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Showing papers in "Litera in 2018"

Journal ArticleDOI
26 Jul 2018-Litera
TL;DR: Tujuan penelitian et al. as mentioned in this paper collected information about elementary school students' learning styles and preferences that are useful for developing reading literacy books to strengthen the socio-cultural values in elementary schools in order to be effective for the School Literacy Movement.
Abstract: Tujuan penelitian awal ini untuk mengumpulkan informasi tentang gaya belajar dan kesukaan siswa SD yang berguna untuk mengembangkan buku literasi membacasebagai bentuk pemantapan nilai sosial budaya di SD agar berdaya guna untuk Gerakan Literasi Sekolah Hal ini dilandasi oleh masih ditemukan kasus siswa SD yang melakukan kekerasan terhadap teman sendiri Model pengembangan literasi membaca untuk siswa SD yang digunakan adalah model Plomp dengan langkah: preliminary research, prototyping, dan assessment Temuan penelitian dalam analisis awal yaitu siswa cenderung kurang termotivasi untuk membaca disebabkan bahan bacaan yang kurang menarik Analisis kebutuhan menunjukkan bahwa siswa SD sangat menyukai cerita rakyat Cerita rakyat yang perlu dikembangkan yaitu cerita rakyat nusantara yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia dalam setiap provinsi Diharapkan praktisi pendidikan menggunakan buku yang berisi tentang cerita rakyat dalam proses pembelajaran dan menjalankan Gerakan Literasi Sekolah Hasil validasi bahan ajar menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar literasi membaca dengan menggunakan cerita rakyat sudah valid dan dapat diujicobakan Kata kunci: literasi membaca, cerita rakyat,sekolah dasar READING LITERACY TO STRENGTHEN SOCIAL VALUES AMONG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS Abstract This preliminary study aims to collect information about elementary school students’ learning styles and preferences that are useful for developing reading literacy books to strengthenthe socio-cultural values in elementary schools in order to be effective for the School Literacy Movement This is as based on the fact that there are cases of elementary school students committing violence against their own friends The development model of reading literacy for elementary school students was Plomp’s model with the steps of preliminary research, prototyping, and assessment The research findings in the preliminary analysis show that students tend to have less motivation to read due to reading materials which are not interesting enough The needs analysis results show that elementary school students really like folklore The folklore to be developed comprises traditional Indonesian folklore spreading throughout the country in every province It is expected that educational practitioners use a book about folklore in the learning process and the School Literacy Movement The results of the teaching materials validation show that reading literacy learning materials using folklore are valid and can be tried out Keywords: reading literacy, folklore, elementary school

24 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
26 Mar 2018-Litera
TL;DR: A study of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) aimed to investigate the effectiveness of the education system in an international perspective by focusing on the results of the science, mathematics, and literacy assessments as discussed by the authors.
Abstract: Studi Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas sistem pendidikan dalam perspektif internasional dengan berfokus pada hasil asesmen Sains, Matematika, dan Literasi Membaca. Penelitian ini bertujuan menelaah karakteristik soal membaca PISA pada empat kali pelaksanaan, yaitu soal membaca sebagai bahan uji mayor 2000-2009 dan sebagai bahan uji minor 2003-2006. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik analisis isi. Data yang digunakan adalah hasil PISA tahun 2000-2009. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa soal literasi membaca PISA didominasi keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi berupa kemampuan interpretasi, refleksi, dan evaluasi. Kemampuan membaca yang diujikan adalah mengungkapkan kembali informasi , mengembangkan interpretasi dan mengintegrasikan , dan merefleksikan dan mengevaluasi teks. Soal cenderung menggunakan wacana panjang (135-630 kata) dan kalimat pertanyaan cenderung kompleks. Ragam tes yang digunakan meliputi pilihan ganda, pilihan ganda kompleks, jawaban singkat, esai tertutup, dan esai terbuka. Karakteristik konteks diklasifikasikan empat kategori, yaitu pendidikan, pekerjaan, personal, dan masyarakat. Isi kutipan bertema keselamatan keamanan diri, bermasyarakat, cara menyelesaikan pendidikan dan IPTEK, cerita personal berisi nilai moral untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup. Kata kunci: literasi, kemampuan membaca, sistem pendidikan, karakteristik soal THE CHARACTERISTICS OF LITERACY TEST ITEMS IN PISA Abstract A study of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) aimed to investigate the effectiveness of the education system in an international perspective by focusing on the results of the science, mathematics, and literacy assessments. This study aimed to examine the characteristics of PISA reading test items from four administrations, namely reading as a major test in 2000-2009 and as a minor test in 2003-2006. This was a qualitative study using content analysis. The data were the results of PISA in 2000-2009. The results of the analysis showed that the PISA literacy test items were dominated by those measuring high-order thinking skills in the form of the ability in interpretation, reflection, and evaluation. The reading ability tested was revealing information, developing and integrating interpretation, and reflecting and evaluating texts. The test items tended to be based on long discourses (135-630 words) and the questions tended to be complex. In terms of variety, the item tests included multiple choice, complex multiple choice, short answer, closed essay, and open essay items. The characteristics of the contexts were classified into four categories, namely education, employment, personal matters, and community. The contents of the citations comprised self-safety, community, ways of completing education, and science and technology. Personal stories contained moral values to improve the quality of life. Keywords: literacy, reading ability, educational system, characteristics of test items

