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Crystal structure prediction of small organic molecules: a second blind test

A measure of the success and failure of current methodologies is given, using the methodology wherein a molecular model is used to construct theoretical crystal structures in given space groups.
The first collaborative workshop on crystal structure prediction (CSP1999) has been followed by a second workshop (CSP2001) held at the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre. The 17 participants were given only the chemical diagram for three organic molecules and were invited to test their prediction programs within a range of named common space groups. Several different computer programs were used, using the methodology wherein a molecular model is used to construct theoretical crystal structures in given space groups, and prediction is usually based on the minimum calculated lattice energy. A maximum of three predictions were allowed per molecule. The results showed two correct predictions for the first molecule, four for the second molecule and none for the third molecule (which had torsional flexibility). The correct structure was often present in the sorted low-energy lists from the participants but at a ranking position greater than three. The use of non-indexed powder diffraction data was investigated in a secondary test, after completion of the ab initio submissions. Although no one method can be said to be completely reliable, this workshop gives an objective measure of the success and failure of current methodologies.

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Acta Cryst. (2002). B58, 647±661 Motherwell et al.
Crystal structure prediction 647
research papers
Acta Crystallographica Section B
ISSN 0108-7681
Crystal structure prediction of small organic
molecules: a second blind test
W. D. Sam Motherwell,
Herman L. Ammon,
Jack D.
Peter Erk,
Angelo Gavezzotti,
Detlef W. M. Hofmann,
Frank J. J. Leusen,
Jos P. M.
Wijnand T. M.
Sarah L. Price,
Bernd Schweizer,
Martin U. Schmidt,
Bouke P. van
Paul Verwer
Donald E. Williams
Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, 12
Union Road, Cambridge CB2 1EZ, UK,
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,
University of Maryland, College Park, MD
20742-2021, USA,
Organic Chemical Labora-
tory, ETH-Zurich, CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland,
Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry, Voront-
sovo pole 10, 103064 Moscow, Russia,
Performance Chemicals Research, BASF AG,
67056 Ludwigshafen, Germany,
di Chimica Strutturale e Stereochimica Inorga-
nica, via Venezian 21, 20133 Milano, Italy,
GMD-SCAI, Schloss Berlinghoven, D-53754 St
Augustin, Germany,
Accelrys Ltd, 230/250 The
Quorum, Barnwell Road, Cambridge CB5 8RE,
Doelenstraat 17, 5348 JR Oss, The
Centre for Theoretical and
Computational Chemistry, Department of
Chemistry, University College, 20 Gordon
Street, London WC1H 0AJ, UK,
Baker Labora-
tory of Chemistry, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
14853-1301, USA,
Clariant GmbH, Pigment
Technology Research, G834, D-65926 Frankfurt
am Main, Germany,
Bijvoet Centre for
Biomolecular Research, Utrecht University,
Padualaan 8, 3584 CH Utrecht, The Nether-
Solid State Chemistry Group and CMBI,
University of Nijmegen, PO Box 9010, 6500 GL
Nijmegen, The Netherlands,
Department of
Chemistry, University of Louisville, Louisville,
KY 40292-2001, USA, and
Astex Technology
Ltd, 250 Cambridge Science Park, Cambridge
² DeceasedCorrespondence e-mail:
# 2002 International Union of Crystallography
Printed in Great Britain ± all rights reserved
The ®rst collaborative workshop on crystal structure predic-
tion (CSP1999) has been followed by a second workshop
(CSP2001) held at the Cambridge Crystallographic Data
Centre. The 17 participants were given only the chemical
diagram for three organic molecules and were invited to test
their prediction programs within a range of named common
space groups. Several different computer programs were used,
using the methodology wherein a molecular model is used to
construct theoretical crystal structures in given space groups,
and prediction is usually based on the minimum calculated
lattice energy. A maximum of three predictions were allowed
per molecule. The results showed two correct predictions for
the ®rst molecule, four for the second molecule and none for
the third molecule (which had torsional ¯exibility). The
correct structure was often present in the sorted low-energy
lists from the participants but at a ranking position greater
than three. The use of non-indexed powder diffraction data
was investigated in a secondary test, after completion of the ab
initio submissions. Although no one method can be said to be
completely reliable, this workshop gives an objective measure
of the success and failure of current methodologies.
Received 14 January 2002
Accepted 27 March 2002
Dedicated in memoriam Jan
1. Introduction
Two major challenges appear to confront the predictive ability
of theoretical and computational chemistry today: one is
protein folding and the other is crystallization of organic
compounds. There are obvious similarities. Both involve
delicate balances between attractions and repulsions at the
atomic level, between potential energy and entropic contri-
butions to the free energy, and between thermodynamic and
kinetic factors. Blind tests on the folding of proteins have been
conducted in recent times (Orengo et al., 1999). Here we
report on a similar venture in crystal structure prediction
(CSP) carried out in two stages in 1999 and 2001. Although
early lack of progress in CSP was termed a `continuing
scandal' in Nature in 1988 (Maddox, 1988), and in spite of
isolated claims of minor victories, the problem is now gener-
ally recognized to be much more dif®cult than had been
apparent. It is now seen to be not so much a matter of
generating stable crystal structures but rather one of selecting
one or more from many almost equi-energetic possibilities.
Our successes and failures point the way to a better under-
standing of the polymorphism phenomenon and also have
practical implications for crystal engineering and design.
2. Approach and methodology
This paper reports on the results of a second blind test, known
as CSP2001, which was part of a collaborative workshop held
² Deceased
Correspondence e-mail:
# 2002 International Union of Crystallography
Printed in Great Britain ± all rights reserved

