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Federated Machine Learning: Survey, Multi-Level Classification, Desirable Criteria and Future Directions in Communication and Networking Systems

This survey provides a comprehensive tutorial on federated learning and its associated concepts, technologies and learning approaches, and designs a three-level classification scheme that first categorizes the Federated learning literature based on the high-level challenge that they tackle, and classify each high- level challenge into a set of specific low-level challenges to foster a better understanding of the topic.
The communication and networking field is hungry for machine learning decision-making solutions to replace the traditional model-driven approaches that proved to be not rich enough for seizing the ever-growing complexity and heterogeneity of the modern systems in the field. Traditional machine learning solutions assume the existence of (cloud-based) central entities that are in charge of processing the data. Nonetheless, the difficulty of accessing private data, together with the high cost of transmitting raw data to the central entity gave rise to a decentralized machine learning approach called Federated Learning . The main idea of federated learning is to perform an on-device collaborative training of a single machine learning model without having to share the raw training data with any third-party entity. Although few survey articles on federated learning already exist in the literature, the motivation of this survey stems from three essential observations. The first one is the lack of a fine-grained multi-level classification of the federated learning literature, where the existing surveys base their classification on only one criterion or aspect. The second observation is that the existing surveys focus only on some common challenges, but disregard other essential aspects such as reliable client selection, resource management and training service pricing. The third observation is the lack of explicit and straightforward directives for researchers to help them design future federated learning solutions that overcome the state-of-the-art research gaps. To address these points, we first provide a comprehensive tutorial on federated learning and its associated concepts, technologies and learning approaches. We then survey and highlight the applications and future directions of federated learning in the domain of communication and networking. Thereafter, we design a three-level classification scheme that first categorizes the federated learning literature based on the high-level challenge that they tackle. Then, we classify each high-level challenge into a set of specific low-level challenges to foster a better understanding of the topic. Finally, we provide, within each low-level challenge, a fine-grained classification based on the technique used to address this particular challenge. For each category of high-level challenges, we provide a set of desirable criteria and future research directions that are aimed to help the research community design innovative and efficient future solutions. To the best of our knowledge, our survey is the most comprehensive in terms of challenges and techniques it covers and the most fine-grained in terms of the multi-level classification scheme it presents.

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Wahab, Omar Abdel; Otrok, Hadi; Mourad, Azzam; Taleb, Tarik
Federated Machine Learning
Published in:
IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials
Published: 01/02/2021
Document Version
Peer reviewed version
Please cite the original version:
Wahab, O. A., Otrok, H., Mourad, A., & Taleb, T. (2021). Federated Machine Learning: Survey, Multi-Level
Classification, Desirable Criteria and Future Directions in Communication and Networking Systems. IEEE
Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 23(2), 1342-1397. [9352033].

© 2021 IEEE. This is the author’s version of an article that has been published by IEEE.
