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Periodic FDTD analysis of leaky-wave structures and applications to the analysis of negative-refractive-index leaky-wave antennas

In this paper, the authors demonstrate a methodology that enables concurrent extraction of leaky-wave attenuation constants and Brillouin diagrams of periodic structures, through the FDTD simulation of a unit cell.
The determination of the attenuation constants of periodic leaky-wave structures via the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method has been pursued so far via the simulation of a number of unit cells that is large enough to guarantee the convergence of the computed value. On the other hand, Brillouin diagrams of periodic structures can be readily extracted via the simulation of a single unit cell, terminated in periodic boundary conditions. This paper demonstrates a methodology that enables the concurrent extraction of leaky-wave attenuation constants and Brillouin diagrams of periodic structures, through the FDTD simulation of a unit cell. The proposed methodology is first validated and then employed to model leaky-wave radiation from a two-dimensional negative-refractive-index transmission-line (NRI-TL) medium. Apart from evaluating the characteristics of forward and backward leaky-wave radiation from such a medium, a lumped-element macro-model, with element values determined from the FDTD simulation, is extracted. The FDTD analysis, combined with this equivalent circuit, is used to investigate theoretically the possibility of the NRI-TL medium, as a leaky-wave antenna, to achieve continuous scanning from backward to forward end-fire and broadside radiation.

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Periodic FDTD Analysis of Leaky-Wave
Structures and Applications to the Analysis of
Negative-Refractive-Index Leaky-Wave Antennas
Titos Kokkinos, Student Member, IEEE,
Costas D. Sarris, Member, IEEE
, and
George V. Eleftheriades, Fellow, IEEE
Abstract—The determination of the attenuation constants of
periodic leaky-wave structures via the finite-difference time-do-
main (FDTD) method has been pursued so far via the simulation
of a number of unit cells that is large enough to guarantee the
convergence of the computed value. On the other hand, Brillouin
diagrams of periodic structures can be readily extracted via the
simulation of a single unit cell, terminated in periodic boundary
conditions. This paper demonstrates a methodology that enables
the concurrent extraction of leaky-wave attenuation constants and
Brillouin diagrams of periodic structures, through the FDTD sim-
ulation of a unit cell. The proposed methodology is first validated
and then employed to model leaky-wave radiation from a two-di-
mensional negative-refractive-index transmission-line (NRI-TL)
medium. Apart from evaluating the characteristics of forward and
backward leaky-wave radiation from such a medium, a lumped-el-
ement macro-model, with element values determined from the
FDTD simulation, is extracted. The FDTD analysis, combined
with this equivalent circuit, is used to investigate theoretically the
possibility of the NRI-TL medium, as a leaky-wave antenna, to
achieve continuous scanning from backward to forward end-fire
and broadside radiation.
Index Terms—Complex propagation constants, finite-difference
time-domain (FDTD) methods, leaky-wave antennas (LWAs), neg-
ative-refractive-index (NRI), periodic boundary conditions.
EAKY-WAVE antennas (LWAs) have been extensively
studied for several years, because of their comparative
advantages, namely high directivity and frequency beam-scan-
ning, but also the richness of the electromagnetic phenomena
related to them. Recently, the study of leaky-waves in negative-
refractive-index (NRI) metamaterial-based structures has in-
dicated the possibility of designing novel types of one- and
two-dimensional LWAs, thus adding a new direction of research
to this area.
Theoretically studied by Veselago in [1], NRI media con-
currently exhibit negative dielectric permittivity
Manuscript received October 30, 2005; revised December 23, 2005. This
work was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
of Canada under a Discovery Grant and a Strategic Grant.
T. Kokkinos was with the Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada M5S 3G4.
He is now with the Wireless Communications Research Group, Loughborough
University, Leicestershire LE11 3TU, U.K.
C. D. Sarris and G. V. Eleftheriades are with the Edward S. Rogers Sr. Depart-
ment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto,
ON, Canada M5S 3G4 (e-mail:
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2006.871367
magnetic permeability
and, as a result, a negative re-
fractive index
. The latter implies the support of back-
ward-waves (characterized by antiparallel phase and group ve-
locities or the formation of a left-handed triplet by the wave
, the electric field vector , and the magnetic field )
by these media. Recent realizations of NRI “metamaterials.”
in the form of composite periodic structures of negative effec-
tive parameters, have enabled the experimental investigation of
their unconventional properties and salient features. While the
split-ring resonator and thin-wire structure of [2] offered the first
demonstration of an NRI medium, a loaded transmission-line
(TL) approach provided a planar and broad-band alternative im-
plementation [3]–[6].
One of the several loaded NRI-TL metamaterial-based appli-
cations that emerged in the literature is their use for the design of
one-dimensional (1-D) LWAs radiating in the backward end-fire
direction [7], [8] or having a beam-scanning capability from
backward to forward end-fire [9], [10]. Furthermore, two-di-
mensional (2-D) LWAs, based on loaded NRI-TL grids, have
been studied in [11]–[13]. Inspection of the dispersion diagram
of the 2-D loaded NRI-TL metamaterial grid of [4] (shown in
Fig. 1) reveals the existence of a fast wave region (where the
phase constant
of the structure is smaller than the free space
propagation constant
). Within this region, first backward and
then forward waves are supported. Then, the phase-matching
condition at the interface between the dielectric substrate of the
metamaterial and air enforces the emergence of a leaky-wave
beam at an angle
implying the operation of the metamaterial grid as a 2-D LWA.
Furthermore, the transition of
from negative to positive values
suggests that the angle of emergence of the leaky waves can
theoretically vary from
to .
The aforementioned structure is the motivating application
for this paper’s research into the full-wave analysis of LWAs via
the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) technique. A partic-
ular question of interest that stems from the survey of previous
work in this area is whether it is possible to extract the attenua-
tion constant of leaky-wave periodic structures from the FDTD
analysis of their unit cell. This question becomes intriguing by
the fact that the translation of Floquet’s boundary conditions
from the frequency domain (where they are naturally cast) to
0018-9480/$20.00 © 2006 IEEE

