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Open AccessJournal ArticleDOI

Zinc-Calcium-Fluoride Bioglass-Based Innovative Multifunctional Dental Adhesive with Thick Adhesive Resin Film Thickness.

An experimental three/two-step E&R/SE Exp_2UA combines high bonding potential and bond-degradation resistance with long-term ion release rendering the adhesive anti-enzymatic and anti-bacterial potential.
Apart from producing high bond strength to tooth enamel and dentin, a dental adhesive with biotherapeutic potential is clinically desirable, aiming to further improve tooth restoration longevity. In this laboratory study, an experimental two-step universal adhesive, referred to as Exp_2UA, applicable in both the etch-and-rinse (E&R) and self-etch (SE) modes and combining a primer, containing 10-methacryloyloxydecyldihydrogen phosphate as a functional monomer with chemical binding potential to hydroxyapatite, with a bioglass-containing hydrophobic adhesive resin, was multifactorially investigated. In addition to primary property assessment, including measurement of bond strength, water sorption, solubility, and polymerization efficiency, the resultant adhesive-dentin interface was characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), the filler composition was analyzed by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and the bioactive potential of the adhesive was estimated by measuring the long-term ion release and assessing its antienzymatic and antibacterial potential. Four representative commercial adhesives were used as reference/controls. Application in both the E&R and SE modes resulted in a durable bonding performance to dentin, as evidenced by favorable 1 year aged bond strength data and a tight interfacial ultrastructure that, as examined by TEM, remained ultramorphologically unaltered upon 1 year of water storage aging. TEM revealed a 20 μm thick hydrophobic adhesive layer with a homogeneous bioglass filler distribution. Adequate polymerization conversion resulted in extremely low water sorption and solubility. In situ zymography revealed reduced endogenous proteolytic activity, while Streptococcus mutans biofilm formation was inhibited. In conclusion, the three-/two-step E&R/SE Exp_2UA combines the high bonding potential and bond degradation resistance with long-term ion release, rendering the adhesive antienzymatic and antibacterial potential.

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KU! Leuven! (University! of! Leuven),! Department! of! Oral! Health! Sciences,! BIOMAT! &! UZ! Leuven!
(University!Ho sp itals!Le uve n),!D en tistry,!3000!Leuven,!Belgium;!
Wuhan!University,!the!State!Key!Laboratory! Breeding! Base! of!Basic! Science! of!Stomatology! (Hubei-
MOST)!&!Key!Laboratory!of!Oral!Biomedicine!Ministry!of!Education!(KLOB M ),! Schoo l! &! Hospital!of!
Tanta!University,!Faculty!of!Dentistry,!Department!of!Dental!Biomaterials,!31511!Tanta,!Egypt;! !
KU!Leuven!(University!of!Leuven),!Department!of!Materials!Enginee ring,!3001!Leuven,!Belgiu m.!
Chenmin' Yao,'Mohammed'H.'Ahmed,' Xin'Li,' Ivana'Nedeljkovic,'Jen nife r'V an do ore n,'Ben' Mercelis,' F e i'
Zhang,'Kirsten'L.' Van' Landuyt,'Cui'Huang,' B art' V a n ' Meer b e ek .
Zinc-calcium-fluoride ' bioglass-based'
innovat ive ' m u lti-functional' den tal' ad he sive ' with' thick ' adh esive -re sin' film ' thickne ss.' ACS ' App lied'
89:;<8=;>/Apart!from!producing!high!bond!strength!to !tooth!enamel!and!dentin,!a!dental!adhesive!
with! bio-therapeutic! potential! is! clinically! desirable,! aiming! to ! further! imp rove ! too th-restoration!
longevity . In!this!laboratory!stu d y ,!an!experimental! two-step! universal!adhesive,!being!referred!to!as!
Exp_2UA,!ap plicable!in!both!etch-and-rinse!(E&R)!and !self-etch!(SE)!mode!and!com bining!a!primer,!
containing! 10-methacryloyloxydecyldihydrogen! phosphate! (10-MDP)! as! functional! monomer! with!

