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Showing papers in "Applied Psychology in 2005"

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors propose that when students have access to well-refined volitional strategies manifested as good work habits, they are more likely to invest effort in learning and get off the well-being track when a stressor blocks learning.
Abstract: Il n’y a pas de definition simple et univoque du concept d’apprentissage autoregule. Des theoriciens de psychologie de l’education ont reduit l’eventail des aptitudes des eleves a s’autoreguler en se focalisant sur le versant scolaire de l’education, a savoir l’acquisition des connaissances et les objectifs de reussite. Toutefois, le monde complexe de l’etude en classe engendre une situation ou differents buts entrent en concurrence aux yeux des eleves. Le modele d’autoregulation a double processus de Bookaerts montre que les deux objectifs que sont l’etude et le bien-etre interagissent. Nous estimons que lorsque les eleves ont acces a des strategies autonomes bien au point se traduisant par de bonnes habitudes de travail, ils ont une plus grande probabilite de se motiver pour les etudes et de sauvegarder leur bien-etre quand une source de stress bloque l’apprentissage. There is no simple and straightforward definition of the construct of self-regulated learning. Theorists in educational psychology have narrowed the scope of students’ capability to self-regulate through a focus on the academic side of education, namely on learning and achievement goals. However, the messy world of classroom learning creates a situation in which different goals compete for students’ attention. Boekaerts’ dual processing self-regulation model describes how learning goals interact with well-being goals. We propose that when students have access to well-refined volitional strategies manifested as good work habits, they are more likely to invest effort in learning and get off the well-being track when a stressor blocks learning. Shifting definitions of SRL have led to changing measurement procedures; researchers moved away from decontextualised measures of SRL to domain-specific measures and then on to context-sensitive measures. The validity and reliability of the first generation of SR assessment has been limited and several issues remain. Recently, researchers have designed assessment packages including new instruments that better capture self-regulation as a process (including for example traces of mental events, situational manipulations, and records of student work strategies). A combination of instruments is preferable over a single instrument for assessing self-regulation as a process and the effects of interventions to improve students’ self-regulatory capacity. At present, many sound SRL interventions exist and some general lessons can be learned about classroom intervention research.

1,218 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The primacy of self-regulation in health promotion is discussed in this paper, where the authors argue that self-regulation can be used to promote health and promote the health of individuals.
Abstract: © International Association for Applied Psychology, 2005. Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA. Blackwell Publishing, Ltd. Oxford, UK APPS pplied Psychology: an International Review 0269-994X © Int rnational Association for Applied Psychology, 2005 ri 2005 54 2 riginal Arti le PRIMACY OF SELF-REGULATION ANDURA The Primacy of Self-Regulation in Health Promotion

622 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, three phases are distinguished in the self-regulation process: goal selection, setting and construal/representation; active goal pursuit; and goal attainment and maintenance or, when appropriate, goal disengagement.
Abstract: L’autoregulation peut etre definie comme un processus d’orientation vers un objectif visant l’atteinte et le suivi de buts personnels. Dans cet article, on distingue trois phases dans ce processus: 1) le choix d’un objectif, l’organisation et la representation/interpretation; 2) la poursuite active du but; 3) l’atteinte et le suivi ou, au moment opportun, l’abandon du but. Ces trois phases servent de fil conducteur a ce texte. On presente pour chaque phase des outils d’evaluation et des interventions. L’article se termine par la description d’orientations pour de futures recherches concernant l’evaluation de l’autoregulation et les interventions, en retenant quinze principes d’intervention qui peuvent etre exploites comme regles generales pour la mise en œuvre d’interventions dans la prise en charge des maladies chroniques et le developpement d’une politique de sante. Self-regulation can be defined as a goal-guidance process aimed at the attainment and maintenance of personal goals. In this article three phases are distinguished in this process: (a) goal selection, setting and construal/representation; (b) active goal pursuit; and (c) goal attainment and maintenance or, when appropriate, goal disengagement. These phases are used as a structure for the present review. For each phase, assessment instruments and interventions are described. The article concludes with directions for future research concerning self-regulation assessment and interventions, including 15 intervention principles which can be used as rules of thumb for the development of interventions in chronic illness management and in health promotion.

402 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The Turkish Value of Children Study as discussed by the authors showed a sharp increase in the psychological and a corresponding decrease in the utilitarian/economic values attributed to children over the last three decades, pointing to changing family dynamics and family roles.
Abstract: L’etude turque sur la valeur conferee aux enfants a porte sur trois generations relevant de trois niveaux socio-economiques dans centre metropolitain et deux zones rurales. Les resultats ont montre qu’il y avait sur les trois derrieres decennies un net accroissement des valeurs psychologiques attribuees aux enfants et une chute correspondante des valeurs utilitaires et economiques. La preference pour le fils a ete remplacee par la preference pour la fille, ce qui traduit un changement de la dynamique et des roles familiaux. Des modifications analogues dans ce qui est attendu des enfants, les qualites que l’on souhaite trouver chez cux et les nombres reels, desires et ideaux d’enfants sont coherents avec les attentes; le modele du changement familial propose par Kagitcibasi est ainsi confirme. Les comparaisons des valeurs attribuees aux enfants sur les trois decennies par generation et niveau social aide a comprendre l’evolution et le changement social de la societe turque, voire de societes comparables. The Turkish Value of Children Study consisted of three generations from three socioeconomic strata in a metropolitan center and from two rural areas. The findings showed a sharp increase in the psychological, and a corresponding decrease in the utilitarian/economic values attributed to children over the last three decades. Son preference has been replaced by daughter preference, pointing to changing family dynamics and family roles. Corresponding modifications in expectations from (adult) children, qualities desired in children, and actual, desired, and ideal numbers of children are in line with expectations, providing support for Kagitcibasi's Model of Family Change. Comparisons of values attributed to children over three decades and across generations and social strata provide insights for understanding social change and development in Turkish society and possibly in similar societies.

