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Showing papers in "Applied Psychology in 2006"

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, a large international study of the acculturation and adaptation of immigrant youth (aged 13 to 18 years) who are settled in 13 societies (N= 5,366), as well as a sample of national youth (N = 2,631).
Abstract: Cet article presente plusieurs des principaux resultats d’une grande etude internationale sur l’acculturation et l’adaptation de jeunes immigres (âges de 13 a 18 ans) qui se sont implantes dans treize pays (N = 5,366); il y est adjoint un echantillon de jeunes nationaux (N = 2,631). La recherche s’appuyait sur trois questions centrales: comment les jeunes migrants gerent-ils le processus d’acculturation? Comment parviennent-ils a s’adapter? Et y a-t-il un lien manifeste entre la forme d’acculturation et le succes de l’adaptation? L’analyse en clusters deboucha sur quatre profils d’acculturation: integrateur, ethnique, national et diffus. L’analyse factorielle de cinq variables d’adaptation mit en evidence deux types d’adaptation: psychologique et socioculturel. Il existe une forte relation entre la facon dont les jeunes s’acculturent et leur adaptation: ceux qui presentent un profil integrateur beneficient des meilleurs indicateurs d’adaptations psychologique et socioculturelle alors que ceux souffrant d’un profil diffus ont les pires. Entre les deux, le profil ethnique presente une adaptation psychologique relativement bonne et une adaptation socioculturelle plutot pauvre, tandis que le profil national a une adaptation psychologique relativement pauvre et une adaptation socioculturelle legerement negative. Cette configuration de resultats fut en grande partie retrouvee a travers une modelisation en equation structurelle. Les consequences pour l’implantation des jeunes immigres sont claires: ils devraient etre encourages a preserver l’appartenance a leur culture d’origine tout en etablissant des liens etroits avec la societe d’accueil. This paper reports some of the main findings from a large international study of the acculturation and adaptation of immigrant youth (aged 13 to 18 years) who are settled in 13 societies (N= 5,366), as well as a sample of national youth (N= 2,631). The study was guided by three core questions: How do immigrant youth deal with the process of acculturation? How well do they adapt? Are there important relationships between how they acculturate and how well they adapt? Cluster analysis produced four distinct acculturation profiles: integration, ethnic, national, and diffuse. Factor analysis of five adaptation variables revealed two distinct forms of adaptation: psychological and sociocultural. There were substantial relationships between how youth acculturate and how well they adapt: those with an integration profile had the best psychological and sociocultural adaptation outcomes, while those with a diffuse profile had the worst; in between, those with an ethnic profile had moderately good psychological adaptation but poorer sociocultural adaptation, while those with a national profile had moderately poor psychological adaptation, and slightly negative sociocultural adaptation. This pattern of results was largely replicated using structural equation modeling. Implications for the settlement of immigrant youth are clear: youth should be encouraged to retain both a sense of their own heritage cultural identity, while establishing close ties with the larger national society.

1,476 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors presented the results of the first cross-sectional study in Europe examining personality correlates of white-collar crime in business, which is an extension of Collins and Schmidt's (1993) research on white-collaborative crime in the United States.
Abstract: On presente dans cet article les resultats de la premiere etude transversale europeenne portant sur les dimensions de la personnalite en relation avec les delits financiers commis par les cols blancs. Ce travail est un prolongement de la recherche de Collin & Schmidt (1992) sur les delits des cols blancs aux Etats-Unis. Les donnees ont ete recoltees aupres de 150 cadres en poste dans des societes commerciales allemandes et de 76 delinquants en col blanc anciennement cadres. Les repondants ont rempli des echelles papier crayon mesurant l’hedonisme (l’Echelle de Valeurs de Schwartz), le sens des responsabilites (NEO-FFI), le narcissisme (DSM-III-R), la desirabilite sociale (Crowne & Marlowe), et le self-control comportemental. L’analyse de regression logistique montra que 69% de la variance etait commune aux deux groupes. Le delit financier commis par un col blanc depend du sexe (les hommes sont surrepresentes), d’un faible self-control comportemental, d’un hedonisme eleve, d’un fort narcissisme et d’un sens des responsabilites affirme quand la desirabilite sociale est statistiquement controlee. Ce resultat concernant le sens des responsabilites est toutefois en contradiction avec l’interpretation que Collins et Schmidt donnent de leurs travaux (1993). On peut supposer que les delinquants en col blanc haut places combinent malhonnetete et sens des responsabilites eleve. In this paper the results of the first cross-sectional study in Europe examining personality correlates of white-collar crime in business are presented. This study is an extension of Collins and Schmidt's (1993) research on white-collar crime in the United States. The data were obtained from 150 managers currently active in German corporations and 76 white-collar criminals who formerly held such positions. Participants filled out paper and pencil scales measuring hedonism (Schwartz Value Scale), conscientiousness (NEO-FFI), narcissism (DSM-III-R), social desirability (Crowne & Marlowe, 1960), and behavioral self-control. The logistic regression analysis accounted for 69 per cent of the variance between the two groups. Business white-collar crime is predicted by gender (males higher rates than females), low behavioral self-control, high hedonism, high narcissism, and high conscientiousness after statistically controlling for social desirability. The results concerning conscientiousness, however, contradict the interpretation of findings reported by Collins and Schmidt (1993). It is argued here that high-ranking white-collar criminals in business combine low integrity with high conscientiousness.

