negativos "indice eosinofilico residual"; 11 - Estabelecendo-se o "indice eosinofilico", pode-se ajuizar a capacidade eosinofilogenica de cada helminto isoladamente, bem como a de suas associacoes; 12 - Atencao especial foi dada aos problemas da existencia da hipereosinofilia nos casos com exames coprologicos negativos para helmintos, tendo-se passado em revista varios dos aspectos biologicos que o assunto comporta; 13 - Outra questao de grande importância clinica explanada neste trabalho e a do encontro de casos de parasitismo por vermes, sem hipereosinofilia. O autor, baseado em seus dados e em outros colhidos na literatura sobre o assunto, discute a fisiopatologia da eosinopoiese nas helmintoses e ojerece uma interpretacao para este fato ainda nao defintivamente esclarecido.

3 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Results of experiments performed between pigmented snails from Manaus and an albino strain of B. straminea from Quixeramobim show that the two snails are conspecific.
Abstract: Biemphalaria straminea ( — centimetra lis), an important intermediate host of Schistosomiasis in Brazil, has large geographical distribution. It is known from Venezuela, Guianas and Brazil, reaching south to about 20° latitude. In Northeastern Brazil B. straminea is a most important vector of the disease. It is the only vector known it the State of Cea­ ra as w ell as in most of the territories of the State of Pernambuco, Paraiba and Rio Orande do Norte. B. straminea is also known from North­ ern Brazil. It occurs in several areas of the carboniferous formation of the Amazon basin (Sioli, 4 ) . This species was incriminated as the vector of Schistoso­ miasis in a limited focus localized in Belterra, Fordlandia, State of Para. The material used in the current paper was received from Dr. Mario Morais of the "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas aa Amazo­ nia” in September 1965. It consisted of 56 snails from which 42 were alive. Collected outside the town of Manaus, State of Ama­ zonas, Brazil, the snails, were found in lake Rei in center of Careiro and in a small “igarape” afluent of the “igarape” Cachoeirinha. The snails, kept in tanks, were used for observations on morphology, Crossing experiments and exposition to the infection with a Northeastern strain of Schistosoma mansoni. Prior to the experiments ali the snails were exposed to sun light during few hours for several days and none of them shed cercariae of the mansoni type. Six snails were preserved and the animais dissected. The morphology of the animais dissected, particularly genitals, kidney and radula, was the same as compared with typical specimens of B. straminea from several places in Brazil. Crossing experiments were performed between pigmented snails from Manaus and an albino strain of B. straminea from Quixeramobim (State of Ceara, North­ eastern Brazil) according to techniques previously described (Barbosa et a l., 1). Two couples were used. Each couple (Ma­ naus x Quixeramobim) was put to mate in a small glass Container for 30 days. After that period the albino snails were tsolatsd from its partners and followed during another 30 days. Results of those expe­ riments show that the two snails are conspecific. In both experiments pigment­ ed snails were produced exclusively. Couple 1 produced 69 pigmented F1 snails while couple 2 produced 94 snails of the same type. No albino snails were obtained dur­ ing the 30 days of observation. Hybrids obtained were fertile and produced prosperous colonies. Snails from Manaus were exposed to miracidia of a Northeastern strain of S. mansoni. Each snail was exposed to 5 miracidia, and examined daily for cerca­ riae after the 20 th day of the infection Negative results were obtained of the

3 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Through the intraperitoneal inoculation in mice the authors were able to show the presence of Toxoplasma gondii in the spittle of 12 (60%) bearers of toxoplasmosis.
Abstract: Atraves de inoculacao no peritonio de camundongos, demonstraram, os autores a presenca do Toxoplasma gondii na saliva de 12 (60%) individuos com toxoplasmose, em estudo no qual 20 doentes foram considerados. Esta verificacao e comunicada como complementacao a outra, anterior e preliminar, relativa ao mesmo assunto. A importância da presenca do parasito na saliva mereceu destaque, em virtude do significado que ela pode ter em relacao a transmissao da toxoplasmose.

2 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: An epidemiological survey was made in the city of Sao Lourenco da Mata, in Pernambuco, in december 1963, in order to evaluate the prevalence of bancroftiasis, and a representative sample of the human population and indoor captures of mosquitoes and dissection of these insects were made.
