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Hyperspectral Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks

A feature learning approach for hyperspectral image classification based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) that is able to learn structured features, roughly resembling different spectral band-pass filters, directly from the hyperspectrals input data.
Hyperspectral image (HSI) classification is one of the most widely used methods for scene analysis from hyperspectral imagery. In the past, many different engineered features have been proposed for the HSI classification problem. In this paper, however, we propose a feature learning approach for hyperspectral image classification based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The proposed CNN model is able to learn structured features, roughly resembling different spectral band-pass filters, directly from the hyperspectral input data. Our experimental results, conducted on a commonly-used remote sensing hyperspectral dataset, show that the proposed method provides classification results that are among the state-of-the-art, without using any prior knowledge or engineered features.

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Hyperspectral Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks
Viktor Slavkovikj, Steven Verstockt, Wesley De Neve, Sofie Van Hoecke, and Rik Van de Walle
In: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ACM Conference on Multimedia Conference, 1159–1162, 2015.
To refer to or to cite this work, please use the citation to the published version:
Slavkovikj, V., Verstockt, S., De Neve, W., Van Hoecke, S., and Van de Walle, R. (2015).
Hyperspectral Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks. Proceedings of the 23rd
Annual ACM Conference on Multimedia Conference 1159–1162. 10.1145/2733373.2806306

Hyperspectral Image Classification with Convolutional
Neural Networks
Viktor Slavkovikj
, Steven Verstockt
, Wesley De Neve
Sofie Van Hoecke
, and Rik Van de Walle
Multimedia Lab, Depar tment of Electronics and Information Systems, Ghent University-iMinds
B-9050 Ledeberg-Ghent, Belgium
Image and Video Systems Lab, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-732, Republic of Korea
{viktor.slavkovikj, steven.verstockt, wesley.deneve,
sofie.vanhoecke, rik.vandewalle}
Hyperspectral image (HSI) classification is one of the most
widely used methods for scene analysis from hyperspectral
imagery. In the past, many different engineered features
have been proposed for the HSI classification problem. In
this paper, however, we propose a feature learning approach
for hyperspectral image classification based on convolutional
neural networks (CNNs). The proposed CNN model is able
to learn structured features, roughly resembling different
spectral band-pass filters, directly from the hyperspectral in-
put data. Our experimental results, conducted on a commonly-
used remote sensing hyperspectral dataset, show that the
proposed method provides classification resu lts that are among
the state-of-the-art, without using any prior knowledge or
engineered features.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
I.5.1 [Pattern Recognition]: Models—neural nets; I.5.4
[Pattern Recognition]: Applications—computer vision;
I.4.8 [Image Processing and Computer Vision]: Scene
Classification, convolutional neural networks, deep learning,
hyperspectral imaging
Recent developments of imaging spectroscopy sensors have
enabled acquisition of hyperspectral images with a high spa-
tial res o lu tio n , a characteristic which was previously exclu-
sive to standard electr ooptical s ys tems . However, unlike the
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tion on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than
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MM’15, October 26–30, 2015, Brisbane, Australia.
2015 ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-3459-4/15/10 ...$15.00.
standard color pictures, images acquired with hyperspectral
sensors contain much higher spectral resolution. This is ad-
vantageous for image analysis, because each hyp er s pectral
pixel comprises of a large number (in th e order of hundreds)
of measurements of the electromagnetic spectrum and car-
ries more information as compared to color pixels, which
provide data only from the visible range of the spectrum. As
a result, hyperspectral image analysis has found numerous
biomedical, forensic, and remote sensing app lic a t io n s [18, 5,
One of th e principal techniques in hyperspectral image
analysis is image classification, where a label is assigned to
each pixel based on its characteristics. Inference of class la-
bels from hyp er s pectral data is challenging, however, sin c e
classification methods ar e affected by the curse of dimension-
ality (i.e., the Hughes effect[12]). That is, the classification
accuracy is poor a s the number of training samples required
to populate the high-d imen s io n a l spectral space is limited.
Therefore, many different feature extractio n methods (see
Section 2) have been proposed to tackle the classification
problem in hypers pectral images. The goal of feature ex-
traction is to reduce the dimensionality of the hyperspectral
data while preserving as much of the discriminative infor-
mation as possible, so that in a later stage a classifi er can
be trained on the extracted features. Since it is difficult
to discern potentially relevant features from hyperspectral
data, we ap p r o a ch hyperspectral image classification as a n
end-to-end learning [15, 25] task, where the assignment of
class labels fr o m hyperspectral input pixels is a single stage
learning proces s , in w h ich the intermediate feature rep r es en -
tations are also learned. The c o ntributions of o u r paper are
We propose convolutional neural networks for hyper-
spectral image classification .
We investigate hyperspectral data augmentation as a
way o f mitigating the p r o b lem of limited train in g sam-
ples in hyperspectral image cla s s ifi c a t io n .
The rema in d er of this paper is organized as follows. We
discuss related work in hyperspectral image cla s s ifi c a tio n in
Section 2 . In S ec tio n 3, we present the architecture of the
convolutional neural network that was used as basis for our

