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Entity-Based Opinion Mining from Text and Multimedia

A particular use case is examined, which is to help archivists select material for inclusion in an archive of social media for preserving community memories, moving towards structured preservation around semantic categories.
This paper describes the approach we take to the analysis of social media, combining opinion mining from text and multimedia (images, videos, etc.), and centred on entity and event recognition. We examine a particular use case, which is to help archivists select material for inclusion in an archive of social media for preserving community memories, moving towards structured preservation around semantic categories. The textual approach we take is rule-based and builds on a number of sub-components, taking into account issues inherent in social media such as noisy ungrammatical text, use of swear words, sarcasm etc. The analysis of multimedia content complements this work in order to help resolve ambiguity and to provide further contextual information. We provide two main innovations in this work: first, the novel combination of text and multimedia opinion mining tools; and second, the adaptation of NLP tools for opinion mining specific to the problems of social media.

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Entity-based Opinion Mining from Text and
Diana Maynard and Jonathon Hare
1 Introduction
Social web analysis is all about the users who are actively engaged and generate
content. This content is dynamic, reflecting the societal and sentimental fluctuations
of the authors as well as the ever-changing use of language. Social networks are
pools of a wide range of articulation methods, from simple ”Like” buttons to com-
plete articles, their content representing the diversity of opinions of the public. User
activities on social networking sites are often triggered by specific events and re-
lated entities (e.g. sports events, celebrations, crises, news articles) and topics (e.g.
global warming, financial crisis, swine flu).
With the rapidly growing volume of resources on the Web, archiving this material
becomes an important challenge. The notion of community memories extends tradi-
tional Web archives with related data from a variety of sources. In order to include
this information, a semantically-aware and socially-driven preservation model is a
natural way to go: the exploitation of Web 2.0 and the wisdom of crowds can make
web archiving a more selective and meaning-based process. The analysis of social
media can help archivists select material for inclusion, while social media mining
can enrich archives, moving towards structured preservation around semantic cat-
egories. In this paper, we focus on the challenges in the development of opinion
mining tools from both textual and multimedia content.
We focus on two very different domains: socially aware federated political
archiving (realised by the national parliaments of Greece and Austria), and socially
contextualized broadcaster web archiving (realised by two large multimedia broad-
Diana Maynard
Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, Regent Court, 211 Portobello, Sheffield,
S1 4DP, UK e-mail:
Jonathon Hare
Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, Southampton, Hampshire,
SO17 1BJ, UK e-mail:

2 Diana Maynard and Jonathon Hare
casting organizations based in Germany: Sudwestrundfunk and Deutsche Welle).
The aim is to help journalists and archivists answer questions such as what the opin-
ions are on crucial social events, how they are distributed, how they have evolved,
who the opinion leaders are, and what their impact and influence is.
Alongside natural language, a large number of the interactions which occur be-
tween social web participants include other media, in particular images. Determin-
ing whether a specific non-textual media item is performing as an opinion-forming
device in some interaction becomes an important challenge, more so when the tex-
tual content of some interaction is small or has no strong sentiment. Attempting to
determine a sentiment value for an image clearly presents great challenges, and this
field of research is still in its infancy. We describe here some work we have been
undertaking, firstly to attempt to provide a sentiment value from an image outside
of any specific context, and secondly to utilise the multimodal nature of the social
web to assist the sentiment analysis of either the multimedia or the text.
2 Related Work
While much work has recently focused on the analysis of social media in order to
get a feel for what people think about current topics of interest, there are, however,
still many challenges to be faced. State of the art opinion mining approaches that
focus on product reviews and so on are not necessarily suitable for our task, partly
because they typically operate within a single narrow domain, and partly because
the target of the opinion is either known in advance or at least has a limited subset
(e.g. film titles, product names, companies, political parties, etc.).
In general, sentiment detection techniques can be roughly divided into lexicon-
based methods [1] and machine-learning methods, e.g. [2]. Lexicon-based meth-
ods rely on a sentiment lexicon, a collection of known and pre-compiled sentiment
terms. Machine learning approaches make use of syntactic and/or linguistic features,
and hybrid approaches are very common, with sentiment lexicons playing a key
role in the majority of methods. For example, [3] establish the polarity of reviews
by identifying the polarity of the adjectives that appear in them, with a reported
accuracy of about 10% higher than pure machine learning techniques. However,
such relatively successful techniques often fail when moved to new domains or text
types, because they are inflexible regarding the ambiguity of sentiment terms. The
context in which a term is used can change its meaning, particularly for adjectives in
sentiment lexicons [4]. Several evaluations have shown the usefulness of contextual
information [5], and have identified context words with a high impact on the po-
larity of ambiguous terms [6]. A further bottleneck is the time-consuming creation
of these sentiment dictionaries, though solutions have been proposed in the form of
crowdsourcing techniques