372 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a Dutch version of the Work Addiction Risk Scale (WART) has been validated, which is similar to the US version of WART and is used as a short measure of workaholism.
Abstract: Cette recherche traite de la mesure et des consequences du travail comme conduite addictive aux Pays-Bas. La premiere etude decrit le developpement et la validation d’une version hollandaise de la Work Addiction Risk Scale (WART) de Robinson (1999). Une analyse factorielle portant sur les reponses de 356 sujets a montre que la structure factorielle de la WART hollandaise etait analogue a celle de la version americaine. La deuxieme etude (N= 232) avait pour objectif de decider si la sous-echelle ≪tendances compulsives≫ (CT) de la WART pouvait etre utilisee comme mesure abregree du travail addictif. Le recouvrement entre l’echelle complete de 25 items et la sous-echelle CT etait large et la repartition des correlations avec les autres concepts tres proche. La troisieme etude (N= 199) mit a l’epreuve un modele des effets du travail addictif (CT) sur l’epusiement et le conflit travail—hors-travail, montrant que le travail addictif affectait ces deux variables dependantes a la fois directement et indirectement (par l’intermediaire des exigences percues du travail). On conclut 1) que la version hollandaise de la WART est tres proche de la version americaine d’origin; 2) que la WART et la sous-echelle CT sont toutes deux des mesures valides du travail addictif; 3) que le travail addictif est un concept virtuellement majeur pour l’etude du travail et du stress. This research deals with the measurement and consequences of workaholism in the Netherlands. Study 1 describes the development and validation of a Dutch version of Robinson's (1999) Work Addiction Risk Scale (WART). Confirmatory factor analysis (total N= 356) revealed that the factorial structure of the Dutch WART was similar to that of the US original. Study 2 (N= 232) examined whether the Compulsive Tendencies (CT) subscale of the WART could be used as a short measure of workaholism. The overlap between the full 25-item WART and the CT subscale was high, whereas the patterns of correlations with other concepts were very similar. Study 3 (N= 199) tested a process model for the effects of workaholism (i.e., CT) on exhaustion and work–nonwork conflict, showing that workaholism affected these two outcome variables both directly and indirectly (via perceived job demands). It is concluded that: (i) the Dutch version of the WART is very similar to the US original; (ii) the WART and the CT subscale are both valid measures of workaholism; and (iii) workaholism is a potentially important concept in the study of work and stress.

257 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a model of teacher motivation that integrates constructs from several cognitive-motivational theories was proposed and tested, starting from the perspectives of Expectancy-Value and Learned Helplessness.
Abstract: Des recherches recentes ont montre que les enseignants souffraient plus que d’autres groupes professionnels d’un manque de motivation au travail. Une comprehension globale de la motivation des enseignants exige un modele adequat. L’objectif principal de cette recherche etait de proposer et de mettre a l’epreuve un modele de la motivation des enseignants qui integre des concepts de plusieurs theories cognitivo-motivationelles. Le modele integre s’appuie sur la schema expectation-valence et celui de l’incapacite acquise, mais surmonte quelques-unes de leurs imperfections. L’echantillon etait compose de 272 enseignants des ecoles elementaires et secondaires du Portugal. Ils ont repondu a une serie d’inventaires destines a mesurer leurs expectations de controle, de succes et d’efficacite, leurs attributions, leur motivation intrinseque, la valence de leurs buts percus et comment tout ceci interagit pout agir sur l’engagement professionnel (la variable exogene du modele). Les analyses des coefficients de pistes et de la variance des variables endogenes valident le modele integre propose ici et suggerent des strategies de formation pour accroitre la motivation des enseignants. Recent studies show that teachers suffer more than other professional groups from the occupational lack of motivation. A global understanding of teacher motivation requires an adequate framework for its study. The main goal of the current research was to propose and test a model of teacher motivation that integrates constructs from several cognitive-motivational theories. This integrative model starts from the perspectives of Expectancy-Value and Learned Helplessness but overcomes some of the limitations of each. The participants were 272 elementary and secondary teachers in Portugal. They responded to a series of inventories designed to measure their expectancies of control, success and efficacy, attributions, intrinsic motivation and perceived goal value levels, and how these interact to influence professional engagement (the model's exogenous variable). Analyses of path coefficients and the variance of endogenous variables support the proposed integrated model and suggest strategies for teacher education that may increase teacher motivation.

205 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors investigated the relationship between workplace anti-social behavior and higher-order personality traits using a sample of 267 Korean employees and found that Honesty-Humility and Extraversion played prominent roles in predicting both ASBI and ASBO.
Abstract: La relation entre le comportement antisocial au travail (ASB) et des traits de personnalite generaux a eteetudiee sur un echantillon compose de 267 salaries coreens. L’ASB au travail a ete conceptualisea partir de deux dimensions, l’ASB dirigee contre les individues (ASBI) et l’ASB dirigee contre l’organisation (ASBO). La personnalite a eteevaluee grâce au Big Five et a un sixieme facteur ≪honnetete-humilite≫ (Ashton & Lee, 2001). Les analyses de regression multiple indiquerent que l’honnetete-humilite et l’extraversion jouaient un role essentiel dans la prediction de l’ASBI et de l’ASBO. De plus, Agreeablenessetait reliee a l’ASBI tandis que Conscientiousness l’etait a l’ASBO. On parle aussi de la necessite d’adopter un modele optimal des traits de personnalite. The relationship between workplace Anti-Social Behavior (ASB) and higher-order personality traits was investigated using a sample of 267 Korean employees. Workplace ASB was conceptualized as having two dimensions: ASB directed against individuals (ASBI) and ASB directed against the organization (ASBO). Personality was assessed using adjective measures of the Big Five factors and of a sixth factor, Honesty-Humility (Ashton & Lee, 2001). Multiple regression analyses indicated that Honesty-Humility and Extraversion played prominent roles in predicting both ASBI and ASBO. Also, Agreeableness was related to ASBI, whereas Conscientiousness was related to ASBO. The importance of adopting an optimal framework of personality traits was discussed.

