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Experimental results show that such a class of amplifiers that use only one transistor provides a higher transmission gain and a smaller noise figure than a conventional single-stage amplifier, making it interesting to operate at millimeter-wave frequencies.
Contrary to the existing amplifier design methodologies, in this method, the transistor capability of power amplification is fully utilized.
This has facilitated a wider range of resistances in the measurement circuit around the transistor than is possible when using a voltage amplifier for the same kind of measurements.
Thus the advantages of switched-transistor operation are incorporated in a linear amplifier.
Journal ArticleDOI
John M. Shannon, Ed Gerstner 
86 Citations
The authors introduce a source-gated transistor that overcomes some of the fundamental limitations of the field-effect transistor.
Thus, the TBJ can also be used as a transistor.
This provides an important clue towards the realization of a quantum optical transistor.
Journal ArticleDOI
Sarang Medhekar, Ram Krishna Sarkar 
15 Apr 2005-Optics Letters
31 Citations
We show the possibility of developing an all-optical passive transistor in a simple and novel way.

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How to get reference?
5 answers
To obtain a reference signal, various methods can be employed based on the specific application. One approach involves generating a first sequence using position offset information to demodulate control channel signals for downlink control information. Another method includes utilizing a reference signal generator circuit with temperature-compensated voltage references and bias current sources to adjust current densities in transistors for stable output signals. Additionally, a technique for generating a reference signal entails creating digital signals from CTAT and PTAT voltages to control device conductivity and drive current through specific components. Moreover, a method for operating User Equipment involves transmitting or receiving a reference signal derived from a base sequence concatenated multiple times to form the final sequence for communication purposes.
Why is word food day a good thing to do for inclusion?
5 answers
Word of the day (WOD) is beneficial for inclusion as it helps students regulate attention, learn new vocabulary, and improve academic performance. Additionally, initiatives like the one connecting food gatherers with wasted food promote inclusiveness and community building by creating a shared practice of food saving among participants with different motivations. Furthermore, the concept of food justice emphasizes moving beyond mere inclusion to address systemic inequities related to capitalism, patriarchy, white supremacy, and colonialism, particularly in the context of ongoing colonial processes in Canada. By engaging in practices like WOD and food-saving initiatives, individuals can foster a sense of community, shared values, and consciousness around food and waste, contributing to a more inclusive society.
What is the contribution of Stephen brookfield to the field of adult education?
5 answers
Stephen Brookfield has made significant contributions to the field of adult education by emphasizing the roles of adult education in social justice, political change, and community development. His work focuses on critical reflection, critical pedagogy, and the importance of power dynamics in education. Brookfield's scholarship is influenced by Marxism and his experiences working with marginalized groups, shaping his views on education related to social responsibility and policy-making. Over the years, his work has evolved to include perspectives on self-directed learning, power dynamics, critical theory, and race relations, showcasing a diverse range of insights into teaching and learning methods. Through his extensive writing and teaching career across various countries, Brookfield has aimed to help adults critically analyze dominant ideologies and promote liberation through education.
Why is business and politics clearly separated in the bureaucratic model?
5 answers
In the bureaucratic model, the separation between business and politics is crucial due to the fundamental tensions that arise from delegating policymaking and implementation functions from politicians to bureaucrats. This model emphasizes the distinct roles of politicians and bureaucrats, highlighting the separation of political and administrative careers and the unique contributions each group makes to the policy-making process. Additionally, understanding the relationship between politics and bureaucracy is essential as bureaucracy is considered a part of organizational politics, influencing power dynamics within administrative units. The bureaucratic model underscores the need to maintain a clear boundary between business and politics to ensure accountability, effective decision-making, and to prevent conflicts of interest between permanent career bureaucrats and temporary executive politicians.
What is an example of an ethical consideration that researchers should consider when doing educational research?
5 answers
One crucial ethical consideration for researchers conducting educational research is the need to address power imbalances inherent in relationships with participants and stakeholders, emphasizing the importance of democratic and situated research approaches. Additionally, researchers must ensure that their work promotes responsible conduct by integrating ethics into research practices and approval procedures, especially when collaborating across multiple institutions. Moreover, ethical considerations are linked to academic achievement, as higher academic performance is associated with increased ethical considerations in doctoral research, potentially leading to enhanced research outcomes. Overall, maintaining trust, dignity, privacy, confidentiality, and anonymity of research participants is paramount in educational research to align with contemporary ethical standards.