Entity-based Opinion Mining from Text and Multimedia 3
Almost all the work on opinion mining from Twitter has used machine learning
techniques. [7] aimed to classify arbitrary tweets on the basis of positive, negative
and neutral sentiment, constructing a simple binary classifier which used n-gram and
POS features, and trained on instances which had been annotated according to the
existence of positive and negative emoticons. Their approach has much in common
with an earlier sentiment classifier constructed by [8], which also used unigrams,
bigrams and POS tags, though the former demonstrated through analysis that the
distribution of certain POS tags varies between positive and negative posts. One of
the reasons for the relative paucity of linguistic techniques for opinion mining on
social media is most likely due to the difficulties in using NLP on low quality text
[9]; for example. the Stanford NER drops from 90.8% F1 to 45.88% when applied
to a corpus of tweets [10].
There have been a number of recent works attempting to detect sarcasm in tweets
and other user-generated content [11, 12, 13, 14], with accuracy typically around
70-80%. These mostly train over a set of tweets with the #sarcasm and/or #irony
hashtags, but all simply try to classify whether a sentence or tweet is sarcastic or not
(and occasionally, into a set of pre-defined sarcasm types). However, none of these
approaches go beyond the initial classification step and thus cannot predict how the
sarcasm will affect the sentiment expressed. This is one of the issues that we tackle
in our work.
Extracting sentiment from images is still a research area that is in its infancy and
not yet prolifically published. However, those published often use small datasets
for their ground truth on which to build SVM classifiers. Evaluations show systems
often respond only a little better than chance for trained emotions from general
images [15]. The implication is that the feature selection for such classification is
difficult. [16] used a set of colour features for classifying their small ground-truth
dataset, also using SVMs, and publish an accuracy of around 87%. In our work, we
expand this colour-based approach to use other features and also use the wisdom of
the crowd for selecting a large ground-truth dataset.
Other papers have begun to hint at the multimodal nature of web-based image
sentiment. Earlier work, such as [17], is concerned with similar multimodal image
annotation, but not specifically for sentiment. They use latent semantic spaces for
correlating image features and text in a single feature space. In this paper, we de-
scribe the work we have been undertaking in using text and images together to form
sentiment for social media.
3 Opinion Mining from Text
3.1 Challenges
There are many challenges inherent in applying typical opinion mining and sen-
timent analysis techniques to social media. Microposts such as tweets are, in some