201 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The relationship between work characteristics, student well-being and performance was assessed, based upon Karasek and Theorell's (1990) Job Demands-Control-Support model as mentioned in this paper.
Abstract: La relation entre les caracteristiques du travail, le bien-etre des etudiants et la performance a eteevaluee a partir du modele de Karasck & Theorell ≪Travail, exigences, controle, soutien≫ (1990). Un echantillon d’etudiants portugais (N= 825) a repondu a un questionnaire comprenant des mesures du controle et des exigences du travail universitaire, du soutien des pairs, de la satisfaction relative a la vie universitaire, de l’anxiete/depression et des resultats aux examens. Il apparut, comme dans d’aures contextes de travail, que la satisfaction des etudiants pour ce qui est de la vie universitaire, ainsi que les niveaux d’anxiete/depression etaient fortement dependants de leur perception des caracteristiques du travail. Les niveaux de satisfaction ont un effet direct sur la performance et agissent sur la relation entre la maitrise du travail universitaire et la performance. The relationship between work characteristics, student well-being and performance was assessed, based upon Karasek and Theorell's (1990) Job Demands–Control–Support model. A sample of Portuguese university students (N= 825) answered a questionnaire comprising measures of academic work demands and control, peer support, satisfaction with academic life, anxiety/depression and academic performance. Results suggested that, similar to other work contexts, student satisfaction with academic life and anxiety/depression levels are strongly dependent on their perceptions of work characteristics. Levels of satisfaction have a direct impact on student performance and mediate the relationship between academic work control and performance.

198 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors investigated the relationship between perceptions of organisational culture, organisational subculture, leadership style, and commitment, and found that perceived organizational subculture has a strong relationship with commitment.
Abstract: This paper investigates the relationship between perceptions of organisational culture, organisational subculture, leadership style, and commitment. The impact of culture and leadership style on commitment has been previously noted, but there is a lack of detail regarding how different types of culture and leadership styles relate to commitment. The paper particularly addresses the notion of organisational subcultures and how the perception of those cultures relates to commitment, subculture being a neglected variable in the commitment literature. These issues were addressed in a survey of 258 nurses drawn from a range of hospital settings and wards within the Sydney metropolitan region. Results indicate that perceived organisational subculture has a strong relationship with commitment. Furthermore, the results identify the relative strength of specific types of leadership style and specific types of subculture with commitment. Both innovative and supportive subcultures have a clear positive relationship, while bureaucratic subcultures have a negative relationship. In terms of leadership style, a consideration style had a stronger relationship with commitment than a structuring style. Regression analysis was used to investigate the possible role of subculture as a mediator for the influence of leadership on commitment. Both direct and indirect effects of leadership on commitment were found. Implications for practice and for further research are discussed.

184 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The self-regulation perspective is currently well received in the industrial and organisational psychology literature as mentioned in this paper, where interventions based on self-regulatory principles have been developed, and rigorous tests of these interventions have been conducted, and studies of comprehensive interventions are rare and often lacked controls, making it difficult to draw conclusions regarding what aspects of the interventions are causally relevant.
Abstract: L’autoregulation rencontre actuellement du succes en psychologie industrielle et organisationnelle. Les travaux theoriques et empiriques englobent des processus allant de l’entree dans l’organisation a la sortie et a la reembauche. Les interventions et les concepts cles de l’autoregulation dans le monde du travail sont recenses en insistant sur la validite interne et de construction. Quelques concepts comme l’efficacite personnelle et l’implication ont beneficie d’un grand interet de la part des psychometriciens et semblent constituer des cibles de premier ordre lors des interventions. Neanmoins, ces concepts restent entaches d’hypotheses dont la validite n’est pas garantie. D’autres concepts, en particulier la retroaction et la divergence, souffrent de significations sensiblement differentes dans la litterature sur l’autoregulation, ce qui nuit a la comprehension et a la communication entre les universitaires et les praticiens. On a lance des interventions relevant des principes de l’autoregulation; celles-ei ont ensuite eteevaluees avec serieux: il est apparu qu’elles avaient un impact sur un ensemble de variables pertinentes du point de vue organisationnel comme l’amelioration des performances et la reduction de l’absenteisme. Malheureusement, les interventions sont rarement etudiees de facon detaullee et systematique, ce qui ne permet pas de tirer des conclusions sur les aspects de l’intervention qui sont pertinents du point de vue de la causalite. La discussion insiste sur les lacunes dans la connaissance et l’apprehension des processus de l’autoregulation dans les contextes organisationnels, ainsi que sur la facon dont la discipline pourrait tenter de combler ces lacunes. The self-regulation perspective is currently well received in the industrial and organisational psychology literature. Theoretical and empirical work span processes ranging from organisation entry to exit and reentry. Key self-regulation constructs and interventions in work contexts are reviewed with a focus on construct and internal validity. Some constructs, such as self-efficacy and goal commitment, have received substantial psychometric attention and seem important targets for interventions. Nonetheless, potentially unwarranted assumptions remain regarding these constructs. Other constructs, particularly feedback and discrepancy, have acquired substantially different meanings within the self-regulation literature that inhibit understanding and communication among scholars and practitioners. Interventions based on self-regulatory principles have been developed, and rigorous tests of these interventions have been conducted. These interventions were found to influence a range of organisationally relevant outcomes such as increasing performance and reducing absenteeism. Unfortunately, studies of comprehensive interventions are rare and often lacked controls, making it difficult to draw conclusions regarding what aspects of the interventions are causally relevant. Discussion focuses on the gaps in the field's knowledge and understanding regarding self-regulatory processes in organisational settings and how the field might attempt to fill those gaps.