336 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This paper explored the hypothesis that cultural values moderate employee reactions to job insecurity and found that employees with collectivist cultural values were more negatively affected by the perception of job insecurity than their individualist counterparts.
Abstract: Cette recherche part de l’hypothese que les valeurs culturelles sont l’un des determinants des reactions des salaries face a l’insecurite professionnelle. Dans la premiere investigation, les valeurs culturelles ont ete apprehendees au niveau de l’individu a partir des reponses de 141 salaries de diverses origines ethniques appartenant a une grande entreprise agro-alimentaire americaine qui reduisait ses effectifs. Les repondants ont rempli des questionnaires evaluant leurs valeurs culturelles, leur perception de la securite au travail, leurs attitudes professionnelles, leurs reactions affectives vis-a-vis de la reduction des effectifs et leur niveau de stress lie au travail. Les resultats ont montre que le sentiment d’insecurite professionnelle avait un impact generalement negatif sur les employes. Toutefois, les salaries presentant des valeurs culturelles communautaires ressentaient plus negativement que leurs homologues individualistes le sentiment d’insecurite professionnelle. Dans le second volet de la recherche, la culture a ete definie au niveau national. On a propose aux salaries de sept organisations, quatre chinoises et trois americaines, de remplir des questionnaires appreciant leurs reactions a leur perception de l’insecurite professionnelle. Il apparut que les Chinois (mentalite communautaire) reagissaient plus negativement que les Americains individualistes face a la menace constituee par l’insecurite professionnelle. Les resultats sont analyses a la lumiere du developpement de pratiques organisationnelles qui comprennent la reduction des effectifs et autres procedures qui impliquent une moindre stabilite des emplois. This research explored the hypothesis that cultural values moderate employee reactions to job insecurity. In the first study, cultural values were measured at an individual level of analysis based on responses from one hundred and forty-one ethnically diverse employees of a large US-based food-processing company undergoing a downsizing. Participants completed surveys assessing their cultural values, perceptions of job security, job attitudes, affective reactions to the downsizing, and job-related stress levels. Results indicated that the perception of job insecurity had a generally negative impact on employees. However, employees with collectivist cultural values were more negatively affected by the perception of job insecurity than their individualist counterparts. In the second study, culture was operationalised at the national level of analysis. Employees from seven organisations (four based in China; three based in the US) completed surveys assessing their reactions to perceived job insecurity. Results suggest that Chinese (i.e. collectivist) employees reacted more negatively to the threat of job insecurity than their US counterparts (i.e. individualist employees). These results are discussed in light of growing organisational trends that include the use of downsizing and other techniques that herald a decrease in job stability.

153 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Cervone, Shadel, Smith, and Fiori as mentioned in this paper proposed that theories of personality architecture may provide an integrative theoretical framework for self-regulation research and proposed a comprehensive modern approach to personality architecture, personality systems interactions (PSI) theory.
Abstract: Cervone, Shadel, Smith, and Fiori (2006) propose that theories of personality architecture may provide an integrative theoretical framework for self-regulation research Building further on this argument, the present paper considers one comprehensive modern approach to personality architecture, personality systems interactions (PSI) theory The authors provide a brief overview of PSI theory and discuss a simple, three-step "user's manual" that has guided applications of the theory to real-life behavior Work on PSI theory highlights some of the integrative potential of personality science in the field of self-regulation The authors conclude that theories of personality architecture may improve the quality and precision of the counselling, coaching, and training that psychologists in many diverse areas provide © 2006 International Association for Applied Psychology

137 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors examined whether groups were better able to meet deadlines when group members agreed on the temporal aspects of their task and explored two antecedents of shared temporal cognitions: the similarity in group members' pacing styles and the exchange of temporal reminders.
Abstract: Nous nous sommes demandes, dans cette etude, si les groupes etaient mieux a meme de respecter les delais quand leurs membres partageaient les memes cognitions temporelles, c’est-a-dire quand ils s’accordaient sur les dimensions temporelles de leur tâche. Dans une etude longitudinale portant sur 31 groupes, nous avons etudie l’effet des cognitions temporelles partagees sur le respect d’un delai et explore deux antecedents des cognitions temporelles partagees: la coherence des rythmes des membres du groupe et l’echange des rappels concernant le temps. Nos resultats montrent que ces deux facteurs ont un impact sur les cognitions temporelles partagees et cela a differentes etapes du travail collectif. De plus, il est apparu que les cognitions temporelles partagees pouvaient aussi bien faciliter que contrecarrer le respect des delais: cela depend des rythmes des membres du groupe. In this study, we examined whether groups were better able to meet deadlines when group members had shared temporal cognitions, that is, when they agreed on the temporal aspects of their task. In a longitudinal study involving 31 groups, we studied the effect of shared temporal cognitions on meeting a deadline and explored two antecedents of shared temporal cognitions: the similarity in group members’ pacing styles and the exchange of temporal reminders. Our findings suggest that both antecedents are relevant to shared temporal cognitions, be it at different stages of group collaboration. Furthermore, we found that shared temporal cognitions may either facilitate or impede meeting a deadline, depending on the content of group members’ pacing styles.

134 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: For example, this paper found that employees who endorsed Schwartz's (1992) openness to change values were more influenced in their organisational commitment and compliant extra-role behaviour by the absence of perceived justice than those who do not endorse openness values.
Abstract: On s’est demande, dans cette recherche, si les valeurs moderent la relation entre les perceptions de la justice procedurale et les variables d’intervention au travail. Selon le modele relationnel d’autorite (Tyler et Lind 1992), l’effet de la justice procedurale sur l’engagement dans l’organisation, sur les aspects facilitants et dynamiques du comportement extra-role dependraient des orientations axiologiques des individus. Les resultats montrent que les employes de structures britanniques et germaniques qui font montre d’ouverture au changement (Schwartz 1992) sont plus influences dans leur engagement dans leur entreprise et le comportement extra-role par l’absence de justice percue que ceux qui n’endossent pas les valeurs d’ouverture au changement. Les effets du comportement extra-role etaient plus forts parmi les sujets britanniques. Les valeurs de conservation attenuent la relation entre la justice et l’engagement dans l’organisation uniquement chez les Allemands. Ces resultats permettent de mieux comprendre la facon dont la mesure des valeurs peut expliquer des differences culturelles dans les effets de la perception de la justice. This study examined whether values moderate the relationship between procedural justice perceptions and work outcome variables. Based on the relational model of authorities (Tyler & Lind, 1992), it was predicted that the effect of procedural justice on organisational commitment and on self-reported compliant and proactive aspects of extra-role behaviour would depend on the value orientations of individuals. It was found that employees from British and German organisations who endorsed Schwartz's (1992) openness to change values were more influenced in their organisational commitment and compliant extra-role behaviour by the absence of perceived justice than those who do not endorse openness values. The effects found for extra-role behaviour were stronger among UK respondents. Conservation values moderated the relation between justice and organisational commitment only among Germans. These moderation findings extend our understanding of the way that value measures can explain cultural differences in the effects of perceived organisational justice.