chemical! b inding!potential!to!hydroxyapatite,!with!a!bioglass-containing! hydrop hobic!adhesive!resin,!
was!multifactorially!investigate d .!In!additio n !to!prim ar y!pro p e rty!assessment,!including!measu re ment!
of! bond! strength,! water! sorption,! solubility! and! polymerization! efficiency,! the! resultant! adhesive -
dentin!interface!was!characterized!by!TEM ,!the!filler!composition!analyzed!by!EDS!and!th e! a dh es ive’s!
bioactive!potential!estimated!by!measuring!long-te rm !ion!release!and!assessing!its!anti-enzymatic!and!
anti-bacterial! potential.! Four! rep rese nta tive! commercial! adhesives! served! as! reference/controls.!
by! fa vora ble !1-year!aged!bond-stren gth!data!and!a!tight!inte rfa c ial!ultra-structure!that,!as!e x a mined!
by! TEM,!re m ain ed !u ltra-morphologically!unaltered! upon!1-year!water-storage! a ging.!TEM !revealed! a!
20-µm!thick!hydrophobic! adhesive!layer!with!a!homogeneous! bioglass!filler!distribution.! A d e q ua te !
revealed!reduced!endogenou s!proteolytic!activity,!while!Streptococcus'mutans!biofilm!formation!was!
inhibited .!In!conc lu s io n ,!th e !three/two-step!E&R/SE !Exp_2UA!com bines!high!bonding!potential!and!
bond-degradation!resistance!with!long-term!ion!release! rendering!the!a dh esiv e! anti-enzymatic!and!
?@ABC<D:>! bioactive;! io n ! release;! anti-enzymatic;! anti-bacterial;! bond! durability;! adhesive-dentin!
interface ; !methacryloxydecyl!dihydrogen!phosphate!
The!use!of!dental!adh esives!to!bo nd !tooth-colored!resin -based!com posites!(RBC)!to!tooth!tissu e ,!so !
enabling! to! minimally! invasively ! restore! teeth,! has! revolutio nize d! today’s! dental! practice,! hereby!
closely!meeting!each!patients!major!dema nd!for!aesth etic!and!ne arly!invisible!tooth!restorations.!The!
RBC!resto ratio n’s!longe vity!dep en ds!high ly!on!the!clinica l!performance!of!dental!adhesives,!bonding!
the! restorative! comp osite ! to! tooth! enam e l! and! dentin .! In! a! challenging! humid! mouth,! tooth!
restorations! are! cyclically! sub jected/expo sed! to! mecha nica l! stress! d urin g! chewin g,! tempera ture !
changes!and!acid!attacks,!as!well!as!bacterial!cariogenic!effects!during!continuous!biofilm!activity.! !
The!fundam ental!principle!of!adhesion!is!based!on!a!biomaterial-tooth!exchange!process,!involving !
substitution!of!inorganic!to oth!material!by!synthetic!resin!m ono m ers!that!upon!in-situ'polymerization!
micro-mechanically! interlock! within! beforehand! created! surface! micro-retention.
! This! exchange!

