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Metasurface holograms reaching 80% efficiency

The design of the hologram integrates a ground metal plane with a geometric metasurface that enhances the conversion efficiency between the two circular polarization states, leading to high diffraction efficiency without complicating the fabrication process.
Using a metasurface comprising an array of nanorods with different orientations and a backreflector, a hologram image can be obtained in the visible and near-infrared with limited loss of light intensity.

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University of Birmingham
Metasurface holograms reaching 80% efficiency
Zheng, Guoxing; Zhang, Shuang; Li, Guixin; Kenney, Mitchell; Mühlenbernd, Holger;
Zentgraf, Thomas
None: All rights reserved
Document Version
Peer reviewed version
Citation for published version (Harvard):
Zheng, G, Zhang, S, Li, G, Kenney, M, Mühlenbernd, H & Zentgraf, T 2015, 'Metasurface holograms reaching
80% efficiency', Nature Nanotechnology, vol. 10, pp. 308-312.
Link to publication on Research at Birmingham portal
Publisher Rights Statement:
Published as above, final version of record available at 10.1038/nnano.2015.2
Checked 14/5/18
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* $1@*
1. School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK
2. School of Electronic Information, Wuhan University, Wuhan, 430072, China
3. Department of Physics, University of Paderborn, Warburger Straße 100, D-33098 Paderborn,
4. Department of Physics, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China
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In! traditional! phase-only!computer!generated!hologram!designs,! the!phase!profile!is! controlled!
by!etching! different!depths!into!a !transparent!substrate.!Due! to! the! ease! of! fabrication,! two!level!
binary!CGHs! have! been!widely!employed.!Such!CGHs!have!a!theoretical!diffraction!efficiency!of!
only!40.5%! and!th e! issue! of!tw in-image! generation! cannot! be! avoided.! Multi-level! phase! CGHs!
can!alleviate!the!problem!of!low!efficiency!and!twin-im age!generation;!however,! fabricating!such!
CGHs! requires! expensive! and! complicated! grayscale! lithography,! variable-dose,! or! multi-step!
.!Furthermore,!the!unavoidable!etching!error,!resolution! error! and!alignment!error!
can! dramatically! degrade! the! performance! of! CGHs,! such! as! low! signal-to-noise! ratio,! poor!
! These!authors!contributed!equally!to!this!work.!
! thom as.ze ntgra f@ u!
! s.zhang@b ham!

uniformity!and!strong!zero-order!intensity.!To! obtain !a!higher!efficiency! and! less!manufacturing!
complexity,! an! effective! medium! approach ! has! been! proposed
,! where! two-level! depth!
subwavelength!structures!with!variable!cell!dimension!can!functio n!as!an!effective!mediu m !with!
geometry! controlled! effective! refractive! index,! and! consequently! act! as! a! multi-level! CGH.!
However,!such!a!design!involves!extreme!small!feature!sizes!with!high!aspect!ratios,!limit in g !the!
observed!efficiency! of!a! three!level!CGH! to!less!than! 30%,!which! is! significantly!lower!than!the!
theoretical!value!of!48 % .!
GEMS! provide!an! alternative!approach!towards!high! efficiency!holograms!without!complicated!
fabrication! procedures.! The! operation!of! GEMS!relies!on! the!inversion!of! the!absolute!rotation!
the!incident!circularly!pola rized!one
.!This!is!e q u ivalent!to!flipping!the !c ircular!polarization!in!
transmission! or! maintaining! the! s am e ! circular! polarization! in! reflection.! A! geometric! phase,! or!
Pancharatnam- Berry!phase,!is! acquired! through!the!inversion!of!electric! field! rotation,! leading!to!
or! wavelength,! thus! making! its! performance! broadband,! and! highly! robust! against! fabrication!
latitude! and! variation! of! material! p ropertie s.! However,! GEMS! operating! at! visible! and! near!
infrared! wavelengths!have! been!limited!so! far! by!th e! low! efficiency!in ! conversion! between!the!
two!circular!polarization!states.! !
In!o rder! to!increase ! the! efficien c y! of! GEMS,! a!multilayer!design! is!employed!for! achieving! high!
polarization! conversion
.! The! reflective! metasurface! hologram! consists! of! three! layers:! a!
ground! metal! plane,! a! dielectric! spacer! layer! and! a ! top! layer! of! a ntennas! (Figure! 1).! It! is! well!
known! that! a! half! wave! plate! can! fully! convert! a! circular! polarized! beam ! to! the! oppositely!
polarized!one!in!transmission!due!to!a!phase!delay!of!π!between!the!fast!and!slow!axis.!H e n ce ,!
)!and! sh ort!axis!(r
of! the! nanorod! antenna! equals! π.! The! simulated! results! in! Figure! 1d-e! show! that,! with! an!
optimized! configuration,! the! phase! difference! between! th e! reflection! coefficients! r
and! r
approaches! π! within! a! wide! wavelength! range! of! 600- 1000! nm.! At! the! s ame! time,! the!
configuration! maintains! very! large! reflection! am plitudes! over! 0.8! for! both! linear! polarizations.!
Therefore,!regardless!the!orientation!of!the!antennas,!it!is!expected!that!the!circularly!p ola rized!
incident! light! almost! completely! flips! the! absolute! rotation! direction! o f! the! electric! field! up on !
reflection,! thus! preserving! its! circular! polarization! state! considering! that! the! wave! vector! is!
reversed! as! well.! This! forms!the! basis! of! the! high! efficiency!geom etric! metasurface.!A! detailed!
discussion! and!a!simplified!model!for!explaining!the!high!efficiency!and!broadband!responses!of!
The!high!efficiency!of!maintaining!the! same!circular!polarization! state!upon!reflection!is !verified!
by!numerical! simulations!for! a!uniform!metasurface!with!all!nanorod!antennas!aligned!along!the!
same! direction,! as! sh o w n ! in! Figure! 1f. ! The! reflected! wave! in! general! consists! of! both! circular!
polarization!states:!on e !is !th e !same!handedness! as!the!incident!circularly!polarized!light!but!with!
an!additional!phase!delay!2ϕ,!where!ϕ is!the!orientation!angle!of!th e!nanorod!antenna,!and !the!
other! one! is! the! opposite! handedness! without! the! additional! phase! delay.! For! the! specific!