128 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a modified moral decision-making model based on the theory of Schwartz and Howard (1981) served as background for the design of an intervention combining a habitdefrosting technique (temporary gift of a free ticket) with a norm-focused technique (plea for commitment).
Abstract: Une intervention basee sur une theorie a ete realisee aupres d’un echantillon de 297 automobilistes pour tenter de lancer de nouvelles habitudes de deplacement (essayer de preferer les transports en commun plutot que la voiture). Un modele de modification d’une decision morale relevant de la theorie de Schwartz et Howard (1981) fut exploite dans la conception d’une intervention associant une technique de decristallisation des comportements anterieurs (remise provisoire d’une carte gratuite) avec une technique focalisee sur une norme (appel a l’implication). L’echantillon etait constitue de 297 citoyens allemands pouvant utiliser facilement leur voiture et vivant dans des quartiers bien desservis par les transports en commun. Les participants ont ete repartis au hasard dans quatre conditions (implication precedee par une carte gratuite, seulement l’implication, seulement la carte gratuite et groupe controle) et durent faire part de leur choix de transport pour un trajet precis et habituel (par exemple aller au travail) sur une duree de huit semaines suivie d’une periode controle de deux semaines. En outre, les variables du modele (la regle personnelle de reduction de l’utilisation de la voiture, les normes sociales, les couts comportementaux ressentis et les habitudes) ont ete enregistrees toutes les deux semaines. Bien que les effets globaux de l’intervention aient ete faibles, les resultats montrent qu’une motivation morale est un predicteur pertinent du choix d’un mode de transport qui peut etre renforce par une intervention portant sur l’implication precedee par un changement temporaire de la situation. A theory-driven intervention was carried out to initiate the try-out of a new travel mode behavior (try out taking public transport instead of car) in a sample of habitual car users (N= 297). A modified moral decision making model based on the theory of Schwartz and Howard (1981) served as background for the design of an intervention combining a habit-defrosting technique (temporary gift of a free ticket) with a norm-focused technique (plea for commitment). The sample consisted of 297 German citizens with good car access and living in areas with a convenient supply of public transportation. Participants were randomly assigned to four groups (commitment preceded by a free ticket, commitment only, free ticket only, and control) and had to report their travel mode choice for a particular, regular trip (e.g. trip to work) for a period of 8 weeks and a 2-week follow-up period. Additionally, model variables (personal norm to reduce car use, social norm, perceived behavioral costs, and habit) were recorded every 2 weeks. Although overall effects of the interventions were small, results indicate that a moral motivation is a relevant predictor for travel mode choices and can be stabilised by a commitment intervention preceded by a temporary change of the situation.

127 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, a longitudinal measurement model was used to investigate the relationship between the trait variance of job satisfaction and core self-evaluations (CSE) and the structure of the CSE-variables.
Abstract: Une recherche recente qui portait sur les fondements caracteriels de la satisfaction au travail s’est focalisee sur le rapport entre la satisfaction professionnelle observee et le noyau central des autoevaluations (CSE). Cette etude s’est occupee d’une part de la relation entre la variance-trait de la satisfaction au travail et le CSE et d’autre part de la structure des variables CSE. En faisant le choix d’un modele de mesure longitudinal, nous avons d’abord recherche si le CSE etait suffisamment stable, cela a partir d’une analyse secondaire de quatre periodes successives. Les resultats montrent une forte stabilite du CSE (.87 sur deux ans). Nous avons ensuite opere une scission etat-trait de la satisfaction professionnelle de facon a dissocier la variance-trait de la satisfaction au travail de la variance instable. Le facteur stable de satisfaction professionnelle fut mis en rapport, par regression, avec les variables CSE, en utilisant plusieurs modeles de CSE (une sommation, un facteur latent ou un concept global). D’apres les resultats, il vaut mieux traiter les variables CSE comme une sommation, et cette serie rend compte de presque toute la variance stable de la satisfaction professionnelle (84%). En outre, seuls l’affectivite negative et le locus of control interne avaient un impact significatif, alors que l’estime de soi et l’efficience personnelle n’en avaient pas. On conclut que la conception actuelle du CSE comme concept supraordonne englobant quatre dimensions est defendable, mais trop generale pour les recherches sur la satisfaction professionnelle; il est plus satisfaisant et suffisant d’analyser a la fois l’affectivite negative et le locus of control. Recent research that looked into the dispositional base of job satisfaction focused on relating observed job satisfaction to core self-evaluations (CSE). This study was concerned with (a) the relation between the trait variance of job satisfaction and CSE and (b) the structure of the CSE-variables. Using a longitudinal measurement model in a secondary analysis of four waves of a longitudinal study we first tested whether CSE are sufficiently stable over time. Results indicate a high stability of CSE (.87 across 2 years). We then performed a state-trait decomposition of job satisfaction in order to separate trait variance of job satisfaction from changing variance. The stable job satisfaction factor was regressed on CSE-variables, using different models of CSE (a collective set, a latent factor, or an aggregate concept). Results were in favor of treating the CSE-variables as a collective set, and this set explained almost all stable variance of job satisfaction (84%). Moreover, only negative affectivity and internal locus of control had a significant impact, whereas self-esteem and self-efficacy had not. It is concluded that current conceptualisations of CSE as a superordinate concept underlying its four dimensions is possible but overly broad in job satisfaction research; collective consideration of LOC and NA is better and sufficient.

124 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors examined whether error exposure training can enhance adaptive performance and found that it is better to learn from other people's errors rather than from their successes in fire-fighting outcomes.
Abstract: The study examines whether error exposure training can enhance adaptive performance. Fifty-nine experienced fire-fighters undergoing training for incident command participated in the study. War stories were developed based on real events to illustrate successful and unsuccessful incident command decisions. Two training methodologies were compared and evaluated. One group was trained using case studies that depicted incidents containing errors of management with severe consequences in fire-fighting outcomes (error-story training) while a second group was exposed to the same set of case studies except that the case studies depicted the incidents being managed without errors and their consequences (errorless-story training). The results provide some support for the hypothesis that it is better to learn from other people's errors than from their successes. Implications for training are discussed.