process!can! be! conducted!following!an! etch-and-rinse! (E&R)! or! self-etch! (SE)! bonding!approach.
Diffusion-based! micro-mechanical! interlocking! within! a! fully! demineralized! collagen-rich! and!
hydroxyapatite-free!3-!to!5-µm!hybrid!layer!constitutes!the!primary!bonding!m echanism !of!ad hesives!
!Adhesives!employed!in!a!mild!SE!bonding!m ode!make!additionally!
use! of! primary! ionic! interaction! of! dedicated! functional! monomers! with! hydroxyapatite! within! a!
partially!demineralized!submicron!hybrid!layer.!Additional!chemical!binding!is!t ho u g ht !to!contribute !in!
!Both!the!E&R!and!SE!bonding!modes!have!potential,!especially!w hen!
So-called!universal!adhesives!(UAs)!represe nt!th e!ne w est!gen era tion!of!de ntal!adh es ives.!They!are!
rapidly!becoming!popular!in!today’s! clinical! practice! because!of!their!ease!of!use!and!two!bonding!
!Based!on!the!primary!bonding!m echanisms!mentioned!above,!UAs!most!effectively!
bond!to!too th!tissue!by!combining!se lective!phosphoric-acid!etching!of!enamel!with!a!successive!SE!
bonding!routine!app lied!both!on!the!beforehan d!etched!enamel!and!non- etched!dentin.
UAs!sho uld!b e!co nsidered!as!trade-off!adhesives!by!combining !the!primer!a nd !adhesive!resin!into!a!
single! solution.! Major! drawbacks! of! UAs! are! their! rela tively! high! hydrophilic! nature! and! thin! film!
thickness,! reduc ing! th e ir! inte rfa cia l! stress-absorbing! potential! an d! potentially! compromising! t h eir!
long-te rm !clinical!b on din g!performance,!which !due!to!lack!of!long-term!clinical!da ta!is!n o t !yet!known.
! !
Simplified! ad hesive!procedures!should!however!not!compromise!clinical!bonding!performance.
Previous!generation!one-step!a dhe sives!as!w ell!as!the!n ew est!genera tion!of!UAs!have!repeatedly!in '
vitro!been!proven!to!benefit!from!an!extra!hydrophobic!adhesive!layer,!basically !transf o rming!their!
two-step!E&R !bond ing!mo de!into!a!three-step !E&R!bo nding!m ode !or!their!one - step !SE!bond ing!mo de!
!In!fact,!these!extended!application! procedures!resemble!those!
of! the! respective! gold-standa rd! th ree-step! E&R! and! two - step ! SE! ad hesives.
! Besides! thicker! film!
thickness!to!better!stabilize!the!adhesive!interface!with!enhanced!interfacial!stress- ab sorbing!potential,!
the!im p ro ve d !bonding!performance!of!th e!multi-step!application!procedure!should!be!attributed!to!
the! higher! interfa cial! hyd rop h ob icity! achieved! and! impro v e d ! sealing! of! the! adhesive! interface,!
protecting! it!better!against!water!uptake!through!osmosis!from!the!underlying!d entin!as!w ell!as!the!
outer!oral!en viro nment.!Water!sorption! resulting!in!hydrolysis!should!most!likely!be! regarded!as!the!

In!addition,!scientific!literatu re !ha s !rich ly!d o cu mented! th e!sen sitivity!of!adh es ive-dentin!interfaces!
to! enzymatic! bio-degradation! processes.
! Acidic! dental! bonding! p rocedu res! have! been !
demonstrated! to! not! only! expose! but! also! activate! dentinal! enzymes,
! with! a! higher!
exposure/activity! recorded! following! an! E&R ! tha n! (mild)! SE! bon din g! mode.
! Previous! research!
identified ! the! presence! o f! several! MMPs! within! dentin,! among! w hich! the! gelatinases! M M P-2! and!
!In !respo n se!to!these!findings,!severa l!exogenou s !inh ib it o rs !of!MMPs!have!been!
investiga te d !on!their!MMP-inh ibit in g!co ntribution!to!bond!stability,!among!which!chlorhexidine!w as!
studied!mo st!frequently.
!Subsequent!research!has!also!prom oted!the!use!of!collagen!cross-linkers !
that! bes ides! anti-enzymatic! effects! make! exposed! collagen! more! resistant! against! degradation.
Although! zinc! at! physiological! concentrations! is! a! necessary! elemen t! for! collagen! h ydrolysis! by!
!zinc!w as!also!reported!to!act!as!a!potential!MMP!inhibitor!at!high!concentrations.
MMP-2!and!MMP-9!are!inhibite d!b y !zin c!a n d !ot h er !m e ta ls.
gradually! be!released! to! the! immediate! d entin! environment! may! help! to! retard! biodegradation!of!
Secondary!caries!is!the!principal! cause!of!dental!restoration!failure!and!a!m ajor!clinical!cha llenge!
for! dental! RBC’s.
! Prevalence! of! secondary! caries! was! found! to! be! higher! with! composite! than!
amalgam!restorations,!rega rdle ss!of! the!patient's!caries-risk!status.
research! trend! to w ards! developing!dental! adhesives!(and! resto rative ! m ate rials)! with! anti-bacterial!
potential.!The!com mercial!adhesive scientifically!d ocum en ted!most!with!la b o ra to ry !research!revealing!
(Kuraray!Noritake ,!Tokyo ,!Japan ).!Th is!ad he siv e!co ntains!the!
anti-bacterial!monomer!12-methacryloyloxy!dodecypyridinium!bromide!(MDPB),!which!late r!ap p e a r e d !
lifetime!of!adhesive !t o ot h !re s to ra tio n s!is!u n fo rt un a te ly !s till!in s u ffic ien tly !c o n vin c in g.
.!This!approach!has!stimulated!dental!materials!scientists!to !load!resin-
based! materials! w ith! active! bioglass! filler! particles;! such ! m aterials! co uld! slowly! and! continuously!
release!anti-bacterial!ions!to!the!restoration’s!imm ed iate!environment!with!potential!to!inhibit!biofilm!
development!and!grow th.!Gen erally,!the!main!function!o f!filler! p articles!is!to!enhance!the!material’s!
mechanical! properties.! Additional!bio-fun ctio na l,! anti-bacterial! and! anti-MMP! performance!of! ion-