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Federated Machine Learning: Survey, Multi-Level
Classification, Desirable Criteria and Future Directions in
Communication and Networking Systems
Omar Abdel Wahab, Azzam Mourad, Hadi Otrok and Tarik Taleb
Abstract—The communication and networking field is hungry for machine learning decision-making solutions to replace the traditional
model-driven approaches that proved to be not rich enough for seizing the ever-growing complexity and heterogeneity of the modern
systems in the field. Traditional machine learning solutions assume the existence of (cloud-based) central entities that are in charge of
processing the data. Nonetheless, the difficulty of accessing private data, together with the high cost of transmitting raw data to the
central entity gave rise to a decentralized machine learning approach called Federated Learning. The main idea of federated learning is
to perform an on-device collaborative training of a single machine learning model without having to share the raw training data with any
third-party entity. Although few survey articles on federated learning already exist in the literature, the motivation of this survey stems
from three essential observations. The first one is the lack of a fine-grained multi-level classification of the federated learning literature,
where the existing surveys base their classification on only one criterion or aspect. The second observation is that the existing surveys
focus only on some common challenges, but disregard other essential aspects such as reliable client selection, resource management
and training service pricing. The third observation is the lack of explicit and straightforward directives for researchers to help them
design future federated learning solutions that overcome the state-of-the-art research gaps. To address these points, we first provide a
comprehensive tutorial on federated learning and its associated concepts, technologies and learning approaches. We then survey and
highlight the applications and future directions of federated learning in the domain of communication and networking. Thereafter, we
design a three-level classification scheme that first categorizes the federated learning literature based on the high-level challenge that
they tackle. Then, we classify each high-level challenge into a set of specific low-level challenges to foster a better understanding of the
topic. Finally, we provide, within each low-level challenge, a fine-grained classification based on the technique used to address this
particular challenge. For each category of high-level challenges, we provide a set of desirable criteria and future research directions
that are aimed to help the research community design innovative and efficient future solutions. To the best of our knowledge, our
survey is the most comprehensive in terms of challenges and techniques it covers and the most fine-grained in terms of the multi-level
classification scheme it presents.
Index Terms—Federated Learning; Federated Learning Tutorial; Multi-Level Classification; Statistical Challenges; Transfer Learning;
Machine Learning; Security; Communication and Networking Systems.
The fast-growing adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) and social
networking applications is leading to an unprecedented growth in the
volumes of data that are generated on a daily basis. In particular,
the International Data Corporation (IDC) anticipates that, by 2025,
there will be 79ZB of data created by billions of IoT devices,
pushing organizations to rethink their data governance, retention, and
usage strategies. Storing and analyzing such large volumes of data
has long been done on the cloud, owing to the large number of
advantages that the cloud computing technology provides, such as
cost efficiency and unlimited computing and storage capabilities [1],
[2], [3]. Nonetheless, due to the ever-rising data privacy concerns
O. Abdel Wahab is with the Department of Computer Science and Engi-
neering, Universit
e du Qu
ebec en Outaouais, Gatineau, Canada (e-mail:
H. Otrok is with the Department of EECS, Center on Cyber-Physical
Systems, Khalifa University of Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi, UAE
A. Mourad is with the Department of Mathematics and Computer
Science, Lebanese American University, Beirut, Lebanon (e-mail: az-
T. Taleb is with the Department of Communications and Networking, Aalto
University, Espoo 02150, Finland, with the Centre for Wireless Com-
munications (CWC), University of Oulu, Oulu 90570, Finland, and with
the Department of Computer and Information Security, Sejong University,
Seoul 05006, South Korea (e-mail:
and network limitations, a pure centralized cloud-based data storage
and analytics approach becomes unrealistic. In fact, data owners often
feel concerned about sharing their data with a third-party whether it
is a well-known organization or mysterious to them. In this context,
strict legislations such as the US Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights
and the European Commission’s General Data Protection Regulation
have been designed to protect users’ privacy. For instance,
the Articles 5 and 6 of the GDPR restrict the data collection and
storage to only what is user-consented and decidedly indispensable for
processing. Moving to the network limitation problem and emergency
of low-latency applications requiring fast analysis, the fact that the
cloud data centers are often deployed in locations that are far from
those of the data owners leads to high data processing delays due to
the long-distance communications. In the light of these two crucial
factors, the trend in data storage and analysis is shifting from being
cloud-based and centralized to being distributed and on-device [4],
[5]. The key enabler technology for such a shift is that of edge
computing [6], [7], wherein edge nodes such as smartphones, sensor,
micro servers, autonomous vehicles and home gateways are supplied
with computing and storage capabilities to enable them to host
and analyze data locally within minimal delay. Edge nodes then
periodically communicate with the cloud servers to send them the
processed data for historical and long-term storage.