experiments. Section 4 describ es hyp er s pectral data aug-
mentation for alleviating the limited training samples prob-
lem. In Section 5, we report classification results obtained
by the proposed metho d on a hyperspectral image dataset.
Section 6 concludes the paper.
In the past, many different feature extraction and classi-
fication methods have been proposed for hyperspectral im-
ages. Some of the well-established feature extraction ap-
proaches are based on dimensionality reduction methods,
such as principal component analysis (PCA) [11], or inde-
pendent component analysis (ICA) [24]. These method s are
aimed at projecting the hyperspectral data to a subspace, in
which class separation is performed more effectively. Simi-
larly, to be able to calculate c oordinates of d a ta in a lower-
dimensional space, manifold learning methods [8, 7] try to
estimate the intrinsic geometry of the manifold embedded
in the high-d imen s io n a l hyperspectral da t a space. Discrim-
inant analys is methods [1, 3] have b een used to learn a pro-
jection matrix in order to maximize a separability c r iter io n
of the projected data. Morphological features [2], on the
other hand, were introduced to take advantage of structural
information present in the images. They have been suc-
cessfully combined with support vector machines [6 ], which
are known for their good generalization properties for high-
dimensional data with lower effective dimensionality [19].
Recently, statistical learning mo d els , such as neural net-
works, have also been invest ig a ted for the purpose of hyp er -
spectral image classification. For instance, Li et al. [17] have
proposed a deep belief network (DBN) approach for classi-
fication of hypers pectral images. The model is a stack of
restricted Boltzmann machines, which are trained by greedy
layer -w is e unsupervised learning [9]. However, by reducing
the data to the first three PCA components, the spectral
characteristics of the images h ave not been used in a princi-
pal manner by th e DBN model. Our proposed approach, by
contrast, fully exploits the available spectral information in
a hyperspectral image.
Deep CNNs have been successfully applied in solving chal-
lenging tasks, such as image clas s ifi c a t io n [13], speech recog-
nition [16], music information retrieval [4], and text recogni-
tion [25]. However, to our knowledge, CNN models have not
been studied in literature for t h e purpose of hyper s pectral
image classification.
Due to network g en er a liz a tio n issues [10], deep CNNs for
image classification ta s ks require a large number of images
to prevent overfitting, and thus appear inad equ a te for the
HSI classification problem, where a dataset typically con-
sists of a single capture of a scene. Furthermore, the large
number o f bands in hyperspectral images pose a computa-
tional challenge for a straightforward application of a CNN
We propose a CNN architecture which integrates both
spatial and spectr a l information for simultaneous spatia l-
spectral classific a tio n of hyperspectral imag es . The pro-
posed architecture is visualized in Figure 1. T h e input to
the network consists of the eight-connected neighborhood of
a hyperspectral pixel, to account for the spatial information
context. In or d er to exploit the original spectral informa-
tion, all convolutional operations are performed across th e
spectral bands. Th e network c o n s is ts of 5 layers: three con-
volutional layers with width 16, followed by two fully con-
nected layers with 80 0 units each. Note that the size of
the lter s in the first convolutional layer is 9 × 16, where
the firs t dimension accounts for the total number of pixels
in the spatial neighborhood window of the input pixel, and
the second dimension is the width of the filter. This allows
for simultaneous learning fro m both the spatial and spectral
1: convolution (9x16) #32
2: convolution (1x16) #32
3: convolution (1x16) #32
4: fully connected #800
5: fully connected #800
pixel label
hyperspectral pixel
Figure 1: Diagram of the proposed convolutional
neural network architecture for hyperspectral image
classification. The size of the filters in the convolu-
tional laye rs are indicated as (h × w), and # denotes
the number of convolutional filters, as well as the
number of hidden units in the fully connected lay-
In order to obtain the CN N architecture from Figure 1,
we experimented with the numb er of layers, the number of
hidden units in the fully connected layers, and the num-
ber and s iz e of the filters in the convolutional layers. In
addition, we tested several modifica tio n s of the original net-
work. Namely, we experimented with max-pooling layers af-
ter the convolutional layers, and also with varying the stride
of the convolutions. This worsened the classification results,
which is indicative of non-stationarity of statistics across
spectral bands. Testing the hyperbolic tangent activation
function produced slightly better results than rectified lin ea r
units [20] activation. As a result, we used hyperbolic tangent
activa tio n s in all layers exclusive of the last layer , w h er e the
softmax function was used. We also attempted dropout reg-
ularization [22] in th e fully co n n ec ted layers, however, this
did not improve the classification results.
We trained the network using minibatch gradient descent
and momentum [23], a n d we set the size of the minibatches
to 50 samples. We evaluated the model on a held out valida-
tion set during training, and we report results on a separate