122 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a field experiment examined the application of goal setting theory on student self-efficacy, satisfaction with the MBA program, as well as performance (i.e. GPA).
Abstract: Dans cette experience de terrain, on applique la theorie de la fixation des objectifs au sentiment d’efficacite personnelle d’etudiants, a leur satisfaction envers le programme du MBA aussi bien qu’a leur performance (GPA). Immediatement apres leur avoir fixe des objectifs specifiques eleves, nous avons mesure le sentiment d’efficacite personnelle des etudiants en MBA. Celui des etudiants de la condition “objectifs de resultats pour la fin de l’annee” (long terme) etait inferieur a celui de sujets qui etaient dans la condition “faites de votre mieux” ou dans celle “but d’apprentissage”. Les sujets presentant des difficultes specifiques en ce qui concerne les buts d’apprentissage sont plus satisfaits du programme MBA que ceux des autres conditions experimentales. Le GPA etait significativement plus eleve dans la condition “but d’apprentissage” que dans celle “but de performance”a long terme. Les sujets qui ont des objectifs a court terme et un objectif de resultat a long terme ont un GPA plus eleve que ceux qui ont seulement un objectif a long terme ou que ceux qui sont dans l’urgence de faire de leur mieux. Les implications de ces resultats pour la theorie et la pratique sont discutees. The present field experiment examined the application of goal setting theory on student self-efficacy, satisfaction with the MBA program, as well as performance (i.e. GPA). Immediately after setting specific high goals, the self-efficacy of MBA students who set year end (distal) outcome goals was lower than participants in either the “do your best” or the learning goal conditions. Participants who set specific difficult learning goals had higher satisfaction with the MBA program than those in other experimental conditions. GPA was significantly higher in the learning goal condition relative to the distal performance goal condition. Participants who set proximal goals, in addition to a distal outcome goal, had a higher GPA than those who only set a distal goal or those who were urged to do their best. Implications of these findings for theory and practice are discussed.

102 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Workplace supervisor familism also moderated the relationship between breach and civic virtue behaviour, with the negative relationship between psychological contract breach and civil virtue behaviour stronger when workplace supervisorfamilism was high as mentioned in this paper, suggesting that employees with a high level of workplace supervisor family might feel a sense of betrayal and respond more negatively to contract breach.
Abstract: The present study addresses the call for theory-based investigations on workplace familism. It contributes to the literature by proposing and testing the moderating role of workplace familism between psychological contract breach and civic virtue behaviour. We surveyed 267 full-time employees and found main effects of both types of workplace familism (i.e. workplace organisational and workplace supervisor familism) and breach of relational obligations on civic virtue behaviour. Workplace supervisor familism also moderated the relationship between breach and civic virtue behaviour, with the negative relationship between breach and civic virtue behaviour stronger when workplace supervisor familism was high. This suggests that employees with a high level of workplace supervisor familism may feel a sense of betrayal and, therefore, respond more negatively to contract breach. Implications for practice and directions for future research are discussed.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors explore the possibility that advances in personality science may foster clarity in the self-regulation literature, and suggest that basic and applied students of selfregulation would profit by capitalising on recent advances in the literature that explore intra-individual personality structure and dynamics.
Abstract: La litterature sur l’autoregulation est couramment accusee de faiblesse theorique. Il est possible que les avancees dans les recherches sur la personnalite puissent ouvrir des horizons dans ce secteur. Notre objectif est double. Nous rappelons d’abord des distinctions conceptuelles qui, bien que parfois negligees, sont essentielles dans les etudes contemporaines sur la personnalite et incontournables pour acceder au niveau theorique dans la litterature sur l’autoregulation. Nous disons ensuite que ceux qui font des etudes fondamentales et appliquees sur l’autoregulation auraient interet a assimiler les progres recents concernant la dynamique et la structure de la personnalite intra-individuelle. Nous passons en revue la theorie de base et les recherches sur l’architecture des systemes de la personnalite intra-individuelle, ainsi que les retombees de ce travail dans trois domaines d’application: la psychologie du travail/industrielle/organisationnelle, la psychologie clinique et la sante. The self-regulation literature commonly is said to lack theoretical order. This paper explores the possibility that advances in personality science may foster clarity in this literature. Our goals are two-fold. We remind readers of conceptual distinctions that are central to contemporary personality science, that are necessary to the attainment of theoretical order in the self-regulation literature, yet that sometimes are overlooked. Secondly, we suggest that basic and applied students of self-regulation would profit by capitalising on recent advances in personality science that explore intra-individual personality structure and dynamics. We review theory and research on the architecture of intra-individual personality systems and applications of this work to three domains: health, clinical, and work/industrial/organisation psychology.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This paper examined the usefulness of the components of Ashford et al.'s (1989) multidimensional measure of job insecurity in both the United States and China, as well as replicating and extending prior findings regarding antecedents and consequences.
Abstract: Il y a plus d’une decennie, Ashford, Lee, and Bobko (1989) ont developpe un outil de mesure standard permettant evaluer des niveaux individuels d’insecurite au travail. Les annees suivantes, des chercheurs se sont demande si la totalite des mesures composant cet instrument etait necessaire. Nous avons donc examine l’utilite des differentes dimensions du test multidimensionnel de l’Insecurite au travail de Ashford et al. (1989) aux Etats Unis et en Chine, en eprouvant et elargissant les conclusions anterieures. Nos resultats suggerent qu’eliminer les dimensions “caracteristiques du travail” et “impuissance” de l’instrument multidimensionnel initial est premature dans les deux cultures. D’autres recherches s’averent donc necessaires pour determiner l’utilite de cet outil dans sa version complete. Les implications de nos resultats sont discutees. Over a decade ago, Ashford, Lee, and Bobko (1989) developed a standard measure for those interested in assessing levels of individual job insecurity. In ensuing years, some researchers have questioned whether the entire measure is necessary. We examined the usefulness of the components of Ashford et al.'s (1989) multidimensional measure of job insecurity in both the United States and China, as well as replicating and extending prior findings regarding antecedents and consequences. Our results suggest that the call to eliminate job features or powerlessness from the fully composite measure of job insecurity is premature in both cultures. We call for more research on the utility of the fully operationalised measure. Implications of our findings are discussed.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, personal goal facilitation through work is defined as the extent to which one's job facilitates the attainment of one's personal goals, i.e., the ability of a job to facilitate the realization of personal goals.