research papers
648 Motherwell et al.
Crystal structure prediction Acta Cryst. (2002). B58, 647±661
at the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) in
May 2001. The results of the ®rst blind test, CSP1999, have
already been published (Lommerse et al., 2000). The
arrangement of the blind test was as in CSP1999. Personal
invitations were sent to about 25 researchers known to be
active in the ®eld and a total of 18 individuals agreed to
participate. The list of unpublished structures was collected by
personal contacts with about 30 laboratories known to be
active in the small-molecule ®eld. To give a reasonable chance
of success within the practical computation limits of known
computer programs, the maximum number of atoms including
H atoms was set as 40; the space group was required to be in
one of the ten most frequent as recorded in the Cambridge
Structural Database (CSD) (Allen & Kennard, 1993), i.e.
/c, P
1, P2
, C2/c, P2
, Pbca, Pna2
, Cc, Pbcn and C2 (in
CSD frequency order); there should be one molecule per
asymmetric unit and no solvent molecules or co-crystals. It was
speci®ed to the experimentalists that there should be no
disorder, and the positions of all H atoms should be located
experimentally. There were three categories of perceived
dif®culty for prediction:
(i) rigid molecule with only C, H, N and O atoms, less than
25 atoms,
(ii) rigid molecule with some less common elements (e.g.
Br), less than 30 atoms,
(iii) ¯exible molecule with two degrees of acyclic torsional
freedom, less than 40 atoms.
An independent referee, Professor Tony Kirby, University
Chemical Laboratory, Cambridge, was asked to select one
molecule from each category and, if possible, to avoid mole-
cules likely to be of near-planar conformation, as this turned
out to be a bias in the CSP1999 selection. The referee had no
access to the space group or crystal structure information, only
to a list of chemical diagrams. The selected three chemical
diagrams, IV, V and VI (Fig. 1), were sent by e-mail to the
participants on 11 October 2000. The participants were asked
to submit a maximum of three prediction structures for each
molecule to the referee by midnight of 25 March 2001, with
reasons for their selection and presentation in order of
con®dence. These are referred to in this paper as the `ab initio
An optional secondary test of prediction was also arranged,
where the participants were supplied with simulated X-ray
powder diffraction patterns for each molecule as extra infor-
mation. They were given a second deadline date of 11 April
2001. The patterns were generated by CCDC after obtaining
the experimental coordinates from the referee on 26 March
2001. These secondary submissions are known as the `powder-
assisted predictions' and are given in a separate section
towards the end of this paper. On 12 April 2001, the experi-
mental crystal structures were released to all participants,
giving some time for post-analysis and preparation for the
workshop meeting held in Cambridge on 10±11 May 2001.
To assist the reader in assessing the overall success and
failure rate in these tests, the results of the CSP1999 workshop
have been included in this paper. The full list of molecules for
both workshops (Fig. 1), the full range of computer program
methodology (Table 1) and a summary of the results (Table 2)
are given as combined tables for CSP1999 and CSP2001.
3. Methodology
Methods in the CSP tests are summarized in Table 1.
Comprehensive reviews of computer methodology for crystal
structure prediction have been published where many refer-
ences are given to detailed publications (Gdanitz, 1997;
Verwer & Leusen, 1998). All the methods involve three stages:
(a) construct a three-dimensional molecular model either
by molecular mechanics methods or by analogy with other
CSD structures;
(b) search through many thousands of hypothetical crystal
structures built from the trial molecule in various space
groups, including some searches that did not assume symmetry
(c) select structures according to some criterion, usually the
calculated lattice energy.
The search algorithms are quite diverse, and force ®elds
range from simple transferable atom±atom potentials to
elaborate computer-intensive models for the electrostatic and
other contributions to the intermolecular potential. One or
two models included explicit allowance for polarization
effects. The most common selection criterion is the global
minimum in lattice energy, and the most important discovery
for CSP within the past decade is the recognition that many
discrete structural possibilities exist within an energy window
of only a few kJ mol
above the global minimum. For
example, for acetic acid there are about 100 calculated struc-
tures within 5 kJ mol
(Mooij et al., 1998), although only one
polymorph at ambient pressure has been found experimen-
Figure 1
The molecular diagrams given to the participants in the CSP workshops
(I±III, VII for CSP1999; IV±VI for CSP2001). Experimental structures
references: I (Boese & Garbarczyk, 1998), II (Blake et al., 1999), III
(Clegg et al., 2001), IV (Howie & Skakle, 2001), V (Fronczek & Garcia,
2001), VI (Hursthouse, 2001), VII (Boese et al., 1999).

