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Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Paul Cockshott, Karen Renaud 
21 Citations
Having gained this understanding, we can go on to examine what sort of threat robots really pose to us, as humans.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
01 Aug 2016
41 Citations
We found that robots, compared with humans, were more commonly expected to sacrifice one person for the good of many, and they were blamed more than humans when they refrained from that decision.
This robot can especially be used in the areas which are harmful for humans.
Besides its advantages this development also cause new challenges regarding safety measures, particularly to ensure humans integrity working closed to or even with heavy robots.
Such robots must have no bad physical or psychical effect on humans.
That is, when people attribute affective states to robots, they are less likely to sacrifice them in order to save humans.
Nevertheless, the safety of humans should always be guaranteed and the behaviour of the robots should be modified when a risk of collision may happen.
Furthermore, humans should be able to pursue their activities unhindered and without worrying about the robots around them.

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