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What causes crystallization in an absorption chiller? 

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To this end, we present evidence from an experimental facility to show that true absorption chiller behavior is ...
These studies help to understand the mechanisms of convection during crystallization and suggest ways to control crystallization.
This provides useful information for adsorption chiller manufacturers.
Hence, this indicates the possibility of integrating the absorption energy storage with absorption chiller.
We also substantiate that commercial absorption chiller technology has empirically evolved to close to optimal operating conditions.
The main practical advantage of the model is the possibility to assess the influence of both the geometry parameters and operation parameters on thermal performance of the absorption chiller.
The numerical model of the solar absorption chiller working cycle proved to be capable to describe the behaviour of the equipment and to evaluate the safe operating conditions from the crystallisation point of view and from degassing point of view.
The results show that the proposed system could make a 30% contribution to the heat preparation process of the absorption chiller during the summer and a 17% contribution seen over the entire year.

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