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Which greenhouse gas is present in highest quantity in atmosphere? 

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The elevated greenhouse gas concentrations found in “polluted” air masses provide clear evidence for the presence of substantial emission sources in Europe.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Edwin S. Kite, Eric Gaidos, Michael Manga 
94 Citations
Our results are most relevant for atmospheres that are thin, have low greenhouse-gas radiative efficiency, and have a principal greenhouse gas that is also the main constituent of the atmosphere.
Further results show that CO2 emission is the primary source of greenhouse gas pollution which is 71% of the total CO2 equivalent.
This formation mechanism suggests that a source for this potentially dangerous greenhouse gas might be the recombination of SF5(X2A1) and CF3(X2A1) radicals on aerosol particles in the terrestrial atmosphere.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Donald J. Wuebbles, Katharine Hayhoe 
763 Citations
On a per molecule basis, it is much more effective a greenhouse gas than additional CO2.
Hot spots and hot moments of greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes can contribute significantly to overall GHG budgets.

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How do natural gas transmission pipelines contribute to greenhouse gas emissions in West Africa?
5 answers
Natural gas transmission pipelines contribute to greenhouse gas emissions in West Africa through various factors. Emissions occur during pipeline operation, including fugitive emissions and gas leaks, which are significant sources of greenhouse gases like methane and carbon dioxide. Studies show that the emission levels are influenced by factors such as flow rate variation, pipeline length, and compressor station operations. Implementing effective leak detection programs, optimizing fuel gas consumption by compressors, and improving network operations can help reduce emissions from natural gas pipelines. Additionally, incidents like pipeline failures can lead to substantial greenhouse gas emissions, further emphasizing the need for accurate inventories and climate-oriented pipeline integrity management in the region.
What are the different scope between combustion, gas-phase, plasma synthesis ?
6 answers
Combustion, gas-phase, and plasma synthesis represent distinct methodologies in the production of materials, each with its unique mechanisms and applications. Combustion synthesis involves exothermic reactions between reactants to produce high-temperature materials, often leveraging self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) for the efficient creation of ceramics and intermetallic compounds. This method is particularly noted for its application in creating nonoxide refractory solids and advanced ceramics, highlighting the challenge of controlling powder particle size and microstructure during synthesis. Gas-phase synthesis, on the other hand, is characterized by reactions occurring within a gaseous medium, often within a sealed reactor using a heat source such as a DC plasma arc. This technique is utilized for synthesizing nanomaterials, such as high-purity nanometer-level titanium carbide (TiC) powder, by controlling the reactor's temperature and the reactants' flow. The process emphasizes the importance of quenching and fine-tuning the reaction conditions to achieve desired material properties. Plasma synthesis, distinct from the other two, employs plasma—a state of matter consisting of ionized gases—to facilitate chemical reactions. This method is advantageous for synthesizing silicon nanoparticles (Si-NPs) due to the unique control over particle morphology and chemistry that plasma environments offer. Plasma synthesis is versatile, supporting the creation of materials for solar cells, lithium-ion batteries, and even for applications in water splitting and thermoelectrics. The technique benefits from the ability of plasma to provide high electron temperature and density, enabling selective chemical processes that are crucial for material synthesis. Each synthesis method has its scope and applications, from combustion synthesis's utility in creating advanced ceramics and refractories, gas-phase synthesis's role in producing nanomaterials with controlled properties, to plasma synthesis's versatility in fabricating nanoparticles for technological applications. The choice of method depends on the specific material properties desired and the application at hand.
When and how has the proposal of reduction of greenhouse gas emission been put forward?
5 answers
The proposal for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions has been put forward in various contexts over the years. One such proposal involves using geographic information systems and spatial statistical analysis to reduce emissions from public passenger transport by optimizing bus stop locations based on demand. Additionally, there have been evaluations of different global proposals for reducing CO2 emissions, highlighting the disparities between developed and developing countries in historical emissions and the need for equitable distribution of emission quotas. Furthermore, after the Kyoto Protocol, there were discussions on early reduction credits for GHGs, emphasizing the importance of banking credits for future emissions offsetting. These proposals underscore the multifaceted approaches and considerations involved in addressing greenhouse gas emissions.
How to use the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to compare one phenomenon in different time periods?
4 answers
To compare one phenomenon in different time periods using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test, researchers can follow various approaches outlined in the literature. One method involves adapting the KS test to compare events with responses over time, such as emissions throughout a crop cycle. Additionally, for observed processes with periodic or aperiodic inspections, the KS test can be applied directly or by generating equal time increment observations to build an empirical cumulative distribution for comparison. Furthermore, advancements in the field have led to the development of efficient algorithms like MOCHE, which provide counterfactual explanations for test data failing the KS test, enhancing the interpretability of results over different time periods. These methods offer valuable insights into analyzing and comparing phenomena across varying time frames using the KS test.
How does the adoption of EVs and renewable energy sources affect the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions?
5 answers
The adoption of Electric Vehicles (EVs) and renewable energy sources significantly impacts the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Studies show that coordinated dispatching of EV charging and wind power can lead to substantial carbon emission reduction benefits. Additionally, utility-controlled charging (UCC) for EVs can decrease emissions by 7% compared to uncontrolled charging, contributing to lower operating emissions and costs in decarbonized power systems. Furthermore, the environmental breakeven points of EVs compared to internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) in North America indicate that EVs can mitigate greenhouse gas emissions effectively, especially as the carbon intensity of electrical grids decreases over time. However, in regions where electricity is primarily generated by thermal plants, the increased demand for electricity due to EV charging can offset some of the CO2 emission savings achieved by EV adoption.