tally. Most search methods included the `correct' structure
somewhere in the list, but it was frequently not the structure
with the lowest lattice energy. Besides, small changes in the
potentials can reshuf¯e the energy ordering. Most calculated
structures are `temperature-less' in the sense that no
temperature is speci®ed in the computational procedure, but
some include estimates of the free energy. There are also
attempts to use pattern recognition based on the Cambridge
Structural Database of experimentally determined molecular
crystals. Although the importance of the kinetic aspects of
crystal nucleation and growth is widely recognized, they
remain largely unexplored.
4. Overview of results
The submitted results for the ab initio predictions are given for
molecules IV (Table 3), V (Table 4) and VI (Table 5). For the
combined tests CSP1999 and CSP2001, the correct predictions
are summarized in Table 2. Since there were so many contri-
butors who worked independently, it was thought best to
provide ®rst an overview of the results (x4) and some general
conclusions (x6). In the supplementary material,
we provide
Acta Cryst. (2002). B58, 647±661 Motherwell et al.
Crystal structure prediction 649
research papers
Table 1
Overview of methodologies applied for crystal structure prediction for the blind test.
Contributor Molecules attempted Program/approach Reference Molecular model Search generation
Methods employing lattice-energy minimization for generation of structures
Gavezzotti III, V ZIP-PROMET a Rigid Stepwise construction of dimers and layers
Schweizer & Dunitz I, IV ZIP-PROMET a Rigid Stepwise construction of dimers and layers
Williams I±VII MPA b Flexible Lattman grid systematic
Erk IV±VI SySe and PP c Flexible Grid-based systematic
van Eijck I, III±VII UPACK d Flexible Grid-based and random
Dzyabchenko IV±VI PMC e Flexible Symmetry-adapted grid systematic
Schmidt I±VI CRYSCA f Flexible Random plus steepest descent
Ammon I±VI MOLPAK g Rigid Grid-based systematic
Price I±V DMAREL h Rigid Using MOLPAK
Scheraga IV±VI CRYSTALG i Flexible Conformation family Monte Carlo
Verwer & Leusen I±III, VII Polymorph Predictor (PP) j Flexible Monte Carlo simulated annealing
Leusen IV±VI Polymorph Predictor (PP) j Flexible Monte Carlo simulated annealing
Verwer IV±VI Polymorph Predictor (PP) j Flexible Monte Carlo simulated annealing
Mooij I, III, VII Multipole crystal optimizer k Flexible By van Eijck (UPACK)
Mooij IV±VI Multipole crystal optimizer k Flexible By Leusen & Verwer (PP)
Methods based on statistical data from CSD
Hofmann I±III FlexCryst l Rigid Grid-based systematic
IV±VI FlexCryst m Rigid Grid-based systematic
Lommerse I±V, VII Packstar n Rigid Monte Carlo simulated annealing
Motherwell I±V, VII Rancel o Rigid Genetic algorithm
Lattice energy/®tness function
Contributor Electrostatic Other Other features used to select three submissions
Methods employing lattice-energy minimization for generation of structures
Gavezzotti None Empirical
Schweizer & Dunitz Atom charges 6-exp
Williams Atom charges + extra sites 6-exp
Erk Atom charges 6-exp
van Eijck Atom charges 6-exp or 6±12 Free Energy
Dzyabchenko Atom charges 6-exp or 6±12
Schmidt Atom charges 6-exp Volume, chemical intuition
Ammon Atom charges 6-exp Density
Price Atom multipoles Empirical /derived Morphology and elastic constants
Scheraga Atom charges 6-exp or 6±12
Verwer & Leusen Atom charges Dreiding 6±12
Leusen Atom charges CVFF 6±12
Verwer Atom charges Dreiding 6±12
Mooij Atom multipoles Ab initio 6-exp + polarization
Mooij Atom multipoles Dreiding 6-exp
Methods based on statistical data from CSD
Hofmann Statistical potentials
Trained potentials
Lommerse CSD group contacts
Motherwell None 6-exp Energy plus ®tting of CSD contacts
References: (a) Gavezzotti (1991); (b) Williams (1996); (c) Erk (1999); (d) van Eijck & Kroon (2000); (e) Dzyabchenko et al. (1999); (f) Schmidt & Englert (1996); (g) Holden et al.
(1993); (h) Beyer et al. (2001); (i) Pillardy et al. (2001); (j) Verwer & Leusen (1998); (k) Mooij et al. (1999); (l) Hofmann & Lengauer (1997); (m) Apostolakis et al. (2001); (n) Lommerse et
al. (2000); (o) Motherwell (2001).
Supplementary data for this paper are available from the IUCr electronic
archives (Reference: BK0108). Services for accessing these data are described
at the back of the journal.

