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A network linking perception and memory systems in posterior cerebral cortex

A new network of brain areas bridging the spatial-memory and scene-perception systems of the human brain, which conveys memory signals to visually-responsive posterior cortex, offers a new framework for understanding how the brain implements memory-guided visual behaviors like navigation.
Here, we report a network of brain areas bridging the spatial-memory and scene-perception systems of the human brain. Using fine-grained individual-subject fMRI, we reveal three cortical areas of the human brain, each lying immediately anterior to a region of the scene perception network in posterior cerebral cortex, that selectively activate when recalling familiar real-world locations. Despite their close proximity to the scene-perception areas, network analyses show that these regions constitute a distinct functional network that interfaces with memory systems during naturalistic scene understanding. These place-memory areas offer a new framework for understanding how the brain implements memory-guided visual behaviors, including navigation.

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A network linking scene perception and spatial memory systems
in posterior cerebral cortex
Citation for published version:
Steel, A, Billings, M, Silson, EH & Robertson, CE 2021, 'A network linking scene perception and spatial
memory systems in posterior cerebral cortex', Nature Communications, vol. 12, 2632 .
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A network linking scene perception and spatial
memory systems in posterior cerebral cortex
Adam Steel
, Madeleine M. Billings
, Edward H. Silson
& Caroline E. Robertson
The neural systems supporting scene-perception and spatial-memory systems of the human
brain are well-described. But how do these neural systems interact? Here, using ne-grained
individual-subject fMRI, we report three cortical areas of the human brain, each lying
immediately anterior to a region of the scene perception network in posterior cerebral cortex,
that selectively activate when recalling familiar real-world locations. Despite their close
proximity to the scene-perception areas, network analyses show that these regions constitute
a distinct functional network that interfaces with spatial memory systems during naturalistic
scene understanding. These place-memory areas offer a new framework for understanding
how the brain implements memory-guided visual behaviors, including navigation.
Department of Psychology and Brain Sciences, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA.
Psychology, School of Philosophy, Psychology, and Language
Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH8 9JZ, UK.
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2021) 12:2632 | | 1

s we navigate through our world, the visual scene in front
of us is seamlessly integrated with our memory of the
broader spatial environment. The neural systems sup-
porting visual scene processing in the posterior cerebral cortex
and spatial memory in the hippocampus and medial temporal
are well described. But how do visual and spatio-
mnemonic systems interface in the brain to give rise to memory-
guided visual experience?
Two disparate lines of inquiry yield different hypotheses. On the
one hand, mechanistic accounts of memory often posit that explicit
recall of visual stimuli reinstates perceptual representations in visual
, including the three areas of the scene-perception network
(parahippocampal place area (PPA
), occipital place area (OPA; also
referred to as the transverse occipital sulcus
), and medial place
area (MPA; also referred to as retrosplenial complex
However, recent studies question the co-localization of perceptual
and memory-based representations and instead suggest a perception
to memory transition moving anteriorly from areas of the scene-
perception network
.Theselaterndings are consistent with
neuropsychological observations, where patients with intact per-
ception but disrupted mental imagery, and vice versa, have been
. Resolving this discrepancy is critical to under-
standing how contextual information from memory is brought to
bear on visual representations in the brain. In short, do scene per-
ception and memory share common neural substrates?
Here, we sought to describe the neural basis of perceptually- and
mnemonically-driven representations of real-world scenes in the
humanbrain.Todothis,weconducted a series of experiments using
ne-grained, individual-subjectfMRItoassesswhetherthese
responses are co-localized in the brain (Experiment 1). Surprisingly,
this experiment revealed strong evidence to the contrary: in all
subjects, visually recalling real-world locations evoked activity in
three previously undescribed areas in the posterior cerebral cortex,
each lying immediately anterior to one of the three regions of the
scene-perception network. We next characterized the functional and
network properties of these place-memo ry areas (Experiments 23)
and explicitly tested the wide-spread view that the neural substrates
of perception and memory recall (i.e., mental imagery) activate
shared regions of the human brain (Experiment 4). Together, our
results reveal a network of brain areas that collectively bridge the
scene perception and spatial memory systems of the human brain
and may facilitate the integration of the local visual environment with
spatial memory representations.
Distinct topography of scene-perception and place-memory
activity. In Experiment 1, we mapped the topography of perceptual
(henceforth scene-perception) and mnemonic (henceforth place-
memory) activity related to real-world scene processing in 14 adult
participants. We rst independently localized the three regions of
the scene-perception network
by comparing activation when
participants viewed images of scenes, faces, and objects (Methods).
Then, in the same individuals, we localized areas that showed
preferential BOLD activation when participants recalled personally
familiar real-world locations (e.g. their house) versus faces (e.g. their
. We subsequently compared the topography (i.e. anato-
mical location and spatial extent) of the scene-perception and place-
memory preferring areas.
Comparison of scene-perception and place-memory activation
revealed a striking topographical pattern: in all participants, we
found three clusters of place-memory activity in the posterior
cerebral cortex, each paired with one of the three scene-
perception regions (Fig. 1). We henceforth refer to these clusters
as place-memory areas for brevity. On the lateral, ventral, and
medial cortical surfaces, the pairs of place-memory and scene-
perception areas exhibited a systematic topographical relation-
ship: the center-of-mass of each place-memory area was located
consistently anterior to the center-of-mass of its corresponding
scene-perception area in every individual participant (Lateral
pairs: t(13) = 16.41, p < 0.0001, d = 4.39; Ventral pairs: t(13) =
Proportion of significant nodes
(Perception and Memory)
Memory for places vs. people
t > 3.3, p < 0.001
< 20-20 > t-statistic
Center of mass
Distance (mm)
Center of mass
Fig. 1 Distinct topography of place-memory and scene-perception activity in posterior cerebral cortex. In all participants, three place-memory areas
were observed, each located signicantly anterior to one region of the scene-perception network. One example participant in Experiment 1 is shown (See
Supplementary Fig. 1 and Supplementary Video 1 for thresholded and unthresholded activation maps for all participants (n = 14)). The participants scene
perception ROIs are outlined in white, and place-memory activity is shown in warm colors. The scene-perception network (parahippocampal place area
[PPA], occipital place area [OPA], and medial place area [MPA]) was localized by comparing the BOLD response when participants viewed images of
scenes versus with faces (outlined in white, thresholded at vertex-wise p < 0.001). Place-memory areas on each surface were localized in separate fMRI
runs by comparing the BOLD response when participants recalled personally familiar places versus people (warm colors, thresholded at vertex-wise p <
0.001). Polar plots: for each cortical surface, the center of mass of place-memory activation was signicantly anterior to the center of mass of scene-
perception activation in all participants (all ts > 5, p < 0.001). In contrast, face memory activation was spatially co-localized with the face-selective fusiform
face area (FFA) on the ventral surface, and no anterior shift was observed (cool colors, t
= 0.1211, p = 0.906). Statistical analyses revealed no difference
between the hemispheres, so, for clarity, only right hemisphere is shown. Inset: while the activation during place memory was systematically anterior to
activation during scene perception, the spatial overlap between perception and memory activation varied across the cortical surfaces. Note that the axes
(posterior-anterior) of each polar plot are aligned to its associated cortical surface. The data in the polar plot reects distance in millimeters.
2 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2021) 12:2632 | |

