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How high will it be? Using machine learning models to predict branch coverage in automated testing

The first steps towards the definition of machine learning models to predict the branch coverage achieved by test data generation tools are taken, considering well known code metrics as a features.
Software testing is a crucial component in modern continuous integration development environment. Ideally, at every commit, all the system's test cases should be executed and moreover, new test cases should be generated for the new code. This is especially true in a Continuous Test Generation (CTG) environment, where the automatic generation of test cases is integrated into the continuous integration pipeline. Furthermore, developers want to achieve a minimum level of coverage for every build of their systems. Since both executing all the test cases and generating new ones for all the classes at every commit is not feasible, they have to select which subset of classes has to be tested. In this context, knowing a priori the branch coverage that can be achieved with test data generation tools might give some useful indications for answering such a question. In this paper, we take the first steps towards the definition of machine learning models to predict the branch coverage achieved by test data generation tools. We conduct a preliminary study considering well known code metrics as a features. Despite the simplicity of these features, our results show that using machine learning to predict branch coverage in automated testing is a viable and feasible option.

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Be?UsingMachineLearningModelstoPredictBranchCoverageinAutomatedTesting. In:Workshop

How High Will It Be?
Using Machine Learning Models to Predict Branch
Coverage in Automated Testing
Giovanni Grano
, Timofey V. Titov
, Sebastiano Panichella
, Harald C. Gall
University of Zurich,
Department of Informatics, Switzerland
Abstract—Software testing is a crucial component in modern
continuous integration development environment. Ideally, at ev-
ery commit, all the system’s test cases should be executed and
moreover, new test cases should be generated for the new code.
This is especially true in a Continuous Test Generation (CTG)
environment, where the automatic generation of test cases is
integrated into the continuous integration pipeline. Furthermore,
developers want to achieve a minimum level of coverage for every
build of their systems. Since both executing all the test cases and
generating new ones for all the classes at every commit is not
feasible, they have to select which subset of classes has to be
tested. In this context, knowing a priori the branch coverage that
can be achieved with test data generation tools might give some
useful indications for answering such a question. In this paper,
we take the first steps towards the definition of machine learning
models to predict the branch coverage achieved by test data
generation tools. We conduct a preliminary study considering
well known code metrics as a features. Despite the simplicity
of these features, our results show that using machine learning
to predict branch coverage in automated testing is a viable and
feasible option.
Index Terms—Machine Learning, Software Testing, Automated
Software Testing
Software testing is widely recognized as a crucial task in
any software development process [8], estimated at being at
least about half of the entire development cost [6], [21]. In last
years, we witnessed a wider adoption of continuous integration
(CI) practices, where new or changed code is integrated
extremely frequently into the main codebase. Testing plays
an important role in such a pipeline: in an ideal world, at
every single commit of the day every system’s test case should
be executed (regression testing). Moreover, additional test
cases should be automatically generated for all the new code
introduced into the main codebase [9]. This is especially true
in a Continuous Test Generation (CTG) environment, where
the generation of test cases comes directly integrated into the
continuous integration cycle [9]. However, due to the time
constraints between frequent commits, a complete regression
testing is not feasible for large projects [40]. Furthermore, even
test suite augmentation [39], i.e., the automatic generation
considering code changes and their effect on the previous
codebase, is hardly doable due to the extensive amount of
time needed to generate tests for just a single class.
In this context, since developers want to ensure a minimum
level of branch coverage for every build, these computational
constraints raise many different problems. For instance, they
have to select and rank a subset of classes to test, or again,
allocate a budget (i.e., the time) to devote for the generation
per each class. Knowing a priori the coverage achieved by test
data generation tools might help answering such questions and
smartly allocating the correspondent resources. As an example,
in order to maximize the branch coverage on the entire system,
we might want to prioritize the testing on the classes for which
we can achieve a high coverage. Similarly, knowing that a
critical component has a low predicted coverage, we might
want to spend on it more budget with the aim to generate
better (i.e., with higher coverage) tests.
In this paper we initially investigate the possibility to rely on
machine learning (ML) models to predict the branch coverage
achieved by test data generation tools. To take the first steps
into this direction, we consider two different aspects: (i)
the features to use to represent the complexity of a class
under test (CUT) and (ii) the better suited algorithm for the
problem we aim to solve. Regarding the features to employ,
we investigate well known code metrics such as the Chidamber
and Kemerer (CK) ones [11]. Given the exploratory nature of
this study, we select at first glance these metrics since their
are (i) easy to compute and (ii) popular in software evolution
and maintenance literature. About the latter aspect, to have a
wider overview and select the best approach for the domain,
we investigate 3 different ML algorithms coming from three
distinct families. Our initial results report a discrete accuracy
in the prediction of branch coverage during automated testing.
In the light of these initial findings, we believe that (ii) the
introduction of more advanced features, (i) a proper feature
selection analysis and (iii) experimenting different algorithms,
might further improve such preliminary results.
The goal of the empirical study is to take the first steps
towards the definition of machine learning models able to
predict the coverage achieved by test data generation tools
on a given class under test (CUT). In particular, we focus on
EvoSuite [17] and Randoop [29], two of the most well-known