Abstract: Que le travail facilite la realisation des objectifs personnels depend de la perception de l’impact du travail sur l’atteinte de ces objectifs personnels. En accord avec la litterature sur l’autoregulation et le modele cybernetique du stress organisationnel propose par Edwards (1992), la facilitation de l’acces a ses objectifs personnels par le travail fut supposee en relation positive avec les attitudes relatives a l’emploi et le bien-etre de l’employe. En outre, on a predit un rapport plus etroit entre la facilitation de l’acces a ses objectifs personnels par le travail et les performances du salarie quand les buts personnels etaient fortement valorises. Ces hypotheses ont ete mises a l’epreuve a travers un questionnaire rempli par 1036 employes du secteur de la sante. D’apres l’analyse de regression, la facilitation de l’acces a ses objectifs personnels par le travail expliquait une part importante de la variance du bien-etre et des attitudes relatives a l’emploi, meme apres avoir controle les caracteristiques des postes en reference au modele de Karasek concernant les relations agents stressants—tension au travail (1979; Karasek & Theorell, 1990). L’importance des objectifs n’avait qu’une influence des plus limitees. On en conclut que la facilitation de l’acces a ses objectifs personnels par le travail offre une voie prometteuse pour explorer les attitudes liees a l’emploi et le bien-etre, en complement des modeles plus traditionnels des caracteristiques de l’emploi. Personal goal facilitation through work refers to perceptions of the extent to which one's job facilitates the attainment of one's personal goals. In line with the self-regulation literature and Edwards’ (1992) cybernetic model of organisational stress, personal goal facilitation through work was predicted to show positive associations with job attitudes and employee well-being. Moreover, stronger relationships between personal goal facilitation through work and employee outcomes were predicted for highly valued personal goals. These predictions were investigated in a questionnaire study of 1,036 health care employees. In regression analyses, personal goal facilitation through work accounted for substantial variance in job attitudes and well-being, even after controlling for job characteristics from Karasek's (1979; Karasek & Theorell, 1990) model of occupational stressor–strain relations. There was only very limited evidence of moderating effects of goal importance. It is concluded that personal goal facilitation through work offers a promising source of insight into job attitudes and well-being, complementing more traditional job characteristics models.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This paper found that the frequency of family interference with work (FIW) relates to the quality of the leader-follower work relationship (LMX quality), and to followers' reported level of job enrichment.
Abstract: Nous avons teste l’hypothese selon laquelle le degre d’interference entre la vie familiale et le travail (FIW) chez des sujets “suiveurs” varie en fonction de la qualite de la relation leader-suiveur dans le monde du travail (Qualite LMX) et de leur niveau de valorisation du travail. La relation entre ce niveau et la qualite LMX a aussi eteevaluee. Si le FIW, en accord avec les resultats relatifs a la theorie de l’echange social, est lie negativement, et a la qualite LMX, et au niveau de valorisation du travail des suiveurs, ce dernier est correle positivement a la qualite LMX conformement aux predictions principales de la theorie LMX. Cependant, bien que le FIW se rapporte directement au niveau de valorisation du travail, nous avons pu montrer qu’il est lie indirectement a la qualite LMX par le truchement du niveau de valorisation du travail. We tested whether followers’ frequency of family interference with work (FIW) relates to the quality of the leader–follower work relationship (LMX quality), and to followers’ reported level of job enrichment. We also tested the relationship between followers’ job enrichment and LMX quality. We found that that FIW relates negatively to LMX quality and to job enrichment, supporting arguments based on social exchange theory, and that followers’ job enrichment relates positively to LMX quality, supporting one of the key predictions of LMX theory. We also found that while FIW relates directly to job enrichment, it relates only indirectly to LMX quality through job enrichment.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, an empirical assessment of the effects of job ambiguity on perceptions of organisational politics (POP) and the moderating role of an employee's felt obligation on the relationships between POP and job distress and organisational citizenship behaviors (OCB) was undertaken.
Abstract: Ce travail fournit une evaluation empirique des effets de l’ambiguite du role professionnel sur la perception de la politique de l’organisation (PPO) et de l’impact du sentiment de devoir sur la relation entre la PPO, la souffrance professionnelle et les comportements de citoyennete organisationnelle (CCO). On a mene une enquete sur du personnel supplementaire de deux programmes de developpement agricole dans le sud-ouest du Nigeria. 229 questionnaires traitables ont ete recuperes. Une analyse de regression hierarchique montra que l’ambiguite de role predisait la PPO. La PPO etait correlee negativement avec le sentiment de devoir et les CCO, mais positivement avec la souffrance professionnelle. La relation entre la PPO et les CCO etait renforcee quand les employes presentaient plutot des niveaux faibles du sentiment de devoir envers l’organisation. Cependant, il n’y avait pas d’interference significative du sentiment de devoir sur la relation entre la PPO et la souffrance professionnelle. This study provides an empirical assessment of the effects of job ambiguity on perceptions of organisational politics (POP) and the moderating role of an employee’s felt obligation on the relationships between POP and job distress and organisational citizenship behaviors (OCB). A census of extension personnel in two Agricultural Development Programs (ADPs) in Southwestern Nigeria was undertaken. In all, 229 extension personnel returned useable surveys. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that job ambiguity predicted POP. POP was negatively related to felt obligation and OCB, and positively associated with job distress. The relationship between POP and OCB was stronger when employees reported lower rather than higher levels of felt obligation toward the organisation. However, there was no significant moderating effect of felt obligation on the relationship between POP and job distress.