Fig. 1. Brillouin diagram of the loaded NRI-TL unit cell of [22], extracted
through the periodic FDTD analysis of [21], around the
-region. The
results, for both the slow and fast waves, are in agreement with those extracted
through the TL theory-based analysis of [23] and Ansofts HFSS.
the time domain is invariably pursued by xing the phase dif-
ference between the eld components at the boundaries of a unit
cell to a real number and determining the resonant frequencies
of elds sampled within the cell [14][17]. On the contrary, pre-
vious computations of attenuation constants of LWAs were ex-
clusively made by simulating a relatively large number of unit
cells, terminated into regular absorbing boundary conditions,
until the value of the convergence of the attenuation constant
was achieved [29].
This paper builds on previous work by the authors [18], [19]
to demonstrate a methodology that allows the extraction of com-
plex propagation constants from an FDTD simulation of a unit
cell of a leaky-wave structure terminated in periodic boundary
conditions. The proposed technique is initially validated and
then applied to the modeling of leaky-wave radiation from the
loaded NRI-TL grid of [4]. In particular, the frequency depen-
dence of the attenuation constant of the forward and backward
fast waves in the structure is determined. This dependence is
considered when the stopband indicated in the dispersion dia-
gram of Fig. 1 at
is open and in the limiting case of
that being closed. Finally, the FDTD simulations allow for the
extraction of a lumped-element equivalent circuit that captures
the physical behavior of the structure and illuminates some of
its qualitative features.
This section is aimed at investigating the possibility to extract
complex propagation constants of leaky-wave periodic struc-
tures via the FDTD analysis of their unit cell. To that end, the im-
plementation of periodic boundary conditions (PBCs) in FDTD
is briey revisited and carefully inspected.
Consider a 2-D periodic structure of periodicities
in the and directions, respectively. Then, its direct lattice
vector is
. Letting the reciprocal lattice wave
vector of the structure be
, Floquets theorem, in
the frequency domain, can be cast in the form of the following
and are phasors of the electric and magnetic elds,
respectively, while
is a
complex propagation constant, where
is the
corresponding attenuation constant vector.
In the past, the translation of (2) and (3) from the frequency to
the time domain and their incorporation into the FDTD update
equations was negotiated for the case of purely real propagation
constants [20]. In general, the direct implementation of these
equations in an FDTD framework is impossible, since it results
in update equations involving future (unknown) eld values.
In order to circumvent this problem, several techniques have
been proposed. As mentioned in the Introduction, their common
starting point is to x the wave-vector components to real values
and deduce the frequencies to which they correspond via the
computation of the resonant frequencies of the sampled elds. A
question that is naturally posed is whether such a methodology
would preclude the determination of any attenuation constants
involved, limiting the applicability of these techniques only to
cases where
In [21], the authors applied the sinecosine method of [14] in
order to perform the dispersion analysis of the NRI medium of
[4]. The part of the dispersion diagram corresponding to axial
propagation (the
-part of the Brillouin zone) is shown
in Fig. 1. The PBCs used for this diagram are:
(in radians) and . Note that, al-
though the structure is 2-D, only axial propagation is considered
throughout this paper, allowing for the unambiguous use, hence-
forth, of
and . The diagram includes both slow
and fast waves, whose resonant frequencies were computed in
a unied way via the sinecosine method. However, an inspec-
tion of the associated eld resonances for slow and fast waves
indicates an important difference that is illustrated through the
following two examples. First, when the phase difference corre-
sponding to point A of Fig. 1, with
rad, is enforced
between the
-directed boundaries of a unit cell, then the ver-
tical electric eld inside the structure exhibits the nondecaying
resonance pattern shown in Fig. 2. On the other hand, moving
the point of interest inside the fast-wave region of the structure,
when the phase difference corresponding to point B of Fig. 1,
rad, is enforced, the eld pattern exhibits a
decaying resonance, as shown in Fig. 3. In both cases, the eld
initially follows the source excitation (a Gabor pulse). When
the excitation fades away, the mode that corresponds to the en-
is established within the cell. In the absence of any
ohmic or dielectric losses inside the unit cell, one can only inter-
pret this decaying resonance as evidence of radiation, success-
fully accounted for by the FDTD method, even though PBCs
without any explicit enforcement of an attenuation constant are
These numerical observations have an important implication
regarding the nature of methods that implement PBCs in FDTD,