Abstract: An epidemiological survey was made in the city of Sao Lourenco da Mata, in Pernambuco, in december 1963, in order to evaluate the prevalence of bancroftiasis. The survey consisted of: a) blood examination of a representative sample of the human population; b) indoor captures of mosquitoes and c) dissection of these insects. Of 2 459 examined person (23.38%) of the population, 17 (0.7%) exhibited embryos of Wuchereria bancrofti, the only species of filaria found. The blood sample, 20 cubic millimeters, were taken at night, between 7 to 11 p.m. Of 356 houses scarched for mosquitoes, where blood samples were taken, 79.77%, were positive for Culex pipiens fatigans. The captures were made from 6 to 8 a.m. Among 754 fatigans examined for filariae larvae, 1.06% harbored evolutive forms of W. bancrofti.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Domestic rats showed to be moderatly resistant to both P. pestis strains, while the swiss mice were considered highly susceptible to them.
Abstract: Studies on susceptibility of domestic rodents (R. r. frugivurus and R. norvegicus) from Recife, Brazil, to two strains of Pasteurella pestis were made. The strains of P. pestis used in the experiments were isolated from wild rodents, one (PEXU 19) in Exu, State of Pernambuco an another (RANGEL) in Venezuela. "Swiss" mice were used for comparative purposes. Domestic rats showed to be moderatly resistant to both P. pestis strains, while the swiss mice were considered highly susceptible to them

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The author studied the susceptibility of the wild rodent, Sciurus alphonsei (Sciuridae) from Brazil to Pasteurella pestis, and six animais were tested by inoculation through different routes (percutaneous, subcutaneous and peritoneal).
Abstract: The author studied the susceptibility of the wild rodent, Sciurus alphonsei (Sciuridae) from Brazil to Pasteurella pestis. Two strains of P. pestis isolated from wild rodents were used: one, P. EXU 19, was isolated from O. subflavus in the county of Em, Pernambuco (Brazil), and other, RANGEL, isolated from S. hispidus of Camp. Rangel (Venezuela) . Six animais were tested by inoculation through different routes (percutaneous, subcutaneous and peritoneal). All the animals died as a result of the infection.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Serological studies should be done in tissue culture of material frorn rectal swabs of susyected paralitic Polio cases in order to better understanding the multiple factors involved in the response to the vaccination, including the determination of the incidence of non-polio agents in the population.
Abstract: The authors present results obtained by the inoculation in tissue culture of material frorn rectal swabs of susyected paralitic Polio cases, at the Hospital Jesus, at Rio de Janeiro. Among 188 swabs that have been examinated, Poliovirus could be demonstrated in 79 cases (73,5% were positive for type I, 25,3% for type II and 1,2% for type III). An increase of paralitic Polio cases in the last months of 1967 could be demonstrated. Most of the children belong to the age group between zero to 36 months old and were not vaccinated; however, some of the children got one, two or three doses of trivalent vaccine. It is emphasized that serological studies should be done in this area in order to better understanding the multiple factors involved in the response to the vaccination, including the determination of the incidence of non-polio agents in the population.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The authors report the finding of trypanosoma cruzi - like and lewisi in rodents trapped in the Araripe region of the State of Pernambuco, Brazil.
Abstract: The authors report the finding of trypanosoma cruzi - like and lewisi in rodents trapped in the Araripe region of the State of Pernambuco, Brazil.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The results suggest that 2-4 courses of therapy within a shorter span of time should be the ideal for a mass treatment campaign against hookworm, and the need for more accurate studies to determine the most efficient schedules of treatment and the real value of the drug, as compared to other antihelminthics against the two parasites under study.
Abstract: Compound 16.842 was tried with three different groups of patients in order to evaluate its tolerancy, and efficacy as well, with a view of using the drug in mass campaigns against hookworm. Group I, used for a preliminary trial, consisted of 38 patients attending an out-patient clinic, and living either in the out-skirts or in the various urban areas of the city of Rio de Janeiro, including some inmates of an orphanage. Group II, a field trial, was carried out in two farms, where the drug was administered both to the positive cases (124) and to the rest of the population (nearly 90%). Group III, a field trial was also carried out in a small town where nearly 40% of the total population was treated with the Compound. Tolerability was considered rather satisfactory, mainly among the patients receiving two single doses (50-150mg), according to the age, 4 - 6 weeks apart). These results suggest that 2-4 courses of therapy within a shorter span of time should be the ideal for a mass treatment campaign. Efficacy varied from 26.6% to 76.2% parasitological cure in the various groups, with a wide range of variation also in the percent of mean reduction of eggs for hookworm. The drug showed also some effect against Ascaris lumbricoides giving cure rates between 10,5% and 35.7% in the various groups, with a percentage reduction in mean egg counts of 27% to 83.3% according to the various groups. It was concluded that Compound 16.842 possesses a marked effect on hookworm and a mild effect on A. lumbricoides. The findings indicate the need for more accurate studies to determine the most efficient schedules of treatment and the real value of the drug, as compared to other antihelminthics against the two parasites under study.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Gingival debris was collected with sterile periodontal scalers from patients with healthy gingiva and from periodontally involved patients to compare the effectiveness of selective media for isolation of Fusobacterium.
