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How can I develop my career after MBA? 

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Analysis demonstrates how MBA studies have provided for individuals and their employers and also some improvements thought necessary by graduates who are now working managers.
Although MBA education is at a crossroads, change will not be easy, as MBA education represents a sizeable global 'industry.'
Considers the place of the MBA in career advancement suggesting that mainly men’s careers benefit from this qualification.
The study found that improved managerial skills, career development and broader business insights are major reasons for joining the MBA programme, while employability and economic gains were ranked low as driving forces.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
A Hay, Myra Hodgkinson 
62 Citations
The study utilised an inductive data analysis approach. Findings – The findings revealed a diversity of meanings given to MBA career success, with success generally being expressed in much broader terms than conventional notions of fast track career advancement.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Diane D. Galbraith, Sunita Mondal 
2 Citations
confirm the usefulness of the MBA degree in career progression.
The proposed curriculum for a completely re‐structured MBA program can add distinctiveness and expand the value proposition for students and their employers. Originality/value – The suite of 11 improvements and proposed MBA program curriculum changes offers an alternate route for prepa...
Drawing on research findings from an empirical study of MBA learning, the article argues that MBA learning can be seen as more valuable to the manager in practice than critics contend.
In addition, the findings can assist prospective students in selecting the best MBA programs for their educational investment.
MBA students and learning facilitators may find this useful when planning MBA programme participation or facilitation, so that students gain the greatest possible value from the undertaking.

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