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650 Motherwell et al.
Crystal structure prediction Acta Cryst. (2002). B58, 647±661
details of calculations and discussions prepared by each
participant, under a named author subsection.
4.1. Description of the experimental structures
A few comments on the experimentally determined struc-
tures are now given to demonstrate some of the challenges of
Compound IV (Howie & Skakle, 2001), in P2
/a, shows
hydrogen bonding in the packing diagram in Fig. 2. Inspection
of related molecules in the CSD ± those containing the
CHÐCOÐNHÐCOÐCH group in a ring system, with no
other strong hydrogen-bond donors or acceptors ± shows both
dimer R2,2,(8) and catemer S1,1,(4) hydrogen-bond motifs
(Allen et al., 1999). The observed hydrogen-bond motif is a
catemer, ÐNHOCÐ mediated by the glide-plane operator
in the a direction, and is almost exactly planar with N and O
deviations of ca. 0.15 A
from the least-squares plane through
the C, N, O and H atoms. The NÐHO distance of 1.973 A
typical from CSD surveys, with almost optimal geometry:
angles NÐHO = 171
and HO C = 129
, calculated
using a normalized neutron NÐH distance of 1.009 A
Table 2
Summary of successful predictions.
The experimental structures are labelled Expt and printed in bold. For the experimental structures, P gives the number of successful predictions, and for the
predicted structures, P is the order of con®dence in the three submissions allowed. RMSD-Pack is the calculated r.m.s. deviation of the non-H atom positions from
experimental positions. The decision as to a correct solution has been based on a visual assessment of the packing diagrams.
Molecule P Space group a (A
) b (A
) c (A
) (
) RMSD-Pack (A
I Expt stable 0 P2
/c 4.954 9.845 9.679 90.57
I Expt Metastable 4 Pbca 5.309 12.648 14.544 90
Schweizer 1 Pbca 5.182 12.554 14.336 90 0.204
Williams 1 Pbca 5.125 12.503 14.104 90 0.277
Verwer & Leusen 1 Pbca 5.372 12.570 15.131 90 0.231
van Eijck 3 Pbca 5.276 12.468 14.390 90 0.525
II Expt 1 P2
/n 7.516 8.322 9.059 101.19
Verwer & Leusen 2 P2
/n 7.234 8.299 9.210 104.53 0.427
III Expt 1 P2
/c 6.835 7.634 21.422 96.45
van Eijck 1 P2
/c 6.763 7.758 20.940 98.32 0.214
IV Expt 3 P2
/c 9.388 10.606 7.704 95.03
Leusen 3 P2
/c 9.182 10.509 8.024 83.02 0.261
Mooij 2 P2
/c 9.229 10.406 7.963 96.13 0.200
V Expt 3 P2
7.264 10.639 15.633 90
Price 1 P2
7.177 10.413 16.223 90 0.347
Williams² 3 P2
6.930 10.660 15.580 90 0.263
van Eijck³ 1 P2
7.119 9.984 15.891 90 0.777
Ammon§ 1 P2
7.128 10.394 16.354 90 0.364
VI Expt 0 P2
/c 8.251 8.964 15.087 91.21
VII Expt 1 P2
/n 4.148 12.612 6.977 91.28
Mooij 1 P2
/n 4.057 12.568 6.777 91.66 0.163
² Williams submitted a structure in space group Cc, which is an error. If ignored, this makes the rank P = 2. ³ Correct packing but a large value 0.777 is due to molecular conformation
differences because of an inadequate force ®eld. § Although strictly speaking not allowed within the rules of the blind test, this result was the global minimum within chiral space
groups. Structures in centrosymmetric space groups for the racemate were submitted in error.
Figure 2
Packing diagram for IV (a) showing hydrogen-bonded chains and (b) showing packing of chains.

