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Our finding suggests that suppressing the transmitter noise is critical for improving the clock-transfer fidelity.
Globally, these studies have shed new light on how the clock coordinates plant physiology and development with the daily and seasonal environmental cycles.
Journal ArticleDOI
Gad Asher, Ulrich Schibler 
45 Citations
However, recent experiments by Reppert and coworkers with Clock knockout mice suggest that CLOCK is dispensable for rhythmic gene expression and behavior, presumably because other proteins can substitute for CLOCK in these animals.
Furthermore, we reveal that the mRNA profile of clock-related genes in the IC is altered differentially by day or night noise exposure.
Thus, a clock-controlled dbp gene may play an important role in central clock oscillation.
Open accessBook ChapterDOI
05 Apr 2016
57 Citations
A mechanistic description of the core circadian clock mechanism should promote our understanding of how the circadian clock system influences behavior, physiology and behavioral disorders.

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How does insufficient sleep relate to immune function?
4 answers
Insufficient sleep has a significant impact on immune function. Research indicates that sleep deprivation can lead to impaired immune responses, including alterations in both innate and adaptive immune parameters, resulting in a chronic inflammatory state and increased susceptibility to infections and inflammatory diseases. Moreover, inadequate sleep around the time of vaccination may reduce vaccine immune response and effectiveness, particularly in military settings, where sleep deficiency is common. Sleep plays a crucial role in modulating the immune response, and its deprivation can weaken immunity, making the organism more susceptible to various infections. Understanding the bidirectional relationship between sleep and the immune system is essential for maintaining overall health and preventing adverse health outcomes related to immune dysregulation due to sleep deprivation.
What are the physiological processes involved in the production of selenium in humans?
5 answers
Selenium is an essential trace element crucial for human physiology. It is primarily obtained through the diet and is integrated into selenoproteins, which play diverse roles in the body. Selenium is incorporated into proteins as selenocysteine, synthesized on its own tRNA. The human genome contains 25 genes encoding selenoproteins, which can be categorized into housekeeping and stress-related proteins with functions like antioxidative protection, redox regulation, thyroid hormone activation, and protein folding control. Selenium compounds are efficiently absorbed in the body, distributed to major organs, and excreted through urine in various metabolites to maintain homeostasis. Excessive selenium intake can lead to toxicity, affecting organs like the central nervous system, liver, heart, and lungs, with symptoms ranging from gastrointestinal issues to neurological problems.
Do crickets like yellow lights?
5 answers
Crickets are attracted to yellow lights due to their spectral sensitivity and visual behavior. The compound eye of crickets contains different spectral receptors, with green receptors found in the ventral eye, UV and green receptors in the dorsal region, and blue receptors in the dorsal rim area. These receptors exhibit specific responses to different light wavelengths, with blue receptors showing unique characteristics like high polarization sensitivity. Additionally, phytophagous insects, including crickets, are known to be attracted to yellow, possibly due to its resemblance to newly developing foliage rich in nitrogen. This attraction to yellow may aid insects in finding suitable food sources. Therefore, the preference of crickets for yellow lights aligns with their visual and adaptive behaviors.
Is there a relationship between meal timing and the development of metabolic syndrome?
5 answers
Meal timing plays a crucial role in metabolic health and the development of metabolic syndrome. Research indicates that consuming meals later in the day is associated with an increased prevalence of metabolic disorders, while early time-restricted eating, such as having an early breakfast and dinner, improves glucose levels and substrate oxidation. Additionally, eating late in the day can lead to circadian desynchrony, dysregulated metabolism, and increased cardiometabolic disease risk. Disruption of the circadian rhythm, regulated by clock genes and influenced by meal timing, can contribute to the development of metabolic syndrome, which is associated with cardiovascular disease and increased mortality risk. Furthermore, a longer daily eating window and earlier first food intake are linked to better cardiometabolic health in young men, emphasizing the importance of meal timing in metabolic outcomes.
What are the mechanisms by which temperature affects the regulation of circadian rhythms?
4 answers
Temperature influences the regulation of circadian rhythms through various mechanisms. Flies exhibit temperature-dependent behavioral changes, with warmer temperatures shifting their activity to the night. In mammals, body temperature fluctuations controlled by the suprachiasmatic nucleus impact gene expression. The circadian clock in fruit flies responds to temperature changes by adjusting gene expression levels, with the proteasome potentially playing a crucial role. Additionally, the body temperature rhythm during siesta is regulated by specific genes like Per2 and calcitonin receptors, affecting sleep and metabolism. Understanding these mechanisms, including temperature-sensitive splicing efficacy influencing gene expression, provides insights into how temperature modulates circadian rhythms.
How does music therapy impact the neurological and psychological symptoms of neurodegenerative disorders?
