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Out-of-the-loop information hiding for HEVC video

A low complexity out-of-the-loop information hiding algorithm for a video pre-encoded with the high efficiency video coding standard, bypassing the need of fully decoding and re-encoding the video.
Communication using internet and digital media is more and more popular. Therefore, the security and privacy of data transmission are highly demanded. One effective technique providing this requirement is information hiding. This technique allows to conceal secret information into a video file, an audio, or a picture. In this paper, we propose a low complexity out-of-the-loop information hiding algorithm for a video pre-encoded with the high efficiency video coding standard. Only selected components such as the motion vector difference and transform coefficients of the video are extracted and modified, bypassing the need of fully decoding and re-encoding the video. In order to reduce the propagation error caused by hiding information, the dependency between video frames is taken into account when distributing the information over the frame. Several embedding strategies are investigated. The experimental results show that the information should be hidden in smaller blocks to reduce quality loss. Using a smart distribution of information across the frames can keep the quality loss under 1 dB PSNR for an information payload of 15 kbps. When such a strategy is used, embedding information in the transform coefficients only slightly outperforms the modification of motion vector differences.

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Out-of-The-Loop Information Hiding for HEVC Video
Luong Pham Van, Johan De Praeter, Glenn Van Wallendael, Jan De Cock, and Rik Van de Walle
In: 2015 International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 3610 - 3614, 2015.
To refer to or to cite this work, please use the citation to the published version:
Pham Van, L., De Praeter, J., Van Wallendael, G., De Cock, J., and Van de Walle, R. (2015). Out-of-
The-Loop Information Hiding for HEVC Video. 2015 International Conference on Image Processing
(ICIP) 3610 - 3614.

Luong Pham Van, Johan De Praeter, Glenn Van Wallendael, Jan De Cock, and Rik Van de Walle
Ghent University - iMinds - Multimedia Lab, Ghent, Belgium
Communication using internet and digital media is more
and more popular. Therefore, the security and privacy of data
transmission are highly demanded. One effective technique
providing this requirement is information hiding. This tech-
nique allows to conceal secret information into a video file, an
audio, or a picture. In this paper, we propose a low complexity
out-of-the-loop information hiding algorithm for a video pre-
encoded with the high efficiency video coding standard. Only
selected components such as the motion vector difference and
transform coefficients of the video are extracted and modi-
fied, bypassing the need of fully decoding and re-encoding
the video. In order to reduce the propagation error caused by
hiding information, the dependency between video frames is
taken into account when distributing the information over the
frame. Several embedding strategies are investigated. The ex-
perimental results show that the information should be hidden
in smaller blocks to reduce quality loss. Using a smart distri-
bution of information across the frames can keep the quality
loss under 1 dB PSNR for an information payload of 15 kbps.
When such a strategy is used, embedding information in the
transform coefficients only slightly outperforms the modifica-
tion of motion vector differences.
Index Terms Data Hiding, High Efficiency Video Cod-
ing, Motion Vector Difference, DCT coefficients.
With the current technology, people can easily and flexibly
communicate through internet and digital media. Therefore,
transmission of digital data needs to be more secure, especial
for banking and military information. One effective solution
is information hiding which conceals the secret message into
video. In general, the information is embedded to the video
without changing its perceptual quality. Therefore, only the
sender and receiver can realize the existence of the informa-
tion in video.
During the last decade, many information hiding algo-
rithms have been proposed for existing video coding stan-
The activities described in this paper were funded by Ghent Univer-
sity, iMinds, the Agency for Innovation by Science & Technology (IWT),
the Fund for Scientific Research (FWO Flanders), and the European Union,
and were carried out using the Stevin Supercomputer Infrastructure at Ghent
dards (e.g. MPEG, H.264/AVC). These techniques usually
map the input information to a component of the video such
as the discrete cosine transform (DCT) coefficients [1, 2], mo-
tion vectors [3], and intra prediction mode [4, 5]. However, to
the best of our knowledge, there has been little focus on wa-
termarking for the recently finalized High Efficiency Video
Coding (HEVC) standard [6]. In [7], the information is hid-
den in the coding block size during the encoding loop of the
HEVC encoder. Although this technique prevents propaga-
tion errors, the complexity is high due to the decoding and
re-encoding step needed to embed the information into a pre-
encoded video bit stream. Additionally, a specialized encoder
is needed for the embedding. If unique information needs to
be inserted into multiple copies of the video, such an approach
would require the computationally expensive encoding step to
be executed multiple times. As such, this approach does not
scale well. Since embedding the information during the en-
coding loop becomes infeasible, the information should be in-
serted directly into the bit stream, outside the encoding loop.
In this paper, we propose a low-complexity out-of-the-
loop technique for information hiding by inserting the data
into a pre-encoded HEVC video stream without fully decod-
ing and encoding. Instead, only a low-complexity entropy
decoding and encoding is required to access and modify se-
lected bit stream components (DCT coefficients, motion vec-
tor differences). Additionally, the propagation error of insert-
ing information is analyzed. To decrease this error, the infor-
mation is distributed over the different frames based on the
inter-prediction dependencies between frames.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2
briefly reviews the coding modes in HEVC. In Section 3, the
proposed information hiding technique for pre-encoded video
streams is elaborated on. The experimental results and anal-
ysis are presented in Section 4. Finally, conclusions are ad-
dressed in Section 5.
The HEVC standard supports large coding block sizes with
a flexible partitioning scheme. The biggest block (typically
64x64 pixels), known as a coding tree unit (CTU), is recur-
sively split into smaller coding units (CUs) [8]. This CU par-
titioning process is performed for CUs from depth 0 (CTU) to
depth 3 (8x8 pixel CU). Each CU is further split into the pre-
diction units (PU) for inter- and intra-prediction, and trans-
978-1-4799-8339-1/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE
ICIP 2015