178 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The unidimensionality of abbreviated forms of the Proactive Personality Scale (PPS; Bateman & Crant, 1993) beyond American and British data was investigated in this paper.
Abstract: Vu la pertinence de la personnalite proactive et du comportement proactif pour l’efficacite des individus, des equipes et des organisations dans un environnement de plus en plus multiculturel, cette etude a examine l’unidimensionnalite des formes abregees de l’Echelle de Personnalite Proactive (PPS) de Bateman & Crant (1993) sur des donnees ni americaines, ni britanniques. L’unidimensionnalite des PPS a 10, 6, 5 et 4 items a ete mise a l’epreuve grâce a une analyse factorielle et a une analyse de fidelite interne sur des echantillons independants provenant de trois pays: la Belgique (N= 822), la Finlande (N= 100) et l’Espagne (N= 100). Les resultats montrent que les versions de 4 et 5 items ne presentent aucune fidelite interne en Belgique, en Finlande et en Espagne, tandis que les deux autres formes abregees sont satisfaisantes. L’analyse factorielle confirme qu’un modele a facteur unique est une solution quasi optimale pour la PPS a 10 items. La PPS a 6 items mesure la personnalite proactive avec une fidelite interne coherente a partir d’un facteur unique. Le score total sur l’echelle a ete calcule par l’addition des scores sur les 6 items. On a obtenu sur un autre echantillon belge (N= 499) une correlation des plus satisfaisantes (r= .92) entre la PPS de 6 items et la version originelle de 17 items. Given the relevance of proactive personality and proactive behavior for effectiveness of individuals, teams, and organisations in an increasingly multicultural context, this study investigated the unidimensionality of abbreviated forms of the Proactive Personality Scale (PPS; Bateman & Crant, 1993) beyond American and British data. The unidimensionality of the 10-item, the 6-item, the 5-item, and the 4-item PPS was tested through internal reliability analysis and factor analysis across independent samples in three countries (Belgium, N= 822; Finland, N= 100; Spain, N= 100). The results showed that the 5-item and the 4-item versions were not internally reliable in Belgium, Finland, and Spain, while the two other abbreviated forms of the PPS were. Factor analysis showed that a one-factor solution for the 10-item PPS was a sub-optimal solution. The 6-item PPS, however, measured the proactive personality in an internally consistent manner and through a single factor. The total score on the scale was calculated by adding up scores on the six items. In a separate Belgian sample (N= 499), correlations of the 6-item PPS with the original 17-item PPS proved satisfactory with r= .92.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors examined the frequency of social comparisons in a work setting, and the feelings that these comparisons evoked, and concluded that individuals interpret social comparisons at work in a positive way when they perceive the social climate as cooperative, and in a negative way if they are high in social comparison orientation.
Abstract: This study examined the frequency of social comparisons in a work setting, and the feelings that these comparisons evoked. These processes were related to individual differences in social comparison orientation, and to the perception of a cooperative social climate at work. The participants were 216 physicians from various health centers in the Community of Valencia in Spain. In general, upward comparisons occurred more often, and elicited more positive and less negative affect than downward comparisons. Those high in social comparison orientation reported relatively more upward as well as downward comparisons, more positive affect after downward comparisons, and more negative affect after upward comparisons. Conversely, those who perceived the social climate at work as cooperative reported relatively more downward comparisons, more negative affect after downward comparison, and more positive affect after upward comparison. Among the 87 participants who participated in the longitudinal part of the study, perceived cooperative climate and social comparison orientation were more stable over a period of one year than the frequency of upward and downward comparison and the affective consequences of upward and downward comparison. It is concluded that individuals interpret social comparisons at work in a positive way when they perceive the social climate as cooperative, and in a negative way when they are high in social comparison orientation.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the interrelations between adult daughters' family values, their perception of the relationship quality with their parents, the support they reported to give to and to receive from their parents and their perceived reciprocity in intergenerational support exchange were investigated for N = 265 middle-aged women.
Abstract: In accordance with Bengtson's model of intergenerational solidarity (e.g. Bengtson & Roberts, 1991), the interrelations between adult daughters' family values, their perception of the relationship quality with their parents, the support they reported to give to and to receive from their parents, and their perception of reciprocity in intergenerational support exchange were investigated for N = 265 middle-aged women in Germany. It was also asked whether the support given to parents and perceived reciprocity are related to daughters' felt burden as a result of their support. Cross-sectional, self-report data were examined with multiple and multinomial logistic regression analyses. The analyses revealed positive relations between family values, relationship quality, and support to parents. Perceived reciprocity was associated with the exchange of intergenerational support and imbalance in support had negative effects on the relationship quality. Felt burden was predicted by the extent of support and the perceived reciprocity. However, specific correlational patterns depending on the kind of support as well as differences in the importance of mother and father occurred. The findings are discussed against the background of the meaning of family obligations and reciprocity in a Western culture.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors examined how team autonomy and teamwork knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) relate to team performance and member job strain based on empirical and theoretical work.
Abstract: En raison du developpement des equipes de travail dans les organisations, on souhaite obtenir des informations sur la meilleure facon de structurer les groupes pour les rendre efficients Cette etude porte sur la relation de l’experience de l’autonomie et du travail en equipe, des capacites et des competences (KSAs) avec la performance du groupe et l’effort emanant de ses membres Deux modeles ont ete mis a l’epreuve a partir d’une recherche theorique et empirique continue Des donnees provenant d’un echantillon de 41 equipes de production (174 participants) apporterent des elements en faveur du modele de mediation selon lequel l’autonomie est associee a la perfomance et a l’effort par l’intermediaire des KSAs Le modele alternatif de moderation qui suppose que l’autonomie et les KSAs interagissent pour deboucher sur la performance et l’effort ne fut pas corrobore Given the increasing use of work teams in organizations, interest exists in identifying the best ways to design teams so that they lead to positive outcomes This study examined how team autonomy and teamwork knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) relate to team performance and member job strain Based on extant empirical and theoretical work, two models were tested findings from a sample of 41 production teams (174 team members) showed support for the mediation model—that autonomy is associated with performance and strain through teamwork KSAs The alternative moderation model, suggesting that autonomy and teamwork KSAs interact in predicting performance and strain, was not supported