Guava Cassandra Dagger Ivy
LOC 78,525 220,573 848 50,430
Java Files 538 1,474 43 464
tool currently available. Formally, in this paper we investigate
the following research questions:
RQ1. Which types of features can we leverage to train
machine learning models to predict the branch coverage
achieved by test data generation tools?
With the first research question, we aim to investigate which
kind of features can we rely on in order to train machine
learning models able to predict, with a certain degree of
accuracy, the branch coverage that test data generation tools
(EvoSuite and Randoop in our case) can achieve on given
CUTs. Given the exploratory nature of this study, we chose
to initially focus our investigation on (i) well established and
(ii) simple to compute code metrics such as the Chidamber
and Kemerer (CK) ones [11] (see Section II-B). Moreover,
we trained and cross-validated three different machine learning
approaches, coming from different families of algorithms, to
have a first intuition about the goodness of the chosen features.
RQ2. To what extend can we predict the coverage achieved
by test data generation tools?
Once established in RQ
the best fitting algorithm for our
use case, we conduct an additional experiment with a further
validation on a separate set composed by 3 open source
system. We use a test set in oder to have a more fair estimation
about how well the models have been trained. It is worth
to notice that we trained and validated two separate models,
one for EvoSuite and one for Randoop, to investigate eventual
differences in the prediction performances between the two.
A. Context Selection
The context of this study is composed by 4 different open
source projects: Apache Cassandra [16], Apache Ivy [3],
Google Guava [18] and Google Dagger [19]. We selected
those projects due to their different domain; moreover, the
Apache-Commons is quite popular in software evolution and
maintenance literature [5]. Apache Cassandra is a distributed
database, Apache Ivy a build tool, Google Guava a set of core
libraries while Google Dagger a dependency injector. Table I
summarizes the Java classes and the LOC used from the above
projects to train our ML models. With the same criteria, we
further selected 3 different projects for the validation set used
in RQ
: Joda-Time [24], Apache-Commons Math [14] and
Apache-Commons-Lang [13]. The first is a replacement for
the Java date and time classes. The second one is a library of
Name Description
TotalClasses The number of concrete and abstract classes (and inter-
faces) in the package
Ca The number of other packages that depend upon classes
within the package
Ce The number of other packages that the classes in the
package depend upon
A The ratio of the number of abstract classes (and interfaces)
in the analyzed package
I The ratio of afferent coupling (Ce) to total coupling
(Ce+Ca), such that I = Ce/Ce + Ca
D The perpendicular distance of a package from the idealized
line A + I = 1
mathematics and statistics operators, while the latter provides
helper utilities for Java core classes.
B. Model Building
As explained, we train our models on a set of features
designed primarily to capture the code complexity of CUTs.
The first set of features come from JDEPEND [12] and captures
information about the outer context layer of a CUT. Moreover,
we rely on the well-established Chidamber and Kemerer
(CK) and on Object-Oriented metrics (OO) such as depth of
inheritance tree (DIT) and number of static invocations (NOSI)
[11]. These metrics have been computed using an open source
tool provided by Aniche [2]. To capture even more fine-grained
details, we include the counts for 52 Java reserved keywords.
Such a list includes words like synchronized, import
or instanceof. Furthermore, we enclose in the model the
budget allocated for the test case generation, i.e., the CPU
time. We encode it like a categorical value and assuming the
following values: 45, 90 and 180 seconds.
1) Package Level Features: Table II summarizes the
package-level features computed with JDepend [2]. Originally,
such features have been developed to represent an indication
of the quality of a package. For instance, TotalClasses is a
measure of the extensibility of a package. The features Ca
and Ce respectively are meant to capture the responsibility
and independence of the package. In our application, both
represent complexity indicators for the purpose of the coverage
prediction. Another particular feature we took into account
was the distance from the main sequence (D). It captures
the closeness to an optimal package characteristic when the
package is abstract and stable, i.e., A = 1, I = 0 or concrete
and unstable, i.e., A = 0, I = 1.
2) CK and OO Features: This set of features includes the
widely adopted Chidamber and Kemerer (CK) metrics, such
as WMC, DIT, NOT, CBO, RFC and LCOM [11]. It is worth
to note that the CK tool [2] calculate these metrics directly
from the source code using a parser. In addition, we included
other specific Object Oriented features. Such a complete set,
with the respective descriptions, can be observed in Table III.