geometry! configuration! shown! in! Figure! 1a! upon! normal! lig ht! incidence,! the! nu m erical!
simulation!shows!that!the ! reflectivity!of!light!w ith! th e! sa m e! circular!polarization!state!is!over!80% !
in! a !broad!wavelength!range!between!550!nm!and!1000!nm ,! covering!nearly!a!full!optical!octave.!
This! efficiency! is! surprising ly! h ig h ! cons id er ing ! th e ! o h m ic ! lo ss! o f ! m etal! at! the! visible! and! near!
infrared!frequencies .!Interestingly,!the !the!ohmic!loss!in!our!configuration!is!very!clo se!to!that!of!
light! transmitting! through! a! single! metasurface! layer! (with o ut ! the ! ground! m etal! plane )! around!
the!resonance!wavelength!(800!-!850! nm)!of!the!antenna!(Supplementary! Fig.!8).!On!the!other!
hand,!the!efficiency!of!the!unwanted!opposite!polarization! is!extremely!low,! less!than!3%,! over!a!
To!confirm!the!high! efficiency!of!our!numerical!simulations!we!designed!a!geometric!metasurface!
based!CGH!as!shown! in!Figure!2.! The!CGH!was! designed!for!circularly!polarized!light!at!normal!
incidence.! We! used! a! design! so! th at! the! holographic! image! appears! off-axis! to! avoid! the!
overlapping! betwee n! the! holographic! image! and! the! zero-order! spot.! The! CGH! is! designed! to!
create! a! wide! image! angle! of! 60°×30°.! In! our! structure! we! used! a! 2×2! periodic! array! of! the!
hologram! pattern!(Figure!2d),! more!details! of!the! advantages!of! the!2x2! periodic!arrangement!
over! single! hologram! is! given! in! the! SI! (Supplementary! Fig.! 9).! To! create! a n! holograp hic! image!
with!a!pixel!array!of! m×n#within!the!angular!range!of! α
!in!the!far!field,!the!period!of!th e!CGH!
The!number! of!pixels!of! the!CGH!is!determined!by!M=#d
/Δp, where! Δp!is!the!pixel!
With! th e!ab ove! structural!parameters,!a !phase-only!CGH!with!pixel!s ize! of!300!nm!×!300!nm!and!
periods! of! 333.3! μm! × 333.3! μm! was! de signe d! by ! the! classical! Gerchberg−Saxton! algorithm
Note!that!the!size!of!the!pixel!along!each!direction!is!les s!than!half!of!the!wavelength,!ensuring!
that!the!hologram!p attern!is!sampled!at!least!at!twice !the!maximum!spatial!frequency!in!either!
direction,! which! satisfies! the! Shannon-Nyquist! sampling! theorem.! The! obtained! phase!
distribution!for! the! hologram!is! shown!in! Figure!2c.!In! the!CGH ! design,! we!take! the!conversion!
efficiency,! signal- to-noise! ratio! and! uniformity! as! merit! functions! for! optimization.! Sin c e! the!
phase! delay! is! determined! solely! by! the! orientation! of! the! nanorod! antennas,! 16! phase! levels!
(Figure! 1c)! are! used! to! obtain! a! high! performance! of! the! CGH.! Simulation! shows! that! in! ou r!
is!defined! as!the!ratio!between!the!o ptical!power!projected!into!the!image!region!and!the!inp u t!
The!metasurface! CGH! is! fabricated! on!top! of!a! Silicon!substrate! following! the! design! described!
above! (Figure! 3a).! Th e! simulated! and! measured! holographic! images,! includin g ! b o th ! the!
zoomed-in! views! of! t he ! face! and! th e! letter! ‘M’,! show! goo d ! ag reem e nt! w ith ! e a ch ! o th e r.! This!
demonstrates! the! extremely! high! fidelity! of! the! metasurface! hologram.! To ! determine! the!
conversion! efficiency,! the!lin e a r! polarization! state!o f ! light! from! a!su p er ! continuum ! light! source!
(Fianium!supercontinuum)!is!converted!to!circular!polarization! by!using!a! linear!polarizer!and! a!
quarter! waveplate.! The! reflected! holographic! im a ge! is ! collected! by! two! condenser! lenses! w it h !
high! numerical! aperture! and! the! hologram! image!wa s! measured!in ! th e ! range! from! 600! nm! to!
1100! nm! in! steps! of! 25! nm.! The! optical! efficiency! (holog raphic! window! efficiency)! is! finally!

