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Transmission properties of composite metamaterials in free space

In this article, a composite metamaterial which is constructed by combining thin copper wires and split ring resonators (SRRs) on the same board was proposed and demonstrated in free space.
We propose and demonstrate a type of composite metamaterial which is constructed by combining thin copper wires and split ring resonators (SRRs) on the same board. The transmission measurements performed in free space exhibit a passband within the stop bands of SRRs and thin wire structures. The experimental results are in good agreement with the predictions of the transfer matrix method simulations.

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Transmission properties of composite metamaterials in free space
Mehmet Bayindir, K. Aydin, E. Ozbay, P. Markoš, and C. M. Soukoulis
Citation: Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 120 (2002); doi: 10.1063/1.1492009
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Published by the American Institute of Physics
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Transmission properties of composite metamaterials in free space
Mehmet Bayindir,
K. Aydin, and E. Ozbay
Department of Physics, Bilkent University, Bilkent, 06533 Ankara, Turkey
P. Markos
and C. M. Soukoulis
Ames Laboratory and Department of Physics, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011
Received 31 January 2002; accepted for publication 13 May 2002
We propose and demonstrate a type of composite metamaterial which is constructed by combining
thin copper wires and split ring resonators SRRs on the same board. The transmission
measurements performed in free space exhibit a passband within the stop bands of SRRs and thin
wire structures. The experimental results are in good agreement with the predictions of the transfer
matrix method simulations. © 2002 American Institute of Physics. DOI: 10.1063/1.1492009
In recent years, the composite metamaterials CMMs
have inspired great interest due to their unique physical prop-
erties and novel applications of these materials.
Two im-
portant parameters, electrical permittivity
and magnetic
, determine the response of the material to the
electromagnetic radiation. Generally,
are both posi-
tive in ordinary materials. While
could be negative in or-
dinary materials for instance in metals, no natural materials
with negative
are known. However, for certain structures
which are called left-handed materials LHM, both the ef-
fective permittivity
and permeability
possess nega-
tive values. In such materials the index of refraction is less
than zero, and therefore, phase and group velocity of an elec-
tromagnetic EM wave can propagate in opposite directions.
This behavior leads to a number of interesting properties.
The phenomena of negative index of refraction was first
theoretically proposed by Veselago in 1968.
Veselago also
investigated various interesting optical properties of the
negative index structures.
A negative permittivity medium can be obtained by ar-
ranging thin metallic wires periodically.
This structure
behaves like a high-pass filter which means that the effective
permittivity will take negative values below the plasma fre-
quency. On the other hand, a negative effective magnetic
permeability medium is difficult to obtain. In 1999, Pendry
et al. has suggested that an array of split ring resonators
SRRs might exhibit a negative effective magnetic perme-
ability for frequencies close to the resonance frequency of
these structures.
By combining these SRRs and thin wires,
Smith and his co-workers reported the experimental demon-
stration of left-handed metamaterials.
This was later fol-
lowed by direct measurement of negative index of
and analytical formulation of the left-handed
Also, the negative permittivity and permeability
of CMM, as well as negative refraction index were calcu-
lated from the numerical data in Ref. 15. All of these mea-
surements were performed in a waveguide chamber which
limited one of the dimensions of the LHM structures to a
maximum of three cells.
Very recently, the fundamental
properties of the LHMs were verified by the transfer matrix
method TMM,
ab initio,
the finite-element method,
and finite-difference-time-domain
In this letter, we propose and demonstrate a type of
CMM. The transmission spectra is obtained in free space
which allows us to use CMM structures without any restric-
tions on the size of the structures. The CMM structures ex-
hibit a passband within the stop bands of the SRRs and the
thin wire structures. An improved version of the TMM is
used to simulate our structures, and qualitative agreement
with the experimental results is obtained.
We first constructed a CMM that consists of periodical
arrangement of thin copper wires and SRRs. This configura-
tion has a geometry which is similar to a previously reported
The details of the SRR structure is shown in
Fig. 1a. It consists of two rings separated by a gap, which is
similar to the SRR structures in Refs. 16 and 17. As seen in
Fig. 1b, we first constructed the SRRs and the wires on
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; electronic mail:
Present address: Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Brat-
islava, Slovakia.
Also at: Research Center of Crete, IESL-FORTH, Heraklion, Crete,
FIG. 1. a A single SRR with parameters 3 mm and dtw
0.33 mm. bc Schematic drawing of two different configurations of
the composite medium consisting of thin wires and SRRs.
1200003-6951/2002/81(1)/120/3/$19.00 © 2002 American Institute of Physics

