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Color-Decoupled Photo Response Non-Uniformity for Digital Image Forensics

A couple-decoupled PRNU (CD-PRNU) extraction method is proposed, which first decomposes each color channel into four sub-images and then extracts the PRnU noise from each sub-image, to prevent the interpolation noise from propagating into the physical components, thus improving the accuracy of device identification and image content integrity verification.
The last few years have seen the use of photo response non-uniformity noise (PRNU), a unique fingerprint of imaging sensors, in various digital forensic applications such as source device identification, content integrity verification, and authentication. However, the use of a color filter array for capturing only one of the three color components per pixel introduces color interpolation noise, while the existing methods for extracting PRNU provide no effective means for addressing this issue. Because the artificial colors obtained through the color interpolation process are not directly acquired from the scene by physical hardware, we expect that the PRNU extracted from the physical components, which are free from interpolation noise, should be more reliable than that from the artificial channels, which carry interpolation noise. Based on this assumption we propose a couple-decoupled PRNU (CD-PRNU) extraction method, which first decomposes each color channel into four sub-images and then extracts the PRNU noise from each sub-image. The PRNU noise patterns of the sub-images are then assembled to get the CD-PRNU. This new method can prevent the interpolation noise from propagating into the physical components, thus improving the accuracy of device identification and image content integrity verification.

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Li, C-T. (2012). Color-Decoupled Photo Response Non-Uniformity for Digital Image
Forensics. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 22(2), pp.
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DOI: 10.1109/TCSVT.2011.2160750
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Abstract The last few years have seen the use of photo
response non-uniformity noise (PRNU), a unique fingerprint of
imaging sensors, in various digital forensic applications such as
source device identification, content integrity verification and
authentication. However, the use of a colour filter array for
capturing only one of the three colour components per pixel
introduces colour interpolation noise, while the existing methods
for extracting PRNU provide no effective means for addressing
this issue. Because the artificial colours obtained through the
colour interpolation process is not directly acquired from the
scene by physical hardware, we expect that the PRNU extracted
from the physical components, which are free from interpolation
noise, should be more reliable than that from the artificial
channels, which carry interpolation noise. Based on this
assumption we propose a Couple-Decoupled PRNU (CD-PRNU)
extraction method, which first decomposes each colour channel
into 4 sub-images and then extracts the PRNU noise from each
sub-image. The PRNU noise patterns of the sub-images are then
assembled to get the CD-PRNU. This new method can prevent the
interpolation noise from propagating into the physical
components, thus improving the accuracy of device identification
and image content integrity verification.
Index Terms Image forensics, colour filter array, photo
response non-uniformity noise, demosaicing, image
authentication, source device identification
S digital multimedia processing hardware and software
become more affordable and their functionalities become
more versatile, their use in our everyday life becomes
ubiquitous. However, while most of us enjoy the benefits these
technologies have to offer, the very same set of technologies
can also be exploited to manipulate contents for malicious
purposes. Consequently, the credibility of digital multimedia
when used as evidence in legal and security domains will be
constantly challenged and has to be scientifically proved. After
over 15 years of intensive research, digital watermarking [1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7] has been accepted as an effective way of verifying
content integrity in a wide variety of applications and will
continue to play an important role in multimedia protection and
security. However, because of the need of proactive
embedding of extra information in the host media, digital
Copyright (c) 2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However,
permission to use this material for any other purposes must be obtained from
the IEEE by sending an email to
watermarking is only applicable when such a data embedding
mechanism is available and the application standards/protocols
are followed. Given this limitation it is of no doubt that
unwatermarked multimedia will keep on being produced.
Moreover, there has been an enormous number of existing
unwatermarked media in circulation and it is in no way that
digital watermarking can be of help in carrying out digital
investigation when these pieces of unwatermarked multimedia
are the objects in question. In the light of these issues, the
recent years have seen an increasing number of publications on
digital forensics [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13], which rely on extracting
device signature left in the images/videos by acquisition devices
[14, 15, 16, 17] to verify the credibility and identify the source
of digital images/videos. A device signature may take the form
of sensor pattern noise (SPN) [11, 14, 18, 19, 20], camera
response function [21], re-sampling artefacts [22], colour filter
array (CFA) interpolation artefacts [12, 16], JPEG
compression [13, 23], lens aberration [24, 25], sensor dust [8],
etc. Other device and image attributes such as binary similarity
measures, image quality measures and higher order wavelet
statistics have also been exploited to identify and classify
source devices [17, 26, 27].
A. Photo Response Non-Uniformity (PRNU)
Among so many types of intrinsic device signatures, sensor
pattern noise [11, 14, 19, 20, 28] have drawn much attention
due to its feasibility in identifying not only device models of the
same make, but also individual devices of the same model [9,
11, 14]. Sensor pattern noise is mainly caused by imperfections
during the manufacturing process of semiconductor wafers and
slight variations in which individual sensor pixels convert light
to electrical signal [29]. It is this uniqueness of manufacturing
imperfections and non-uniformity of photo-electronic
conversion that makes sensor pattern noise capable of
identifying imaging sources to the accuracy of individual
devices. The reader is referred to [29] for more details in
relation to sensor pattern noise.
The dominating component of sensor pattern noise is photo
response non-uniformity (PRNU) [14, 29]. However, the
PRNU can be contaminated by various types of noise
introduced at different stages of the image acquisition process.
Figure 1 demonstrates the image acquisition process [30]. A
colour photo is represented in three colour components (i.e., R,
G, and B). For most digital cameras, during the image
acquisition process, the lenses let through the rays of the three
colour components of the scene, but for every pixel only the
Colour-Decoupled Photo Response Non-
Uniformity for Digital Image Forensics
Chang-Tsun Li, Member, IEEE and Yue Li