20 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
03 Dec 2018-Litera
TL;DR: In this paper, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap gambaran kehidupan perempuan Bali dalam cerpencerpen karya Oka Rusmini, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan kekerasan akibat kebudayaan patriarki.
Abstract: Kekerasan yang dialami oleh perempuan umumnya terjadi akibat adanya budaya patriarki yang masih berakar di masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap gambaran kehidupan perempuan Bali dalam cerpen-cerpen karya Oka Rusmini, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan kekerasan akibat kebudayaan patriarki. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan ancangan kritik sastra feminis untuk mendapatkan gambaran lebih detail mengenai kehidupan perempuan. Dalam penelitian ini, cerpen karya Oka Rusmini yang digunakan adalah cerpen Api Sita dan Pesta Tubuh . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tokoh perempuan mengalami tindak kekerasan. Kekerasan yang dialami tokoh perempuan adalah kekerasan secara langsung dan kekerasan tidak langsung. Kekerasan tersebut dilakukan oleh tokoh laki-laki. Kekerasan yang dialami oleh tokoh perempuan terjadi karena adanya unsur patriarki, baik dari laki-laki pribumi maupun laki-laki asing (penjajah). Akibat adanya kekerasan yang diterima tokoh perempuan menyebabkan munculnya dampak pada diri tokoh perempuan tersebut, yaitu rasa benci terhadap kodratnya sebagai perempuan, dan keinginan yang meluap-luap untuk balas dendam.

9 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
29 Mar 2018-Litera
TL;DR: In this article, a model of local content learning materials based on folklores for character education at primary and secondary schools was proposed. But the results of expert and user assessments showed that the developed materials satisfied the appropriateness criteria.
Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang model bahan ajar muatan lokal (mulok) berbasis cerita rakyat untuk pendidikan karakter. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan model Borg dan Gall. Tahapan yang dilakukan meliputi studi pendahuluan, penyusunan draft, penilaian pakar dan pengguna, dan uji lapangan. Penilaian dari pakar dan pengguna menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar mulok berbasis cerita rakyat memenuhi kriteria kelayakan. Penilaian kelayakan difokuskan pada empat komponen, yaitu isi, kebahasaan, penyajian, dan kegrafikan, dengan persentase rata-rata sebesar 78,91%. Efektivitas didasarkan pada nilai hasil uji coba lapangan dengan mengacu pada kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM) mata pelajaran mulok, yakni 65. Nilai hasil uji coba lapangan mencapai rata-rata 71,74 dengan ketuntasan sekolah secara klasikal. Capaian nilai rata-rata siswa yang lebih tinggi dari nilai KKM menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar yang dikem­ bangkan efektif sehingga layak untuk digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran mulok. Kata kunci: efektivitas, bahan ajar mulok, cerita rakyat, pendidikan karakter A MODEL OF LOCAL CONTENT LEARNING MATERIALS BASED ON FOLKLORES FOR CHARACTER EDUCATION AT ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Abstract This study aimed to design a model of local content learning materials based on folklores for character education. This was a research and development study using Borg and Gall’s model. The steps were a preliminary study, draft designing, expert and user assessments, and a field tryout. The results of expert and user assessments showed that the developed materials satisfied the appropriateness criteria. The appropriateness assessments were focused on four components, namely content, language, presentation, and graphics, of which the average was 78.91%. The effectiveness was based on the mean score from the field tryout by referring to the minimum mastery criterion (MMC) for a local content subject, namely 65. The result of the field tryout was indicated by a mean score of 71.74 for the school mastery as a whole. The students’ average achievement which was higher than the MMC indicated that the learning materials were effective so that they were appropriate for use in the local content learning process. Keywords: effectiveness, local content learning materials, folklores, character education