12.115, p < 0.0001, d = 3.24; Medial pairs: t(13) = 5.99, p < 0.0001,
d = 1.6; Supplementary Fig. 1a; Supplementary Video 1). Impor-
tantly, control analyses using (1) a more conservative contrast
(scenes > faces + objects) to dene scene-perception areas
and (2) a probabilistic ROI-based denition of PPA
that the anterior shift of memory relative to perception was not
due to our denition of the scene-perception areas (Supplemen-
tary Figs. 2, 3).
Across the cortical surfaces, the degree of overlap between the
scene-perception and place-memory areas varied systematically
(Fig. 1, inset). On the ventral surface, place-memory activation
emerged rapidly at the anterior 6070% of the scene-perceptio n area
(PPA) and continued anteriorly beyond the scene-perc eptio n areas
anterior extent (Supplementary Fig. 4). In contrast, on the medial
surface, the scene-perception area (MPA) was encompassed within
the most posterior portion of the place-memory responsive region.
On the lateral surface, the place-memory and scene-perception area
(OPA) partially overlapped, but to a lesser extent than on the other
cortical surfaces. This systematic variation across the cortical
surfaces was present in all participants (Supplementary Figure 1a,
Supplementary Video 1).
We performed two additional analyses to characterize the
cortical locations of the place-memory areas. First, we asked: do
the locations of the place-memory areas fall in retinotopic, or
non-retinotopic cortex? We hypothesized that, unlike scene
perception areas, which process visual input, place-memory areas
would lie in non-retinotopic cortex. To test this, we performed a
group analysis of the place-memory localizer and compared the
peak activity for each area to retinotopic maps based on a
probabilistic atlas
. Strikingly, on all cortical surfaces, place-
memory areas were consistently located anterior to the cortical
retinotopic maps (Fig. 2a) with minimal overlap (Supplementary
Fig. 5). This location outside of retinotopic cortex is consistent
with their role as preferentially mnemonic, rather than visual,
areas. Second, we asked: how do the locations of the place-
memory areas relate to known anatomical landmarks in
the brain? To address this question, we compared the results of
the group place-memory localizer to anatomical parcels from the
Glasser atlas
. This revealed a remarkable pattern: the peaks of
the place-memory preferring activity fell at the intersection of
areas known to be important for visual and spatial processing.
Medially, the peak fell within the parietal occipital sulcus area 1
near the retrosplenial cortex; ventrally, the peak fell between
parahippocampal area 1 and the presubiculum, and laterally the
peak fell within area PGp and PGi (Fig. 2b). Thus, the place-
memory areas straddle visual and spatio-mnemonic functional
areas, and, based on this localization, these areas are poised to
play a role in bridging these processes. In contrast, the scene-
perception areas fell in retinotopic cortex and areas associated
with perception (Supplementary Fig. 6).
In contrast to the striking distinction between scene-perception
and place-memory, memory-related activation for faces was
centered on the perceptually-driven FFA on the ventral surface
(Difference of centers-of-mass: t(9) = 0.1211, p = 0.906, d =
0.17), and we did not observe consistent memory-driven
activation near the occipital face area on the lateral surface. The
anterior shift for places was greater than that for faces on all
surfaces (Main effect ROI: F(3,85) = 14.842, p < 0.001, t vs faces:
all ps<0.001, all ds > 2.26). Importantly, face and place memories
are complex and multifaceted, and factors such as vividness and
memory age can in uence the activity elicited by memory
. However, the difference between categories was not
due to subjective differences in recall ability, as participants
reported equal subjective vividness for place and face memory
recall, although vividness of recollection was not related to
activation magnitude in place-memory or scene-perception areas
(Supplementary Fig. 7). We reasoned that one potential
explanation for the anterior distinction of memory versus
perception for scenes/places but not faces might be the BOLD
signal-dropout artifact affecting lateral ventral temporal cortex.
However, we ruled out this explanation by replicating Experiment
1 using an advanced multi-echo fMRI sequence that improved
signal from the lateral and anterior temporal lobe and obtaining
similar results: an anterior shift for place-memory relative to
scene-perception, but no distinction between the location of face
memory relative to face-perception activity (Supplementary
Fig. 1b). All in all, the consistent topographical relationship
between perception and memory observed for scenes was not
observed for faces.
These ndings show that place-memory recall engages three
distinct brain areas that are systematically paired with the scene-
perception areas. We next sought to characterize the functional
and network properties of these areas, specically to test whether
scene-perception and place-memory areas were functionally, as
well as anatomically, dissociable. To ensure that we evaluated
functionally homogenous regions and to control for differences in
ROI sizes across regions, we constrained the scene-perception
and place-memory areas to the unique members of the top 300
most scene-perception/place-memory preferring vertices for all
subsequent experiments. Importantly, on all cortical surfaces, the
constrained place-memory area were anterior to the scene-
perception area (Supplementary Fig. 8).
Place-memory areas respond preferentially to familiar places.
In Experiment 1, we identied three place-memory areas that
showed category-selectivity for remembered places as compared
with perceived scenes. But are these areas only driven by top-
down, constructive memory recall tasks, or more broadly driven
by memory tasks, including tasks that rely less on top-down
signals, such as recognition memory? We examined this question
in Experiment 2. In this experiment, participants provided a list
of real-world locations that were familiar to them. Then, in the
scanner, participants performed a covert recognition task,
wherein they were shown panning videos of their personally
familiar locations or unfamiliar locations taken from another
participants familiar locations (created using Google StreetView;
Supplementary Video 2-5; see Materials and Methods). We then
compared the activity of the place-memory areas with the scene-
perception areas across the familiarity conditions. We hypothe-
sized that if the place-memory areas were preferentially driven by
mnemonic tasks as compared with scene areas, the place-memory
network would respond more strongly than the scene-perception
network when viewing videos of familiar versus unfamiliar
As predicted, we found that the place-memory areas were
preferentially driven by videos of familiar compared to unfamiliar
locations, and, critically, this difference was signicantly greater
than we observed in the scene-perception areas (Region ×
Familiarity interaction Lateral: F(1,91) = 20.98, p < 0.001,
t(13) = 6.40, p < 0.001, d = 2.26; Ventral: F(1,91) = 7.00, p =
0.01, t(13) = 4.443, p < 0.001, d = 1.55; Medial: F(1,91)
= 7.321,
p = 0.008, t(13) = 7.19, d = 1.05; Fig. 3a,b). The scene-perception
areas were also driven more by familiar compared to unfamiliar
videos (OPA: t(13) = 4.38, p = 0.0001, d = 1.171; PPA: t(13) =
4.46, p = 0.0001, d = 1.192; MPA: t(13) = 7.231, p < 0.0001, d =
1.932) but to a signicantly lower extent than the place-memory
areas, as noted above. Importantly, the familiarity effect was not
observed in control regions, the amygdala (Supplementary Fig. 9)
or early visual cortex (Supplementary Fig. 10), arguing against a
purely attention-related account of this effect. However, con-
sistent with its role in recognition memory, the hippocampus
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2021) 12:2632 | | 3

