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What are the challenges in achieving high electro-optic modulation in perovskite materials? 

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The challenges in achieving high electro-optic modulation in perovskite materials include the difficulty of integrating inorganic crystals like LiNbO3 and BaTiO3 with silicon photonic technology . Solution-processed organic EO materials are readily integrated but suffer from thermal degradation at operating temperatures . Additionally, organic perovskites require large molecules for high polarizability, which increases the size of the perovskite cavity . Conventional inorganic EO materials are challenging to integrate on-chip, while organic nonlinear molecules have low EO coefficients due to thermodynamic disordering . Furthermore, achieving optical gain in 2D layered perovskites is challenging due to dominant free exciton trapping and bound biexciton formation pathways . These challenges highlight the need for perovskite materials that can be solution-processed, provide high-crystalline quality, and exhibit noncentrosymmetric crystal structures for high electro-optic modulation .

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The paper does not mention any challenges in achieving high electro-optic modulation in perovskite materials.
The challenges in achieving high electro-optic modulation in perovskite materials include difficulty in integrating inorganic crystals with silicon photonic technology and thermal degradation of solution-processed organic materials.
The paper does not mention any challenges in achieving high electro-optic modulation in perovskite materials.

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