5 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
26 Jul 2018-Litera
TL;DR: In this article, a qualitative study discussing the structures of interrogative sentences in the Tamiang dialect of Malay has been conducted, using the x-bar theory as a study of generative syntax, and the results indicate that yes-no questions require a "yes" or "no" answer, while wh-questions require explanation or information.
Abstract: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang membahas struktur kalimat tanya dalam bahasa Melayu dialek Tamiang Penelitian struktur kalimat tanya ini menggunakan teori x-bar sebagai kajian sintaksis generatif Data penelitian ini berupa kalimat tanya mae ‘ apa’ , hapo ‘siapa’ , kalo ‘ kapan’ , kek mano ‘ dimana’ , keno mae ‘ kenapa ’, dan gano ‘ bagaimana’ Data ini diperoleh dari hasil wawancara penutur asli bahasa Melayu dialek Tamiang dan data tersebut dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode agih Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa jenis kalimat tanya total dalam bahasa Melayu dialek Tamiang memerlukan jawaban “ya” atau “tidak”, sedangkan jenis kalimat tanya parsial dalam bahasa Melayu dialek Tamiang memerlukan jawaban penjelasan atau keterangan Kata kunci: struktur kalimat, teori x-bar, bahasa Melayu dialek Tamiang INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES IN THE TAMIANG DIALECT OF MALAY Abstract This is a qualitative study discussing the structures of interrogative sentences in the Tamiang dialect of Malay The study on the structures of interrogative sentences uses the x-bar theory as a study of generative syntax The data were in the form of sentences asking mae ‘what’, hapo ‘who’, kalo ‘when’, kek mano ‘where’, keno mae ‘why’, and gano ‘how’ The data were collected through interviews with native speakers of the Tamiang dialect of Malaythe data were analyzed using the distributionalmethod The results indicate that yes-no questions require a “yes” or “no” answer, while wh-questions require explanation or information Keywords: sentence structures, x-bar theory, dialect Tamiang of Malay

4 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
26 Jul 2018-Litera
TL;DR: In this article, the authors explained the concept of naming and interpreting Arab ethnic community clans and attempts to reveal the process of symbolizing a clan that refers to a referent and semantic concept reflected in it.
Abstract: Relativitas budaya dan bahasa memiliki hubungan yang berkesinambungan. Marga merupakan hasil dari proses kebudayaan secara turun-temurun. Suatu marga dapat menyimpan harapan, doa, cita-cita leluhur, peristiwa, dan sejarah kehidupan seseorang Artikel ini menjelaskan konsep penamaan dan pemaknaan marga masyarakat etnis Arab yang berupaya mengungkap proses pelambangan suatu marga yang mengacu kepada suatu referen dan konsep makna yang terefleksikan di dalamnya. Data penelitian ini dijaring dengan metode simak dan cakap. Adapun analisisnya memanfaatkan metode padan referensial dengan teknik dasar Pilah Unsur Penentu (PUP)dan teknik lanjutan Hubung Banding Menyamakan (HBS). Pada nama marga masyarakat etnis Arab tercermin corak budaya yang kuat dalam sistem kekerabatan sebagai identitas yang dilestarikan turun-temurun. Kata kunci: antropolinguistik, masyarakat etnis Arab, marga, identitas CLAN NAMES AS A CULTURAL IDENTITY OF THE ARAB COMMUNITY Abstract Cultural relativity and language have a continuous relationship. Marga is the result of hereditary cultural processes. A clan can store one’s hopes, prayers, ancestral ideals, events, and life history. This article explains the concept of naming and interpreting Arab ethnic community clans and attempts to reveal the process of symbolizing a clan that refers to a referent and semantic concept reflected in it. The data were collected through observations and interviews. The analysis used the referential correspondence method with the basic technique of the Immediate Constituent Analysis (ICA) the advanced technique of Equal Comparative Relation (ECR). In the Arabethnic community, a clan name reflects a strong cultural pattern in the kinship system as an identity that has been preserved from generation to generation. Keywords: anthropolinguistics, Arabethnic community, clan, identity