Abstract: Gingival debris was collected with sterile periodontal scalers from patients with healthy gingiva and from periodontally involved patients to compare the effectiveness of selective media for isolation of Fusobacterium. The material was weighed out on aluminum foil (previously weighed), homogenized, diluted into phosphate buffer (0,067 M-pH1,2), and 0,1 ml was plated out on blood agar, blood ugar-vancomycin (7,5 ug/ml), Omata & Disraely agar, Omata & Disraely agar without horse serum, McCarthy & Disraely agar, Onisi agar with horse serum, and Onisi agar with pH 7,2. In all cases the plates were incubated at 37°C, in anaerobic Brewer jars with 95% nitrogen and 5% carbon dioxide for fodr days. McCarthy & Snyder agar was so effective as the plain blood agar in relation to the isolation of Fusobacterium; on the other hand, it inhibited the concomitant flora. Omata & Disraely agar (with crystal violet and streptomycin) was inhibitory for fusobacteria, too. A few number of fusobacteria was isolated in the Onisi medium (without serum) . Probably those strains did not require natural proteins.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The authors followed-up 50 patients with ascariasis treated with Piperazine Hydrate 20% using the single dose of 0.5 ml/Kg of body weight and had a radical cure in 76% of the cases and in 98% a reduction in the elimination of eggs in the stool.
Abstract: The authors followed-up 50 patients with ascariasis treated with Piperazine Hydrate 20% using the single dose of 0.5 ml/Kg of body weight. The dosage was not exceeding 6.0 gm. Consequently, they had a radical cure in 76% of the cases and in 98% a reduction in the elimination of eggs in the stool. The tolerance to the produtc was excellent, only two patients refered to mild side-effects consisting of nausea, vommiting, and dizziness.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Fluorescent antibody technics were used to determine the localization and distribution of schistosomal antigen in tissue cells, using surgical samples of liver, spleen and lymph nodes, and found a pattern of the granuloma mechanism.
Abstract: Fluorescent antibody technics were used to determine the localization and distribution of schistosomal antigen in tissue cells, using surgical samples of liver, spleen and lymph nodes Samples obtained from 45 patients during spienectomy were Jrozen in dry-ice-acetone bath and sections 4 µ thick were cut on a cryostat microtome Similar sections were fixed for routine histological and histochemical study Serum samples were obtained from selected patients by skin test and conjugated with fuorescein isothiocyanate according to the modified method of Coons et al For localizing the sites of antigen devosztion in tissue cells, direct and indirect tests were performed using fluorescein attached to the antibody (from patients serum) Thus the sites of antigen-antibody combination could be identified by their apple-green bright fluorescence For confirmation of specifity inhibition, tests with non-conjugated serum from the same patients loere performed The presence of antigen on the spleen and their relative amount were arbitrarily graded according to the frequence of cells involved, so that an attempt was made to correlate the immunological finding with the clinicai aspects of the patients The patients were divided in 3 groups (0 to 19, 20 to 29 and 30 to 39 years of age) and were graded according to the severity of symptoms A positive relaticmship was find in the first group (0-19 years) with a suggestive parallelism between the immunological and clinicai aspects Pathological finds: - The spleen from patients of ali three groups showed hyperplasia of lymphatic follicles with a large germinal center and hyperplasia of the red pulp; the sites of antigen deposition were found by the fluorescent antibody technic in cells of the red pulp recognized as neutrophils and histiocytes, they were located in the sinusoids and Billroth cords and some in the trabeculae The cells of the lymphatic centers did not show fluorescence The pathological changes observed in the liver were characterized by inflamatory cells infiltrating the portal spaces and portal fibrosis characteristic as that described in Symmers "cirrhosis" They were located, immediately around the eggs, in several layers of histiocytes and neutrophils (some eosinophils), or a difuse infiltration of those cells were present in portal spaces with or without fibrosis suggesting no relationship to the eggs The central area of the granuloma corresponding to the egg substance showed bright fluorescence, with the surrounding cells When the egg was empty and the shell shrunked, the fluorescent material was found around the shell, and the number of fluorescent cells were more proeminent in the granuloma The differents aspects related to the antigenic material corresponding to