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Lagrangian two-phase flow modeling of scour in front of vertical breakwater

In this paper, a Lagrangian particle-based two-phase flow model is developed to simulate the scouring process induced by standing wave in front of the trunk section of a vertical breakwater.
A Lagrangian particle-based two-phase flow model is developed to simulate the scouring process induced by standing wave in front of the trunk section of a vertical breakwater. Given the two-dimensi...

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Lagrangian Two-Phase Flow Modeling of Scour in Front of Vertical Breakwater
Abbas Yeganeh-Bakhtiary
Hamid Houshangi
and Soroush Abolfathi
School of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology (IUST), Narmak,
Tehran 16844, Iran,
Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, University of Kurdistan Hewler (UKH),
Erbil 44001, Iraq,
Bonyan Institute of Higher Education, Shahinshahr, Isfahan, Iran,
School of Engineering, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, United Kingdom,

A Lagrangian particle-based two-phase flow model is developed to simulate the scouring process
induced by standing wave in front of the trunk section of a vertical breakwater. Given the two-
dimensional nature of the scouring problem at the trunk of vertical wall, the fluid phase is
simulated with two-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations based on Weakly Compressible
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (WCSPH) formulation in conjunction with Sub-Particle Scale
(SPS) turbulence closure model. The sediment phase is simulated using the Discrete Element
Method (DEM). The effects of interparticle and particle-wall collisions are computed by
activating a spring-dashpot system. The WCSPH fluid-phase and DEM sediment-phase are
coupled through a weakly one-way coupling procedure using wave orbital velocity. The
numerical model is successfully validated against experimental data. The maximum scour depth
predicted by WCSPH-DEM model is closely approximate the experimental data. This study, for
the first time, demonstrated an extra recirculating sediment transport mechanism in front of the
vertical breakwater, similar to steady streaming recirculating cells in the fluid phase, which has a
direct impact on the formation of scour hole and maximum scour depth at the breakwater trunk.
The scenario modelling conducted in this study show that by increasing the steady streaming
velocity, the deposition rate and the depth of scour hole were increased.
Keywords: Lagrangian Two-phase flow model, particle-based methods, WCSPH, DEM,
scouring, vertical breakwater.

1 Introduction
The significance of scouring in structural stability and functionality of coastal structures,
specifically vertical breakwaters, have led into many experimental [de Best & Bijker, 1971; Xie,
1981; Irie & Nadaoka, 1984; Hughes & Flower, 1991; Sumer & Fredsøe, 2002] and numerical
[Chen, 2007; Gislason et al., 2009 a, b; Yeganeh-Bakhtiary et al., 2010 & 2017; Tahersima et al.,
2011; Hajivalie et al., 2012; Tofani et al., 2014; Dong et al., 2018] investigations to understand
the underlying hydrodynamic deriving mechanisms and scouring pattern. When the incident
wave terrain reaches the vertical breakwater in shore-normal angle of approach, the scour in
front of the trunk section of vertical wall-type breakwater is a two-dimensional process [Sumer
& Fredsøe, 2002]. The interactions between incident waves attacking the structure and reflected
waves from vertical breakwater produce a series of standing waves in front of breakwater’s trunk
section [Lillycrop & Hughes, 1993; Oumeraci, 1994 a & b; Sumer & Fredsøe, 2002]. The key
underlying hydrodynamic mechanism of scouring is the steady streaming field, including bottom
and top recirculating fluid cells at trunk section of vertical breakwater. The sediment particles
behavior is profoundly affected by recirculating fluid cells; in which the fine and coarse
sediments are picked up and transported by the top and bottom recirculating cells, respectively
(Figure 1).
The majority of existing numerical studies, on scouring in front of vertical breakwater, are
based on single-phase process-based models discretized in Eulerian formation. Simulating
scouring processes with Eulerian methods is not a straightforward task, due to the challenges
associated with trace of the fluid-sediment interphase momentum exchange, during the
simulation. Furthermore, the process-based models are not capable of robust calculation of