In order to make this idea feasible, it was necessary to adapt the
machine learning process to this vision in order to enable what is
known as the machine learning at the edge. In this context, the new
paradigm of Federated Learning (FL) has been proposed in 2016 by
McMahan et al. [8] to enable local and distributed machine learning
training at the level of edge nodes or end devices. The main idea
of federated learning is to enable a large number of edge devices
or servers storing local data observations, called clients, to locally
and collaboratively train one single machine learning model without
having to share their raw data. A coordinating server (often called
parameter server
) then aggregates the contributions from all the
clients, derives an updated model and shares this model with the
participating clients to benefit from their learning experience and to
enable them to pursue their local training in future iterations. Feder-
ated learning substantially differs from the centralized (cloud-based)
machine learning paradigm and poses additional unique challenges in
the following aspects [9]:
Privacy: In federated learning, the raw data never leaves the
user’s device since the training is done locally on each device.
Nonetheless, having more users involved in one collaborative
model increases the risk of launching inference attacks that
aim to infer sensitive information from the users’ training data;
Communication: In federated learning, no raw data need to
be communicated with any central server, which reduces the
amount of information that needs to be transmitted over the
network. However, since the machine learning model is trained
collaboratively, many model updates need to be communicated
between the clients and the server over many iterations, which
poses additional communication costs.
Latency: With federated learning, the decision-making mod-
els are trained locally on the edge/end devices instead of being
sent to the cloud, leading to lower latency and waiting times.
Statistical Heterogeneity: Given that the training data on
each client device depends on its own usage patterns, the local
dataset of one client in federated learning is not expected to
be representative of the overall data distribution. Similarly, as
clients use their services or applications in varying degrees,
the local datasets across clients tend to have varying sizes.
Massive Distribution: The number of clients that participate
in the federated training is expected to be significantly larger
than the average number of training samples per client.
Connectivity: In federated learning, client devices are fre-
quently offline or on slow or expensive connection. This means
that the connectivity in federated learning is limited and that
the process of selecting clients to participate in the federated
training might be biased toward certain conditions (e.g., local
time zone, device being charged or not, etc).
From the technical perspective, federated learning can be implemented
using two main strategies: Horizontal Federated Learning (HFL) and
Vertical Federated Learning (VFL) [10]. In HFL, the participating
client devices share the same set of features but target different
populations. An example of HFL could be two banks operating in
the same country. Even though the clientele of the banks is non-
overlapping, their data are likely to have a similar feature space since
they adopt similar business models and operate in the same country. In
VFL, the client devices share the same population but target different
sets of features. An example of VFL is two companies offering two
different services (e.g., counselling and shipping) but having a large
intersection at the level of the clienteles. Such companies might be
interested in cooperating on the (distinct) feature spaces they own to
gain each a better understanding about its own business situation.
3. In the rest of the paper, we use the term parameter server to refer to the
cental coordinating server.
1.1 Related Work
Few recent survey articles on federated learning have been pro-
posed. We discuss hereafter these surveys and highlight the unique
contributions of our work. In [11], the authors provide a detailed
survey on the challenges and research directions of federated learning.
In particular, they discuss the challenges related to communication
efficiency, data privacy, data heterogeneity and model aggregation.
In [12], the authors classify the federated learning approaches based
on six aspects, i.e., machine learning model, data distribution, com-
munication architecture, privacy mechanism, scale of federation and
motivation of federation. In [13], the authors discuss the unique
features and challenges of federated learning, offer a broad overview
of the literature and highlight several future research directions. In
particular, they consider four challenges of federated learning, i.e.,
communication-efficiency, systems heterogeneity, statistical hetero-
geneity and privacy. In [10], the authors discuss the definitions,
architectures and applications of federated learning framework. They
classify the literature of federated learning based on the learning
architecture, resulting in three categories: vertical federated learning,
horizontal federated learning and federated transfer learning. Different
from these surveys, we consider in this work a wider set of challenges
such as client selection and scheduling, and service pricing. Moreover,
different from these surveys, we provide in this work a more fine-
grained three-level classification of the current literature based on
the challenge that they address, the sub-challenges that exist within
each challenge and the techniques used to address each particular
sub-challenge. Furthermore, we define a set of desirable criteria and
future research directions that we believe are necessary to address
each underlying challenge.