Fig. 2. Time-domain evolution of the vertical electrical eld of a slow-wave
mode within the unit cell of the loaded NRI-TL metamaterial structure (termi-
nated with the PBCs
Fig. 3. Time-domain evolution of the vertical electrical eld of a fast-wave
mode within the unit cell of the loaded NRI-TL metamaterial structure (termi-
nated with the PBCs
such as the split-eld and the sinecosine methods. When the
propagation constant
along the axis is xed to a certain real
value, the condition that is numerically realized is NOT
since the latter would not allow for a decaying resonance, but
In order to support the validity of this statement, the eld
update procedure in a periodic FDTD code is analyzed. For
simplicity, let us consider the one-dimensional (1-D) domain
of a unit cell (Fig. 4), which corresponds to a TEM-wave case.
Electric eld nodes are positioned on the periodic boundaries.
Fig. 4. Updates of eld components at the boundaries of the unit cell of a 1-D
periodic structure through the application of PBCs and FDTD update equations.
Fig. 5. Evolution of the electric eld amplitude within a single unit cell of a
lossy structure (with PBCs enforced along the axis of periodicity) compared
with the one in three cells of the corresponding innite periodic structure.
Then, the updates proceed as follows. Solving Maxwells equa-
tions, one can update
on node A, since its neighboring
is known from through the PBC (magnetic eld updates
are complete, once the electric eld updates start). Then,
is used to update , which is necessary for the magnetic eld
updates that follow. Note that the direction of this update is
forward (a node at
is used to update a node at ). Once
the magnetic updates proceed,
is updated by Maxwells
equations, and its value is transferred to
and so on. Note that
the direction of this update is backward (a node at
is used to update a node at ). Therefore, if the modal
eld that FDTD solves for is leaky, then the spatial eld decay
cycle is not interrupted upon the enforcement of the PBCs, pre-
cisely because of this leap-frog sequence of boundary updates.
On the contrary, this cycle is extended and taken care of through
the implicit application of the boundary conditions in FDTD
and the solution of Maxwells equations, which produce a eld
decay in space at a rate set by the attenuation coefcient. This
is the reason that (4) is the condition actually implemented in a
periodic FDTD technique. The way a leaky mode is accounted
for by a periodic FDTD technique is clearly depicted in Fig. 5,
where the spatial evolution of the eld amplitude within a single
unit cell is shown, along with the eld amplitude in three cells
of the innite periodic structure, as a function of space. The key
observation is that the spatial attenuation of elds in an innite
periodic structure is reproduced within the unit cell, during the
FDTD time-marching procedure, allowing for the calculation of