Name Description
(Coupling Between Objects)
Number of dependencies a class has
(Depth Inheritance Tree)
Number of ancestors a class has
(Number of Children)
Number of children a class has
(Number of Fields)
Number of field a class regardless the
(Number of Public Fields)
Number of the public fields
(Number of Static Fields)
Number of the static fields
(Number of Methods)
Number of methods regardless of mod-
(Number of Public Methods)
Number the public methods
(Number of Static Methods)
Number the static methods
(Number of Static Invocations)
Number of invocations to static meth-
(Response for a Class)
Number of unique method invocation
in a class
(Weight Method Class)
Number of branch instructions in a
(Lines of Code)
Number of lines ignoring the empty
(Lack of Cohesion Methods)
Measures how method access disjoint
sets of instance variable
3) Java Reserved Keyword Features: In order to capture
additional complexity in our model, we include the count of
a set of reserved Java keywords (reported in our appendix
[20]). Keywords have long been used in Information Retrieval
as features [32]. However, to the best of our knowledge, they
have not been used in previous research to capture complexity.
Possibly, this is because these features are too fine-grained
and do not allow the usage of complexity thresholds, like for
instance the CK metrics [7]. It is also worth to underline that
there is definitively an overlap for these keywords with some
of the aforementioned metrics like, to cite an example, for the
keywords abstract or static. However, it is straightfor-
ward to think about those keywords (e.g., synchronized,
import and switch) as code complexity indicators.
4) Feature Transformation: We log-transform the values
of the used features to bring their magnitudes to comparable
sizes. Then, we normalize them using z-score (or standard
score) that indicates how many standard deviations a feature
is from the mean; it is calculated with the formula z =
where X is the value of the feature, µ is the population mean
and σ is the standard deviation.
C. Model Training
In this section we present the 3 algorithms used in our
empirical study. We consider Huber regression [22], Support
Vector Regression [10] and Multi-layer Perceptron [28]. We
relied on the implementation from the Python’s ScikitLearn
Library [31], being an open source framework widely used in
both research and industry. To have a wider investigation, we
picked them up from different algorithms’ families: a robust
regression, a SVM and a neural network algorithm.
To train the models we run EvoSuite and Randoop on the
test subject, using the achieved branch coverage to build a
labelled dataset. The first step towards the algorithm selection
was a grid search over a wide range of values for the involved
parameters. To select them, we first defined a range for the
hyper-parameters and then, for each set of them, we applied
3-fold cross validation. At the end, we selected the best
combination on the average of the validation folds.
We measured the performances of the employed algorithms
in term of Mean Absolute Error (MAE), formally defined as:
where y is the predicted value, x are the observed values for
the class i and n is the entire set of classes used in the training
set. This value is easy to interpret since it is in the same unit
of the target variable, i.e., branch coverage fraction.
In the following, we are going to briefly describe the
algorithms we relied on for our evaluation. Moreover, we
describe the choices for the correspondent hyper-parameters
we used during the training.
Huber Regression [22] is a robust linear regression model
designed to overcome some limitations of traditional paramet-
ric and non-parametric models. In particular, it is specifically
tolerant to data containing outliers. Indeed, in case of outliers,
least square estimation might be inefficient and biased. On the
contrary, Huber Regression applies only linear loss to such
observations, therefore softening the impact on the overall
fit. The only parameter to optimize in this case is α, a
regularization parameter that avoid the rescaling of the epsilon
value when the y is under or over a certain factor [34]. We
investigated the range of 2 to the power of linspace(-30,
20, num = 15). It is worth to specify that linspace is
a function that returns evenly spaces number over a specified
interval. Therefore, in this particular case, we used 2 to the
power of 15 linearly spaced values between -30 and 20. At the
end, we found the best α = 7, 420 for EvoSuite and α = 624.1
for Randoop.
Support Vector Regression (SVR) [10] is an application
of Support Vector Machine algorithms, characterized by the
usage of kernels and by the absence of local minima. The SVR
implementation in Python’s Sciknit library we used is based on
libcsv [10]. Amongst the various kernels, we chose a radial
basis function kernel (rbf), which can be formally defined as
exp(γ||x x
), where the parameter γ is equal to 1/2σ
This approach basically learns non-linear patterns in the data
by forming hyper-dimensional vectors from the data itself.
Then, it evaluates how similar new observations are to the
the ones seen during the training phase. The free parameters
in this model are C and ǫ. C is a penalty parameter of the
error term, while ǫ is the size within which no penalty is