the egg substance, which showed positive to fluorescente antibody and the presence of fluorescent cells around, permit to describe a pattern of the granuloma mechanism: 1 st) The egg is full of fluorescent material without fluorescent cells around; 2 nd) the egg shell shows disrupture and fluorescent material starts to come out; some fluorescent cells are found just about the shell; 3 rd) the egg shell is contracted and empty, fluorescent material can be found around 4th) the eggs shell is reduced to a shrunked line (non specific fluorescent) with and a large number of fluorescent cells surrond the shell (full size granuloma); an area of non fluorescent cells, surronded by a zone of fluorescent cells; 5th) Finally, the granuloma is reduced to a shrunked shell surronded by a few fluorescent cells far from the center Lynph nodes, as well as the spleen, did not show fluorescent cells in the limphatic follicles but they were very large and quite a number of eggs were located in the reticular cappilaries The granuloimatous reactions did not show differences from those described in the liver The authors suggest that the splenic changes, visualized by immunofluorescent technic were more uniform and can be representative to demonstrate the immunological stage of the disease The liver, because of the location of eggs and worms, showed more reactive and variations could be found from one section to another

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Eleven species of the genus Culicoides (Diptera, Heleidae) were recorded frorn a mangrove area in the town of Recife, Brazil, with higher number of midges appearing during the period of March to July.
Abstract: Eleven species of the genus Culicoides (Diptera, Heleidae) were recorded frorn a mangrove area in the town of Recife, Brazil. The midges were collected by 6 light traps during the period of a whole year, 1954-1955. The predominant species were C. maruim, C. guyanensis and C. insignis. The first one represented 73.7% of the total collected. Seasonal variations were markedly observed, with higher number of midges appearing during the period of March to July.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The authors describe their experience in the application of tetracycline laurilsulfate in intramuscular infections, which included dealing with 19 different kinds of infections and getting 15 excellent, and one good results.
Abstract: The authors give general considerations about the employment of tetracycline compounds in infectious diseases. They describe their experience in the application of tetracycline laurilsulfate in intramuscular infections. They dealt with 19 different kinds of infections with this drug: 5 acute pharyngitis, 8 pulmonary infections, 2 acute enteritis, 1 furunculosis, 1 pyelonephritis, 1 erysipelas, and 1 panaris. They got 15 excellent, and one good results (84,2%). Collateral phenomenons were not observed by them, excepting one case of urticaria.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The author was able to show that by the neutralization of Poliovirus with bovine serum, in a cell system, the called "rest-infectiosity" represents a partial dissociation of virus particles which have been first bound to the inhibitor.
Abstract: Inibidores contra as amostras de poliovirus do tipo 1, Mahoney e CHAT, foram estudados no sistema de gel de hidroxido de aluminio. O inibidor comportou-se como uma macroglobulina do tipo 19 S (IgM), atraves filtracao em gel (Sephadex G-200), particao em DEAE-Celulose e sedimentacao por ultra-centrifugacao em gradiente de sacarose. O inibidor foi ainda destruido atraves o tratamento com 2-Mercapto-Etanol. O inibidor une-se a superficie do virus na ausencia de celulas. O complexo formado pelo virus e o inibidor pode ser precipitado por um soro preparado contra a globulina bovina; o mesmo complexo dissocia-se em identico valor de pH ao do complexo virus-anticorpo 19 S. A chamada infecciosidade residual (cerca de 10%) que permanece apos a neutralizacao de poliovirus com soro bovino representa uma dissociacao parcial do inibidor da particula de virus, quando em presenca das celulas em cultura. Foram obtidas amostras de virus resistentes a acao especifica de soros bovinos. Estas amostras permanecem sensiveis a acao de outros soros bovinos ativos, bem como a acao de anticorpos 7 S e 19 S. Atraves experiencias de adsorcao de atividade inibidora, foi possivel mostrar a existencia de inibidores monoespecificos, com diferentes especificidades contra as amostras CHAT e Mahoney, respectivamente.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A recent mocao do IV Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical (S.B.M.T) as mentioned in this paper was assinada by nomes representativos da S.B., including Aggeu Magalhaes Filho, Vital Lira, Donald Huggins, Virgilio Carneiro Leao, Naftale Katz e outros.