Fig. 6. Field sampling points within a unit cell of a periodic structure for the
calculation of the complex propagation constant with (5).
its rate (which is the attenuation constant sought for). It is nally
noted that one would arrive at the same conclusion no matter
how the eld nodes had been arranged in the domain of Fig. 4.
The outstanding question of
how the attenuation constant of
a leaky wave can be computed is addressed in the following
A. Attenuation Constant Calculation
For the determination of the attenuation constant
in a pe-
riodic leaky-wave structure, a standard technique employed for
the calculation of attenuation constants in lossy/radiating (non-
periodic) guiding structures [25] is applied. However, the do-
main of application of this approach is now the unit cell of a
periodic structure and is terminated at PBCs that enforce, per
the analysis of the previous section, the phase constant of the
waves excited in the cell to that of a fast wave in the structure.
In particular, if
, which is the waveform of either an elec-
tric or a magnetic eld component, is sampled at two points
and (Fig. 6) along the axis of periodicity, then the complex
propagation constant
can be deduced as
denotes a Fourier transform. Evidently, the real part of
the complex propagation constant
in (5) has to be the same
as the PBC-enforced phase constant
of the fast wave
. Therefore, the real part of (5) offers redundant informa-
tion, which is useful only as a conrmation that the correct phase
constant has been implemented. The imaginary part of (5) pro-
vides the attenuation constant
of the simulated
The choice of the points
and in (5) deserves special at-
tention as a consequence of the fact that the computational do-
main is the unit cell of a periodic structure and (5) is supposed to
provide an effective complex propagation constant per unit cell.
Therefore, the distance between these points should be as close
to one period
as possible. If is the cell size along the axis
of periodicity, the maximum distance between two nonboundary
Fig. 7. Field sampling points one spatial period apart from each other for the
calculation of the complex propagation constant with (5).
Fig. 8. One-dimensional leaky-wave structure treated as a phased array (under
the condition
points within the domain of one unit cell is equal to .
Evidently, this distance tends to
as the cell size tends to
zero. Alternatively, one can extend the computational domain
to include two unit cells, enforcing twice the phase difference
per unit cell at its boundaries (Fig. 7). Then, the choice of two
points exactly one period apart is straightforward, and we dis-
pense with the relevant limitation on the cell size. This approach
leads to a signicant reduction in the computational cost of pe-
riodic structure modeling without compromising accuracy.
Finally, the determination of the real part of the propagation
constant as a function of frequency is pursued in the same way
as in [21].
B. Radiation Pattern Extraction
Since the modeling of NRI-based LWAs is the motivating ap-
plication of this study, the computation of radiation patterns with
the proposed FDTD analysis is also negotiated. Noting that the
unit cells of such structures are electrically small (the unit cells
of the NRI grid of [4] are less than one-tenth of a wavelength),
the phased-array approach invoked in [26] and [27] is applicable
here as well. Under this approach, each cell of the antenna is
assumed to be a point source, fed with a current of the form
(Fig. 8), where . Then, the ra-
diation pattern of the antenna is calculated using the following
expression for the corresponding normalized array factor:

