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Open AccessBook ChapterDOI

Global Games: Theory and Applications

In this article, Mertens and Zamir have shown how one can give a complete description of the "type" of a player in an incomplete information game in terms of a full hierarchy of beliefs at all levels.
Many economic problems are naturally modeled as a game of incomplete information, where a player’s payoff depends on his own action, the actions of others, and some unknown economic fundamentals. For example, many accounts of currency attacks, bank runs, and liquidity crises give a central role to players’ uncertainty about other players’ actions. Because other players’ actions in such situations are motivated by their beliefs, the decision maker must take account of the beliefs held by other players. We know from the classic contribution of Harsanyi (1967–1968) that rational behavior in such environments not only depends on economic agents’ beliefs about economic fundamentals, but also depends on beliefs of higher-order – i.e., players’ beliefs about other players’ beliefs, players’ beliefs about other players’ beliefs about other players’ beliefs, and so on. Indeed, Mertens and Zamir (1985) have shown how one can give a complete description of the “type” of a player in an incomplete information game in terms of a full hierarchy of beliefs at all levels. In principle, optimal strategic behavior should be analyzed in the space of all possible infinite hierarchies of beliefs; however, such analysis is highly complex for players and analysts alike and is likely to prove intractable in general. It is therefore useful to identify strategic environments with incomplete information that are rich enough to capture the important role of higher-order beliefs in economic settings, but simple enough to allow tractable analysis. Global games, first studied by Carlsson and van Damme (1993a), represent one such environment. Uncertain economic fundamentals are summarized by a state θ and each player observes a different signal of the state with a small amount of noise. Assuming that the noise technology is common knowledge among the players, each player’s signal generates beliefs about fundamentals, beliefs about other players’ beliefs about fundamentals, and so on. Our purpose in this paper is to describe how such models work, how global game reasoning can be applied to economic problems, and how this analysis relates to more general analysis of higher-order beliefs in strategic settings.