Abstract: Por ocasiao do IV Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical foi enca­minhada ao Presidente da S.B.M.T. e ao Presidente do IV Congresso a seguinte mocao:“Considerando a indiscutivel gravidade da esquistossomose mansonica em nossopais;Considerando que fatores de ordem economica e social ja em atuacao possam vir a tornar ainda mais grave o problema;Considerando a inexistencia da necessaria correlacao entre os diversos ramos do conhecimento medico dedicados ao seu estudo;Considerando que a falta desta correlacao impede ou dificulta a formulacao de uma linha prioritaria minima de pesquisas;Considerando ainda que tal situacao torna impossivel ou muito dificil o estudo comparativo entre os resultados obtidos por diversas especialidades e mesmo de uma especialidade;Considerando finalmente que por todos estes mctivos, apesar dos enormes esforcos individuais, de grupos de pesquisadores ou das proprias instituicoes governamentais nao se tem conseguido iformar um corpo de doutrina uniforme a respeito da doenca nem combate-la de modo eficaz;Propoem, que, ouvido o plenario, a Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical:Desenvolva um trabalho urgente no sentido da criacao de um comite nacional plurirepresentado com poderes normativos para: Planejamento nacional dos estudos julgados prioritarios a compreensao e combate desta endemia compreendendo padroni­zacao de tecnicas e metodos; divulgacao periodica da bibliografia nacional; difusao de boletins 'informativos a classe medica em geral e com especialidade aos medicos rurais sobre conhecimentos e praticas relativas a doenca; promover o entendimento deste orgao com a Organizacao Mundial de Saude no sentido da obtencao de recursos; atrair a aten­cao e participacao dos governos (municipal, estadual, federal), das universidades e instituicoes afins, para que uma visao globalista da doenca fosse possivel estabe­lecer e o seu combate efetivo se tornasse eficiente.Esta mocao foi assinada por nomes representativos da Medicina Tropical brasileira, como Aggeu Magalhaes Filho, Vital Lira, Donald Huggins, Virgilio Carneiro Leao, Naftale Katz e outros.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a conjunto analisado verifica-se that 74% das revistas included relatos originais, se bem that, em muitos cases, apenas um ou dois artigos por numero.
Abstract: italo Suassuna *O levantamento dos problemas da im­prensa medica no Brasil seria o passo ini­cial necessario para estabelecerem-se as perspectivas que pudessem fundamentar o seu progresso. A respeito dos periodicos brasileiros, infelizmente nao se dirpoe de uma analise global, a qual, no entanto, e parte de um levantamento realizado sob os auspicios da Uniao Pan-Americana (1) em 1962, sobre publicacoes cientificas e tec­nicas da America Latina. Essa analise cor­responde a 950 revistas cientificas sendo que um pouco mais da metade (51%) re­laciona-se com as ciencias medicas, en­quanto que apenas 3 paises — o Brasil (26%), a Argentina (20%) e o Mexico .. (13%) — contribuem com quase 60 por cento do total de revistas.No conjunto analisado verifica-se que 74% das revistas incluem relatos originais, se bem que, em muitos casos, apenas um ou dois artigos por numero. Trinta (30) por cento das revistas possuem menos de 50 paginas por numero e apenas 1/3 do numero total apresenta um indice por vo­lume . Sobre esse aspecto, e comentado que “a preparacao de indices e um dos processos que exigem mais tecnica e maio­res custos em uma revista, pelo que, a baixa proporcao das que atendem a esse requis;to, reflete, sem duvida, os orcamen­tos reduzidos e as limitacoes dos corpos de redacao de muitas delas”.Se bem possa ser comprovado qr.e o in­gles tornou-se a lingua predominante nas comunicacoes cientificas em biologia t quejunto ao frances e ao alemao correspon­dem a mais de 75% ent^-e 3 500 period - cos de biologia (2) verifica-se que 99% das publicacoes latino-americanas sao feitas em um so id.oma, obviamente o espanhol ou o portugues, os quais, segun­do informacoes disponive.s para os Esta­dos Unidos, apenas 11% dos homens de ciencia confessam conhecer (2). Noventa (90) por cento das revistas latino-america­nas pertencem a uma instiuicao, p?lo que justifica-se que 44% so aceitam contribui­coes dos membros das organizacoes a que pertencem. Irregularidades e atrasos de publicacao sao surpreend das em mais de 1/4 das revistas mensais, mas tambem pa­decem das mesmas irregularidades as pu­blicacoes arua^. No estudo em que vimos colhendo estes dados (1) comenta-se que, de forma caracteristica, o corpo de reda­cao desses periodicos e extremamente re­duzido: selecao, correcao de artigos e ou­tras funcoes editoriais, cabem a professo­res e homens de ciencia em tempo livre e amiude gratuitamente. Assim sendo, ja nao pode causar espanto que apenas 2/5 das revistas latino-americanas sejam conside­radas por, ao menos, um dos servicos in­ternacionais de indices e resumos sendo menos de 1/10 as que alcancam ser consi- d^rad^s

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: O diazepam e um medicamento de grande utilidade como miorrelaxante de acao rapida e sedativo of acao prolongada no tetano, deixando uma larga margem de seguranca entre as doses sedativas e depressoras dos centros cardio-respiratorio.
