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Can we receive calls on noise Colorfit pulse? 

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We find that colored noise can induce synchronization, but the onset of synchronization, as characterized by the value of the critical noise amplitude above which synchronization occurs, can be different for noise of different colors.
First, these loud calls are easy to detect by human researchers even against high levels of background noise.
However, this impact could be small if anurans can alter their vocalization characteristics to avoid masking of their calls by traffic noise.
We conclude that stochastic noise in spectral imaging tasks could be reduced if alternative methods for pulse detection were utilized.
These types of noise are clearly distinguished from uncertainty caused by a variable pulse intensity.
They show that a pulse can be estimated even at moderate signal-to-noise ratios.
We also study the effects on the synchronization of parameter mismatch and of the presence of intrinsic (not common) noise, and we conclude that the best performance of coloured noise is robust under these distortions.

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