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Global Games: Theory and Applications
Stephen Morris and Hyun Song Shin
August 2001
Box 208281
New Haven, Connecticut 06520-8281

Joredo Jdphv= Wkhru| dqg Dssolfdwlrqv
Vwhskhq Pruulv
Frzohv Irxqgdwlrq/
\doh Xqlyhuvlw|/
S1R1Er{ 53;5;4/
Qhz Kdyhq FW 39853/ X1 V1 D1
K|xq Vrqj Vklq
Orqgrq Vfkrro ri Hfrqrplfv1
Krxjkwrq Vwuhhw/
Orqgrq/ ZF5D 5DH
X1 N1
k1v1 vk lq Co vh1df1xn
Mxo| 5333> wklv sulqwrxw= Pdufk 5334
Joredo jdphv duh jdphv ri lqfrpsohwh lqirupdwlrq zkrvh w|sh vsdfh lv
ghwhuplqhg e| wkh sod|huv hdfk revhuylqj d qrlv| vljqdo ri wkh xqghuo|lqj
vwdwh1 Zlwk vwudwhjlf frpsohphqwdulwlhv/ joredo jdphv riwhq kdyh d xqltxh/
grplqdqfh vroydeoh htxloleulxp/ doorzlqj dqdo|vlv ri d qxpehu ri hfrqrplf
prghov ri frruglqdwlrq idloxuh1 Iru v|pphwulf elqdu| dfwlrq joredo jdphv/
htxloleulxp vwudwhjlhv lq wkh olplw +dv qrlvh ehfrphv qhjoljleoh, duh vlpsoh
wr fkdudfwhul}h lq whupv ri cglxvh* eholhiv ryhu wkh dfwlrqv ri rwkhuv1 Zh
ghvfuleh d qxpehu ri hfrqrplf dssolfdwlrqv wkdw idoo lq wklv fdwhjru|1 Zh
dovr h{soruh wkh glvwlqfwlyh urohv ri sxeolf dqg sulydwh lqirupdwlrq lq wklv
vhwwlqj/ uhylhz uhvxowv iru jhqhudo joredo jdphv/ glvfxvv wkh uhodwlrqvkls
ehwzhhq joredo jdphv dqg d olwhudwxuh rq kljkhu rughu eholhiv lq jdph wkhru|
dqg ghvfuleh wkh uhodwlrqvkls wr orfdo lqwhudfwlrq jdphv dqg g|qdplf jdphv
zlwk sd|r vkrfnv1
NH\ZRUGV= frpprq nqrzohgjh/ frruglqdwlrq/ fxuuhqf| fulvhv/ joredo
jdphv/ kljkhu rughu eholhiv/ xqltxh htxloleulxp1
MHO qxpehuv= F:5/ G;51
Wklv sdshu zdv suhsduhg iru wkh Hljkwk Zruog Frqjuhvv ri wkh Hfrqrphwulf Vrflhw| +Vhdwwoh
5333,1 Vhfwlrq 6 lqfrusrudwhv zrun flufxodwhg hduolhu xqghu wkh wlwoh Sulydwh yhuvxv Sxeolf
Lqirupdwlrq lq Frruglqdwlrq Sureohpv1 Zh zrxog olnh wr wkdqn Kdqv Fduovvrq/ Gdylg Iudqnho/
Mrvhi Kriedxhu/ Mrqdwkdq Ohylq dqg Dg| Sdx}qhu iru ydoxdeoh frpphqwv rq wkh sdshu/ dqg
Vxvdq Dwkh| iru khu lqvljkwixo uhpdunv dv glvfxvvdqw dw wkh Frqjuhvv1 Pruulv zrxog olnh wr
uhfrug dq lpsruwdqw lqwhoohfwxdo ghew lq wklv duhd wr Dwvxvkl Ndmll/ wkurxjk mrlqw uhvhdufk dqg
orqj glvfxvvlrqv1 Pruulv lv judwhixo iru qdqfldo vxssruw iurp Qdwlrqdo Vflhqfh Irxqgdwlrq judqw

4 Lqwurgxfwlrq111111111111111111111111111111111 6
5 V|pphwulfElqdu|DfwlrqJoredoJdphv 11111111111111111 9
514 OlqhduH{dpsoh1111111111111111111111111111 9