rays of one colour component is passed through the CFA and
subsequently converted into electronic signals by the sensor.
This colour filtering is determined by the CFA. After the
conversion, a colour interpolation function generates the
electronic signals of the other two colour components for
every pixel according to the colour intensities of the
neighbouring pixels. This colour interpolation process is
commonly known as demosaicking [31, 32, 33]. The signals
then undergo additional signal processing such as white
balance, gamma correction and image enhancement. Finally,
these signals are stored in the camera’s memory in a
customised format, primarily the JPEG format.
In acquiring an image, the signal will inevitably be distorted
when passing through each process and these distortions result
in slight differences between the scene and the camera-
captured image [14]. As formulated in [11], a camera output
model can be expressed as
where I is the output image, and
is the input signal of the
scene, g is the colour channel gain,
(= 0.455) is the gamma
correction factor, K is the zero-mean multiplicative factor
responsible for the PRNU, and
stand for dark
current, shot noise, read-out noise and quantisation (lossy
compression) noise, respectively. In Eq. (1),
random noise and
is the fixed pattern noise (FPN) that is
associated with every camera and can be removed by
subtracting a dark frame from the image taken by the same
camera [34]. Since
is the dominating term in Eq. (1), after
applying Taylor expansion to Eq. (1) and keeping the first two
terms of the expansion,
is the denoised image and
is the ensemble of the
noises, including
. The PRNU pattern noise
can then be formulated as
is the noise residual obtained by applying a denoising filter on
image I. Although various denoising filters can be used, the
wavelet-based denoising process (i.e., the discrete wavelet
transform followed by a Wiener filtering operation), as
described in Appendix A of [14], has been reported as effective
in producing good results.
B. Use of PRNU in Device Identification
The basic idea of using the PRNU noise pattern in device
identification can be described as follows.
1) First, for each imaging device d, the noise residual
patterns are extracted using Eq. (5) from a number of
low-contrast images taken by device d and then the
PRNU is estimated using the ML estimation procedure
adopted by Chen et. al. [11], i.e.,
, (5)
where S is the number of images involved in the
is the gamma correction factor
is the s-th image taken by device d and
is the noise residual extracted from
. Note the
multiplication operation in Eq. (5) is element-wise.
2) Secondly, the noise residual W
of image I under
investigation is extracted using Eq. (5) and compared
against the reference PRNU K
of each device d available
to the investigator in the hope that it will match one of
the reference fingerprints, thus identifying the source
device that has taken the image under investigation [14].
The normalised cross-correlation
is used to compare the noise W
against the reference
fingerprint K
, where
is the mean function. Note in Eq.
(6), instead of using K
, we used
as suggested in
[11]. Again the multiplication operation in Eq. (6) is
Given the PRNU-based approaches potential in resolving
device identification problem to the accuracy at individual
device level, it is important that the PRNU extracted is as close
to the genuine pattern noise due to the sensor as possible. Since
for most cameras, only one of the three colours of each pixel is
physically captured by the sensor while the other two are
artificially interpolated by the demosaicking process, this
inevitably introduce noise with power stronger than that of the
genuine PRNU. We can see from Eq. (2), (3) and (4) that the
accuracy of both PRNU K and noise residual W depends on the
denoising operation applied to I in obtaining
. However, as
mentioned earlier that the most common method [11, 14, 15,
18] of obtaining
is to apply the discrete wavelet transform
followed by a Wiener filtering operation directly to the entire
image I without differentiating physical components from
artificial components and, as a result, allowing the interpolation
noise in the artificial components to contaminate the real
PRNU in the physical components. Addressing this
shortcoming is the motivation of this work. In this work, we
will look at the impact of demosaicking on PRNU fidelity in
Section II and propose an improved formula for extracting
PRNU in Section III. In Section IV, we present some
experiments on device identification and image content
integrity verification to validate the proposed PRNU extraction