separate boards and stacked them in a periodical arrange-
We measured the transmission spectrum of a structure
which is made by using N
25, N
25, and N
20 unit
cells. Each unit cell consists of a copper wire and a SRR, and
the dimensions of the unit cell are a
5 mm, a
3.63 mm, and a
5 mm. The thickness and width of the
thin copper wires are 30
m and 0.5 mm. As shown in Fig.
1a, we approximate the rings by squares of size
3 mm. The parameters of the SRR are d t w
0.33 mm. The transmission measurements are performed
in free space by using an HP 8510C network analyzer and
microwave horn antennas. For all measurements, EM waves
propagate along the x direction. The electric field polariza-
tion is kept along the y axis, and magnetic field polarization
is kept along the z axis. The thickness and the dielectric
constant of the board are measured to be 0.45 mm and
4.4, respectively.
Figure 2 shows the measured transmission spectra of
SRRs dotted line, thin wires dashed line, and the CMM
solid line. The SRR medium displays a stop band extending
from 8.1 to 9.5 GHz which is in agreement with the TMM
The thin wire structure has a plasma frequency
around 10 GHz. Although we were expecting the CMM
transmission band to be at the same frequencies with the
SRR stop band, we observed that the CMM transmission
band shifted to lower frequencies 6.78.1 GHz. Such a
shift has also been reported in Ref. 16, and has been ex-
plained by the sensitivity of the mutual position of SRRs and
wires with respect to each other.
To overcome this alignment problem, we constructed a
second CMM structure Fig. 1c兲兴. In this configuration, we
placed copper wires between the columns of the SRRs on the
same board. This configuration has no alignment problems
with the SRRs and thin wires, and can easily be fabricated at
smaller scales. We then measured the response of EM to the
CMM structure, which is made by N
25, N
25, and
20 unit cells Fig. 1c兲兴. Each unit cell consists of a
copper wire and a SRR, and the dimensions of the unit cell
are a
5 mm, a
3.63 mm, and a
6 mm. As shown in
Fig. 3, this CMM allows propagation of EM waves between
8.7 and 9.9 GHz. The CMM passband exactly coincides with
the stop band of SRR. The wire structure also exhibits a stop
band that covers the observed CMM passband. The peak
transmission amplitude of the passband is 16 dB, which is
higher than the 24 dB peak amplitude reported in Ref. 16.
We also performed numerical calculations for the
CMMs. We used a modified version of the TMM code,
which is recently developed to investigate the transmission
and reflection properties of composite metamaterial
The main change from the standard algorithm
commonly used to study photonic band gap materials
is the
faster normalization of the transmitted electromagnetic
waves in the calculation of the transmission coefficient
through the composite structures.
In order to calculate the transmission spectrum, the total
volume of the system is divided into small cells and fields in
each cell are coupled to those in the neighboring cells. We
assume periodic boundary conditions in the directions paral-
lel to the interfaces. Both SRRs and wires are located on the
same dielectric board and the wire width is 0.66 mm. The
unit cell is a
53.66 5 mm. Each unit cell is
discretized to N
15 1115 mesh points. Ten
unit cells are considered along the propagation direction, and
periodic boundaries are supposed in y and z directions.
Figure 4 presents the calculated transmission spectra of
the SRRs only dotted line and the CMMs structure solid
lines corresponding to Fig. 1c. The SRRs exhibits a for-
bidden band between 8.4 and 9.2 GHz, which is in good
agreement with the measured results in Fig. 3. As the mesh
length 0.33 mm in the present simulations defines the lower
limit for the size of the components, we cannot simulate real
thickness of the SRR and wire which is only 0.03 mm.We
think that the resonance gap will shift slightly to higher fre-
quencies in simulations made with more mesh points.
For the CMMs, we performed simulations for two dif-
ferent values of dielectric permittivity, namely
38 000i, and
⫽⫺300 000588 000i. It is observed
that the larger imaginary part of the metallic permittivity
gives higher transmission peak. When we take smaller
FIG. 2. Measured transmission spectra of thin wires, SRRs, and the com-
posite structure with the first type of metamaterial configuration Fig. 1b兲兴.
The transmission passband is observed due to negative values of the permit-
tivity and the permeability.
FIG. 3. Measured transmission spectra of thin wires, SRRs, and the com-
posite structure with the second type of metamaterial configuration Fig.
1c兲兴. A transmission band is observed within the stop bands of wire and
SRR structures.
121Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 81, No. 1, 1 July 2002 Bayindir
et al.

imaginary part lossy materials, the transmission peak dis-
appears. We also investigated how the number of unit cells
along the propagation direction affects the peak transmission
amplitude. As shown in the inset of Fig. 4, the peak disap-
pears when the number of unit cells is decreased.
Our experimental and theoretical results on the CMMs
clearly shows a transmission passband which is expected
from the left-handed metamaterials. However, we still refrain
from calling our CMM as a left-handed material. Further
investigations, such as negative index measurements, has to
be done with these structures for verification of the LHM
In conclusion, we report the free-space experimental
measurement of composite metamaterials that consist of
SRR and thin wire arrays. One of the structure exhibits a
transmission passband, which indicates a possible left-
handed material property.
This work was supported by NATO Grant No.
SfP971970, National Science Foundation Grant No. INT-
9820646, DARPA, NATO Grant Nos. PST. CLG. 978088,
and NFS INT-0001236. P. M. thanks VEGA for partial finan-
cial support. Ames Laboratory is operated for the U.S. De-
partment of Energy by Iowa State University under Contract
No. W-7405-Eng-82.
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FIG. 4. Calculated transmission of electromagnetic waves through an array
of SSRs dotted line and the composite metamaterials solid lines are
shown in Fig. 1c for two different values of the metallic permittivity
1 38 000i, and
⫽⫺300 000588 000i). Inset: Variation
of the transmission spectra by increasing the number of unit cells along the
propagation direction.
122 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 81, No. 1, 1 July 2002 Bayindir
et al.
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