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What is the causes of anxiety among general population? 

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Anxiety among the general population can stem from various factors. The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly contributed to increased anxiety levels globally, with prevalence rates estimated to be three times higher during the pandemic compared to normal circumstances . Sociopsychological and health-related determinants such as female sex, younger age, social isolation, unemployment, financial hardship, and insufficient knowledge of COVID-19 have been linked to anxiety during the pandemic . Additionally, experiences during childhood, recent stressful life events, unrealistic expectations, conflicts in relationships, and genetic predisposition can also lead to anxiety disorders like Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) . Furthermore, everyday-life anxieties related to economic, political, and personal aspects can also contribute to anxiety levels in the general population .

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Factors influencing anxiety in the general population include gender, socioeconomic status, health, risk-taking, leisure behavior, and mental activity, with women showing higher clinical symptoms.
Anxiety in the general population can be caused by genetic factors (30%-50%), childhood experiences, recent stressful events, unrealistic expectations, relationship conflicts, alcohol use, coping skills, and societal influences.
Causes of anxiety in the general Latvian population during COVID-19 included female gender, past mental health issues, COVID-19 health worries, loneliness, negative problem orientation, and lack of daily routine.
The causes of anxiety among the general population during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown include confusion, fear, shortage of PPE, high contagion, and socio-economic factors like income and job insecurity.
Causes of anxiety in the general population during the COVID-19 pandemic include outbreak phases, female sex, younger age, social isolation, unemployment, financial hardship, and insufficient COVID-19 knowledge.

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