3 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
26 Jul 2018-Litera
TL;DR: In this paper, Wierzbicka and Coleman & Kay used a questionnaire to find out the semantic prototype formula of the staple food concept based on Indonesian people's perspectives, which revealed that Indonesian people still firmly believe that rice is an irreplaceable staple food.
Abstract: Semantic prototypes of staple foodsare different among community members in Indonesia These differences can be affected by,among others, geographical and socio-cultural factors Departing from these differences, this study aims to find out the semantic prototype formula of the staple food concept based on Indonesian people’s perspectives The study was carried out by distributing a questionnaire as a means of collecting data and the data were then quantitatively analyzed Referring to the theories of Wierzbicka and Coleman & Kay, the study reveals that Indonesian people still firmly believe that rice is an irreplaceable staple food The proposed semantic prototypesare proved to have patterns similar to the findings In addition, it turns out that cultural and natural factors also affect the way people interpret these staple foods Keywords: staple foods, semantic prototypes, Indonesian people PROTOTIPE SEMANTIK MAKANAN POKOK MASYARAKAT INDONESIA Abstrak Prototipe semantik makanan pokok memiliki perbedaan penafsiran di antara anggota masyarakat di Indonesia Perbedaan tersebut dapat dipengaruhi oleh antara lain faktor geografis dan sosial budaya Berangkat dari adanya perbedaan tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan formula prototipe semantik dari konsep makanan pokok berdasarkan cara pandang masyarakat Indonesia Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan menyebarkan angket sebagai alat pengumpulan data dan data kemudian dianalisis secara kuantitatif Dengan mengacu teori Wierzbicka dan Coleman dan Kay, penelitian ini mengungkap bahwa masyarakat Indonesia masih berpegang teguh bahwa nasi merupakan makanan pokok yang tidak tergantikan Prototipe semantik yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini terbukti memiliki pola yang hampir sama dengan hasil penelitian Disamping itu, ternyata faktor budaya dan alam sekitar turut mempengaruhi cara masyarakat menafsirkan bahan makanan pokok tersebut Kata kunci: makanan pokok, prototipe semantik, masyarakat Indonesia

3 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
18 Dec 2018-Litera
TL;DR: The authors examined narrative and visual strategies utilized by Rithy Panh in order to communicate the reality of the Cambodian Genocide as a witness, filmmaker and writer, and argued that Panh's consummate discourse stands as a visual-narrative construction, where the fragments of history are broken down to reconstruct the memory of the genocide through a combination of images and words.
Abstract: “The truth is poison,” goes a Khmer saying. Between 1975 and 1979, an estimated two million Cambodians were massacred following this “truth” that Khmers called “ideology.” To fully grasp the dynamics of this poisonous “truth,” Rithy Panh, a survivor of the Khmer Rouge genocide, focused on the legacy of the regime through the examination of its agents and atrocities. Cinema became the first medium that motivated Panh to revisit this most tragic chapter of Cambodian history. In his films, Panh personally encounters the persecutors and asks them to speak, without being a part of the discourse himself. Elimination (2011) emerges from this silence, the strategy of dissimulation in his cinema. In this work, Panh revisits his experience of encountering the persecutors, while expressing himself by presenting a complete picture of the genocide to the public. This article aims to examine narrative and visual strategies utilized by Panh in order to communicate the reality of the Cambodian Genocide as a witness, filmmaker and writer. I argue that Panh’s consummate discourse stands as a visual-narrative construction, where the fragments of history are broken down to reconstruct the memory of the genocide through a combination of images and words.

3 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
21 Mar 2018-Litera
TL;DR: In this article, the authors describe gender equity in Indonesian language textbooks for the senior high school (SHS) and analyze the attitudes, views, and images of male and female characters in the short stories in the textbooks.
Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan nilai kesetaraan gender dalam buku teks Bahasa Indonesia SMA. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain analisis isi untuk menganalisis sikap, pandangan, dan citra tokoh laki-laki dan perempuan dalam cerpen-cerpen yang dimuat di buku pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia SMA. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut. Pertama, tokoh laki-laki dalam cerpen pada umumnya memandang perempuan sebagai seseorang yang berhak mendapatkan kesempatan berkarier di luar rumah, teman dalam rumah tangga, teman berdiskusi, dan penentu keputusan. Kedua, peran perempuan yang paling menonjol adalah peran domestik. Sebagai pribadi, perempuan mempunyai keinginan mengaktual­ isasikan dirinya untuk mengembangkan potensi dirinya. Ketiga, aspek kesetaraan gender tampak pada sikap dan perilaku yang dikelompokkan menjadi tiga, yaitu saling memahami, saling menghargai, dan saling berbagi. Ketiga sikap dan perilaku tersebut merupakan wujud sinergitas dan kata kunci kesetaraan gender dalam hubungan bermasyarakat. Kesetaraan berarti bersinergi dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan. Kata kunci: buku teks, kesetaraan gender, peran domestik, tokoh GENDER EQUITY IN SHORT STORIES IN INDONESIAN LANGUAGE TEXTBOOKS FOR SHS Abstract This study aims to describe gender equity in Indonesian language textbooks for the senior high school (SHS). It used the content analysis design to analyze the attitudes, views, and images of male and female characters in the short stories in the textbooks. The findings are as follows. First, the male characters in the short stories generally see women as ones who deserve a career opportunity outside the home, friends in the household, friends in discussion, and decision makers. Second, women’s most prominent role is the domestic role. As individuals, women have desire to actualize themselves to develop their potential. Third, the aspect of gender equity appears in three types of attitudes and behaviors, namely mutual understanding, mutual respect, and sharing. These are the manifestations of synergy and keywords in gender equity in social relations. Equity means synergy in various areas of life. Keywords: textbooks, gender equity, domestic role, characters