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TL;DR: In this paper, Cervone, Shadel, Smith, and Fiori make a strong case for enhancing theoretical coherence in the study of self-regulation by examining recent advances in personality science.
Abstract: Cervone, Shadel, Smith, and Fiori (2006) make a strong case for enhancing theoretical coherence in the study of self-regulation by examining recent advances in personality science. I extend their line of argument, reframe their philosophical reminders and strategically shift their suggestions. My goal is to provide an augmented base from which personality science and self-regulation research and practice can derive mutual benefit. Consensus seems to be emerging that personality science can be usefully conceptualised as a multi-tier structure, each floor of which focuses on different units of analysis. I focus on Tier I (trait units) and Tier II (PAC units (personal action constructs)). I suggest that Tier II is the home of both the social cognitive theorists and social ecological theorists and that they seem to have colluded to ignore each other. I use Cervone et al.'s timely article as a stimulant to do some renovation work on this floor. Focusing on personal projects I suggest that they provide an integrative function for personality science that augments the contributions of their close neighbors doing CAPS and KAPA research. By some minor renovations we find ourselves able to speak to the narrative theorists in the loft above and even to the trait theorists below. The resulting conversational potential, I suggest, is salutary for both personality science and the study of self-regulation.

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TL;DR: In this article, a dynamic stress model for organisational change, including the interaction effect of sex on the model, was proposed and tested on 804 employees at five VA medical centers.
Abstract: Cette etude a operationnalise et mis a l’epreuve un modele dynamique du stress adapte au changement organisationnel en tenant compte de l’impact du sexe sur le modele. L’echantillon etait compose de 804 employes de cinq centres medicaux pour anciens combattants. Le modele, inspire de celui de Mack, Nelson & Quick (1998) comprenait: l’importance des retombees du changement organisationnel sur le role professionnel, les relations et l’environnement de travail, les opportunites, la carriere, l’incertitude et l’evaluation des problemes a resoudre, le stress percu et les reactions de controle-evitement. On est parti de l’idee que l’evaluation jouerait un role de mediateur entre l’importance du changement et le stress percu et que les reactions agiraient directement sur les evaluations et le stress percu. L’analyse en pistes causales confirma le modele de changement propose sous reserve de quelques modifications, mais montra que les hommes et les femmes pouvaient revendiquer leur propre modele. Les differences dues au sexe apparaissent dans la relation entre la perception et l’evaluation du changement; et chaque sexe presente des sources specifiques de stress. L’evaluation jouait un role partiel de mediateur entre l’importance du changement et le stress percu. Le controle de la situation etait une strategie plus pertinente que l’evitement aussi bien pour les hommes que pour les femmes. On reflechit aux consequences de ce travail pour les chercheurs et les organisations. The present study operationalised and tested a dynamic stress model for organisational change, including the interaction effect of sex on the model, on 804 employees at five VA medical centers. The model, an adaptation of Mack, Nelson, and Quick's (1998) model included: the amount of organisational change within job role, work relationships, job context, facility, and career; uncertainty and challenge appraisal; perceived stress; and control and avoidance coping. It was proposed that appraisal would act as a mediator between amount of change and perceived stress and that coping would have direct effects on appraisals and perceived stress. Path analyses supported the proposed change model with some modification, but indicated that males and females may require unique models. Sex differences emerged in relationships between perceptions and appraisal of change, and males and females had unique sources of stress. Appraisal acted as a partial mediator between amount of change and perceived stress. Control coping emerged as a more adaptive strategy than avoidance coping for both males and females. Implications for researchers and organisations are discussed.

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TL;DR: In this paper, a longitudinal panel study examined the relationship among pre-downsizing coping resources and coping constraints and coping strategies assessed during the downsizing period (T2, T3).
Abstract: 201 cadres de deux services relevant du gouvernement federal qui ont ete confrontes a une reduction d’effectifs ont constitue un panel en vue d’une etude longitudinale qui a porte sur la relation entre les ressources presentes avant la reduction du personnel (T1) et les contraintes et strategies de traitement du probleme evaluees pendant la periode elle-meme (T2 et T3). Les contraintes en T2 (travail alienant, absence percue de succes professionnel a venir et consequences jugees negatives de la contraction des effectifs) agissaient sur la relation entre les ressources disponibles en T1 et les strategies deployees en T2. Les ressources relevant de l’individu (optimisme et securite percue du travail) et celles relevant de l’organisation (le vecu du soutien apporte par le superieur et l’organisation et l’implication affective dans l’organisation) etaient en relation avec une appreciation plus favorable des contraintes, ce qui, en retour, avaient des retombees sur la mise en œuvre des strategies T2 de fuite et de controle. Les conduites T2 de controle etaient significativement correlees de facon negative aux contraintes T3 tandis que les conduites de fuite T2 etaient significativement correlees de facon positive a ces memes contraintes T3. Les futures recherches ne devraient pas seulement etudier le role des ressources exploitees par ceux qui affrontent victorieusement une contraction des effectifs, mais aussi identifier et tenir compte des contraintes qui peuvent contrecarrer ou inhiber l’usage de certaines strategies de coping. Managers (N= 201) in two federal government departments undergoing downsizing participated in a longitudinal panel study examining the relationship among pre-downsizing (T1) coping resources and coping constraints and coping strategies assessed during the downsizing period (T2, T3). T2 coping constraints (work alienation, perceived lack of future career success, and perceived negative downsizing effect) mediated the relationship between T1 coping resources and T2 coping strategies. Individual-related (optimism and perceived job security) coping resources and organisation-related (perceived organisational and supervisor support and organisational affective commitment) coping resources were associated with a more favourable evaluation of the coping constraints which, in turn, influenced the use of T2 control-oriented and escape coping strategies. T2 control-oriented coping was significantly negatively related to T3 coping constraints whereas T2 escape coping was significantly positively related to T3 coping constraints. Future research should not only examine the role of coping resources in how survivors cope with organisational downsizing but also identify and examine coping constraints that may restrict or inhibit the use of certain coping strategies.

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TL;DR: In this article, the applicability and validity of CAFAS, an instrument for assessing functional impairment, psychopathology, and other related variables were evaluated in the Spanish population, and the results indicated that the instrument can be used for studies on psychopathology and functional impairment.
Abstract: Le pressent travaux verifie l’applicabilite et la validite du CAFAS, un instrument pour evaluer l’incapacite fonctionnel dans une population espagnole. L’echantillon est forme par 441 malades ambulatoires psychiatriques d’entre 8 et 17 annees et leurs parents, et aussi par un echantillon de 74 malades ambulatoires pediatriques. On a applique differents instruments pour evaluer l’incapacite fonctionnel, la psychopathologie, et autres variables psychologiques. La fiabilite intra observateur varie entre moderee et bonne. L’accord entre les ponctuations obtenues avec l’information des parents et des infants varie entre faible et moderee. Les correlations avec autres mesures d’incapacite et du fonctionnement sont significatives mais moderee. Les ponctuations CAFAS differencient significativement les enfants avec et sans psychopathologie. Les resultats obtenus avalisent l’utilisation du CAFAS pour les etudes en psychopathologie, en incapacite fonctionnel et pour planifier interventions et services de sante mental. The present work tests the applicability and validity of the CAFAS, an instrument for assessing functional impairment, in the Spanish population. The sample included 441 psychiatric outpatients from 8 to 17 years old and their parents, and a pediatric group of 74 outpatients. Different instruments for assessing functional impairment, psychopathology, and other related variables were used. Interrater reliability ranged from moderate to very good. Weak-to-moderate agreement between CAFAS scores based on information from parents and children was obtained. Correlations with other measures of impairment and functioning were moderate. CAFAS scores differentiated significantly between children with and without psychopathology. These results permit the use of the instrument for studies on psychopathology and functional impairment, and for planning intervention and mental health services.