associated in the training loss function with points predicted
within a distance epsilon from the actual value [36]. Regarding
C, just like Huber Regression, we used the range of 2 to
the power of linspace(-30, 20, num = 15). On the
other side, for the parameter ǫ, we considered the following
initial parameters: 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.4. At the end, the
best hyper-parameters were, for both EvoSuite and Randoop,
C = 4, 416 and ǫ = 0.025.
Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP) [35] is a particular class of
feedforward neural network. Given a set for features X =
, x
, ..., x
and a target y, it learns a non-linear function
f(·) : R
where m is the dimension of the input
and o is the one of the output. It uses backpropagation for
training and it differs from a linear perceptron for its multiple
layers (at least three layers of nodes) and for the the non-
linear activation. We opted for the MLP algorithm since its
different nature compared to two approaches mentioned above.
Moreover, despite they are harder to tune, neural networks
offer usually good performances and are particularly fitted for
finding non-linear interactions between features [28]. It is easy
to notice how such a characteristic is desirable for the kind
of data in our domain. Also in this case we performed a grid
search to look for the best hyper-parameters. For the MLP we
had to set α (alpha), i.e., the regularization term parameter, as
well the number of units in a layer and the number of layers
in the network. We looked for α again in the range of 2 to
the power of linspace(-30, 20, num = 15). About
the number of units in a single layer, we investigated range
of 0.5x, 1x, 2x and 3x times the total number of features in
out model (i.e., 73). About the number of layers, we took
into account the values of 1, 3, 5 and 9. At the end, the
best selected hyper-parameters were α = 0.3715 and a neural
network configuration of (5, 219), where the first value is the
number of layer and the second one is the number of units per
layer, for EvoSuite. On the other side, for Randoop we opted
for α = 0.002629 and a configuration of (9, 73).
In this section we report and sum up the results of the
presented research questions, discussing the main findings.
- Features for Coverage Prediction
Here the goal is to understand which features can be used
to train a model able to predict the coverage achieved by
automated tools. At first glance, being this an exploratory
study, we experiment simple and well-known code metrics
(see Section II-B). At the same time, we compare different
algorithms, i.e., Huber Regression, Support Vector Regression
and Multi-layer Perceptron (see Section II-C), in order to
define the well-suited one.
To have an intuition about the goodness of both the features
and the approaches selected, we perform 10-cross fold vali-
dation on the 4 project presented in II-A. Figure 1 shows a
grouped bar plot reporting the correspondent MAEs, both for
EvoSuite and Randoop, for the three algorithms we investigate.
In a similar way, Table IV reports the same results, enriched
Fig. 1. Box Plot reporting the MAE of the 3 employed machine learning
algorithms on the training data for the obtained best hyper-parameters
Huber R. SVR MLP Tool’s average
EvoSuite 0.255 0.216 0.242 0.238
Randoop 0.172 0.088 0.139 0.132
Algorithm’s average 0.213 0.152 0.191 0.185
with both the averages per tool and per algorithm. Generally,
we observe that non-linear algorithms, i.e., SVR and MLP,
have better results than Huber Regression. Indeed, this is
a somehow expected result. The average of the MAE for
the three algorithms trained with EvoSuite is about 0.238,
while the same value for Randoop is about 0.132. We argue
that such results are accurate enough for the initial level
of investigation we carry out in this paper. Moreover, they
confirm the viability for traditional code metrics to be used
as a features to train a predictive model. We can also see that
the Support Vector Regression is the approach that performs
better both for EvoSuite (0.216) and Randoop (0.088).
Result 1. Despite their simplicity, traditional code metrics
give discrete cross-validation result. SVR is the most ac-
curate algorithm amongst the considered ones.
- Predicting the Branch Coverage
For this RQ, we rely on the SVR algorithm we found to
the best performing ones (from RQ
) to predict the branch
coverage on the validation set (see Section II-A). It is worth
to notice that we reuse the same SVR model built for the
previous RQ. Figure 2 shows, for all the 3 projects, the MAEs
respectively for EvoSuite and Randoop. Similarly as we did
for RQ
, to ease the results analysis, we report such data
in a tabular form, with the average per project and per tool.
We observe that the results for the validation set are slightly
worse (especially for Randoop) than the ones achieved with