What is verbal bullying?
5 answers
Verbal bullying is a form of aggressive behavior characterized by negative, repetitive, and intentional speech acts aimed at dominating, hurting, or intimidating others. It involves insults, mocking, ridiculing, and impolite language to assert power and control over the victim. This behavior can lead to decreased self-confidence, socialization issues, and academic performance in students. Factors contributing to verbal bullying include economic status, seniority traditions, school dynamics, and individual/group characteristics. The impact of verbal bullying extends to psychological and emotional consequences, such as depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Understanding and addressing verbal bullying are crucial to creating safe and supportive environments for individuals, particularly adolescents, who are often vulnerable to its harmful effects.
Does tidal energy production confuse aquatic wildlife navigation?
5 answers
Tidal energy production can indeed impact aquatic wildlife navigation. Studies have shown that marine mammals, such as harbour seals and silver eels, exhibit altered behavior near tidal energy devices, potentially affecting their migration patterns. The presence of tidal turbines can lead to changes in animal behavior, with seals showing local avoidance and reduced transit rates when the turbines are operational. Additionally, the noise and tidal disturbances generated by tidal power plants, like the one in the Rance estuary, can disrupt downstream migration of silver eels, causing a significant proportion to halt their journey upstream. These findings highlight the importance of considering the impact of tidal energy production on aquatic wildlife navigation to mitigate potential disruptions in their natural movements.
For alfred adler development of personality is from social?
5 answers
Alfred Adler's theory of personality development emphasizes the social aspect. He believed that individuals are influenced by social conditions, the community, and their interactions with others. Adler's concept of "social interest" highlights the importance of individuals striving for a sense of belonging and contributing to the welfare of society. Additionally, Adler's emphasis on the significance of social tasks such as work, friendship, and love in shaping one's personality underscores the social nature of personality development. Overall, Adler viewed personality development as intricately linked to social relationships, societal influences, and the individual's engagement with the community, highlighting the social dimension in the formation of one's personality.
What is feeder in electrical engineering?
4 answers
In electrical engineering, a feeder refers to a crucial component used in various electronic component devices for tasks such as loading, conveying, positioning, and screening components. Feeders can include mechanisms like sprockets for engaging supply tapes, cutting bodies for severing component tapes, and devices for positioning electronic components accurately. They play a vital role in ensuring the smooth operation of automatic placement machines and other electronic systems by facilitating the efficient supply and handling of components. Additionally, feeders can incorporate features like overcurrent protection to safeguard against electrical issues and mechanisms for automatic replacement of different types of components, enhancing the overall functionality and convenience of the feeder system.
What are some strategies for promoting power and agency for marginalized groups in society?
4 answers
Strategies for promoting power and agency for marginalized groups in society include participatory action research methods, direct involvement in community programs, and education to empower individuals. Additionally, the concept of "subverted agency" highlights the complexities of using digital technologies for empowerment, emphasizing the need to consider contextual intersections of marginalization. Furthermore, marginalized individuals can appropriate voice through poetry to resist hegemonic discourses, showcasing how voice reclamation and performative subjectivity can articulate issues of the marginalized as a form of resistance. Lastly, individuals from societally marginalized groups can negotiate negative social representations through positioning strategies like resistance and partial acceptance, enabling them to reject, challenge, or accept dominating social representations while maintaining a positive identity.
How theories of complexity in organizations define the concept of power?
5 answers
Theories of complexity in organizations define the concept of power as a multifaceted phenomenon that influences relationships and structures within organizational settings. Power is seen as the ability to make things happen according to one's perspective by influencing others, whether through legitimate authority, interpersonal relationships, specialized knowledge, or control over resources. Various theoretical perspectives have emerged over centuries, highlighting different aspects of power in organizational politics. Scholars emphasize the importance of understanding power dynamics for improving individual behavior and enhancing business administration practices, contrasting instrumental and hierarchical views with more comprehensive approaches like Foucault's, which challenge traditional organizational boundaries and positivistic thinking. Additionally, the study of power remains crucial for understanding employment relations within contemporary capitalist contexts, with emerging theoretical approaches like Foucault's theory of governmentality offering new insights into work, power, and organizations.