formula. Section V concludes this work. Because the PRNU is
formulated in Eq. (3) and (5) as a function of the noise residual
W (i.e., Eq. (4)), in the rest of the work we will use the two
terms, PRNU and noise residual, interchangeably whenever
there is no need to differentiate them.
In this work, we call the colour components physically
captured by the sensor as physical colours and the ones
artificially interpolated by the demosaicking function as
artificial colours. Due to the fact that demosaicking is a key
deterministic process that affects the quality of colour images
taken by many digital devices, demosaicking has been
rigorously investigated [31, 32, 33, 35, 36]. Most
demosaicking approaches group the missing colours before
applying an interpolation function. The grouping process is
usually content-dependent, e.g., edge-adaptive or non-
adaptive, hence the accuracy of colour interpolation result is
also content-dependent [37]. For example, in a homogeneous
area, because of the low variation of the colour intensities of
neighbouring pixels, the interpolation function can more
accurately generate artificial components [30]. Conversely, in
inhomogeneous areas, the colour variation between
neighbouring pixels is greater, thus the interpolation noise is
also more significant.
This indicates that the PRNU in physical colour components
is more reliable than that in the artificial components.
However, the existing method for extracting PRNU as
formulated in Eq. (4) and (5) based on the definition of the
output image model in Eq. (1) does not take this into account
[11]. To extract the PRNU using Eq. (4) and (5), the discrete
wavelet transform followed by a Wiener filtering operation is
applied. The main problem inherent to Eq. (4) is that it involves
the whole image plane, which contains both artificial and
physical components, in one noise residual extraction process.
However, each coefficient of the wavelet transform used in the
noise residual extraction process involves multiple pixels and
thus both artificial and physical components. As a result the
interpolation noise gets diffused from the artificial components
into the physical ones. For example, in the red colour
component/plane of an image taken by a camera with a Bayer
CFA, only one fourth of the pixelsred colour are physical and
for each pixel with physical red colour all its 8-neighbours’ red
colours are artificial. When wavelet transform is applied during
the noise residual extraction process the interpolation noise
residing in the artificial components propagates into the
physical components. Therefore it is desirable to devise a noise
residual extraction method that can prevent the artificial
components from contaminating the reliable PRNU residing in
the physical components with the interpolation noise.
In this section, we will discuss the formulation and extraction
of CD-PRNU. First, a mathematical model for the CD-PRNU
is derived and then an extraction algorithm is proposed to
extract the noise residual that is to be used for estimating the
final CD-PRNU, without prior knowledge about the CFA.
A. Mathematical Model of CD-PRNU
A generic demosaicking process is to convolve an
interpolation matrix with an image block of the same size
centred at the pixel where the artificial colour is to be
calculated [10, 16, 31]. Although the 2×2 Bayer CFA is the
most common CFA pattern, to make the proposed CD-PRNU
versatile and applicable to cameras adopting different CFA
patterns, we makes no assumption about the CFA pattern, F,
except that it is a 2 × 2 square array. Let
be an interpolation
matrix with 2N+1 × 2N+1 coefficients and
}},,{|{ BGRc
be a X × Y-pixel input signal from the
scene consisting of three colour components, R (red), G
(green) and B (blue) before colour interpolation. That is to say
that for each pixel
),( yx
, only one of the three colour
components takes a value physically captured by the sensor
and this colour is determined by the colour configuration of the
CFA pattern F. The other two colour components are to be
determined by the demosaicking process. For each colour
component of a pixel,
),( yx
},,{ BGRc
, can be
determined according to
2 mod 2 mod if
The first part of Eq. (7) means that if the colour component c
is the same as the colour that the CFA pattern F allows to
pass, i.e.,
cyxF ),( 2 mod 2 mod
, then no demosaicking is
needed because c has been physically captured by the sensor.
Otherwise, the second part of Eq. (7) is artificially applied to
calculate the colour. According to Eq. (7), the image output
model of Eq. (1) proposed in [11] can be re-formulated as
colour for
colour for
According to Eq. (3), we know that
<< 1 because
. Therefore (1+ K) 1 and if we define the
interpolation noise P as
P 1
, the second part of Eq. (8)
. This is because, for the
artificial components, the interpolation noise P is many orders
greater than the PRNU K and
<< 1, therefore (1+P)(1+K)
is virtually equal to (1+P). As a result, Eq. (8) can be re-
formulated as
colour for
colour for
Eq. (9) suggests that in the artificial components, the PRNU is
actually the interpolation noise P while, in the physical