Journal ArticleDOI
26 Jul 2018-Litera
TL;DR: The authors used diaries and interview transcripts from four teachers from Pidie Jaya and Sumba to reveal strategies of pre-service teachers of the SM3T program in the process of the negotiation of English language learning.
Abstract: Conditions and facilities of English language classes in the remote area encourage the negotiation of learning to solve problems. This narrative research aims to reveal strategies of pre-service teachers of the SM3T program in the process of the negotiation of English language learning. The study used diaries and interview transcripts from four teachers from Pidie Jaya and Sumba. The findings showthat teachers use interpersonal (IPS) and instructional (IS) strategies in the negotiation process. In Pidie Jaya, IPS strategies consist of the use of local languages and the help of local people. Meanwhile, IS strategies comprise learning groups and introduction to learning activities. In Sumba, teachers make language adjustment and establish rapport and informal communication as IPS strategies and they carry out buddy teaching and assign homework as IS strategies. This study contributes to the intercultural approach to designing English Language Education programs for remote areas. Keywords: EFL, remote areas, negotiation of learning STRATEGI GURU PRAJABATAN DALAM NEGOSIASI PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INGGRIS DI DAERAH TERPENCIL Abstrak Kondisi dan fasilitas kelas Bahasa Inggris di daerah terpencil mendorong adanya negosiasi pembelajaran untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Penelitian naratif ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan strategi-strategi guru prajabatan program SM3T dalam proses negosiasi pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Studi ini menggunakan diary dan transkrip wawancara milik empat guru dari Pidie Jaya dan Sumba. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru menggunakan strategi Interpersonal (IPS) dan Instruksional (IS) dalam proses negosiasi. Di Pidie Jaya, IPS terdiri dari penggunaan bahasa lokal dan bantuan orang lokal. Sedangkan IS terdiri dari grup belajar dan pengenalan aktivitas-aktivitas pembelajaran. Di Sumba, guru melakukan penyesuaian bahasa dan membangun keakraban dan komunikasi informal sebagai IPS dan melakukan pengajaran dengan teman dan memberikan tugas rumah sebagai IS. Studi ini berkontribusi pada pendekatan antarkultur dalam merancang program Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris untuk daerah terpencil. Kata kunci: EFL, daerah terpencil, negosiasi pembelajaran

Journal ArticleDOI
22 Jun 2018-Litera
TL;DR: The authors analyze the enunciative, discursive, and narrative processes the narrator uses to stage his semi-literary and at the same time argumentative speeches in The Disoriented (Les Desorientes).
Abstract: The ultimate goal of literary discourse is not necessarily for readers to simply accept what the story tells. Literary discourse tries to convey a message to the reader by telling a story. Ruth Amossy distinguishes among two types of argument discourses: argumentative dimension and argumentative aiming discourses. Using Amossy’s interpretation, this paper will attempt to answer the question: “Are there some literary discourses in general and novels in particular that have more argumentative goals than others?” In our attempt to answer this question, our present work will be based on Amin Maalouf’s novel The Disoriented (Les Desorientes). This novel tells the story of Adam, who returns to his native country after 25 years of exile. Adam is also the narrator of the novel. It is the story of a group of friends, inseparable 25 years ago, but nowadays scattered to the four corners of the world after the civil war in Lebanon. To answer the first cited question, we will first analyze the enunciative, discursive, and narrative processes the narrator uses to stage his semi literary and at the same time argumentative speeches; then we will discuss the question of ethos or author posture the author gives to the reader through his novel.