releasing! filler! particles! added! to! dental! adhesives! (an d ! restorative! RBCs)! on! dentin! bonding! has!
insufficien t ly!been!a d d res se d!scientifically.!Whereas!the!design!and! development!of!bioactive!dental!
adhesives! that! relea se! ions! may! not!be! difficult,! combinin g ! ‘bioactivity ’! with! ‘mecha n ic a l! stability’!
! !
In!th is!study,!we!in ve s ti ga t e d !a!new!experimentally!des ig n ed !and!d ev elo p e d !multi-functional!UA!
that!was!intended! to!combine!better!resistance! against!hydrolytic! bond-degradation!processes!with!
additional! bioactive! potential! in! light! of! the! clinically! highly! desired! anti-bacterial! and! anti-MMP!
properties.! The! null! hypotheses! tested! were! that! (1)! water! sorption! and! solubility,! and! (2)!
polymerization! efficiency!of!the!new!m ulti-functional!a dh esiv e!was!at!least!statistically!equivalent!to!
multi- fu n ction al! ad he sive !d id!n o t!sig nifica ntly!underscore!those!obtained!by!the!reference!adhesives,!
and!that!the!n ew !multi-fu n ction al!adhe sive!poss ess ed!anti-MMP!(4)!and!anti-bacterial!(5)!bioactive!
further!being!referred!to!as!‘Exp _ 2 U A ,!comb i n es!an!experimental!primer!based! on! technology!of!the!
commercial!UA!G-Premio!Bond!(‘G-PrBp’,!GC),!used!as!primer!w ithout!being!separately!light-cured,!
with!an!experimental!particle-filled!adhe sive !resin!synthesized!by!GC!under!the!code !name!BZF-21’!
(Tokyo,! Jap an ).!The! basic!com position! is! detailed! in! Table! S 1.!Noteworthy!is!that!both!the!primer!and!
adhesive! resin!do!not!contain! the!highly!hydrophilic! m onom er!2-hydroxyethyl! methacrylate! (HEMA),!
Representing!the!adhesive!generation!of!UAs,!the!com m ercial!products!G-Premio!Bond!(‘G-PrB’,!
GC),! Prime&Bond! Active! (‘P&Ba’;! Dentsply! Sirona,! Konstanz,! Germany)! and! Scotchbond! Universal!
(‘SBU’;!3M!Oral!Care,!Seefe ld,!Germany),!and!the!go ld -standard!two-step!self-etch!adhesive!Clearfil!SE!
JFJF/ :$&##"#1/ 4,&#2)"22"+#/ .'.$4, + # / )"$,+2$+ P Q/ 6 "45 / .#.,1Q%-"2P.,2"3./ K%,&Q/ 2P.$4,+2$+PQ/
R:;@MS @D : T/+*/45./.OP.,").#4&'/&-5.2"3./,.2"#/9!U%JEF/To!reveal!the!adhesive’s!ultra-structure,!TEM!

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