distinctive aspect of sediment transport including, complicated fluid-sediment and particle-wall
interactions, interparticle collisions and the momentum exchanges between the sediment and
Lagrangian particle-based flow models are robust numerical techniques, suitable for fluid
sediment interphase simulations, and capable of precise interphase computation during each time
step [e.g., Potapov et al., 2001; Shao & Lo 2003; Gotoh et al., 2009; Fernandez et al., 2011;
Huang & Nydal, 2012; Zanganeh et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2016; Gotoh & Khayyer, 2018;
Harada et al., 2018 & 2019]. The Lagrangian modelling approaches compute particle movement
for each phase based on their specific physical characteristics and therefore do not require
interphase [Gotoh & Sakai, 1999; Gotoh et al., 2005; Kayyer & Gotoh, 2008; Ataie-Ashtiani &
Mansour-Rezaei, 2009; Zhang et al., 2009; Zheng et al., 2017; Abolfathi et al., 2018; He et al.,
2018; Khayyer et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2019].
This study develops a new Lagrange–Lagrange two-phase flow model to simulate scouring
process, and describes the pertinent hydrodynamics and sediment transport processes in front of
a vertical breakwater under the influence of standing wave conditions. The fluid phase is
simulated by the solution of two-dimensional NavierStokes (N-S) equations based on WCSPH
method in conjunction with the SPS turbulence closure model. The sediment phase is simulated
using DEM model to determine the effects of interparticle and particle-wall collisions with
activating a spring-dashpot system. The WCSPH and DEM models were coupled using the wave
orbital velocity through a weakly one-way coupling procedure. The sediment transport process,
scour deposition pattern, and the momentum exchanges between fluid-sediment interphase are

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Frequently Asked Questions (18)
Q1. What is the recirculating mode of sediment particles in the sediment phase?

The exchange and transfer of momentum between the upper layer of sediments and fluid particles, phase-lag in sediment layers and fluid particle movements, interparticle collisions as well as the existence of shear stress between the particles are responsible for the recirculating mode observed in the sediment phase. 

In this paper, a Lagrangian particle-based flow model was developed to simulate scouring in front of a vertical breakwater. 

for the large bed shear stress, sheet flow is the dominant mode of sediment transport for non-cohesive sediment grains [Fredsøe, 1993]. 

The energetic behavior of sediment in suspended layer occur due to the strong interaction between sediment particles and the top recirculating fluid cells. 

The key underlying hydrodynamic mechanism of scouring is the steady streaming field, including bottom and top recirculating fluid cells at trunk section of vertical breakwater. 

The sediment particles in the deposited layer were mainly influenced by the vertical momentum transferring from the upper layers and moved with very low velocity. 

𝐿⁄ = 0.175 the scour depth (𝑍𝑠 𝐻⁄ ) reached the equilibrium condition at 𝐷 𝑇⁄ = 50, while for other test cases, more simulation time was required in order to reach the equilibrium state. 

it is apparently found that increasing the steady streaming velocity near thebed, accelerates the deposition rate and increases the depth of scour hole. 

The height range, between 7𝑑𝑝 to 11𝑑𝑝, relates to the hyper-concentrated layer; 11𝑑𝑝 to 13𝑑𝑝 is within the saltation layer, and values higher than 13𝑑𝑝 depicts the suspended particle layer. 

The sediment transport process, scour – deposition pattern, and the momentum exchanges between fluid-sediment interphase aresystematically analyzed to understand the sediment transport dynamics and the impact of standing wave hydrodynamics on scouring patterns in front of vertical breakwaters. 

It is evident that the numerical scour pattern fitted very well with the experimental result for the test Nos. 1-2, with ℎ/𝐿 = 0.150. 

When the incident wave terrain reaches the vertical breakwater in shore-normal angle of approach, the scour in front of the trunk section of vertical wall-type breakwater is a two-dimensional process [Sumer & Fredsøe, 2002]. 

This study, for the first time, demonstrated an extra recirculating sediment transport mechanism in front of the vertical breakwater, similar to steady streaming recirculating cells in the fluid phase, which has a direct impact on the formation of scour hole and maximum scour depth at the breakwater trunk. 

The results indicated that the interphase momentum was transferred significantly from the fluid phase to the sediment phase at nearly 𝐷 = 𝑇 2⁄ . 

This layer of sediment was not influenced by fluid flow directly; however, the vertical momentum transfers from particle motions in the upper layers affected the movement of deposited layer. 

The numerical results confirm that the proposed model in this study is robust and effective tool to simulate the scouring process in front of the vertical coastal defenses. 

Within the saltation layer, the saltating particles jump over the lower layer and the aggregation resulted from the moving sediment particles is low; however, particle’s kinetic energy is higher compared to the hyper-concentrated layer. 

The scenario modelling conducted in this study show that by increasing the steady streaming velocity, the deposition rate and the depth of scour hole were increased.