4 Diana Maynard and Jonathon Hare
sense, the most challenging text type for text mining tools, and in particular for opin-
ion mining, since the genre is noisy, documents have little context and assume much
implicit knowledge, and utterances are often short. As such, conventional NLP tools
typically do not perform well when faced with tweets [18], and their performance
also negatively affects any following processing steps.
Ambiguity is a particular problem for tweets, since we cannot easily make use
of coreference information: unlike in blog posts and comments, tweets do not typ-
ically follow a conversation thread, and appear much more in isolation from other
tweets. They also exhibit much more language variation, and make frequent use
of emoticons, abbreviations and hashtags, which can form an important part of the
meaning. Typically, they also contain extensive use of irony and sarcasm, which are
particularly difficult for a machine to detect. On the other hand, their terseness can
also be beneficial in focusing the topics more explicitly: it is very rare for a single
tweet to be related to more than one topic, which can thus aid disambiguation by
emphasising situational relatedness.
In longer posts such as blogs, comments on news articles and so on, a further
challenge is raised by the tracking of changing and conflicting interpretations in
discussion threads. We investigate first steps towards a consistent model allowing
for the pinpointing of opinion holders and targets within a thread (leveraging the
information on relevant entities extracted).
We refer the reader to [18] for our work on twitter-specific IE, which we use as
pre-processing for the opinion mining described below. It is not just tweets that are
problematic, however; sarcasm and noisy language from other social media forms
also have an impact. In the following section, we demonstrate some ways in which
we deal with this.
3.2 Opinion Mining Application
Our approach is a rule-based one similar to that used by [1], focusing on building
up a number of sub-components which all have an effect on the score and polarity
of a sentiment. In contrast, however, our opinion mining component finds opinions
relating to previously identified entities and events in the text. The core opinion
mining component is described in [19], so we shall only give an overview here, and
focus on some issues specific to social media which were not dealt with in that work,
such as sarcasm detection and hashtag decomposition.
The detection of the actual opinion is performed via a number of different phases:
detecting positive, negative and neutral words, identifying factual or opinionated
versus questions or doubtful statements, identifying negatives, sarcasm and irony,
analysing hashtags, and detecting extra-linguistic clues such as smileys. The appli-
cation involves a set of grammars which create annotations on segments of text.
The grammar rules use information from gazetteers combined with linguistic fea-
tures (POS tags etc.) and contextual information to build up a set of annotations and
features, which can be modified at any time by further rules. The set of gazetteer

Entity-based Opinion Mining from Text and Multimedia 5
lists contains useful clues and context words: for example, we have developed a
gazetteer of affect/emotion words from WordNet [20]. The lists have been modified
and extended manually to improve their quality.
Once sentiment words have been matched, we find a linguistic relation between
these and an entity or event in the sentence or phrase. A Sentiment annotation is
created for that entity or event, with features denoting the polarity (positive or nega-
tive) and the polarity score. Scores are based on the initial sentiment word score, and
intensified or decreased by any modifiers such as swear words, adverbs, negation,
sarcasm etc, as explained next.
Swear words are particularly prolific on Twitter, especially on topics such as
popular culture, politics and religion, where people tend to have very strong views.
To deal with these, we match against a gazetteer list of swear words and phrases,
which was created manually from various lists found on the web and from manual
inspection of the data, including some words acquired by collecting tweets with
swear words as hashtags (which also often contain more swear words in the main
text of the tweet).
Much useful sentiment information is contained within hashtags, but this is prob-
lematic to identify because hashtags typically contain multiple words within a single
token, e.g. #notreally. If a hashtag is camelcased, we use the capitalisation informa-
tion to create separate tokens. Second, if the hashtag is all lowercase or all upper-
case, we try to form a token match against the Linux dictionary. Working from left
to right, we look for the longest match against a known word, and then continue
from the next offset. If a combination of matches can be found without a break, the
individual components are converted to tokens. In our example, #notreally would
be correctly identified as “not” + “really”. However, some hashtags are ambiguous:
for example, ”#greatstart” gets split wrongly into the two tokens ”greats” + ”tart”.
These problems are hard to deal with; in some cases, we could make use of contex-
tual information to assist.
We conducted an experiment to measure the accuracy of hashtag decomposition,
using a corpus of 1000 tweets randomly selected from the US elections crawl that
we undertook in the project. 944 hashtags were detected in this corpus, of which
408 were identified as multiword hashtags (we included combinations of letters and
numbers as multiword, but not abbreviations). 281 were camelcased and/or com-
binations of letters and nubers, 27 were foreign words, and the remaining 100 had
no obvious token-distinguishing features. Evaluation on the hard-to-recognise cases
(non-camel-cased multiword hashtags) produced scores of 86.91% Precision, 90%
Recall, and an F-measure of 88.43%. Given that these hard-to-resolve combinations
form roughly a quarter of the multiword hashtags in our corpus, and that we are en-
tirely successful in decomposing the remaining hashtags, this means that the overall
accuracy for hashtag decomposition is much higher.
In addition to using the sentiment information from these hashtags, we also col-
lect new hashtags that typically indicate sarcasm, since often more than one sarcastic
hashtag is used. For this, we used the GATE gazetteer list collector to collect pairs
of hashtags where one was known to be sarcastic, and examined the second hashtag
manually. From this we were able to identify a further set of sarcasm-indicating

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