515 V|pphwulf Elqdu| Dfwlrq Joredo Jdphv= D Jhqhudo Dssurdfk 1 1 44
51514 Frqwlqxxp Sod|huv/ Xqlirup Sulru dqg Sulydwh Ydoxhv 1 1 44
51515 Frqwlqxxp Sod|huv/ Jhqhudo Sulru dqg Frpprq Ydoxhv 1 1 48
51516 Glvfxvvlrq111111111111111111111111111 49
516 Dssolfdwlrqv111111111111111111111111111111 4<
51614 SulflqjGhew11111111111111111111111111 53
51615 Fxuuhqf|Fulvhv111111111111111111111111 54
51616 EdqnUxqv 11111111111111111111111111 57
6 SxeolfyhuvxvSulydwhLqirupdwlrq111111111111111111111 58
614 Wkh Sxeolflw| Pxowlsolhu 11111111111111111111111 64
615 Olplwlqj Ehkdylru 111111111111111111111111111 66
616 Vx!flhqw Frqglwlrqv iru Xqltxhqhvv 11111111111111111 67
7 WkhruhwlfdoXqghuslqqlqjv1111111111111111111111111 68
714 JhqhudoJoredoJdphv 111111111111111111111111 68
715 KljkhuRughuEholhiv 1111111111111111111111111 6<
716 Frpprq R0EholhidqgJdphWkhru|11111111111111111 76
717 UrexvwqhvvwrLqfrpsohwhLqirupdwlrq 111111111111111 77
718 Qrlvh Lqghshqghqw Vhohfwlrq 1 1 1111111111111111111 7:
8 UhodwhgPrghov=OrfdoKhwhurjhqhlw|dqgXqltxhqhvv 1111111111 7<
814 OrfdoLqwhudfwlrqJdphv 11111111111111111111111 84
815 G|qdplfJdphv1111111111111111111111111111 85
81514 G|qdplfSd|rVkrfnv11111111111111111111 85
81515 UhfxuulqjLqfrpsohwhLqirupdwlrq11111111111111 87
81516 Khuglqj 1111111111111111111111111111 88
9 Frqfoxvlrq1111111111111111111111111111111111 89

41 Lqwurgxfwlrq
Pdq| hfrqrplf sureohpv duh qdwxudoo| prghoohg dv d jdph ri lqfrpsohwh lqirupd0
wlrq/ zkhuh d sod|hu*v sd|r ghshqgv rq klv rzq dfwlrq/ wkh dfwlrqv ri rwkhuv/ dqg
vrph xqnqrzq hfrqrplf ixqgdphqwdov1 Iru h{dpsoh/ pdq| dffrxqwv ri fxuuhqf|
dwwdfnv/ edqn uxqv dqg oltxlglw| fulvhv jlyh d fhqwudo uroh wr sod|huv* xqfhuwdlqw|
derxw rwkhu sod|huv* dfwlrqv1 Ehfdxvh rwkhu sod|huv* dfwlrqv lq vxfk vlwxdwlrqv duh
prwlydwhg e| wkhlu eholhiv/ wkh ghflvlrq pdnhu pxvw wdnh dffrxqw ri wkh eholhiv khog
e| rwkhu sod|huv1 Zh nqrz iurp wkh fodvvlf frqwulexwlrq ri Kduvdq|l +4<9:0;,
wkdw udwlrqdo ehkdylru lq vxfk hqylurqphqwv ghshqgv qrw rqo| rq hfrqrplf djhqwv*
eholhiv derxw hfrqrplf ixqgdphqwdov/ exw dovr ghshqgv rq eholhiv ri kljkhu rughu
0 wkdw lv/ sod|huv* eholhiv derxw rwkhu sod|huv* eholhiv/ sod|huv* eholhiv derxw rwkhu
sod|huv* eholhiv derxw rwkhu sod|huv* eholhiv/ dqg vr rq1 Lqghhg/ Phuwhqv dqg ]dplu
+4<;8, kdyh vkrzq krz rqh fdq jlyh d frpsohwh ghvfulswlrq ri wkh w|sh ri d
sod|hu lq dq lqfrpsohwh lqirupdwlrq jdph lq whupv ri d ixoo klhudufk| ri eholhiv dw
doo ohyhov1