determined! by! subtracting! th e ! 0
-order!beam! signal! from! the! image! intensity! (Figure! 3b).! We!
find!a!relatively!broad!spectral!range!from! 630! n m! to!1050!nm!with!high!window!efficiency!larger!
than! 50%! that!reaches! its! maximum! of! 80%! at! a!wavelength!of! 825!nm. ! At! the! same! time! the!
-order!efficiency!is!only!around!2.4%.!More!importantly,! we !do!n o t!observe!the!tw in!
image!effect!th at!traditional!binary!holograms!usually!suffer!from.! !
Theoretically!the!m etasurface!hologram!has!an!even!broader!spectral!response!(Figure!1f)!when!
compared! to! the! measured!efficiency.!The! lower!ban dwidth! likely!arises!from!the!fact!that!the!
in! the! experiment! the! holographic! image! from! the! m etasurface! hologram! is! projected! into! a!
broad! angular! range.! We! expected! that! this! broad! an gle! scattering! induces! the! narrower!
bandwidth!and!lower! peak!reflection!tha n! the!calculated! results! shown! in! Figure!1f.! A!detailed!
discussion! of! the! diffraction! efficiency! of! th e! metasurface! consisting! of! nanoantennas! with!
nonuniform! orientations! is! given! in! the! SI! (Supplementary! Fig.! 10,! 11).! In! addition,! a! weak!
near-field! coupling! effect! amon g! neighbo rin g! nanorod! antennas! introduces! a! small! phase!
deviation!compared!to!the!design!(Supp lem e ntary!Fig.!12).! !
In! su mmary,! we! h ave! presented! a! reflective! p h as e-only! hologram! based! on! geometric!
metasurfaces! that! shows! a! diffraction! efficiency! as! high! as! 80%,! an! extrem ely! low! 0
efficiency! and!a! broadband ! spectral!response! in!the!visible/near-IR!range.!Our!metasurface!has!
an!ultrathin! and!uniform!thickness!of!30!nm!and!is!compatible!with!the!scalar! diffraction!th eo r y!
even!for!subwavelength!p i xel!sizes
,!thus ! simplifyin g ! the!desig n ! of!holo g rams.! Given!its!simple!
and!robust!ph ase!control,!its!good!tolerance!to!wavelength!variations!and!fabrication!errors,!our!
geometric! phase! based! CGH! design! could! overcome! the! current! limitations! of! traditional!
depth-controlled!CGH!and!find! application!in! fields!such!as!laser!holographic!keyboard,!random!
spots!generator!for!body !motion,!optical!anti-counterfeiting,!and!laser!beam!shaping.!Moreover,!
our!approach!can!be!readily!extended!from !phase-only!to!amplitude-controlled!holograms!simply!
by!c ha n g ing ! the! size! of!th e! nanorods.! Since!we! exploit!a!phase! effect! due!to!polarization!state!
change,! the!on ly! restriction! of! our! technique!is! the! fact!that! the! polarization! state!of! the! light!
cannot! be! controlled,!that! is,! the!incident! light!has! to! be! circularly!polarized.! Finally,!we! would!
like!to!note!that! su c h !na n orod!metasurfaces!could!be !fabricated!o n!a!large!scale!and!mu ch !lower!
costs! by! nano-imprinting,! thus! m a king ! th em! promising! candidates! for! large-scale! holo graphic!
9P*H0/ &-$#0,1*,(*#+"*),1J"'%0,1*"((0)0"1)5.!The!nanorod! cell!was!designed!and!simulated!by!CST!
microwave!studio!software.!In!the!simulation,!a!line a rly !polarized!plan e !wave!is!norm a lly!incide nt!
onto!a!single!nanorod!with!periodic!boundary!conditions.! Th e!spectra!of!reflection!coefficients!r
retrieve! the! reflection! coefficients! for! circularly! polarized! light! as! r
=! [r
-! (r
)·i]/2! and!
)·i]/2.!T h e!performance!of!the!nanorods!is!optim ized!by!sweeping!the!geometric!
parameters!of!the!nanorod!includin g !th e !ce ll!size,!spacer!and!gold!thickness.!
;P*\"%0.1*,(*/ "#$%&'($)"*+,-,.'$/P!In!th e !design ,!a!complex!digital!image!containing!Einstein’s!