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Theoretical and empirical studies of self-regulation (SR), self-regulated learning (SRL), and closely related constructs such as volition have become lively areas of research in applied psycholgy as mentioned in this paper.
Abstract: Les etudes theoriques et empiriques sur l’autoregulation, l’apprentissage autoregule et les concepts proches telle que la volition constituent desormais un seeteur fecond de la recherche en psychologie appliquee (voir par exemple Boekacrts, Pintrich, & Zeidner, 2000; Zimmerman & Schunk, 2001). Le resume de Boekaerts et Corno (2005), profond et representatif de ce travail dans le domaine de l’education, presente dans l’espace qui leur est alloue des contributions importantes pour la modelisation de l’apprentissage autoregule, une discussion de questions methodologiques critiques, une vue d’ensemble des travaux empiriques contemporains et parvient enfin a proposer une orientation pertinente pour les travaux a venir. Comme je dispose moi-meme d’un espace limite pour commenter cet article, je me concentre sur quelques questions que j’estime fondamentales. Theoretical and empirical studies of self-regulation (SR), self-regulated learning (SRL), and closely related constructs such as volition have become lively areas of research in applied psycholgy (e.g. see Boekaerts, Pintrich, & Zeidner, 2000; Zimmerman & Schunk, 2001). Boekaerts and Corno's (2005) very thoughtful and representative summary of this work in education packs into their allotted space important contributions to modeling SRL, a discussion of critical methodological matters, a survey of modern empirical research, and manages as well to give useful direction to future research. I, too, have limited space for comment on their article, so I focus on just a few issues that I judge are key.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors studied the transmission of family solidarity in modern French families, focusing on 95 triads of three generations (grandmothers, mothers, and adolescents) with respect to three domains: individualism, collectivism, and family values.
Abstract: Ce travail aborde la transmission de deux aspects de la solidarite familiale: l’accord sur les valeurs dans trois domaines (l’individualisme, l’esprit de groupe et les valeurs familiales) et les representations de la relation a autrui (les modeles regissant les affinites). L’echantillon est compose de 95 triades englobant trois generations: des grands-meres, des meres et des adolescentes. Les resultats mettent en evidence la specificite des familles francaises modernes caracterisees pour toutes les generations par une certaine combinaison des valeurs d’autonomie et de solidarite basee sur un contrat social et le respect des hierarchies. Les adolescents francaises montrent une forte adhesion aux valeurs familiales, mais aussi un individualisme affirme. Les valeurs et les modeles regissant les affinites sont transmis de facon differenciee en fonction de leur contenu et selon des procedures variees. Cependant, les transmissions directe et indirecte debouchent rarement sur une copie parfaite. Des differences apparaissent avec les generations. Les donnees indiquent que les adolescentes sont plus proches de leurs meres que de leurs grands-meres et que la transmission se fait clairement des meres vers les adolescentes. Les grands-meres influencent les meres a travers leurs objectifs parentaux (obeissance et autonomie), la valeur attribuee aux enfants et les valeurs de groupe. This study addresses the question of transmission among 95 triads of three generations (grandmothers, mothers, and adolescents) regarding two aspects of family solidarity: agreement on values in three domains (individualism, collectivism, and family values), and representations with regard to self–other relationships (working models of attachment). The results underscore the specificity of modern French families which is characterised for all generations by a certain combination of autonomy values and solidarity based on social contract and respect for hierarchies. French adolescents show a high level of endorsement of family values but also a high level of individualism. Values and working models of attachment are transmitted unequally depending on their content and through a variety of patterns. However, direct and indirect transmissions are seldom an exact replication. Some differences are observed along generations. Data indicate more proximity between mothers and adolescents than grandmothers and a clear transmission from mothers to adolescents. Grandmothers influence mothers through their parental goals (obedience and autonomy), value of children, and collectivist values.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, two cross-sectional studies were conducted among 72 customs officers and 100 police officers to examine the relationship between the direction of social comparison and outcomes such as occupational burnout, health complaints, and job satisfaction.
Abstract: Deux etudes transversales ont porte sur 72 officiers des douanes (recherche no. 1) et sur cent officiers de police (recherche no. 2) dans le but d’approfondir la relation entre la direction de la comparaison sociale et des variables comme le burnout, des plaintes relatives a la sante ou la satisfaction liee au travail. La comparaison sociale a ete mesuree par la frequence avec laquelle les sujets disaient se comparer avec des salaries mieux et moins bien lotis sur plusieurs dimensions professionnelles. On a mene des analyses de correlation plusieurs et de mediation pour mettre a l’epreuve deux hypotheses complementaires. Premierement, la comparaison ascendante etait supposee etre positivement liee au controle percu et a la satisfaction professionnelle, et negativement aux ennuis de sante et au burnout. Deuxiemement, le controle percu devait avoir un impact sur la relation entre la direction de la comparaison et des variables comme le burnout, les plaintes relatives a la sante ou la satisfaction liee au travail. Les resultats des deux etudes ont partiellement valide ces attentes et montre que seule la composante emotionnelle du burnout, l’epuisement emotionnel, etait affectee par la direction de la comparaison sociale et mediatisee par le controle percu. Two cross-sectional studies were conducted among 72 customs officers (Study 1) and 100 police officers (Study 2) to examine the relationship between the direction of social comparison and outcomes such as occupational burnout, health complaints, and job satisfaction. Social comparison was measured by the frequency at which participants reported that they compared themselves with better-off and worse-off employees on several work-related dimensions. Correlation and mediation analyses were conducted to test two complementary hypotheses. Firstly, upward comparison was expected to be positively related to perceived control and job satisfaction, and negatively related to health complaints and occupational burnout. Secondly, perceived control was expected to mediate the relationship between comparison direction and psychological outcomes such as burnout, health complaints, and job satisfaction. The results of both studies partially supported these predictions and showed that only the emotional component of burnout—emotional exhaustion—was affected by social comparison direction and mediated by perceived control.

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TL;DR: Lee et al. as mentioned in this paper found that psychological benefits were the most important reasons for having a child and personal and financial constraints are the most significant reasons for not having children in South Korea.
Abstract: Les recherches sur les valeurs que les parents attribuent aux enfants se demandent pourquoi les gens decident ou non d’avoir des enfants et s’interessent au nombre d’enfants qu’ils choisissent d’avoir. On decrit dans la premiere partie de cet article la relation parents-enfants traditionnelle, la structure familiale et les changements sociaux qui se sont produits ces cinquante dernieres annees en Coree du sud. On presente dans la deuxieme partie les resultats de l’etude de 1972 sur les valeurs attribuees aux enfants realisee en Coree du sud (Lee & Kim, 1975). Dans la derniere partie, on expose une recherche empirique sud-coreenne portant sur un echantillon de 314 jeunes meres et 395 meres plus âgees. Il apparait que les benefices psychologiques sont les raisons majeures qui justifient le choix d’avoir un enfant et que les contraintes personnelles et financieres sont les motifs dominants de ne pas en avoir. Ces resultats mettent en defaut les modeles economiques et utilitaires et soulignent l’importance des facteurs psychologiques, relationnels et culturels. Research on parents’ attribution of value to children examines why people decide to have children or not and the number of children they choose to have. In the first part of this paper, the traditional parent–child relationship, family structure, and social changes that have occurred in South Korea during the past 50 years are reviewed. In the second section, the results of the 1972 Values of Children Study conducted in South Korea (Lee & Kim, 1975) are reviewed. In the final section, an empirical study conducted in South Korea with a sample of 314 young mothers and 395 older mothers is reported. The results indicate that psychological benefits are the most important reasons for having a child and personal and financial constraints are the most important reasons for not having a child. These results challenge the economic and utilitarian models and suggest the importance of understanding the psychological, relational, and cultural factors.

