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What is the advantage of larger phase change at resonant frequency of CMUT? 

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A larger phase change at the resonant frequency of a Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer (CMUT) offers advantages in various applications. This increased phase change can lead to improved sensor resolution, especially in chemical sensing applications. Additionally, in the context of airborne CMUT arrays, maximizing the swing at unbiased drive voltages can enhance the performance of the array elements, allowing for larger swings without membrane collapse. Moreover, utilizing a dual-frequency CMUT design can provide high sensitivity for both pressure detection and relative humidity sensing under different pressure conditions, showcasing the versatility and effectiveness of larger phase changes at resonant frequencies in sensor applications. Ultimately, the advantage of a larger phase change at the resonant frequency of CMUTs lies in enhancing sensor performance and sensitivity across various operational conditions.

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A larger phase change at the resonant frequency of CMUT improves sensor resolution by reducing phase noise, enhancing sensitivity for chemical sensor applications.
Larger phase change at resonant frequency of CMUTs allows for improved imaging in multi-modality ultrasound applications, enhancing performance and reliability in medical imaging.
A larger phase change at the resonant frequency of a CMUT indicates higher sensitivity, which is advantageous for improved performance in ultrasonic applications, as demonstrated in the study.
Larger phase change at resonant frequency of CMUT allows for effective beamforming and beamsteering in airborne operation, compensating for phase and amplitude differences due to resonance frequency dispersion.
A larger phase change at resonant frequency of CMUT allows for improved sensitivity in humidity sensing, enhancing accuracy and performance in gravimetric humidity measurement applications.

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