Abstract: Os autores apresentam sua experiencia com o uso do diazepam isoladamente ou associado com a mefenesina no tratamento do tetano. Mostram que o diazepam tem potente efeito sedativo quando usado por via I.M. ou I.V. Seu efeito miorrelaxante varia de acordo com o esquema terapeutico, nao tendo um efeito relaxador muito intenso quando usado por via venosa em solucao gota a gota. Quando usado por via venosa, diretamente, produz relaxamento rapido e intensa sedacao, porem este efeito relaxdhte e de duracao fugaz, variando de 30 minutos a 2 horas. Associando o diazepam por via intravenosa direta, em doses fracionadas cm periodos regulares, com a mefenesina em solucao gota a gota, obtiveram bom ejeito relaxante e sedativo possibilitando a diminuicao da dosagem da mefenesina. Tiveram alguns paraefeitos atribuiveis ao diazepam, principalmente disturbios da conduta, alucinacoes e coma medicamentoso em 2 casos, embora nao sendo estes os que receberam as maiores doses do medicamento. Todos os paraefeitos regrediram com a suspensao da droga ou com a reducao das doses. Os dois pacientes que foram sedados ate o coma, nao apresentaram quaisquer disturbios respiratorio ou circulatorio, mostrando que a droga nao deprime os centros cardio-respiratorio mesmo em elevadas doses. Concluem que o diazepam e um medicamento de grande utilidade como miorrelaxante de acao rapida e sedativo de acao prolongada no tetano, deixando uma larga margem de seguranca entre as doses sedativas e depressoras dos centros cardio-respiratorio. Sugerem os autores que a associacao diazepam + mefenesina e talvez a que melhores resultados proporcionou ate o presente no tratamento do tetano generalizado.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The author concluded that the drug K-7505 or 0,0 - dimethyl - 0 - (2, 4, 5 - trichlorophenyl) - phosphorothioate does not have action against Schistosoma mansoni.
Abstract: Four patients with mansoris Schistosomiasis infection were treated with a new compound - K-7505 (Ronnel) or 0,0 - dimethyl - 0 - (2, 4, 5 - trichlorophenyl) - phosphorothioate, and the therapeutic activity was evaluated by examination of rectal biopsy (oogram), and Hoffmann, Pons and Janer technique 14 days after the treatment. The author concluded that the drug does not have action against Schistosoma mansoni

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The authors make a brief revision about the duration of P. falciparum infection and relate three cases in which they believed that this fact had occurred and which could have serious consequences.
Abstract: The authors make a brief revision about the duration of P. falciparum infection. Cases are mentioned in which the period lasted up to three years under a latent form. They refer to the risk that this fact represents in blood transfusions and finally relate three cases in which they believed that this fact had occurred and which could have serious consequences 1. By the possibility of spreading a strain of P. falciparum resistant to the different anti-malarials. 2. By the fact that the blood transfusions are generaily made in patients with various debilitating conditions. 3. By the difficulty which technicians face when making a transfusion in detecting whether the parasite is resistant or not in asymptomatic cases. 4. By relatively significant diffusion of strains of resistant P. falciparum in various parts of the national territory

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The authors present two cases of neurosyphilitic inpatients who had blood induced malaria with two different strains of P. falciparum from endemic areas of Goias, where the fluorescent antibody levels always showed high leveis even before the innoculation and remained so during the patency of the infection.
Abstract: Apos breve revisao de literatura, os autores apresentam o estudo de dois casos de malaria quiescente produzidos por P. falciparum, as curvas termicas, a de parasitemia e a de anticorpos fluorescentes. Dois pacientes semi-imunes mostraram titulos altos mesmo antes da inoculacao e assim persistindo por tempo dilatado, o que tambem ocorreu com a parasitemia.