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What is known of the effect of cannabinoids on attention? 

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Cannabinoids have been studied for their effects on attention. Research indicates that cannabinoids, including cannabidiol (CBD) and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), can influence attention and cognitive processes. While CBD alone did not affect attention in healthy volunteers, THC was found to impair cognitive processing speed and attention. Additionally, the endocannabinoid system, which is influenced by exogenous cannabinoids like THC, plays a role in modulating motivation and attention through interactions with the mesocorticolimbic dopamine pathway. Studies have shown that acute administration of cannabinoids can impact attentional capacity and impulsivity in rodent models. Further research is needed to fully understand the complex interactions between cannabinoids and attention processes.

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Consumption of synthetic cannabinoids in adults with ADHD is associated with stronger ADHD symptom severity, indicating a potential negative impact on attention.
Cannabinoid receptor 1 positive allosteric modulator GAT211 did not significantly affect attention in rats, while acute MK-801 impaired visual attention and increased impulsivity in the study.
The paper discusses the intertwined relationship between cannabinoids and attentional processes, specifically in the context of the 5-choice serial reaction time task and the attentional set-shifting task. However, the specific effects of cannabinoids on attention are not clearly stated in the paper.
The paper states that THC impaired attention in healthy volunteers, but CBD alone did not have any effect on attention. However, the study did not find any evidence that CBD pre-treatment mitigated the detrimental effects of THC on attention.
The paper states that cannabinoids have been reported to have pharmacological effects on ADHD symptoms, including reducing hyperactivity and improving focus and control of impulsive behavior.

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