5 answers
Music therapy has shown promising effects on neurological and psychological symptoms of neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Music therapy enhances comfort and can improve speech, memory, and behavior. It affects patients through cognitive channels, altered brain structures, and neural systems, potentially targeting mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of these diseases. Music intervention influences physiological systems positively, impacting pain modulation, exercise performance, cardiac functions, emotions, stress, and biological rhythms. Additionally, neurologic music therapy has been explored as a non-pharmacological intervention for managing behavioral and psychological symptoms in dementia patients, showing improvements in neuropsychiatric symptoms. Studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of music therapy in reducing psychological and behavioral symptoms in Alzheimer's patients.
What can cause insects to take a long time to start reproducing?
5 answers
Insects may delay reproduction due to various factors such as time limitation, egg limitation, and adaptive responses to environmental conditions. Time limitation, where insects need more time to find suitable hosts for oviposition, can delay reproduction. On the other hand, egg limitation, where the finite supply of mature eggs constrains reproduction, can also lead to delays in starting reproduction. Additionally, adaptive delays in reproduction can occur under nutrient-poor conditions, even after meeting the minimal nutritional threshold for reproduction, allowing insects to locate more resources before reproducing. These delays in reproduction are part of life-history plasticity, which is common among insects facing environmental adversities like cold temperatures, unreliable food supplies, and natural enemies, leading to prolonged life cycles before initiating reproduction.
How does the melatonin affect skin?
5 answers
Melatonin plays a crucial role in skin health by exerting various beneficial effects. It acts as a potent antioxidant, directly combating free radicals and supporting the intracellular antioxidant enzyme system. Additionally, melatonin aids in regulating the skin's biological clock, enhancing barrier function, and reducing oxidative stress damage caused by sleep deprivation. Furthermore, melatonin inhibits melanin production indirectly through keratinocytes, reducing melanogenesis-related gene expression and oxidative stress pathways in pigment cells. In inflammatory skin conditions like psoriasis, melatonin demonstrates anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects, reducing histological damage, restoring tight-junction expression, and decreasing pro-inflammatory cytokine levels. Overall, melatonin's multifaceted actions make it a promising therapeutic agent for various skin disorders, highlighting its potential clinical applications in dermatology.
What day of the week does attention span is the best?
5 answers
Based on the research data provided, attention span varies throughout the week. Studies show that attention levels are influenced by factors such as work schedules, time of day, and day of the week. Specifically, findings suggest that attention peaks mid-afternoon, with more focused attention than boredom in the workplace. Additionally, attention performance is affected by the time and day information is presented, with better performance observed on Monday and especially on Thursday at 09:00. Moreover, the efficiency of students' attention fluctuates at different times of the day and is influenced by circadian and weekly rhythms, emphasizing the need to consider these variations in educational settings. Therefore, based on the data provided, attention span appears to be best during mid-afternoon on weekdays, particularly on Mondays and Thursdays at 09:00.
How does the intensity of light affect the photosynthesis process in Giant clam Sr/Ca?
5 answers
The intensity of light significantly impacts the photosynthesis process in Giant clam Sr/Ca. Giant clams have evolved efficient systems to absorb and utilize light energy for photosymbiosis, even at high irradiances near the equator. Light exposure triggers increased Ca2+ transport and absorption in the inner mantle and ctenidium of the clam, crucial for shell formation and maintaining intracellular Ca2+ concentrations. A computational model suggests that light intensity influences the circadian regulation of photosynthesis in tomato plants, affecting gene expression and photosynthetic parameters. Furthermore, the growth and physiological processes of giant clams, including nutrient absorption and antioxidative defense, are light-dependent, with gene and protein expression levels upregulated during illumination. The intricate three-dimensional photodamage-preventing system in giant clam mantle tissues optimizes light distribution for efficient photosynthesis, resembling an energy-transforming electric transformer.
Which circadian rhythm disorder?
5 answers
Circadian rhythm disorders encompass various conditions like Advanced Sleep Phase Type, Delayed Sleep Phase Type, Irregular Sleep-Wake Rhythm Disorder, Non-24-hour Sleep-Wake Rhythm Disorder, Jet Lag Disorder, and Shift Work Type. These disorders result from a desynchronization between an individual's biological clock and the 24-hour environmental schedule, leading to difficulties in daytime functioning. Studies have shown that circadian rhythm disruption is associated with an increased risk of brain disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, major depressive disorder, and anxiety disorder. The dysregulation of circadian rhythms, often observed in obstructive sleep apnea patients, can contribute to the pathogenesis of comorbidities, emphasizing the importance of early diagnosis and novel therapeutic approaches. Targeting the circadian system in the clinical approach to obstructive sleep apnea may lead to the development of personalized diagnostic and therapeutic tools.