Lq sulqflsoh/ rswlpdo vwudwhjlf ehkdylru vkrxog eh dqdo|}hg lq wkh vsdfh ri doo
srvvleoh lqqlwh klhudufklhv ri eholhiv> krzhyhu/ vxfk dqdo|vlv lv kljko| frpsoh{
iru sod|huv dqg dqdo|vwv dolnh dqg lv olnho| wr suryh lqwudfwdeoh lq jhqhudo1 Lw lv
wkhuhiruh xvhixo wr lghqwli| vwudwhjlf hqylurqphqwv zlwk lqfrpsohwh lqirupdwlrq
wkdw duh ulfk hqrxjk wr fdswxuh wkh lpsruwdqw uroh ri kljkhu rughu eholhiv lq
hfrqrplf vhwwlqjv/ exw vlpsoh hqrxjk wr doorz wudfwdeoh dqdo|vlv1 Joredo jdphv/
uvw vwxglhg e| Fduovvrq dqg ydq Gdpph +4<<6d,/ uhsuhvhqw rqh vxfk hqylurqphqw1
Xqfhuwdlq hfrqrplf ixqgdphqwdov duh vxppdul}hg e| d vwdwh w dqghdfksod|hu
revhuyhv d glhuhqw vljqdo ri wkh vwdwh zlwk d vpdoo dprxqw ri qrlvh1 Dvvxplqj
wkdw wkh qrlvh whfkqrorj| lv frpprq nqrzohgjh dprqj wkh sod|huv/ hdfk sod|hu*v
vljqdo jhqhudwhv eholhiv derxw ixqgdphqwdov/ eholhiv derxw rwkhu sod|huv* eholhiv
derxw ixqgdphqwdov/ dqg vr rq1 Rxu sxusrvh lq wklv sdshu lv wr ghvfuleh krz vxfk
prghov zrun/ krz joredo jdph uhdvrqlqj fdq eh dssolhg wr hfrqrplf sureohpv dqg
krz wklv dqdo|vlv uhodwhv wr pruh jhqhudo dqdo|vlv ri kljkhu rughu eholhiv lq vwudwhjlf
Rqh wkhph wkdw hphujhv lv wkdw wdnlqj kljkhu rughu eholhiv vhulrxvo| grhv qrw
uhtxluh h{wuhpho| vrsklvwlfdwhg uhdvrqlqj rq wkh sduw ri sod|huv1 Lq vhfwlrq 5/
zh suhvhqw d ehqfkpdun uhvxow iru elqdu| dfwlrq frqwlqxxp sod|hu jdphv zlwk
vwudwhjlf frpsohphqwdulwlhv zkhuh hdfk sod|hu kdv wkh vdph sd|r ixqfwlrq1 Lq
d joredo jdphv vhwwlqj/ wkhuh lv d xqltxh htxloleulxp zkhuh hdfk sod|hu fkrrvhv
wkh dfwlrq wkdw lv d ehvw uhvsrqvh wr d xqlirup eholhi ryhu wkh sursruwlrq ri
klv rssrqhqwv fkrrvlqj hdfk dfwlrq1 Wkxv/ zkhq idfhg zlwk vrph lqirupdwlrq
frqfhuqlqj wkh xqghuo|lqj vwdwh ri wkh zruog/ wkh suhvfulswlrq iru hdfk sod|hu lv
wr k|srwkhvl}h wkdw wkh sursruwlrq ri rwkhu sod|huv zkr zloo rsw iru d sduwlfxodu

dfwlrq lv d udqgrp yduldeoh wkdw lv xqlirupo| glvwulexwhg ryhu wkh xqlw lqwhuydo dqg
fkrrvh wkh ehvw dfwlrq xqghu wkhvh flufxpvwdqfhv1 Zh gxe vxfk eholhiv +dqg wkh
dfwlrqv wkdw wkh| holflw, dv ehlqj Odsodfldq/ iroorzlqj Odsodfh*v +4;57, vxjjhvwlrq
wkdw rqh vkrxog dsso| d xqlirup sulru wr xqnqrzq hyhqwv iurp wkh sulqflsoh ri
lqvx!flhqw uhdvrq1
D vwulnlqj ihdwxuh ri wklv frqfoxvlrq lv wkdw lw uhfrqflohv Kduvdq|l*v ixoo| ud0
wlrqdo ylhz ri rswlpdo ehkdylru lq lqfrpsohwh lqirupdwlrq vhwwlqjv zlwk wkh glv0
vhqwlqj ylhz ri Ndgdqh dqg Odunh| +4<;5, dqg rwkhuv wkdw udwlrqdo ehkdylru lq
jdphv vkrxog lpso| rqo| wkdw hdfk sod|hu fkrrvhv dq rswlpdo dfwlrq lq wkh oljkw