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TL;DR: In this paper, the relationship between escalation of commitment and three risk-related variables (risk propensity, risk perception, and outcome expectancy) was investigated, and it was shown that risk perception partially mediated the effects of risk propensity and outcome expectation.
Abstract: Cet article decrit deux recherches portant sur la relation entre l’intensification de l’implication et trois variables liees au risque: la propension au risque, la perception du risque et l’attente du resultat. L’analyse des donnees montra (a) que l’intensification de l’implication etait en relation negative avec la perception du risque et en relation positive avec la propension au risque et l’attente du resultat; (b) que la perception du risque mediatisait partiellement les effets de la propension au risque et que l’attente du resultat mediatisait les effets de la perception du risque. Ces observations sont dans l’ensemble coherentes avec schema theorique propose par Sitkin et Pablo (1992). On discute des consequences de cette recherche pour le comportement de prise de risque, l’intensification de l’implication et la pratique. This paper reports on two studies examining the relationship between escalation of commitment and three risk-related variables—risk propensity, risk perception, and outcome expectancy. Results showed that (a) risk propensity and outcome expectancy were positively related to escalation of commitment, whereas risk perception was negatively related to escalation of commitment; (b) risk perception partially mediated the effects of risk propensity, and outcome expectancy mediated the effects of risk perception. These findings are generally consistent with the conceptual framework proposed by Sitkin and Pablo (1992). Implications for risk-taking behavior, escalation of commitment, and practice are discussed.

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TL;DR: In this paper, a self-report questionnaire study was conducted to examine how negative reactions as a normative control from other employees may reduce the prevalence of counterproductive behaviors (CPB) at work.
Abstract: Les comportements contre-productifs (CPB) sont des comportements deviants de salaries qui violent les normes et les valeurs de l’organisation et nuisent a la fois a l’entreprise et a son personnel. Il est montre, dans cet article, que des reactions negatives de la part de l’entourage professionnel peuvent avoir un effet de controle normatif et contrecarrer les CPB. On a pose l’hypothese que le controle normatif formel percu (c’est-a-dire les reactions de la hierarchie envers les CPB) et le controle normatif informel percu (c’est-a-dire les reactions des collegues envers les CPB) mediatisaient l’effet du nombre de personnes presentes au travail sur la frequence d’apparition des CPB. 155 salaries ont repondu a un questionnaire d’auto-evaluation. Les resultats confirmerent que le controle normatif formel de la hierarchie mediatisait significativement l’effet de la taille de l’equipe sur les CPB, mais aucun effet mediateur n’est apparu en ce qui concerne le controle normatif informel des collegues. Counterproductive behaviors (CPBs) are employee deviant behaviors that violate the norms and values of organisations, and bring harm to both the company and its employees. This paper examined how negative reactions as a normative control from other employees may reduce CPB. It was hypothesised that perceived formal normative control (i.e. supervisor's reactions towards CPB) and perceived informal normative control (i.e. colleagues’ reactions towards CPB) mediated the effect of the number of staff at the workplace on the prevalence of CPB. One hundred and fifty-five employees participated in this self-report questionnaire study. Results showed that supervisor's formal normative control significantly mediated the effect of staff size at the workplace on CPB, but the mediating effect was not found for colleagues’ informal normative control.

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TL;DR: This paper examined the differential effects of both work and non-work demands and inter-role management on work/non-work conflict, turnover intention, turnover, and absenteeism across three ethnic groups.
Abstract: Cette recherche analyse les effets differentiels des exigences du travail et du hors-travail et de la gestion des roles sur le conflit travail/hors-travail, le projet de demission, la demission et l’absenteisme dans trois groupes ethniques. Des questionnaires ont ete proposes a des infirmieres juives (N= 102), musulmanes (N= 88) et chretiennes (N= 50) dans trois hopitaux israeliens. Des renseignements objectifs sur l’absenteisme et le turnover ont ete obtenus aupres de l’administration de ces hopitaux. Certaines liaisons parmi les variables de travail et de hors-travail differaient selon le groupe ethnique. Par exemple, l’emploi a plein temps influencait le conflit travail/hors-travail seulement chez les Juives et le controle hierarchique avaient des effets opposes dans deux groupes. Davantage d’enfants entrainait plus de projets de demission chez les Arabes et moins chez les Juives. Plus de prise en charge personnelle provoquait moins de demissions reelles pour les Arabes et plus pour les Juives. Pour ce qui est du taux d’absenteisme, le controle hierarchique et les pressions emanant du travail avaient des effets favorables chez les Arabes et des effects inverses mais plus faibles chez les Juives; le resultat est le meme en ce qui concerne le soutien organisationnel. Ces observations doivent rendre prudents les specialistes des sciences-humaines quand il s’agit d’extrapoler a d’autres situations culturelles les relations travail/hors-travail decouvertes dans une societe. This study examined the differential effects of both work and nonwork demands and inter-role management on work/nonwork conflict, turnover intention, turnover, and absenteeism across three ethnic groups. Data from Jewish (N= 102), Muslim (N= 88), and Christian (N= 50) female nurses at three Israeli hospitals were collected by survey questionnaires. Objective data on absenteeism and turnover were collected from the hospitals’ records. Several relationships among the work and nonwork variables differed across the ethnic groups. For example, full-time employment had an effect on work/nonwork conflict only for Jews and supervision had opposite effects across the two groups. More children meant more intention of turnover among Arabs and less among Jews. More personal coping meant lower actual turnover for Arabs and higher turnover for Jews. In the case of absence frequency, supervision and job tension had favorable effects for Arabs and smaller, adverse effects for Jews. Organisational support had a favorable effect for Arabs and a smaller, adverse effect for Jews. The findings serve to caution social scientists about generalising work and nonwork relationships identified in one society to other cultural settings.