other carbonyl O takes no part in hydrogen bonding. It was
noted that there is a rather short intermolecular HH
contact of 2.118 A
between methylene groups related by a
crystallographic centre of symmetry, but such contacts are
found in some CSD structures of rather similarly sized mole-
cules (e.g. AZTCDO10 2.199, BADNUP 2.157, 2.178).
Compound V (Fronczek & Garcia, 2001), in P2
known in advance to be a pure enantiomer, has no strong
hydrogen-bonding groups, and the packing diagram (Fig. 3)
does not show any particularly dominant group±group inter-
actions. Intermolecular contacts are normal compared to
similar molecules in the CSD; the O atoms have several
CÐHO contacts (2.365, 2.381, 2.425, 2.593, 2.646 A
substantially below the van der Waals radius sum. The Br
atoms show no close contacts but do form a BrBr chain
distance of 4.427 A
using the screw axis along a. The ®ve-
membered ring containing S and N is infrequent in the CSD,
but there is an entry for the de-brominated compound
ROLBOJ, which has a similar ring conformation.
Compound VI (Hursthouse, 2001), in P2
/c, is strongly
hydrogen bonded (Fig. 4), forming a ribbon network running
in the b direction mediated by the screw axis. It is notable that
all donor H atoms are satis®ed, and all acceptor O and N
atoms are involved. It was observed that the bond lengths
appear to be of low accuracy, despite the excellent hydrogen-
bonding scheme, and subsequent communication with the
laboratory revealed that there was a problem with very small
crystals and a very low number of collected intensities. It was
requested that a constrained re®nement be made using the
known phenyl geometry and isotropic temperature factors.
The coordinate differences between the ®rst and second
re®nements do not invalidate the accuracy of the packing
arrangement for the purposes of this blind test. Apart from the
two ¯exible torsional angles, an additional dif®culty for CSP
was that the SÐN
CÐN con®guration might be either cis or
4.2. Comparison of calculated structures with experimental
A preliminary inspection of the submitted results using
standard visualizer programs quickly revealed that many
structures were completely different from the experimentally
determined ones. The structures that visually seemed to show
the same packing arrangement and similar cell dimensions
were generally easy to accept as `correct' as regards the overall
packing arrangement. As in the CSP1999 test, we used the
comparison method by Lommerse (Lommerse et al., 2000) to
compare the molecular coordination shell and derive an r.m.s.
deviation for the non-H atoms for all atoms in the reference
molecule and its 12 neighbours (RMSD-Pack; these calcula-
tions were performed by Lommerse before the workshop
event). The lists of unit cells, space groups and RMSD-Pack
are given for molecules IV (Table 3), V (Table 4) and VI
(Table 5).
For correct structures in CSP1999, this ®gure was found to
be in the range 0.163±0.525 A
. In practice, `incorrect' struc-
tures show such a large RMSD that there is no problem in
deciding; in this test, the range for correct structures was
0.200±0.364 A
. Only one case was found where there was a
dif®cult decision, with a larger RMSD of 0.777 (van Eijck
structure V, rank 1). This structure has the same symmetry-
related 12 neighbours in the molecular coordination shell as
Acta Cryst. (2002). B58, 647±661 Motherwell et al.
Crystal structure prediction 651
research papers
Figure 3
Packing diagram for V. There is no strong hydrogen bonding, but several
CÐHO contacts are apparent. All contacts less than the sum of the
van der Waals radii are shown.
Figure 4
Packing diagram for VI. Selective view showing the hydrogen-bonding
scheme, mediated by a screw axis along b. Note that all H donors are
satisi®ed, and all acceptors have at least one H contact.