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TL;DR: Lefoll et al. as mentioned in this paper investigated the influence of state-attributions and attributional style (AS) on short-term persistence in a putting task during perceived failure, finding that participants with a "high personal control" AS showed greater persistence than those with a low personal control AS, which supports past research on the positive motivational benefits of a more "optimistic" attributal style in task failure situations.
Abstract: Email: david.lefoll@uhb .fr Dans cette etude, on a examine l'influence de l'etat des attributions et le style attributionnel (AS) sur la persistance a court-terme d'un echec percu a une tâche de putting. 101 eleves debutants en golf ont participe a cette recherche. Deux epreuves de 8 putts ont ete interrompues chacune pendant trois minutes. Durant cette periode, on a mesure la persistance individuelle en comptant le nombre de fois que le sujet essayait de putter. L'analyse des resultats montre que le style attributionnel influence la persistance a court-terme contrairement a l'etat des attributions. Les sujets ayant un AS "fort controle personnel" font montre de plus de persistance que ceux ayant un AS "faible controle personnel". Ces resultats confirment ceux obtenus lors de recherches anterieures sur les benefices motiva- tionnels d'un style attributionnel "optimiste" dans des situations d'echec lors de la realisation d'une tâche. Des attributions instables sont particulierement benefiques aux sujets ayant un AS externe/incontrolable. Ces derniers ont un niveau significativement plus eleve de persistance que les sujets ayant un AS externe/incontrolable mais qui ont fait des attributions causales stables. This study investigated the influence of state-attributions and attributional style (AS) on short-term persistence in a putting task during perceived failure. Partici- pants were 101 novice golf students. Two trials of eight putts each were interrupted by a 3-minute free period during which individual persistence was measured by calculating the number of putts attempted in the free period. Analyses revealed that attributional style influenced short-term putting persistence but state- attributions did not. Participants with a "high personal control" AS showed greater persistence than those with a "low personal control" AS, which supports past research on the positive motivational benefits of a more "optimistic" attributional style in task failure situations. Moreover, unstable attributions were particularly protective for individuals with an external/uncontrollable AS, in that they promoted significantly higher levels of persistence than was shown by external/ uncontrollable AS individuals who made stable causal attributions.

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TL;DR: In this paper, the effects of providing wait duration information and explanations for the reason for a delay on customer reactions to a delayed service delivery were evaluated from the perspective of wait time theories.
Abstract: Deux experiences ont evalue les consequences d’informations portant sur la duree d’attente et d’explications concernant les raisons du delai sur les reactions de clients confrontes a un service remis a plus tard. Dans la premiere etude, 111 participants ont lu un scenario decrivant une attente dans un cabinet medical. Dans l’autre etude, 87 sujets ont vecu un reel retard dans un laboratoire. Dans les deux cas, les participants ont ensuite fait part de leurs reactions suite au retard et evalue le service. Les resultats montrent que la presentation d’une information innocentant celui qui fournit le service provoque les reactions les plus favorables de la part de la clientele, tandis que l’absence d’explications entraine des reactions plus positives qu’une explication mettant en cause le responsable. Donner une estimation de la duree d’attente n’a que des effets limites sur les reactions. Les resultats sont analyses a partir des theories du temps d’attente. Two experiments tested the effects of providing wait duration information and explanations for the reason for a delay on customer reactions to a delayed service delivery. In Study 1, 111 participants read a paper-and-pencil scenario about a wait for service at a doctor's office. In Study 2, 87 participants experienced an actual delay at a research facility. In both studies, participants were subsequently surveyed about their service evaluation and reactions to the delay. Results indicate that providing a provider-not-at-fault explanation led to the most positive customer reactions, whereas providing no explanation led to more positive reactions than a provider-at-fault explanation. Providing waiting duration estimates had only limited effects on customers’ reactions. Results are discussed from the perspective of wait time theories.

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TL;DR: In this paper, the authors examined how cognitive motivation and negotiation role interact to predict behavior and outcomes in integrative dyadic negotiations and found that the effect of cognitive motivation in negotiation depends upon the role of the negotiator.
Abstract: On etudie dans cet article la facon dont la motivation cognitive et le role de negociateur interagissent pour predire les comportements et les resultats des negociations duelles La motivation cognitive de 64 participants a ete mesuree anterieurement a une simulation de negociation achatvente Les resultats montrent que l’impact de la motivation cognitive sur la negociation depend du role joue Comme prevu, les paires pourvues de vendeur a la motivation cognitive elevee parvenaient bien plus facilement a un accord que celles dont le vendeur avait une motivation cognitive basse Par contre, la motivation cognitive des acheteurs n’avait pas de retombees sur le deroulement de la negociation L’analyse des transcriptions des negociations indiqua que l’information fournie avait une fonction d’interface entre la motivation cognitive des vendeurs et l’accord On discute des consequences theoriques et pratiques This article examines how cognitive motivation and negotiation role interact to predict behavior and outcomes in integrative dyadic negotiations The cognitive motivation of 64 participants was measured prior to a simulated buyer–seller negotiation The results suggest that the effect of cognitive motivation in negotiation depends upon the role of the negotiator As predicted, dyads with sellers who were high on cognitive motivation achieved much better joint outcomes than dyads with sellers low on cognitive motivation By contrast, the cognitive motivation of the buyers did not affect negotiation outcomes Mediational analyses of negotiation transcripts illustrated that the giving of information was a mediating factor between the cognitive motivation of the sellers and joint outcomes Theoretical and practical implications are discussed