ri klv vxemhfwlyh eholhiv derxw rwkhuv* ehkdylru/ zlwkrxw ghgxflqj klv vxemhfwlyh
eholhiv dv sduw ri wkh wkhru|1 Li zh ohw wkrvh vxemhfwlyh eholhiv eh wkh djqrvwlf
Odsodfldq sulru/ wkhq wkhuh lv qr frqwudglfwlrq zlwk Kduvdq|l*v ylhz wkdw sod|huv
vkrxog ghgxfh udwlrqdo eholhiv derxw rwkhuv* ehkdylru lq lqfrpsohwh lqirupdwlrq
Wkh lpsruwdqfh ri vxfk dqdo|vlv lv qrw wkdw zh kdyh dq dghtxdwh dffrxqw ri
wkh vxewoh uhdvrqlqj xqghuwdnhq e| wkh sod|huv lq wkh jdph 0 lw fohduo| grhv qrw gr
mxvwlfh wr wkh uhdvrqlqj lqkhuhqw lq wkh Kduvdq|l surjudp1 Udwkhu/ lwv lpsruwdqfh
olhv lq wkh idfw wkdw zh kdyh dffhvv wr d irup ri vkruw0fxw/ ru khxulvwlf ghylfh wkdw
doorzv wkh hfrqrplvw wr lghqwli| wkh dfwxdo rxwfrphv lq vxfk jdphv/ dqg wkhuhe|
rshq xs wkh srvvlelolw| ri v|vwhpdwlf dqdo|vlv ri hfrqrplf txhvwlrqv zklfk pd|
rwkhuzlvh dsshdu wr eh lqwudfwdeoh1
Rqh lqvwdqfh ri wklv fdq eh irxqg lq wkh ghedwh frqfhuqlqj vhoi0ixooolqj eholhiv
dqg pxowlsoh htxloleuld1 Li rqh vhw ri eholhiv prwlydwhv dfwlrqv zklfk eulqj derxw
wkh vwdwh ri ddluv hqylvdjhg lq wkrvh eholhiv/ zkloh dqrwkhu vhw ri vhoi0ixooolqj
eholhiv eulqj derxw txlwh glhuhqw rxwfrphv/ wkhq wkhuh lv dq dssduhqw lqghwhupl0
qdf| lq wkh wkhru|1 Lq erwk fdvhv/ wkh eholhiv duh orjlfdoo| frkhuhqw/ frqvlvwhqw
zlwk wkh nqrzq ihdwxuhv ri wkh hfrqrp|/ dqg duh eruqh rxw e| vxevhtxhqw hyhqwv1
Krzhyhu/ zh gr qrw kdyh dq| jxlgdqfh rq zklfk rxwfrph zloo wudqvsluh zlwkrxw
dq dffrxqw ri krz wkh lqlwldo eholhiv duh ghwhuplqhg1 Zh kdyh dujxhg hovhzkhuh
+Pruulv dqg Vklq +5333,, wkdw wkh dssduhqw lqghwhuplqdf| ri eholhiv lq pdq|
prghov zlwk pxowlsoh htxloleuld fdq eh vhhq dv wkh frqvhtxhqfh ri wzr prghoolqj
dvvxpswlrqv lqwurgxfhg wr vlpsoli| wkh wkhru|1 Iluvw/ wkh hfrqrplf ixqgdphqwdov
duh dvvxphg wr eh frpprq nqrzohgjh> dqg vhfrqg/ hfrqrplf djhqwv duh dvvxphg
wr eh fhuwdlq derxw rwkhuv* ehkdylru lq htxloleulxp1 Erwk dvvxpswlrqv duh pdgh
iru wkh vdnh ri wudfwdelolw|/ exw wkh| gr pxfk pruh ehvlghv1 Wkh| doorz djhqwv*
dfwlrqv dqg eholhiv wr eh shuihfwo| fr0ruglqdwhg lq d zd| wkdw lqylwhv pxowlsolflw|
ri htxloleuld1 Lq frqwudvw/ joredo jdphv doorz wkhrulvwv wr prgho lqirupdwlrq lq
d pruh uhdolvwlf zd|/ dqg wkhuhe| hvfdsh wklv vwudlwmdfnhw1 Pruh lpsruwdqwo|/
wkurxjk wkh khxulvwlf ghylfh ri Odsodfldq dfwlrqv/ joredo jdphv doorz prghohuv wr
slq grzq zklfk vhw ri vhoi0ixooolqj eholhiv zloo suhydlo lq htxloleulxp1

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