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The concept of fair dealing under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 ( CCDPA ) was introduced in this paper. 

the unavoidable etching error, resolution error and alignment error can dramatically degrade the performance of CGHs, such as low signal-to-noise ratio, poor * 

Since the authors exploit a phase effect due to polarization state change, the only restriction of their technique is the fact that the polarization state of the light cannot be controlled, that is, the incident light has to be circularly polarized. 

To obtain a higher efficiency and less manufacturing complexity, an effective medium approach has been proposed20, where two-level depth subwavelength structures with variable cell dimension can function as an effective medium with geometry controlled effective refractive index, and consequently act as a multi-level CGH. 

Given its simple and robust phase control, its good tolerance to wavelength variations and fabrication errors, their geometric phase based CGH design could overcome the current limitations of traditional depth-controlled CGH and find application in fields such as laser holographic keyboard, random spots generator for body motion, optical anti-counterfeiting, and laser beam shaping. 

The reflected holographic image is collected by two condenser lenses with high numerical aperture and the hologram image was measured in the range from 600 nm to 1100 nm in steps of 25 nm. 

To avoid the formation of laser speckles in the holographic image, the concept of Dammann gratings30 is utilized for the hologram design. 

Since the phase delay is determined solely by the orientation of the nanorod antennas, 16 phase levels (Figure 1c) are used to obtain a high performance of the CGH. 

To create an holographic image with a pixel array of m×n within the angular range of αx×αy in the far field, the period of the CGH at x and y direction can be calculated by dx=mλ/[2tan(αx/2)] and dy=nλ/[2tan(αy/2)], respectively. 

The performance of the nanorods is optimized by sweeping the geometric parameters of the nanorod including the cell size, spacer and gold thickness. 

In traditional phase-only computer generated hologram designs, the phase profile is controlled by etching different depths into a transparent substrate. 

regardless the orientation of the antennas, it is expected that the circularly polarized incident light almost completely flips the absolute rotation direction of the electric field upon reflection, thus preserving its circular polarization state considering that the wave vector is reversed as well. 

the the ohmic loss in their configuration is very close to that of light transmitting through a single metasurface layer (without the ground metal plane) around the resonance wavelength (800 - 850 nm) of the antenna (Supplementary Fig. 8). 

In addition, a weak near-field coupling effect among neighboring nanorod antennas introduces a small phase deviation compared to the design (Supplementary Fig. 12). 

The authors expected that this broad angle scattering induces the narrower bandwidth and lower peak reflection than the calculated results shown in Figure 1f. 

such a design involves extreme small feature sizes with high aspect ratios, limiting the observed efficiency of a three level CGH to less than 30%, which is significantly lower than the theoretical value of 48%. 

The reflective metasurface hologram consists of three layers: a ground metal plane, a dielectric spacer layer and a top layer of antennas (Figure 1). 

From the reflection of linear polarized light the authors can retrieve the reflection coefficients for circularly polarized light as rrr= [rxx+ryy- (rxy-ryx)·i]/2 and rlr=[rxx-ryy-(ryx+rxy)·i]/2.