Memory for places vs. people
t > 7.3, p = 1e-6, q = 1.5e-4
< 20-20 > t-statistic
Retintopic atlas (Wang et al. 2015)
Parcellation (Glasser et al. 2016)
Fig. 2 Location of place-memory activity in relation to known functional and anatomical landmarks. a The place-memory areas are anterior to and have
minimal overlap with retinotopic cortex. We conducted a group analysis of the place-memory localizer (place > people memory recall; thresholded at
vertex-wise t > 7.3, p = 1e6) and compared the resulting activation to the most probable location of the cortical retinotopic maps using the atlas
(overlaid) from Wang et al. (2015)
. The peak of place-memory activity was anterior toretinotopic maps on the lateral and ventral surfaces and there was
very little overlap between place-memory activity and retinotopic maps. b The place-memory areas fall at the intersection between anatomical parcels
known to be involved in visual processing and those associated with spatial memory. Comparing the peaks of place-memory activity with parcels from
Glasser et al.
(overlaid) revealed that the place-memory areas fell at the intersection of parcels associated with visual and spatial processing. Activation
maps are replotted in panels a and b to allow comparison between parcellations.
Viewing familiar versus unfamiliar places
t > 3.3, p < 0.001
< 20-20 >
Activation when viewing
familiar vs unfamiliar places (t-stat)
*** * **
Fig. 3 The place-memory areas respond preferentially to familiar stimuli . a, b The place-memory areas preferentially activate familiar stimuli. a.
Experiment 3. Participants viewed viewing panning movies of personally familiar places versus unfamiliar places, tailored to each participant using Google
StreetView (see Supplementary Videos 25). The cortical surface depicts the contrast of BOLD activity for a single participant, thresholded at vertex-wise
p < 0.001. Only signicant vertices within the scene perception (white) and place-memory (burgundy) areas are shown. b Average t-statistic of vertices in
the scene-perception (open bars) and place-memory areas (lled bars) when viewing videos of personally familiar places compared to unfamiliar places.
On each cortical surface, the place-memory areas showed an enhanced response to familiar stimuli compared to the scene-perception areas (all ts > 2.6,
ps < 0.01). Connected points depict individual participants. The hippocampus also showed a preferential response to familiar compared to unfamiliar place
movies (Supplementary Fig. 9a). The amygdala (Supplementary Fig. 9b) and early visual cortex (Supplementary Fig. 10) did not show a preferential
response to familiar place movies, arguing against a purely attentional account of this effect. OPAoccipital place area, LPMAlateral place-memory area,
PPAparahippocampal place area, VPMAventral place-memory area, MPAmedial place area, MPMAmedial place-memory area.
4 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2021) 12:2632 | |