components, the PRNU remains unaffected by the interpolation
It can also be seen from Eq. (9) that the physical
components and artificial components have similar
mathematical expression. Hence if the physical and artificial
colour components can be separated / decoupled, P can be
extracted in the same way as the sensor pattern noise K is
extracted (i.e., Eq. (3)). That is
is a low-passed filtered version of the artificial
is the corresponding sensor pattern
noise”, which is actually the interpolation noise. We can also
use the same ML estimate as in Eq. (5) to extract the reference
interpolation noise
for a particular device d from S low-
variation images taken by d such that
, (11)
is the artificial colour components of the s-th low-
contrast image taken by device d and
is the interpolation
noise extracted from
. We will discuss how the physical and
artificial colour components can be decoupled in simple
manner without a priori knowledge about the CFA pattern in
Section III.B.
B. CD-PRNU Extraction Algorithm
According to Eq. (10) and (11), we can extract the sensor
pattern noise and interpolation noise, respectively, from the
physical and artificial components if the CFA is known.
However, manufacturers usually do not provide information
about the CFA used by their cameras [30]. Therefore, several
methods have been proposed to estimate the CFA [10, 12, 16,
38]. Unfortunately, these methods have to exhaust all of the
possible CFA patterns in order to infer/estimate the
‘real’/optimal CFA. However, exhaustive search is by no
means acceptable. In this work, to extract the CD-PRNU, we
first separate the three colour channels
,,c R G B
of a
colour image I of
pixels. Most CFA patterns are of 2 × 2
elements and are periodically mapped to the sensors. We know
that, for each pixel of I, only one of the three colour
components is physical and the other two are artificial, so the
second step is, for each channel
, we perform a 2:1 down-
sampling across both horizontal and vertical dimensions to get
four sub-images,
,,c i j
, 0,1ij
, such that
, 2 ,2
c i j c
I x y I x i y j
0, / 2 1xX
0, /2 1yY
For each colour channel,
, without knowing the CFA
pattern used by the manufacturer, we do not know (actually
we do not have to know) which pixels carry the colour
captured physically by the hardware and which are not. But by
into four sub-images,
,,c i j
, we know that
each of the four sub-images either contains only the physical
colour or only the artificial colours. By de-coupling the
physical and artificial colour components in this fashion before
extracting the noise residual, we can prevent the artificial
components from contaminating the physical components
during the DWT process. Eq. (4) is then used to obtain noise
from each sub-images
,,c i j
, 0,1ij
Finally the CD-PRNU W
of each colour channel c is formed
by combining the four sub-noise residuals
, 0,1ij
such that
mod , mod , yjxiyxWyxW
0, 1xX
0, 1yY
and mod is the modulo
operation. The framework of the colour decoupled noise
residual extraction process is shown in Figure 2 and the
procedures are listed in Algorithm 1. Note that Algorithm 1 is
for extracting the noise residual pattern W from an image I. To
estimate the CD-PRNU P
of a particular device d and use it as
the reference signature of d, Eq. (11) is applied.
Algorithm 1. Noise residual extraction algorithm.
Input: original image
Output: colour decoupled noise residual W
Noise residual extraction algorithm
1) Decompose image I into R, G and B components,
, I
, and I
,,c R G B
, decompose I
into four sub-
images, I
, I
, I
and I
by using Eq. (12).
,,c R G B
, extract W
, W
, W
from I
, I
, I
and I
by using Eq.
,,c R G B
, generate the colour decoupled
noise residual W
by combining W
, W
, W
and W
according to Eq. (13)
5) Combine the colour decoupled noise residual W
, W
to form the final noise residual W.
In this section, we carry out experiments on source camera
identification and image content integrity verification to
validate the feasibility of the proposed CD-PRNU in a
comparative manner.
A. Source Camera Identification
We have carried out source camera identification tests on 300
2048×1536-pixel photos of natural scenes taken by six cameras