Fig. 9. Computational domain for the periodic FDTD analysis of the metal-
strip-loaded dielectric LWA of [28] and [29].
where is the wavelength of operation and is the angle from
the axis of propagation. Our analysis derives the
of an innitely periodic structure, while (6) is evaluated for a
nite array. The number of elements
in (6) is appropriately
chosen for the computed radiation pattern to converge (typically,
is sufcient).
A. Metal-Strip-Loaded Dielectric LWA
In this section, the proposed method is validated by compar-
ison to previously published results. A case study of interest
is the metal-strip-loaded dielectric LWA, initially proposed by
Klohn et al. [28] and then analyzed in [29]. The latter reference
follows the standard FDTD methodology of simulating a trun-
cated periodic structure composed of 29 unit cells, in order to ap-
proximate the complex propagation constant of the innite peri-
odic one at an operating frequency of 80 GHz. On the contrary,
this study uses the compact computational domain of Fig. 9.
The dimensions involved with this geometry are as follows: the
spatial periodicity
of the structure (along the direction) is
2.5 mm. The width and the height of the dielectric substrate sup-
porting the metal strips are
mm and mm,
respectively, and the dielectric constant of the substrate is
. The width of the metal strips is . The strips are mod-
eled as perfect electric conductors. Two unit cells are included
along the
direction, while the sampling points for the electric
eld are chosen to be exactly one spatial period apart. In all other
directions, the antenna is interfaced with free space, which is
terminated in Murs rst-order absorbing boundary conditions.
The absorbing boundaries are 15 cells away from the airdielec-
tric interfaces. In total, a mesh of
Yees cells is used. The computational domain is excited with
a Gabor pulse of a bandwidth of 10 GHz around the operating
frequency. This pulse excites an electric eld which is polarized
parallel to the metal strips and has a spatial prole of the form
, corresponding to the
In Fig. 10, the time-domain evolution of the electric eld at
a sampling point inside the dielectric substrate is shown for the
. This value corresponds to a leaky-wave
mode supported at 80 GHz. During the transient stage of the rst
Fig. 10. Time-domain evolution of the electric eld within the unit cell of the
metal-strip-loaded dielectric LWA of [28] and [29] for
wave mode).
Fig. 11. Complex propagation constants for the metal-strip-loaded dielectric
LWA of [28] and [29] calculated with the proposed method (periodic FDTD).
5000 time steps, the signal essentially follows the source excita-
tion. At this stage, both evanescent and propagating modes exist
in the structure. Eventually, the simulation reaches the steady
state, during which the frequency of the supported mode be-
comes dominant and a traveling wave propagates in the dielec-
tric. During this steady-state period, the amplitude of the electric
eld decreases exponentially with time.
In Fig. 11, the FDTD results for the real and imaginary parts
of the complex propagation constant are presented. These re-
sults are in excellent agreement with those of [29]. Moreover, in
Fig. 12, the attenuation constant
obtained from the periodic
FDTD analysis is compared with the values of
obtained by
simulating nite versions of this LWA, with a variable number
of unit cells. For the latter simulations, Ansofts HFSS is used.
It is observed that
converges to the value of the innite struc-
ture, when at least seven unit cells are employed. On the other
hand, the proposed technique relies on PBCs, thus saving cells
within the working volume and execution time.

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Related Papers (5)
Frequently Asked Questions (12)
Q1. What are the contributions in "Periodic fdtd analysis of leaky-wave structures and applications to the analysis of negative-refractive-index leaky-wave antennas" ?

This paper demonstrates a methodology that enables the concurrent extraction of leaky-wave attenuation constants and Brillouin diagrams of periodic structures, through the FDTD simulation of a unit cell. 

The key observation is that the spatial attenuation of fields in an infinite periodic structure is reproduced within the unit cell, during the FDTD time-marching procedure, allowing for the calculation ofits rate (which is the attenuation constant sought for). 

Since the modeling of NRI-based LWAs is the motivating application of this study, the computation of radiation patterns with the proposed FDTD analysis is also negotiated. 

When the loading elements did not satisfy the condition (7), the directivity increased from backward end-fire until just before broadside, dropped to zero within the stopband formed in this case, and kept monotonically increasing after the stopband toward forward end-fire. 

As mentioned in the Introduction, their common starting point is to fix the wave-vector components to real values and deduce the frequencies to which they correspond via the computation of the resonant frequencies of the sampled fields. 

The use of lumped-element models has accompanied the development of metamaterial devices, assisting the intuitive understanding of their properties and facilitating their design. 

the computation of modes by FDTD at the boundaries of and within the stopband isinhibited by the relatively large field attenuation associated with these modes that renders the field values sensitive to numerical errors. 

In all other directions, the antenna is interfaced with free space, which is terminated in Mur’s first-order absorbing boundary conditions. 

In Fig. 16, the phase and attenuation constant of the simulated NRI medium are plotted as a function of frequency, inside the fast-wave region of the structure. 

The changes in the maxima of these radiation patterns are inversely proportional to the changes in the attenuation constant of Fig. 16; the maxima of the backward radiated beams increase from backward end-fire toward broadside and decrease just before broadside, due to the sudden increase of the attenuationconstant. 

This technique offers an efficient alternative to the time-consuming conventional approachof approximating the behavior of infinite periodic structures by simulating truncated versions of those that are composed of sufficiently many unit cells. 

The width and the height of the dielectric substrate supporting the metal strips are mm and mm, respectively, and the dielectric constant of the substrate is.