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Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Julia Salzman, Hui Jiang, Wing Hung Wong 
98 Citations
By obtaining tens or even hundreds of millions of reads of transcribed sequences, an RNA-Seq experiment can offer a comprehensive survey of the population of genes (transcripts) in any sample of interest.
The reduction in performance compared with bulk RNA-seq is small.
In addition, RNA-seq is of particular value when low RNA expression or modest changes between samples are monitored.
Consequently, it is a pivotal parameter to consider when designing an RNA-Seq experiment.
Low quantities of starting RNA can be a severe hindrance for studies that aim to utilize RNA-Seq.
However, such a bias has not been systematically analyzed for different replicate types of RNA-seq data. We show that the dispersion coefficient of a gene in the negative binomial modeling of read counts is the critical determinant of the read count bias (and gene length bias) by mathematical inference and tests for a number of simulated and real RNA-seq datasets.
We evaluate the methods based on both simulated data and real RNA-seq data. Very small sample sizes, which are still common in RNA-seq experiments, impose problems for all evaluated methods and any results obtained under such conditions should be interpreted with caution.
They indicated limited utility of sample pooling strategies for RNA-seq in similar setups and supported increasing the number of biological replicate samples.
This report presents a simple, rapid, and inexpensive method for preparing strand-specific RNA-Seq libraries from varying quantities of total RNA.
Because the field currently lacks a sample size calculation method based on the negative binomial model for assessing differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data, we propose a method to calculate the sample size. We propose a sample size calculation method based on the exact test for assessing differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data. The proposed sample size calculation method is straightforward and not computationally intensive.

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