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What biological processes is copper involved in in plants? 

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Copper (Cu) plays a pivotal role in various biological processes in plants, acting as an essential micronutrient involved in a multitude of morphological, physiological, and biochemical functions. It is a cofactor for numerous enzymes, significantly contributing to photosynthesis, respiration, the antioxidant system, and signal transduction. Cu's involvement in photosynthesis is particularly crucial, as it is required for the proper functioning of photosynthetic electron transport chains within chloroplasts, where it acts as a regulator element for metalloproteins. Moreover, Cu is integral to the antioxidant defense mechanisms in plants, where it modulates the activities of antioxidant proteins such as thioredoxin, glutathione reductase, and peroxiredoxin to prevent oxidative damage. In addition to its role in photosynthesis and antioxidant defense, Cu is essential for various metabolic processes, including the electron transport chain and as a structural component of defense genes. It also participates in the regulation of growth and development, impacting seed germination, plant height, fresh biomass, photosynthetic pigment, and gas exchange parameters. The dual nature of Cu, being both vital and potentially toxic, necessitates a tightly regulated homeostasis within the plant system to manage its uptake, chelation, trafficking, and storage. Cu's involvement extends to the microbial interactions with plants, where it plays roles during disease development and in the activation of defense signaling pathways against bacterial infections. Furthermore, Cu is necessary for the reproductive processes, influencing lignin accumulation in anthers and contributing to the mechanical support, water transport, and pathogen defense through its role in lignin synthesis. The regulation of Cu absorption and internal transport is mediated by transcription factors and is critical for delivering Cu to essential enzymes, highlighting the complex network of Cu-dependent processes that support plant life.

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Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
21 Aug 2013-Metallomics
185 Citations
Copper in plants is involved in photosynthesis as a cofactor for metalloproteins, regulating essential processes in chloroplasts, particularly in the photosynthetic electron transport chain.
Copper exposure in germinating Phaseolus vulgaris seeds affects redox buffering, oxidative status, and antioxidant protein activities, influencing growth and causing biochemical disturbances in cotyledons and seedlings.
Copper in plants is crucial for electron transport, SPL7-mediated responses, and cell wall properties. It plays roles in cuproproteins, transcriptional regulation, and tissue-specific dynamics.
Copper is essential for metabolic processes in plants but excess disrupts growth. Organic soil promotes growth, while Cu-contaminated soil induces oxidative stress and affects antioxidant defenses in plants.
Copper in plants is crucial for redox reactions. It plays roles in disease development, inducing pathogen resistance, and triggering immune responses against bacterial infections through defense signaling pathways.
Copper is essential for metabolic processes in plants but excess disrupts growth. It impacts biochemical reactions, physiological functions, antioxidant defenses, and oxidative stress responses in plants.
Copper in plants is essential for metabolic processes, growth, and development. However, at high levels, it inhibits growth, photosynthesis, enzyme activity, nutrient uptake, and induces oxidative stress.
Copper in plants is crucial for photosynthesis, respiration, reproduction, and lignin synthesis through LAC genes, aiding in explosive seed dispersal mechanisms like in Cardamine hirsuta.
Copper in plants acts as a cofactor in enzymes, essential for photosynthesis, respiration, electron transport chain, and defense genes, contributing to morphological, physiological, and biochemical processes.
Copper in plants is essential for enzyme cofactors, photosynthesis, respiration, antioxidants, and signal transduction, highlighting its involvement in various physiological and biochemical processes.

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What are the molecular mechanisms involved in uptake and transport of copper in plants?4 answersThe molecular mechanisms involved in the uptake and transport of copper (Cu) in plants are complex and crucial for maintaining Cu homeostasis, ensuring plant growth, development, and protection against toxicity. Plants require Cu as an essential micronutrient, acting as a cofactor for various enzymes involved in critical processes such as photosynthesis, respiration, and antioxidant defense. However, excess Cu can be detrimental, necessitating precise regulatory mechanisms for its uptake and transport. Cu uptake in plants is facilitated by high-affinity transporters, notably the COPT (Copper Transporter) family proteins. These transporters are responsible for the uptake of Cu ions from the soil and their distribution within the plant. In Arabidopsis, for example, the COPT family consists of several members localized at both the plasma membrane and internal membranes, indicating a sophisticated system for Cu mobilization. The NRAMP (Natural Resistance-Associated Macrophage Protein) family also plays a role in Cu and other heavy metal strains, suggesting a broader spectrum of metal ion transport and homeostasis. Once inside the plant, Cu is transported to various cellular compartments and integrated into Cu-dependent enzymes and proteins. This transport involves a network of chaperones and additional transport proteins, such as P-type ATPases, which facilitate the movement of Cu ions across cell membranes. The SPL7 transcription factor has been identified as a key regulator of Cu homeostasis, influencing the expression of genes involved in Cu transport and distribution. Mechanisms for detoxification and tolerance against excess Cu involve chelation and sequestration into vacuoles, mediated by metallothioneins, phytochelatins, and specific transporters that prevent toxic concentrations of Cu from accumulating in cellular compartments. Furthermore, the dynamic regulation of COPT transporters, including their degradation and modulation by ubiquitination, plays a critical role in adapting to fluctuating Cu levels, ensuring that uptake and distribution are tightly controlled. In summary, the molecular mechanisms of Cu uptake and transport in plants involve a coordinated network of high-affinity transporters, chaperones, transcription factors, and detoxification pathways, all working together to maintain Cu homeostasis and protect against toxicity.
What is copper role in plant biology?5 answersCopper (Cu) plays a crucial role in plant biology by serving as an essential micronutrient that participates in various physiological and biochemical processes, such as photosynthesis, respiration, and antioxidant systems. Cu is a cofactor for numerous enzymes and is vital for plant growth, development, reproduction, grain yield, and nutritional quality. However, while Cu is necessary for normal plant functions, excess Cu can have adverse effects, leading to growth inhibition, disturbance in photosynthetic parameters, and induction of oxidative stress in plants. To maintain a delicate balance, plants have evolved transport proteins like P type ATPases and COPT proteins, which regulate Cu uptake, distribution, and excretion within plants. Understanding the mechanisms of Cu function in plants, along with the roles of Cu transporters, is essential for ensuring plant vigor and overall health.
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