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TL;DR: In this paper, a field study of applicants seeking to join the police force used Gilliland's (1993) adaptation of organisational justice theory to frame the study and found that applicants reacted most positively to interviews and physical agility tests and less favorably to psychological tests.
Abstract: Cette etude de terrain portant sur des candidats voulant entrer dans la police a fait appel a la theorie de Gilliland (1993) concernant la pertinence de la justice organisationnelle. La recherche a tente d’analyser: a) la perception que les candidats avaient de trois procedures de selection (tests de souplesse corporelle, tests psychologiques et entretien); b) si la perception des tests de souplesse corporelle variait avec le sexe; c) si les reactions aux procedures de selections susmentionnees avaient une influence significative sur l’attirance exercee par l’organisation, l’intention d’accepter le poste et la perception de l’equite. Les candidats ont ete contactes trois fois: a la preselection (1° periode); apres les tests psychologiques, l’epreuve d’agilite physique et l’entretien (2° periode); et a la fin de la procedure de selection (3° periode). Il apparut que les candidats reagissaient plus favorablement aux entretiens et aux tests de souplesse corporelle qu’aux tests psychologiques. Les femmes tendaient a moins voir que les hommes un rapport entre les tests d’agilite physique et le travail. Les reactions des candidats vis-a-vis des tests psychologiques et des entretiens etaient le plus souvent sans lien avec l’attirance, les intentions et la perception de l’equite. Les reactions envers les tests d’agilite physique influencaient le desir de rejoindre les forces de police, mais pas le sexe. La perception du caractere (in)juste du resultat de la selection etait surtout sous la dependance des a priori concernant l’utilisation des tests psychologiques et des entretiens dans la selection. On examine les retombees de ces resultats sur la pratique et les recherches a venir. This field study of applicants seeking to join the police force used Gilliland's (1993) adaptation of organisational justice theory to frame the study. The study sought to examine (a) applicant perceptions of three selection procedures: physical agility tests, psychological tests, and interviews; (b) whether females and males had different perceptions of physical agility tests; and (c) if reactions to the aforementioned selection procedures had a significant influence on organisational attractiveness, job acceptance intentions, and fairness perceptions. Applicants were surveyed at three time points: pre-selection (Time 1); after psychological testing, physical agility testing, and interview (Time 2); and after the completion of selection procedures (Time 3). The findings showed applicants reacted most positively to interviews and physical agility tests and less favorably to psychological tests. Compared to males, females were less likely to perceive physical agility tests as job related. Applicant reactions to psychological tests and interviews were mostly unrelated to attraction-intentions and fairness perceptions. Reactions to physical agility tests influenced desire to join the police force; gender did not influence intention to join the police force. Perceptions of selection outcome fairness were mostly influenced by initial beliefs about the use of psychological tests and interviews for selection purposes. Practical and future research applications of the findings are discussed.

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TL;DR: In contrast to traditional theories of personality, the CAPS perspective is a meta-theory that is deliberately "content-free" as discussed by the authors, and its generalisability depends on how widely its basic, common principles and methods can be applied to identify the constructs (e.g. situation-specific encodings, beliefs, values etc.) relevant to a given domain of behavior and situations.
Abstract: In contrast to traditional theories of personality, the CAPS perspective is a meta-theory that is deliberately “content-free”. The generalisability of the theory depends on how widely its basic, common principles and methods can be applied to identify the constructs (e.g. situation-specific encodings, beliefs, values, etc.) relevant to a given domain of behavior and situations. In this commentary we will discuss how the target article illustrates the use of the CAPS meta-theory for developing domain-specific content-full models for smoking cessation, psychopathology, and organisational behavior.

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TL;DR: In this paper, Cervone, Shadel, Smith, and Fiori proposed a new perspective for the study of personality processes within organisations and one that conflicts with the existing personality research programmes focused on the five factor model (FFM).
Abstract: Cervone, Shadel, Smith, and Fiori (2006) outline an approach to the study of self-regulation that is consistent with but extends research on self-regulation and motivation within organisational psychology. At the same time, their model represents a new perspective for the study of personality processes within organisations and one that conflicts with the existing personality research programmes focused on the five factor model (FFM). We outline the points of differentiation between the two approaches and suggest strategies that we believe will allow personality researchers to build the personality architectures for the trait behaviours derived from the FFM. We also categorise the mediating mechanisms studied in organisational psychology in the KAPA model of Cervone et al. and highlight the need for related frameworks covering affective units and personal competencies in personality architecture.

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TL;DR: In this paper, Cervone et al. have carried out an updated analysis of personality psychology theory and research, resuming the debate between variable and person-centered approaches, and commenting on the contributions the knowledge-and-appraisal personality architecture (KAPA) can make to the design of idiosyncratic tools and strategies for personality assessment and to the understanding of the role of the personality system in different contexts of applied psychology, such as health, clinical and industrial/organisational psychology.
Abstract: In their paper, Cervone, Shadel, Smith, and Fiori (2006) present a thorough analysis of self-regulatory behavior, understood as the most genuine expression of the agentic and purposive nature of human beings. Therefore, we can expect that research on personality could shed light on our understanding of self-regulatory processes and behavioral expressions. With this aim, Cervone et al. have carried out an updated analysis of personality psychology theory and research, resuming the debate between variable and person-centered approaches, and commenting on the contributions the Knowledge-and-Appraisal Personality Architecture (KAPA) can make to the design of idiosyncratic tools and strategies for personality assessment and to the understanding of the role of the personality system in different contexts of applied psychology, such as health, clinical and industrial/organisational psychology. Here, I would like to examine two topics, to which Cervone et al. pay substantial attention in their paper: self-regulation and personality dynamics, and the role of personality science in addressing central questions in health psychology.

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TL;DR: The authors describe how poor self-reflection and biased mindreading impair self-regulation in personality disorders and other clinical conditions and make some suggestions about how to tackle them in psychotherapy.
Abstract: To understand how persons self-regulate, we need, as Cervone, Shadel, Smith, and Fiori (2006) assert, to refer to personality science, with which it is possible to identify the multifarious psychological elements and processes helping or hindering action programming, overcoming difficulties, and error correction. Personality disorder research and personality science itself demonstrate that dysfunctions in two skills—self-monitoring and mindreading—worsen self-regulation and lead individuals to fail chronically to achieve goals in the social domain. Here we describe how poor self-reflection and biased mindreading impair self-regulation in personality disorders and other clinical conditions and make some suggestions about how to tackle them in psychotherapy.

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TL;DR: In this paper, a message conveyed is that personality science and the study of self-regulation are mutually complementary and that applied efforts to enhance people's self-regulatory capacities can be enhanced via study of the intra-individual architecture of social-cognitive and affective personality systems.
Abstract: The authors reply to commentaries on their target article “Self-Regulation: Reminders and Suggestions from Personality Science”. Substantial consensus is evident across the target article and multiple commentaries. The message conveyed is that personality science and the study of self-regulation are mutually complementary and that applied efforts to enhance people's self-regulatory capacities can be enhanced via study of the intra-individual architecture of social-cognitive and affective personality systems.

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TL;DR: In this paper, Cervone, Shadel, Smith, and Fiori's goal was to clarify the self-regulation literature and to show how intra-individual personality studies might help do this.
Abstract: We applaud Cervone, Shadel, Smith, and Fiori's goal to clarify the self-regulation literature and to show how intra-individual personality studies might help do this. Unfortunately, we do not believe the paper achieves its goal. Rather it only confuses matters further. This is due to the lack of clear definitions or explanation of key concepts and theories, false claims about certain personality measures and other issues, confusions about the relation between process and content, the offering as new insights ideas which are, in fact, not new, and the failure to make clear how intra-individual studies would actually be used.