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Related Papers (5)
Frequently Asked Questions (16)
Q1. What is the effect of wavelet transform on the noise residual extraction process?

When wavelet transform is applied duringthe noise residual extraction process the interpolation noiseresiding in the artificial components propagates into thephysical components. 

For a system with a Pentium Core II 1.3G CPU and 3 GB RAM, it takes 0.526 seconds to compute the similarity between the PRNUs of two images of 2048 × 1536 pixels and 0.567 seconds to calculate the similarity between a pair of CDPRNUs of the same size. 

The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate the capability of the proposed CD-PRNU in dealing with the colour interpolation noise, so geometrical transformations will not be applied in order to prevent biased evaluation from happening. 

The main problem inherent to Eq. (4) is that it involvesthe whole image plane, which contains both artificial andphysical components, in one noise residual extraction process. 

Since the tampered area is 60 × 80 pixels, approximately one quarter of the window, the method based on PRNU can perform no better than a random7guess. 

as mentioned earlier that the most common method [11, 14, 15, 18] of obtaining 0I is to apply the discrete wavelet transform followed by a Wiener filtering operation directly to the entire image The authorwithout differentiating physical components from artificial components and, as a result, allowing the interpolation noise in the artificial components to contaminate the real PRNU in the physical components. 

Chen predicated in [11] that one quarter of the sliding window is the lower bound on the size of tampered regions that their algorithm can identify, and therefore areas smaller than this should be filtered in order to remove the falsely identified noise. 

The authors have also proposed a simple, yet effective, colour-decoupled PRNU (CD-PRNU) extraction method, which can prevent the CFA interpolation error from diffusing from the artificial colour channels into the physical channels, thus improving the accuracy of the fingerprint. 

Due to the fact that demosaicking is a key deterministic process that affects the quality of colour images taken by many digital devices, demosaicking has been rigorously investigated [31, 32, 33, 35, 36]. 

It is this uniqueness of manufacturing imperfections and non-uniformity of photo-electronic conversion that makes sensor pattern noise capable of identifying imaging sources to the accuracy of individual devices. 

Finally the CD-PRNU Wc of each colour channel c is formed by combining the four sub-noise residuals j,i,cW , , 0,1i j such that 222/,2/, ,, mod , mod , yjxiyxWyxW jicc (13)where 0, 1x X , 0, 1y Y and mod is the modulooperation. 

This is because, for theartificial components, the interpolation noise P is many ordersgreater than the PRNU K and K << 1, therefore (1+P)(1+K)is virtually equal to (1+P). 

in their experiment, the sliding step/displacement is set to 5 pixels in order to reduce the computational load without sacrificing the accuracy of the integrity verification. 

Although the 2×2 Bayer CFA is the most common CFA pattern, to make the proposed CD-PRNU versatile and applicable to cameras adopting different CFA patterns, the authors makes no assumption about the CFA pattern, F, except that it is a 2 × 2 square array. 

Because the PRNU is formulated in Eq. (3) and (5) as a function of the noise residual W (i.e., Eq. (4)), in the rest of the work the authors will use the two terms, PRNU and noise residual, interchangeably whenever there is no need to differentiate them. 

But bydecomposing cI into four sub-images, , ,c i jI , the authors know thateach of the four sub-images either contains only the physical colour or only the artificial colours.