6 7
Directly referring frame
Indirectly referring frame
Fig. 1. A part of the reference map of inter-coded frames
using the random access configuration.
form unit (TU) for residual coding. For each out of eight
possible PU partitioning modes, best block matching is per-
formed to find the best matching block of the current PU in
reference frames. This process results in a prediction error
(residual) and a motion vector of the PU. The difference be-
tween this motion vector and the motion vector of a neigh-
bouring encoded PU is encoded. The prediction error of the
CU is transformed to the DCT domain by using a squared
Residual Quad-Tree (RQT). The RQT is evaluated from depth
0 (32x32 pixels) to depth 3 (4x4 pixels). These transform co-
efficients are then quantized and entropy encoded.
In the proposed techniques, the information is hidden in the
compressed domain, so without a full decoder-encoder loop.
To achieve this, the syntax elements of the video stream are
modified to include the input information. To modify the syn-
tax elements, only a low-complex entropy decoding and en-
coding needs to be performed contrary to full decoding and
encoding. The main challenge is thus to determine the opti-
mal type and amount of bit stream elements to modify. Since
a bit stream contains many motion vectors and DCT coeffi-
cients, this paper investigates the performance of hiding in-
formation in these venues.
Since modifying the syntax elements of the bit stream
causes a mismatch in coding information between encoder
and decoder, errors are propagated throughout the video.
Therefore, the following section proposes a selection strategy
to select the distribution of information across the blocks and
frames in the bit stream. Thereafter, the techniques to modify
the motion vectors and DCT coefficients are described.
3.1. Selection of blocks to hide information
The selection of blocks which contain the hidden informa-
tion depends on the amount of the information that needs to
be hidden. This selection criterion works on two levels: the
frame level and the intra-period level.
At the frame level, the visual quality loss of an individual
frame should be minimized when adding information. Due
to the characteristics of the human visual system, the qual-
ity loss caused by the blocking artefacts resulting from hiding
the input information is more visible in smooth areas while
it is hard to detect in complex areas. These smooth areas
are often encoded by using big blocks. In contrast, complex
areas are coded using small blocks. Therefore, to minimize
the visual quality loss, information should be hidden in small
blocks within a frame. The bigger block sizes are thus only
considered when the amount of added information is high.
At the intra-period level, the error propagation between
frames should be minimized. This error propagation is caused
by adding information to frames that are used by other frames
as reference pictures for inter-prediction. E.g., the errors in-
troduced in frame A by adding information may propagate
to another frame B when frame B relies on frame A for
inter-prediction. As such, frame B is a referring to frame A,
whereas frame A is referred by frame B.
The influence on error propagation of a frame is measured
by the number of other frames directly or indirectly referring
to this frame. These dependencies are determined by the cod-
ing structure of the video. For instance, HEVC supports hier-
archical prediction, which means that frames can be classified
according to different levels of dependencies. In this predic-
tion structure, intra frames are independently encoded and are
referred by inter frames. An inter frame between two succes-
sive intra frame can be referred by one or more other frames.
Therefore, any errors in this frame can propagate to referring
frames. Finally, some frames are not referred by any other
frame. Consequently, the errors in these frame do not affect
the other frames.
In Fig. 1, a part of the referring map of frames between
two successive intra frames encoded using the random access
configuration [9] is drawn. The intra-period is 32 and the size
of the group of pictures (GOP) is 8. As seen in this figure,
frame 6 has ve directly referring frames. It also has sev-
eral indirectly referring (by the way of frame 10, 12, and 16)
frames. On the other hand, the odd-numbered frames have no
referring frames.
Before adding information to a video stream, the error
propagation influence of each frame is evaluated. Using this
influence, a frame is classified into a high, medium or low in-
fluence layer. The hidden information is allocated differently
for each layer: more information is added to frames in low
influence layers whereas less information is added to frames
in high influence layers. Within the same layer, the embedded
information is equally distributed over the frames.
3.2. Information embedding
The information embedding process uses the odd-even crite-
rion [10]. The modified value of the syntax where the infor-
mation hidden is odd if the input bit is 1. Otherwise, this value
is even. If x is the original value of the syntax element (e.g.