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TL;DR: In psychology, the reasons for and implications of the recent dramatic sociodemographic changes in most parts of the world has increased in several disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, and demographics.
Abstract: Research on the reasons for and the implications of the recent dramatic sociodemographic changes in most parts of the world has increased in several disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, and demographics. In psychology, however, this topic has only recently been rediscovered and is presently gaining increasing importance in the area of applied psychology. Recently a special section on this topic was published by the American Psychological Association

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TL;DR: In this paper, a review of the goal/self-regulation research in industrial/organisational psychology can be found in Section 2.3.1, where the authors consider three perspectives: scientific progress, applications, and goals of I/O research.
Abstract: Les recherches de psychologie industrielle/organisationnelle (I/O) sur les objectifs et l’autoregulation ont prospere durant les trois dernieres decennies. Inities par le travail fecond de Locke, Latham et de leurs collegues qui ont souligne l’influence positive d’objectifs elairs et sollicitants sur les performances, de nombreux courants de recherche sont apparus pour etudier a la fois les determinants et les consequences des objectifs et des processus d’autoregulation sur les conduites et les variables dependantes relatives au travail (voir par exemple Locke, Shaw, Saari, & Latham, 1981; Vancouver, 2000 pour une revue de questions). Vancouver et Day (2005) constatent que si les chercheurs en organisations ont tente d’evaluer la validite externe et criterielle, ils se sont moins interesses a la validite interne et de construction des variables-cles et de concepts tels que les objectifs, la retroaction, la divergence et l’efficacite personnelle. Dans le meme ordre d’idees, Vancouver et Day (2004) concluent que les validations des interventions I/O fondees sur la perspective objectif/autoregulation detectent generalement des effcts positifs, mais que ces travaux sont insuffisants pour determiner les dimensions specifiques du processus objectif/autoregulation qui sont en rapport avec l’amelioration de la performance. Dans ce court article, j’aborde ces problemes concemant la recherche sur les objectifs et l’autoregulation d’un triple point de vue: le progres scientifique, les applications et les buts des investigations I/O. Over the past three decades, industrial/organisational (I/O) research on goals and self-regulation has flourished. Beginning with the seminal work by Locke, Latham, and their colleagues showing the positive influence of difficult and specific goals on task performance, multiple streams of research have emerged to investigate both the determinants and consequences of goals and self-regulation processes on work-related behaviors and outcomes (see, e.g. Locke, Shaw, Saari, & Latham, 1981; Vancouver, 2000, for reviews). In a review of this work, Vancouver and Day (2005) suggest that although organisational researchers have sought evidence for external and criterion-related validity, less attention has been given to the construct and internal validity of key variables and concepts, such as goals, self-efficacy, feedback, discrepancy, and self-efficacy. In a related vein, Vancouver and Day (2005) conclude that although I/O intervention studies based on the goal/self-regulation perspective show generally positive effects, such studies are insufficient for understanding how specific aspects of the goal/self-regulation process relate to enhanced performance. In this short note, I consider these concerns about goal/self-regulation research in I/O psychology from three perspectives: (1) scientific progress, (2) applications, and (3) the goals of I/O research.

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TL;DR: Vancouver and Day as discussed by the authors present a critical analysis of the current state of self-regulation research within psychologie industrial/organisationnelle (IO) psychology, identifying problems of construct and internal validity for certain key constructs, including goal level, selfefficacy and feedback discrepancy, and difficulties in detecting the sources of effects in studies of interventions based on self-regulatory principles.
Abstract: Vancouver et Day (2005) font une analyse critique de l’etat d’avancement des recherches sur l’autoregulation en psychologie industrielle/organisationnelle (IO). Ils soulevent des problemes de validite interne et de construction pour certains concepts cles, tels que le nivcau du but, l’efficacite personnelle, le feedback et la divergence; ils mentionnent aussi qu’il est difficile de preciser quelles sont les facteurs a l’origine des resultats obtenus par les interventions relevant des principes de l’autoregulation. Leurs suggestions concernant les elaborations theoriques, la mesure et la structuration des etudes sont pertinentes et, si on les met en œuvre, elles permettront a la psychologie IO d’echapper aux problemes qu’est susceptible de soulever l’elaboration, sur des bases insuffisantes, d’un corpus de connaissances appliquees. A travers leur approche critique, Vancouver et Day font necessairement un choix dans la litterature qu’ils analysent et ils ne proposent pas de schema d’ensemble des recherches sur l’autoregulation en psychologie IO. Vancouver and Day (2005) present a critical analysis of the current state of self-regulation research within IO psychology. Their analysis identifies problems of construct and internal validity for certain key constructs, including goal level, self-efficacy and feedback discrepancy, and difficulties in detecting the sources of effects in studies of interventions based on self-regulatory principles. Their suggestions regarding theory development, measurement, and study design are timely and, if implemented, will help IO psychology avoid the potential problems of building a body of applied knowledge based on weak foundations. In their critical approach, Vancouver and Day are necessarily selective in the literature they discuss and they do not provide a comprehensive framework of self-regulation research in IO psychology.

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TL;DR: In this paper, the authors compared attribute importance and reason methods for understanding internet job search behavior, and found that attribute importance variables explained 5 per cent of the variance in objectively measured job search behaviour.
Abstract: Pour tenter de comprendre le comportement de recherche d’emploi sur Internet, cette recherche compare les methodes de l’importance attribuee et des causes motivationnelles. La methode de l’importance attribuee evalue l’importance percue de divers facteurs en jeu dans la decision d’utiliser Internet pour trouver un emploi. La methode des causes motivationnelles evalue les facteurs specifiques auxquels les gens font appel pour expliquer leur comportement a venir de recherche d’emploi sur Internet, ce qui implique une differenciation des raisons favorables ou non a l’adoption du comportement. A partir des donnees obtenues sur 224 demandeurs d’emploi ayant en moyenne 27.9 ans, une regression logislique montra que les variables d’importance attribuee expliquaient 5% de la variance du comportement objectivement mesure de recherche d’emploi. Les variables de causes motivationnelles expliquaient 15% de la variance des comportements, ce qui represente un gain significatif en sus de ce que predit la methode de l’importance attribuee. De plus, la methode des causes motivationnelles etait en mesure d’identifier plusieurs antecedents du comportement de recherche d’emploi qui ěchappaient a la methode de l’importance attribuee. Les resultats sont en faveur de l’exploitation des variables de causes motivationnelles par la recherche on psychologic appliquee. This study compared attribute importance and reason methods for understanding internet job search behavior. The attribute importance method assessed the perceived importance of various factors involved in decisions to use the internet for job search. The reason method assessed the specific factors people use to explain their anticipated internet job search behavior, which included a differentiation of reasons for and reasons against performing the behavior. Logistic regression results from 224 job searchers (mean age 27.9 years) indicated that attribute importance variables explained 5 per cent of the variance in objectively measured job search behavior. Reason variables explained 15 per cent of the variance in behavior, which represents a significant increment in prediction over and above that explained by the attribute importance method. Moreover, the reason method was able to identify several determinants of job search behavior that were unidentified by the attribute importance method. Results provide strong support for using reason variables in applied psychological research.

