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Open AccessJournal ArticleDOI

Multilevel Latent Class Models

Jeroen K. Vermunt
- 01 Jan 2003 - 
- Vol. 33, Iss: 1, pp 213-239
In this article, Parametric and non-parametric random-coefficient latent class models are proposed to modify the assumption that observations are independent, which can be used for the analysis of data collected with complex sampling designs, data with a multilevel structure, and multiple-group data for more than a few groups.
The latent class (LC) models that have been developed so far assume that observations are independent. Parametric and non-parametric random-coefficient LC models are proposed here, which will make it possible to modify this assumption. For example, the models can be used for the analysis of data collected with complex sampling designs, data with a multilevel structure, and multiple-group data for more than a few groups. An adapted EM algorithm is presented that makes maximum-likelihood estimation feasible. The new model is illustrated with examples from organizational, educational, and cross-national comparative research.

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Tilburg University
Multilevel Latent Class Models
Vermunt, J.K.
Published in:
Sociological Methodology
Publication date:
Document Version
Peer reviewed version
Link to publication in Tilburg University Research Portal
Citation for published version (APA):
Vermunt, J. K. (2003). Multilevel Latent Class Models.
Sociological Methodology
(1), 213-239.
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