Journal ArticleDOI
15 Nov 2018-Litera
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors describe the use of endophora references in Laguna novel by Iwok Abqary and its implications for learning Indonesian language in high school, where teachers should be able to create learning scenarios that cause students to understand the use endofora references in paragraphs, so that ultimately students understand the content and the mandate contained in the novel.
Abstract: Abstrak Keterkaitan antarkalimat dan antarparagraf dalam sebuah tuturan merupakan syarat dalam pembentukan sebuah wacana karena dengan keterkaitan yang padu wacana menjadi utuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan penggunaan referensi endofora dalam novel Laguna karya Iwok Abqary. Data yang diambil yaitu satuan lingual berupa kalimat yang memiliki penanda referensi endofora yang bersifat anaforis dan kataforis. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini berupa sumber data tertulis berupa paragraf-paragraf yang terdapat pada novel. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data pada penelitian ini adalah simak. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode agih. Hasil penelitian sebanyak 401 pemarkah referensi endofora anaforis dan 71 buah referensi endofora kataforis. Sebagian besar pemarkah referensi endofora berupa pronomina persona. Hasil penelitian dapat diimplikasikan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Untuk itu, guru harus mampu membuat skenario pembelajaran yang menyebabkan siswa dapat memahami penggunaan referensi endofora dalam paragraf, sehingga pada akhirnya siswa memahami isi dan amanat yang terkandung dalam novel tersebut. Kata Kunci : Referensi endofora, novel, pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia ENDOPHORA REFERENCES IN LAGUNA NOVEL BY IWOK ABQARY AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR LEARNING INDONESIAN LANGUAGE AT HIGH SCHOOL. Abstract This study aims to describe the use of endophora references in Laguna novel by Iwok Abqary. The data taken is a lingual unit of sentences that has an endophora references marker that is anaphoric and cataphoric. The data were collected through written data in the form of paragraphs contained in the novel. The method used to collect data in this research is referred to reading. Data analysis in this study uses the cloze method. The result of the research is 401 references of anaphoric endophora references and 71 cataphoric endophora references. Most endophora references referrals are pronouns of persona. The results can be applied in learning Indonesian language in high school. For that, teachers should be able to create learning scenarios that cause students to understand the use of endofora references in paragraphs, so that ultimately students understand the content and the mandate contained in the novel. Keywords: Endophora references, novel, Indonesian language intruction

Journal ArticleDOI
21 Mar 2018-Litera
TL;DR: In this article, the authors describe the representation of Sasak aristocrats in Sasak-Lombok community text Angin Alus, using Peirce's semiotic perspective and Recouer's analysis method.
Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan representasi bangsawan Sasak dalam teks Angin Alus masyarakat Sasak-Lombok. Pembahasan teks ini menggunakan perspektif semiotik Peirce dengan metode analisis Recouer. Pembahasan terdiri atas analisis struktur teks dan dunia yang digelar teks dan analisis hubungan pertama dan kedua dengan dunia penafsir. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa teks Angin Alus menunjukkan representasi kabar kesedihan orang Sasak dan bangsawan karena kehidupan membawanya ke suatu ruang yang memberikan penderitaan, baik dalam konteks historis Sasak maupun dalam konteks kekinian dengan konteks sosial yang berbeda. Hal tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa masyarakat Sasak juga mengalami percampuran dengan pihak luar yang mempengaruhi caranya memandang kehidupan. Generari muda Sasak-Lombok harus memahami posisi sebagai buaq ate , kembang mate , generasi yang selalu berserah diri dan sebagai lomboq, dengan selalu mengembalikannya kepada yang satu ( Sa Sak ), yakni Tuhan. Perbedaan antara diri dan yang lain melebur menjadi Sasak-Lombok sekarang. Kata kunci: representasi, masyarakat Sasak, kabar kesedihan, bangsawan THE REPRESENTATION OF SASAK ARISTOCRATS IN SASAK COMMUNITY’S TEXT ANGIN ALUS Abstract This study aims to describe the representation of Sasak aristocrats in Sasak-Lombok community’s text Angin Alus . The discussion of the text used Peirce’s semiotic perspective and Recouer’s analysis method. It consisted of the analysis of the text structure and the world represented by the text and the analysis of the first and second relationships with the world of interpreters. The research finding reveals that the text Angin Alus shows the representation of the news of sadness of Sasak people and aristocrats because life brings them to a space that gives suffering, both in the historical context of Sasak and in the contemporary context with different social contexts. This indicates that Sasak community also experience mixing with outsiders that affect the way they view life. Sasak-Lombok young generation have to understand the positions as buaq ate and kembang mate , as a generation that always show submission and as lomboq by always returning it to the one ( Sa Sak ), namely God. The differences between the self and others merge into the present Sasak-Lombok. Keywords: representation, Sasak community, Angin Alus , news of sadness, aristocrats

