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What will happen if I charge my phone in low voltage? 

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Low-voltage applications mounted on high-voltage towers may pose a safety problem in the low-voltage network when a flashover occurs over the high-voltage insulators.
The relatively high turn-on voltage, low brightness and low efficiency may have resulted from the unbalanced charge–transport and the conditions of device fabrication.
The results indicate that the initial discharging voltage increases with the growth of charge cut-off voltage.
The I – V characteristics clearly reveal the mechanism as ohmic at low voltage and that of trap-filled space charge limited current (SCLC) at higher voltage.
Using the internal boosted voltage to backward control the CTS of a previous stage yields charge pumps that are suitable for low-voltage operation.
But bigger pulse voltage could increase the charge accumulation.
This paper suggests the use of a solar energy harvester to charge mobile phone devices.
For low applied voltage, the later stage charge process seems to follow the d(2) dependence.
The current-voltage characteristics reveal that the space charge limited conduction mechanism prevails at very high voltage.
This overcomes the limitations of space-charge interactions and low voltage operation.

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