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Frequently Asked Questions (8)
Q1. What are the contributions mentioned in the paper "Crystal structure prediction of small organic molecules: a second blind test" ?

In this paper, motherwell et al. presented the results of a study at the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre ( CDC ) in the UK. 

The Cambridge Structural Database consists mainly of crystal structures for those polymorphs that form suitable single crystals and were obtained under normal laboratory temperature and pressure. 

To include the role of temperature on crystal structure and properties, the authors need to compare free energies rather than lattice energies. 

Other predictions showed a range of only about 2±8 kJ molÿ1, which is of the same order as the uncertainty caused by neglect of entropy. 

The ®vemembered ring containing S and N is infrequent in the CSD, but there is an entry for the de-brominated compound ROLBOJ, which has a similar ring conformation. 

All the methods involve three stages:(a) construct a three-dimensional molecular model either by molecular mechanics methods or by analogy with other CSD structures;(b) search through many thousands of hypothetical crystal structures built from the trial molecule in various space groups, including some searches that did not assume symmetry constraints;(c) select structures according to some criterion, usually thecalculated lattice energy. 

the frequencies of coincidences could re¯ect similarities in the search paths taken by the various programs exploring the energy surface; this is a mathematical construct of ®tting a molecule into a given cell `box' with prede®ned space-group symmetry, which is acknowledged as having no physical reality in the crystallization process. 

It was noted that there is a rather short intermolecular H H contact of 2.118 AÊ between methylene groups related by a crystallographic centre of symmetry, but such contacts are found in some CSD structures of rather similarly sized molecules (e.g. AZTCDO10 2.199, BADNUP 2.157, 2.178).