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TL;DR: In this article, the authors discuss theoretical frameworks that can generate research paths that will lead to effective interventions and argue that understanding these processes is essential for understanding the interplay of concrete experience and conceptual processes.
Abstract: Maes and Karoly (2005) provide thorough overview of many of the current theoretical models and much of the empirical data describing application of self-regulation concepts to chronic illness management. They make clear that much of theory and data focuses on remote and proximal goals involved in the self-regulation process. The review makes clear, however, that few models and studies conceptualise and examine how individuals create goals and evaluate progress. Knowledge of these processes is essential for the development of effective interventions. We argue that understanding these processes is essential for understanding the interplay of concrete experience and conceptual processes. Concepts in this area are central for understanding how top-down and bottom-up processes integrate in generating self-regulatory behaviors to affect somatic experience. We discuss theoretical frameworks that can generate research paths that will lead to effective interventions.

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TL;DR: The effects of priming on explicit and implicit memory about a product placed within a narrative were tested under conditions in which attention was drawn to (intentional encoding) or away from (incidental encoding) the product as discussed by the authors.
Abstract: Les effets d’une amorce sur les memoires implicite et explicite a propos d’un produit place dans un texte ont ete mis a l’epreuve sous deux conditions, l’une ou l’attention etait orientee vers (encodage intentionnel) ou detournee du produit (encodage incident). Dans la premiere experience, les caracteristiques positives d’un produit avaient plus de chances que les negatives d’etre restituees, ce qui a conduit a un effet d’assimilation dans une condition temoin. Par contre, lorsque les particularites du produit etaient en amorec, le rappel explicite des caracteristiques negatives augmentait, debouchant sur un effet de contraste. L’impact de l’amorce etait limitea la condition d’encodage intentionnel, ce qui signifiait un effacement de l’information incompatible avec l’amorce. Dans la deuxieme experience, les epreuves de memoires implicites perceptuelle et semantique ont montre des effets d’amorce equivalents suite a l’encodage du produit, qu’il soit intentionnel ou incident. Par suite et contrairement a la memoire explicite, la memoire implicite du produit n’etait pas conditionnee par l’attention. L’identification de ces limites de l’amorcage est utile aux gens de marketing qui envisagent ce consevoir une publicite exploitant les memoires explicite et implicite d’un produit. The effects of priming on explicit and implicit memory about a product placed within a narrative were tested under conditions in which attention was drawn to (intentional encoding) or away from (incidental encoding) the product. In Experiment 1, positive features of a product were more likely to be recalled than negative features leading to an assimilation effect in a baseline condition. When the product characteristic was primed, however, explicit recall of the negative features increased resulting in a contrast effect. The impact of priming was restricted to the intentional encoding condition reflecting resolution of information incongruent with the prime. In Experiment 2, perceptual and semantic implicit memory tests revealed equivalent priming effects following both intentional and incidental encoding of the product. Thus, unlike explicit memory, implicit memory for the product was not limited by attention. Recognition of these boundary conditions of priming informs marketers intending to design advertising that taps explicit and implicit memory for a product.

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TL;DR: This paper investigated how self-reported attraction to an organization, achievement of a passing score on an organization's screening device, and the interaction of these two variables related to the individual-difference profiles of 223 senior-level college undergraduates.
Abstract: Les jeunes qui viennent d’obtenir leur premier diplome universitaire (≪college≫) constituent un potentiel important de candidats a l’embauche dans les grandes entreprises. Les responsables des organisations ont besoin de savoir en quoi les profils de ces futurs diplomes susceptibles d’etre attires et selectionnes par l’organisation se differencient des profils de la population generale des candidats. Nous avons, dans cette recherche, etudie la relation existant entre les profils de 223 etudiants sur le point d’obtenir leur diplome du ≪college≫ et l’attirance pour une organisation, l’obtention d’un score satisfaisant a une procedure de selection et l’interaction de ces deux variables. Les resultats montrent que ceux qui sont attires par l’organisation different de ceux qui ne le sont pas. Ceux qui seraient retenus pour la poursuite du recrutement sont differents de ceux qui seraient elimines. Mais l’interaction de l’attirance et de la selection n’est en rapport avec aucune des differences individuelles. En outre, l’attirance et la selection n’interagissent pour reduire la variance sur aucune des variables de differences individuelles. Ces resultats ouvrent une nouvelle perspective sur les consequences modelisees dans le schema Attirance-Selection-Elimination de B. Schneider (1987). On discute enfin des implications de notre recherche pour ce modele et pour le recrutement des etudiants de ≪college≫. New college graduates are an important source of hires in large firms. Of interest to organisational decision makers are how the individual-difference profiles of soon-to-be college graduates that are likely to be attracted to, and selected by, the organisation compare with the profiles of the overall applicant population. In this research, we investigated how self-reported attraction to an organisation, achievement of a passing score on an organisation's screening device, and the interaction of these two variables related to the individual-difference profiles of 223 senior-level college undergraduates. Results indicated that those who were attracted to the organisation differed from those who were not attracted. Those who would be screened in for further selection by the organisation differed from those who would be rejected. However, the interaction of attraction and screening was unrelated to any of the individual differences. Moreover, attraction and screening did not interact to restrict variance on any of the individual-difference variables. These results provide a new perspective on the effects hypothesised in B. Schneider's (1987) Attraction-Selection-Attrition model. Implications for this model and for recruiting from the college student population are discussed.