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Frequently Asked Questions (12)
Q1. What contributions have the authors mentioned in the paper "How high will it be? using machine learning models to predict branch coverage in automated testing" ?

In this paper, the authors take the first steps towards the definition of machine learning models to predict the branch coverage achieved by test data generation tools. The authors conduct a preliminary study considering well known code metrics as a features. In this paper, the authors take the first steps towards the definition of machine learning models to predict the branch coverage achieved by test data generation tools. The authors conduct a preliminary study considering well known code metrics as a features. Furthermore, developers want to achieve a minimum level of coverage for every build of their systems. 

They represent the main input for their future work. Future efforts will both involve more sophisticated features, applying a features selection analysis to remove the redundant or irrelevant ones, and investigate different algorithms. 

The only parameter to optimize in this case is α, a regularization parameter that avoid the rescaling of the epsilon value when the y is under or over a certain factor [34]. 

The authors measured the performances of the employed algorithms in term of Mean Absolute Error (MAE), formally defined as:MAE =∑n i+1 |yi − xi|nwhere y is the predicted value, x are the observed values for the class i and n is the entire set of classes used in the training set. 

the MAE for the SVR algorithm with the training set is of 0.216 and 0.088, for EvoSuite and Randoop respectively, while for the validation set the authors report average MAEs of about 0.291 (+34%) and 0.225 (+155%). 

It captures the closeness to an optimal package characteristic when the package is abstract and stable, i.e., A = 1, The author= 0 or concrete and unstable, i.e., A = 0, The author= 1.2) CK and OO Features: 

The second one is a library ofmathematics and statistics operators, while the latter provides helper utilities for Java core classes. 

At the end, the best selected hyper-parameters were α = 0.3715 and a neural network configuration of (5, 219), where the first value is the number of layer and the second one is the number of units per layer, for EvoSuite. 

Future efforts will both involve more sophisticated features, applying a features selection analysis to remove the redundant or irrelevant ones, and investigate different algorithms. 

To capture the complexity of the CUTs, the authors use different kind of features, i.e., package level features, CK and OO features and Java reserved keywords. 

To have a wide overview of the extend to which a machine learning model might predict the branch coverage achieved test data generation tools, the authors initially experimented 3 different algorithms such as Huber Regression [22], Support Vector Regression [10] and Vector Space Model[28]. 

On the contrary, Huber Regression applies only linear loss to such observations, therefore softening the impact on the overall fit.