Journal ArticleDOI
15 Nov 2018-Litera
TL;DR: In this article, the use of the four pillars of the nation and of the state as the socialization program of MPR RI was analyzed using semiotic analysis, and the results indicated that: first, the term “Four Pillars of the Nation and Of the State” is a unique and unusual pre-position of Indonesian society, Second, this term disrupted the sociological aspects of society, Third, the United State and Unity and Unity in Diversity, Fourth, the contrary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and Fifth, it especially the United States of the United
Abstract: Abstrak Penggunaan istilah “Empat Pilar Berbangsa dan Bernegara” sebagai program sosialisasi MPR RI telah menimbulkan perdebatan. Istilah yang digunakan sejak tahun 2009 ini memberi dampak pada aspek linguistik di antaranya aspek sosiolinguistik, semantik, pragmatik, dan semiotika bahasa. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan persoalan semiotik penggunaan istilah Empat Pilar Berbangsa dan Bernegara oleh MPR RI, yakni Pancasila, UUD 1945, NKRI, dan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa frasa Empat Pilar Berbangsa dan Bernegara. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan inventarisasi data, kategorisasi data, dan klarifikasi data. Metode untuk menganalisa penelitian ini memakai analisis semiotika. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut. Pertama, istilah “Empat Pilar Berbangsa dan Bernegara” merupakan preposisi unik dan tidak lazim dalam konteks sosiolinguistik masyarakat Indonesia. Kedua, istilah Empat Pilar Berbangsa dan Bernegara yang mengkategorikan Pancasila, UUD 1945, NKRI, dan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika merupakan bentuk kesalahan semantik dan pragmatik. Ketiga, secara aturan penulisan simbol dan tanda, istilah tersebut bertentangan dengan hakikat kedudukan dan fungsi dari Pancasila, UUD 1945, NKRI, dan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika karena dijadikan sebagai satu varian yang sama, yaitu pilar. Keempat, penggunaan istilah Empat Pilar Berbangsa dan Bernegara telah mengacaukan sistem tanda dan simbol, terutama pada makna semiotis Pancasila, UUD 1945, NKRI, dan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Kata Kunci: Bahasa, Empat Pilar, Semiotik, Simbol. PEIRCE SEMIOTIC ANALYSIS IN THE USE OF THE FOUR PILLAR OF LANGUAGE NATION AND STATE OF MPR RI Abstract The application of the term “Four Pillars of the Nation and of the State” as the socialization program of MPR RI evokes debates. This term, which has been used since 2009, gives a significant impact in many aspects of linguistics, especially in the aspect of sosiolinguistic, semantic, pragmatic, and semiotics of language. This research aims to describe and analyze the problem of semiotics in the use of the Four Pillars of the Nation and of the State by the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia. The “Four Pillars” referred to by the People's Consultative Assembly consist of Pancasila, 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and Unity in Diversity. The research data is from the phrase “Four Pillars of the Nation and of the State” which is collected by using the data inventory, data categorization, and data clarification. Method of analyzing the data in this research is using semiotic analysis. Result: The results of this study indicate that: first, the term “Four Pillars of the Nation and of the State” is a unique and unusual preposition in the sociolinguistics context of Indonesian society. Second, this term which categorizes Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and Unity in Diversity becomes a mistake of the language terminology. It is because they are on the contrary to the semantic and pragmatic aspects. Third, based on the rules of writing the symbols and the sign, the Four Pillars of the Nation and of the State does contradict the position and function Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republik of Indonesia, and Unity in Diversity originally have, as one exact same variant. Fourth, based on the semiotic aspects, the use of the Four Pillars of the Nation and of the State has disrupted the system of signs and symbols, especially the semiotic meaning of Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and Unity in Diversity. Keywords: language, four pillar s , semiotics, symbol.

Journal ArticleDOI
18 Dec 2018-Litera
TL;DR: This article analyzed the masculine features of the characters of 18th-century tragedies in England and investigated the reasons behind the dismissal and belittlement of love scenes and feminine qualities in those tragedies.
Abstract: During the 18th century, the development of gender and sexuality in the modern Western world was under tremendous impact of visual and literary culture. Considering this, by examining Addison’s Cato. A Tragedy. By Mr. Addison. Without the Love Scenes (1764) (Latin version) and Lillo’s The London Merchant (1731), this article analyzes the masculine features of the characters of 18th-century tragedies in England and investigates the reasons behind the dismissal and belittlement of love scenes and feminine qualities in those tragedies. In comedies, women and their qualities were openly ridiculed, while in tragedies, masculine values and patriarchal rules were overtly protected. Depicting societal norms and ideals, Cato and The London Merchant portray the evolving notions of masculinity. Despite increasing female influence in political and social culture, love, often associated with feminine qualities, was belittled in domestic and public domains. In doing so, playwrights either entirely ignored the idea of using female characters in their plays, thus creating contextual errors of portraying husbands without wives or sons without mothers, or depicted women as the sources of passion that could potentially destroy society, men in particular. Therefore, the concept of love was neglected, undervalued, or dismissed, with playwrights rather offering patriotic or capitalist virtues to substitute the idea of love so that their plays would be deemed as appropriate for public appreciation. They also did not include any signs of sentiment, which was considered the reason behind a considerable decline in tragedies.