The potential of federated learning in the domains of wireless
communication and mobile edge network has been studied in [14] and
[15] respectively. The authors of [14] investigate the role of federated
learning in the emerging 5G technology. Several use cases that
demonstrate how federated learning could be effective in addressing
key challenges related to 5G are discussed. In the context of edge
computing and content caching, discussions supported with simulation
results show that federated learning is an effective means to predicting
popular content on mobile devices while preserving the privacy of the
users’ data. Moving to spectrum management, federated learning can
be capitalized on to allow each radio to transfer its local utilization
model to a central aggregator, which then leverages these data to
create a global learning model. This global model can then be used to
derive efficient spectrum access decision-making models. Finally, in
the context of 5G core network, vertical federated learning, in which
distributed datasets share the same sample space but differ in the
feature space, can be used to design intelligent network management
techniques. The idea is to allow each entity to manage some specific
features (e.g., access mobility management function, session manage-
ment function, etc.) of the whole dataset that englobes the overall
users of the network. Different from our work which addresses the
different aspects of federated learning, this survey is restricted to
discussing the role of federated learning in the domain of wireless
communications. In [15], the authors present a survey that combines
the concepts federated learning and Mobile Edge Computing (MEC).
After presenting a tutorial on federated learning and explaining its
role as an enabling technology for MEC optimization, the authors
classify the federated learning approaches into two categories, i.e.,
federated learning at mobile edge networks and federated learning
for mobile edge networks. The first category gathers the approaches
that address the challenges of implementing federated training on
the edge devices, while the second category gathers the approaches
that investigate federated learning as a means for optimizing MECs.
These two surveys are restricted to only discussing the potential
of federated learning in different aspects of networking, but they

provide no classification of the existing federated learning literature
nor desirable criteria for future solutions. In this survey, we believe
that, besides illustrating the potential of federated learning in the
communication and networking domain, providing a multi-level fine-
grained classification of the federated learning literature in general
would help researchers in the domain better understand the field which
would enable them to design more detailed and efficient solutions.
In [16], the authors survey the current progress on federated
learning in the domain of healthcare informatics. They classify the
current approaches in terms of statistical challenges, communication
efficiency, privacy and security issues. Different from this survey
which is specific to the healthcare informatics domain, our survey is
oriented to the communication and networking research community.
In [17], the authors survey the topic of distributed machine learning
with federated learning as an example. The distributed machine
learning is divided into three main processes, i.e., machine learning
optimizers, distributed optimization and data aggregation. Thereafter,
the federated learning framework is introduced and discussed only
from the perspective of communication efficiency. Different from
this survey, our survey is specific to federated learning, where we
address the different aspects and application domains of this emerging
We summarize in Table 1 the main similarities and differences
between our survey and the existing surveys on federated learning.
1.2 Contributions
The motivation for this survey stems from four main observations. The
first one is that the existing survey papers focus only on some com-
mon challenges of federated learning such as statistical challenges,
communication efficiency, security and privacy. Nonetheless, there
exists some other substantial challenges that need further investigation
such as service pricing and client selection and scheduling. In this
work, we provide a comprehensive survey that considers all these
aspects to provide the reader with a holistic view of the federated
learning paradigm.
The second observation is the lack of a fine-grained multi-
level classification of the federated learning literature, where
the classification schemes in the existing surveys are based on only
one aspect such as the addressed challenges, learning architecture
or role of federated learning in a particular application domain (i.e.,
healthcare and networking). In this work, we take one step ahead
and propose a three-level fine-grained classification scheme. First, we
classify the federated learning approaches based on the challenge that
they address. Then, we classify each corresponding challenge into
several specific sub-challenges to enable a better understanding of the
topic. Finally, we provide a classification within each sub-challenge
based on the technique used to address the underlying sub-challenge.