Table 1. Frame classification in dependency layers.
Layer Frame(number of referring frames)
L0 8(16), 16(16), 24(14)
L1 4(11), 6(9), 12(11), 20(11), 28(9)
L2 The others
0 200 400 600 800
PSNR reduction[dB]
The optimal strategy
to increase payload
Fig. 2. Visual quality lost and information payload when
modifying motion vector differences of videos.
motion vectors, or non-zero DCT coefficients), and w is the
input bit, then the modified value x’ is obtained as:
= sgn(x) ∗|x| /2∗2+w with x =0
Additionally, if x’ equals 0, no information is hidden to
ensure that all information can be detected in the decoder.
The experiments evaluate the performance of the proposed in-
formation embedding techniques in terms of information ca-
pacity and visual quality loss. Moreover, a comparison be-
tween hiding information in transformed coefficients and mo-
tion vector difference is made.
A total of 23 sequences with a playtime of 10 seconds
have been used to test the information hiding algorithms [9].
Of these, 21 sequences have input resolutions varying from
416x240 up to 1920x1080 pixels while the two sequences
Traffic and PeopleOnStreet have a resolution of 3840x2048
pixels. These sequences are first encoded using the HEVC
reference software HM 16 [11]. Evaluation is based on the
random access configuration (RA). The intra period is set to
32 such that stream switching or error recovery can be pro-
vided. The quantization parameter is selected from the fol-
lowing set {22, 27, 32, 37}. Thereafter, the proposed solution
embeds random information in the motion vector difference
or the transform coefficients. The modified bit stream is then
reconstructed using a normal decoder. The PSNR of the re-
constructed video is obtained using the original video as the
PSNR reduction[dB]
The optimal strategy to increase pay load
Fig. 3. Visual quality lost and information payload when
modifying DCT coefficients of videos.
reference. The PSNR reduction is calculated by subtracting
the PSNR of an unmodified stream with the PSNR of a mod-
ified stream which includes the embedded information.
4.1. Payload and PSNR reduction analysis
This experiment measures PSNR reduction when the amount
of input information increases. Three different embedding
strategies have been evaluated: modification of motion vector
differences in CUs at depth 3 (MV D
), or CUs at depth
3 and depth 2 (MV D
),or CUs at both depth 3, 2, and 1
(MV Dd1). Similarly, DCT coefficients are modified for only
TUs with size 4x4 (DC T
) or TUs with size 4x4 and 8x8
), or TUs with sizes 4x4, 8x8, and 16x16 (DC T
The amount of added information is increased from 10% to
100% of all available motion vectors or DCT coefficients in
steps of 10% in every inter-coded frame.
On the other hand, the intra-period level distribution strat-
egy explained in Section 3 is carried out (MV D
and DCT
Using this scheme, the inter-coded frames are classified into
three layers based on the number of referring frames as shown
in Table 1. When the distance in picture order count between
two frames is larger than 10, the influence between them is
considered as 0, since blocks are much more likely to refer to
closer frames. No input information is not hidden in layer L0.
In layer L1, only blocks at depth 3 and depth 2 are used for
embedding information. Blocks at depth 3, depth 2, and depth
1 are used in layer L2. Thirty-six combinations are tested
by varying the amount of added information in both layer L1
and L2 from 0% to 100% of all available motion vectors or
DCT coefficient in steps of 20%. The experimental results
are shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. Three important conclusions
are drawn from these figures.
Firstly, adding information to small blocks performs bet-
ter than adding it to larger blocks. With the same amount of
embedded information, adding information to a block at depth

