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What is Enrichr database is for? 

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The Enrichr database serves as a valuable tool for gene set enrichment analysis, aiding in the interpretation of data from omics experiments by identifying enriched terms associated with gene sets. It contains a vast collection of annotated gene sets from various libraries, enabling users to explore associations between genes and enriched terms across different datasets and knowledge domains. Enrichr facilitates integrative enrichment analysis and visualization by presenting results as subgraphs connecting genes to their enriched terms, enhancing hypothesis generation and illuminating hidden gene associations. Additionally, Enrichr offers features like the ability to submit fuzzy sets, upload BED files, and visualize results as clustergrams, making it a comprehensive resource for biological knowledge accumulation and discovery.

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Enrichr database is utilized for in silico analysis of MS-based proteomic biomarkers, extracting pathogenic pathways in systemic sclerosis, aiding in understanding disease mechanisms and interactions.
Enrichr is an interactive web tool for gene list enrichment analysis, providing new gene-set libraries, alternative ranking methods, and visualization options to analyze collective gene functions.
Enrichr is a comprehensive gene set enrichment analysis web server that accumulates biological knowledge from diverse gene set libraries for further biological discoveries.
ENPD database catalogs eukaryotic nucleic acid binding proteins (NBPs) and their functions, linking gene regulations to proteins, unlike Enrichr database, which is not addressed in the paper.
Enrichr database integrates gene set libraries for cross-library enrichment analysis, visualization, and hypothesis generation, covering categories like transcription, pathways, ontologies, diseases/drugs, and cell types.

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