Even though a couple of survey papers [15], [14] discuss the potential
of federated learning in the networking domain, these surveys do
not provide any classification of the federated learning literature.
Different from these papers, our vision in this work is that providing a
detailed and fine-grained classification of the broad federated learning
literature in an accessible fashion would help the communication and
networking research community better understand the tiniest details
in the domain. This would enable them to design more thoughtful
and to the point solutions. For example, by learning the statistical and
security challenges that encounter federated learning along with the
techniques that are used in the literature to address them, a researcher
in the domain of communication and networking would be able
to design a more holistic federated learning-based communication
solution that also deals with the non-Independent and Identically
Distributed nature of the data and the malicious attacks that can be
launched against the distributed training process.
The third observation is the lack of explicit and elaborate
directives for researchers to help them design future federated
learning solutions. We define in this work, for each underlying
challenge, a set of desirable criteria and future research directions that
we believe are helpful for the success and effectiveness of the future
federated learning solutions. In summary, the proposed classification
scheme and criteria aim to help (1) readers to easily visualize the
current challenges of federated learning along with the state-of-the-art
techniques that are employed to address them; (2) research community
to have a clear roadmap on how to design prospective solutions based
on a set of explicit and well-defined criteria; and (3) beginners in the
field to easily grasp the main concepts of federated learning and to be
on the lookout for the current trends in this emerging field.
We also provide an accessible tutorial on FL, its alternative
learning paradigms (i.e., distributed learning, parallel learning, en-
semble learning and gossip learning), and its enabling technologies
(i.e., Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, edge computing
and 5G/6G networks). Additionally, we discuss the applications of
federated learning in the domain of communication and networking
and highlight some future promising applications of federated learning
in this domain.
1.3 Survey Methodology
The approaches chosen to be included in our survey are selected
from papers published between 2016 (the year when the concept of
federated learning was first introduced) to 2020 in refereed journals
and conferences as well as in preprints, resulting in 130 surveyed
papers. We believe that we have covered most of the papers that ad-
dressed problems related to federated learning. The strategy followed
to gather these papers consisted in (1) searching for the keyword
“federated learning” on many existing search engines; and (2) tracking
the citations of the collected papers to make sure that we cover the
articles that may not be returned in the search engine’s result set.
The classification scheme consists of three interdependent lev-
els. In the first level, the current federated learning approaches are
categorized based on the high-level challenge they address. In the
second level, each high-level challenge is broken down into several
specific low-level sub-challenges. In the third level, a classification
within each sub-challenge is provided based on the technique that is
used to deal with that sub-challenge. Note that in some cases, it is
possible for an article to appear in more than one category of high-
level challenges. For example, if a certain article mainly addresses a
statistical challenge of federated learning but also provides a privacy-
preservation component, the article would appear under both the
statistical challenges category and privacy concerns category. In such
a case, only the statistical part of the article is classified and discussed
under the statistical challenges category, whereas the privacy part is
classified and discussed under the privacy concerns category.
The criteria that are defined in this survey have been inspired
by our readings of the surveyed papers. We do not claim that our
proposed criteria cover all the necessary aspects for improvement;
but we believe that these criteria could be quite useful for designing
innovative solutions and overcoming some persisting challenges. It is
worth mentioning that, in some cases, not all the criteria defined for a
particular aspect (e.g., communication efficiency, client selection and
scheduling, etc.) need to be met to design an “ideal solution”. A subset
or a combination of these criteria might be enough to design a good
1.4 Survey Insights
As mentioned earlier, our classification scheme consists of three
levels. The first classification level, which is based on the high-
level addressed challenge, resulted in six categories, i.e., statistical
challenges, communication efficiency, client selection and schedul-
ing, security concerns, privacy concerns and service pricing. This
classification scheme is depicted in Fig. 1. We provide in Fig. 2

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