0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56
PSNR reduction[dB]
Frame index
Fig. 4. Errors propagate strongly if dependencies between
frames are not taken into account (MV D
and DC T
3 results in a smaller PSNR reduction compared to adding in-
formation to blocks at depth 2 and depth 1. For instance, when
motion vectors are modified for video (Fig. 2) and only CU
depth 3 is considered, a PSNR reduction of 3.5 dB is obtained.
However, if the CUs at both depth 1 and 2 are modified to em-
bed the same amount of information, the PSNR reduction is
higher (4.5 dB).
Secondly, when taking frame dependencies into account,
layer L2 should be filled first, since errors from this layer will
propagate less to other frames. When the amount of added
information becomes too much to contain in only L2, L1 also
starts filling up, which results in a more drastic PSNR reduc-
tion. The lines in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 show that this strategy can
achieve a high payload with the smallest quality drop.
Finally, using a smart frame distribution strategy to mini-
mize error propagation performs better than adding informa-
tion equally to each frame. By using this strategy, the PSNR
reduction can be kept below 3 dB and 1 dB for MV D
, respectively.
4.2. Frame-by-frame analysis
In order to evaluate the propagation of quality loss and to
compare embedding data into motion information and DCT
coefficients, the PSNR reduction of the 64 first frames of Par-
tyScene is analysed after embedding 20 kbits in total (2 kbps)
using different methods. The video is encoded using QP 27.
The result is depicted in Fig. 4.
It can be seen in Fig. 4 that embedding the same amount
of information in motion information (MV D
) results
in higher quality losses than modifying DCT coefficients
). When a motion vector difference of a PU is mod-
ified, the predicted block changes. Therefore, all pixels in
this PU are affected, resulting in a high visual quality loss.
In contrast, when the last non-zero DCT coefficient is mod-
ified, only the frequency corresponding to this coefficient is
affected. In addition, the last non-zero coefficient is usually
at a high frequency such that the quality impact is minimal.
(a) MVD
(23.10 dB)
(b) MVD
(33.04 dB)
(c) DCT
(31.28 dB)
(d) DCT
(32.23 dB)
Fig. 5. The visual quality of frame 106 of PartyScene (QP 27)
after inserting information.
By exploiting the dependencies between frames to dis-
tribute the information across several layers, MV D
result in very low PSNR losses. The variance of
PSNR losses is also small, which results in a smoother vi-
sual quality. Although DC T
performs slightly better than
, the capacity of MV D
is higher. Therefore, when a
lot of data must be added, MV D
can be used.
The visual quality of frame 106 of PartyScene (QP 27) af-
ter embedding 20 kbits is shown in Fig. 5. When MV D
is used, artefacts can clearly be seen (e.g. on the wall in the
upper right corner of the picture). On the other hand, the qual-
ities of the other techniques are similar and better.
In this paper, we proposed a low complexity technique to em-
bed information into encoded HEVC video streams without
fully decoding and encoding the video. The experimental re-
sults show that quality loss can be minimized by adding in-
formation first to the smallest blocks of each frame and by
taking frame dependencies into account when distributing in-
formation across frames. When a smart distribution of infor-
mation is applied across frames, modifying DCT coefficients
only slightly outperforms adding information to motion vec-
tor difference.
[1] A. Mansouri, A.M. Aznaveh, F. Torkamani-Azar, and
F. Kurugollu, “A Low Complexity Video Watermarking

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