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Frequently Asked Questions (8)
Q1. What are the future works mentioned in the paper "A network linking scene perception and spatial memory systems in posterior cerebral cortex" ?

Future work should focus on identifying the specific contribution of LPMA to memory-guided visual behavior. Revealing the relationship between transmodal cortex and content-specific networks within individual participants will be paramount to understanding the neuroanatomical substrates underlying complex cognitive processes, and future studies directly comparing these systems could help to elucidate this issue. Future work is necessary to disentangle the role of the hippocampus in scene perception and situate it in the context of the place-memory and scene-perception networks. Future work should consider mapping the evolution of place-memory area response longitudinally as stimulus familiarity develops to better understand how familiarity shapes the activity of the place-memory areas. 

For denoising, independent component analysis (ICA) was applied to decompose the data into signals and sources using FSL’s melodic104–106. 

To ensure that the authors evaluated functionally homogenous regions and to control for differences in ROI sizes across regions, the authors constrained the scene-perception and place-memory areas to the unique members of the top 300 most scene-perception/place-memory preferring vertices for all subsequent experiments. 

The peak of place-memory activity was anterior toretinotopic maps on the lateral and ventral surfaces and there was very little overlap between place-memory activity and retinotopic maps. 

Resolving this discrepancy is critical to understanding how contextual information from memory is brought to bear on visual representations in the brain. 

Based on previous fMRI studies, it has been widely assumed that perception and recall (i.e. mental imagery) of high-level stimuli (such as scenes) recruit the same neural substrates, including category-selective areas in ventral temporal cortex31,90. 

Future work should consider mapping the evolution of place-memory area response longitudinally as stimulus familiarity develops to better understand how familiarity shapes the activity of the place-memory areas. 

The scene-perception areas were more correlated with early visual cortex (t12= 6.05, p < 0.001), while the place-memory areas were more correlated with the hippocampus (t12= 10.64, p < 0.001), which is further evidence for their roles in perception and memory, respectively.