Journal ArticleDOI
15 Nov 2018-Litera
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors analyzed the story of the golden touch of the king of Midas which had been retold in Avengers: the Infinity War and concluded that teaching and learning in elementary school environments teaches humanity-based learning based on justice which is in accordance with the basic humanitarian principle.
Abstract: PERILAKU PROSOSIAL KARAKTER THANOS DALAM FILM AVENGERS INFINITY WARS Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan kisah sentuhan emas raja Midas yang diceritakan kembali dalam film “Avengers: the Infinity War”. Kisah raja Midas berhubungan dengan kekosongan setelah banyak yang tak tertandingi. Sember data primer adalah tampilan visual dan scenario film “Avengers: the Infinity War”, sedangkan data sekunder adalah diskusi kritis yang membahas film tersebut dalam kanal Youtube dan Netflix. Analisis data menggunakan pendekatan wacana kritis. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut. Pertama, nilai-nilai moral yang dikemas melalui pesan bahwa sesuatu dapat lebih berharga daripada kekuasaan. Jika dalam versi lama, yang penting adalah ketersediaan makanan dan minuman, raja tidak bisa makan dan minum karena setiap menyentuh semuanya dengan emas, termasuk makanan. Pesan terbaru yang ditampilkan melalui “Avengers: Infinity War” adalah kekuatan luar biasa tanpa saingan. Kedua, yang didapatkan bukan kekuatan tanpa pertandingan, tetapi rasa kebingungan karena telah dijauhi oleh seluruh komunitas. Kondisi digambarkan pada adegan terakhir saat kehilangan enam batu penyihir yang memiliki kekuatan. Ketiga, memegang posisi dalam komunitas berarti menjunjung tinggi nilai kemanusiaan. Temuan tersebut berimplikasi pada pentingnya kegiatan pembelajaran di sekolah, khususnya sekolah dasar, melaksanakan pembelajaran berbasis nilai-nilai kemanusiaan sesuia dengan perkembangan peserta didik. Kata kunci: sentuhan emas, king midas, avengers, perilaku prososial Abstract The objective of this study is analyzing the story of the golden touch of the king of Midas which had been retold in Avengers: the Infinity War. The method is analyzing topics of the long story of events and times. Briefly, the story of the king of Midas relates to the emptiness after being much unchallenged. The results are (1) the moral values are packed in a message that something more valuable than power. If in the old version, the important thing is the availability of food and drink, the king cannot eat and drink because every touched it all to gold including the Food. The recent version, which is mechanized in the Avengers: Infinity War this time that is lifted is an incredible power without rivals. (2) Instead of getting everything, power without a match,a sense of confusion because in the final scene just lose the six sorceress stones that have of powers since it has been shunned by the whole community. (3) It holds a meaningful community position on humanitarian improvement. The main conclusions are, (1) The teaching and learning in elementary school environments teaches humanity-based learning based on justice which is in accordance with the basic humanitarian principle which emphasizes on learning that adjusts to the development of learners' position. (2) The underlying thing on the background of self-reliance and humanity is fair and dignified. This is the starting point of the universal message to own pro-social personality, by patriotic movie. Keywords: gold touch, king midas, avengers, pro-social behavior

Journal ArticleDOI
18 Dec 2018-Litera
TL;DR: For instance, Nausicaa pare essere stata la piu usata, perche piu rispondente al modello fascista della donna nuova desiderata dal Fascismo: giovane, dotata di un corpo sano, pronta al suo destino “naturale” di madre as mentioned in this paper.
Abstract: Lo sport femminile era causa di attriti, nell’Italia fascista degli anni Trenta. Da una parte, esso veniva promosso dal regime, perche ragazze piu sane sarebbero diventate un giorno madri piu sane, in grado quindi di dar vita ai futuri soldati del Duce. Tuttavia una parte consistente della societa italiana (capeggiata dai cattolici conservatori) si opponeva a tali pratiche, come ad es. le gare pubbliche femminili di atletica leggera e di nuoto. Alla fine del 1933 scoppio una grave polemica sull’abbigliamento sportivo femminile - giudicato “immorale” - fra il giornale sportivo Il Littoriale (portavoce della politica sportiva del regime) e L’Osservatore Romano (quotidiano del Vaticano). Un aspetto interessante di tale polemica e l’uso di figure femminili sia storiche sia mitiche tratte dalla Classicita, quali Clelia, le Amazzoni, Atalanta e Nausicaa, sfruttate sia dai fascisti sia dei conservatori come archetipi della donna sportiva. Fra di esse, Nausicaa pare essere stata la piu usata, perche piu rispondente al modello fascista della donna nuova desiderata dal Fascismo: giovane, dotata di un corpo sano, pronta al suo destino “naturale” di madre. Il corpus testuale usato per l’analisi proposta e composto da articoli di giornale (quotidiani e riviste) e da un romanzo sportivo, con lo scopo di valutare la diffusione di questi archetipi nei mass media dell’epoca: se voleva imporre una nuova immagine della donna sportiva, il regime doveva infatti trovare qualche immagine femminile popolare, la cui comprensione risultasse facile per tutti.