What is c02 dissociation?
4 answers
CO2 dissociation involves breaking down carbon dioxide into its constituent elements, carbon (C) and oxygen (O2). Various studies have explored different mechanisms of CO2 dissociation. Research has shown that high-energy electrical discharges can dissociate CO2 into C and O2, along with trace amounts of other products like methane. Additionally, laser-induced electron excitation processes can lead to dissociative frustrated double ionization of CO2, where one of the liberated electrons may be trapped and localized to one of the ionic fragments, influencing the overall dissociation dynamics. Furthermore, the dissociation dynamics of CO2+ in the C2Σg+ state have been investigated, revealing multiple dissociation channels resulting in the production of CO+ ions and different oxygen species through various predissociation pathways.
Does co2 dissociation form co and o or c and o depending on the process used?
5 answers
CO2 dissociation can lead to the formation of different products depending on the process used. Research indicates that CO2 dissociation can result in the formation of CO and O when subjected to high-energy electrical discharges. On the other hand, CO2 decomposition on small Cu clusters can lead to the formation of C and O, with two possible transition-state structures identified for the C-O bond dissociation. Additionally, experiments using dielectric barrier discharge have shown that CO2 dissociation can generate CO and O3, with the choice of dielectric material influencing the efficiency of product generation. Furthermore, studies on fast, heavy-ion-induced ionization of CO2 suggest a concerted process where CO2 can dissociate into C+ + O+ + O+. These findings highlight the variability in the products formed during CO2 dissociation based on the specific experimental conditions and mechanisms employed.
How much air pollution has been caused by the introduction of electric vehicles?
5 answers
The introduction of electric vehicles (EVs) has had varying impacts on air pollution depending on the energy sources used for charging. Studies fromandhighlight that while EVs themselves emit no tailpipe pollutants, the indirect emissions from power plants can contribute to pollution. In regions like Serbia and India where coal-based energy systems are prevalent, the shift to EVs may lead to increased CO2, NOX, and SO2 emissions. Conversely,demonstrates that powering EVs with renewable sources like photovoltaic installations can significantly reduce CO2 emissions. Therefore, the overall impact of EVs on air pollution depends on the energy mix used for charging, with a potential for both increasing or decreasing pollution levels.
How important is the oil and gas industry?
4 answers
The oil and gas industry is a cornerstone of the global economy, generating an estimated $3.3 trillion in annual revenue and serving as a critical economic indicator worldwide. Its importance is underscored by its substantial contribution to the energy supply, accounting for more than half of the world's energy needs, which is essential for supporting global economic growth and social development. Despite the industry's significant environmental footprint, it plays a crucial role in the energy transition towards sustainable development, with natural gas, in particular, being highlighted for its lower environmental impact compared to coal. The industry is also pivotal in achieving the Paris Agreement's objective of limiting global warming, as it is involved in efforts to reduce emissions through the integration of sustainability across its activities and investments in low-carbon technologies. Moreover, the management of oil and gas assets requires high capital investments and addresses safety and environmental concerns, emphasizing the industry's complex challenges and its efforts to mitigate risks. In Russia, the oil and gas sector is a significant part of the economy, highlighting the industry's role in national economic frameworks. However, the industry also faces criticism for its environmental and health impacts, necessitating a balance between its economic contributions and environmental responsibilities. Countries like India, striving for energy independence, illustrate the global reliance on oil and gas for achieving economic growth targets, further emphasizing the industry's importance in meeting national and global energy demands. The industry's global oligopoly structure, with OPEC playing a key role, and its significant share in global proven oil and gas reserves, particularly in emerging and developing countries, underscore its strategic economic and geopolitical importance. Finally, the industry's future relevance is highlighted by its continued dominance in the global energy mix, despite the ongoing energy transition, underscoring the necessity of oil and gas in meeting the world's increasing energy demands.
How to decarbonise airtransport?
5 answers
To decarbonize air transport, a shift towards sustainable aviation fuels and advanced propulsion technologies is crucial. The Flightpath 2050 initiative highlights the need for radical decarbonization in the aviation sector, emphasizing the potential of hydrogen and electrification. Large-scale deployment of low-carbon fuels like biofuels and synthetic clean fuels, coupled with energy efficiency enhancements, is identified as a promising pathway for reducing emissions in aviation. Additionally, policies supporting a modal shift in transport demand, cleaner vehicles, and governance structures play a vital role in effective decarbonization of the transport sector. The COVID-19 pandemic presents an opportunity to steer the sector towards a reliable low-carbon trajectory by leveraging reductions in air transport demand and transitioning to non-biogenic synthetic fuels produced from renewable sources.
What factors influence the increase in gas output during the rupture of a coal seam?
5 answers
The increase in gas output during the rupture of a coal seam is influenced by various factors. Factors such as blasting pressure, vent diameter, blasting time, temperature, gas pressure, mining stress, and coal damage play crucial roles in enhancing gas production efficiency and extraction radius. Studies have shown that blasting pressure and vent diameter positively impact the fracturing effect, leading to increased gas output. Additionally, the injection of heat can significantly improve gas desorption and diffusion, thereby enhancing gas production efficiency during coal-bed methane mining. Furthermore, a drilling, punching, and cutting coupled method can effectively relieve pressure, increase permeability, and improve gas pumping efficiency in high-gas-outburst coal seams. Understanding these factors is essential for optimizing gas output during coal seam rupture.