test set for the model that achieved the best res u lts on the
validatio n set.
Identifying the classes of pixels from hyperspectral images
to produce labeled training data is a manual task, which is
expensive and time consuming. Therefore, available trainin g
samples for HSI cla s s ifi c a tio n are s c a r c e. To try to alleviate
this problem, we experimented with simple augmentation
for hyperspectral data. For each class in the hyperspectral
image dataset, we calculate the per-spectral-ba n d standard
deviation of the samples in the training s et which belong to
the class. Afterwards, we use the calculated vector of stan-
dard deviations σ as a parameter to a zero mean multivari-
ate normal distribution N (0, αΣ), where α is a scale factor,
and Σ is a diagonal matrix containing σ along the main di-
agonal entries. Finally, the augmented samples for the class
are generated by adding nois e sampled from the distribution
N to the original samples. We tried several values for the
scaling factor in the set {1, 0.5, 0.33, 0.25, 0.125}, and fixed
α = 0.25 for the experiments. The goa l of the proposed
hyperspectral data augmentation is to prevent overfitting in
cases where a low number of samples are used to train the
We tested our meth od on the commonly-used Indian Pines
hyperspectral image dataset [14]. This dataset was acquired
in June 1992 by NASA ’s A ir borne Visible/Infrared Imaging
Spectrometer (AVIRIS). The Indian Pines scene is a mixed
forest and agricultural site in Northwest Indiana, captured
at about 20 km a ltitu d e by the AVIRIS sensor. The hy-
perspectral image of the scene co n s is t s of 220 ban d s in the
spectral range from 0.4 µm to 2.5 µm, with a spectral res-
olution of 10 nm. The whole scene consists of 145 × 145
pixels. There are in total 10,366 labeled samples . With a
moderate geometrical resolution of 20 m per pixel, and 16
land cover classes, this dataset poses a challenging classifi-
cation problem due to the unbalanced number of samples
per class, and high inter-class similarity of samples in the
Table 1: AVIRIS I ndian Pines dataset and per class
training sets and corresponding test sets.
Class Train set Test set
# Name 5% 10% 20% 5% 10% 20%
1 Alfalfa 3 6 11 25 24 21
2 Corn-notil 72 144 287 681 645 573
3 Corn-min 42 84 167 396 375 333
4 Corn 12 24 47 111 105 93
5 Grass-pasture 25 50 100 236 223 198
6 Grass-trees 38 75 150 354 336 298
7 Grass-pasture-mowed 2 3 6 12 11 10
8 Hay-windrowed 25 49 98 232 220 195
9 Oats 1 2 4 9 9 8
10 Soybeans-notil 49 97 194 459 435 387
11 Soybeans-min 124 247 494 1,172 1,110 987
12 Soybeans-clean 31 62 123 291 276 245
13 Wheat 11 22 43 100 95 84
14 Woods 65 130 259 614 582 517
15 Bldg-grass-trees 19 38 76 180 171 152
16 Stone-steel-towers 5 10 19 45 42 38
Total 524 1,043 2,078 4,917 4,659 4,139
For our experiments, we evaluated the classification accu-
racy of the method using a balanced training set per class,
with low number of training samples. We trained the net -
work with 5%, 10%, and 20% of ran d o mly selected labeled
samples per class, and equally divided the remaining labeled
samples into separate validation and test sets. In each case,
we repeated the experiment with and without hyperspectral
data augmentation.
Figure 2: A subset of filters learned in the first con-
volutional layer of the network. Each subplot rep-
resents a (9 × 16) filter.
Table 2: Classification results for the Indian Pines
image on the test sets.
Indian Pines
Test set
5% 10% 20%
OCA(%) 86.54 ± 0.30 92.70 ± 1.00 96.58 ± 0.55
F1 score 0.86 ± 0.00 0.93 ± 0.01 0.97 ± 0.01
OCA (%) 85.46 ± 1.73 92.76 ± 0.93 96.54 ± 0.47
F1 score 0.85 ± 0.02 0.93 ± 0.01 0.96 ± 0.00
The achieved classification results for each of the experi-
ments are shown in Table 2. We performed 5 Monte Carlo
runs, where for each run we selected a training set of 5%,
10%, and 20% of the labeled samples, as explained above, to
train our model. In the cases with augmentation, we found
3 fold (per class) augmentation of the training data to give
the best results. We report the average an d standard error
of the 5 Monte Carlo runs in terms of the overall classifica-
tion accuracy (OCA), i.e., the number of correctly classified
samples from the total number of samples in the test set,
and the F1 score, which is weighted s o that it accounts for
the imbalance of the classes. From the results in Table 2, it
can be seen that only when using a very low number of aug-
mented labeled samples for training (5%), there is improve-
ment in the classification scores over the non-augmented
counterpart. However, we have observed that in all cases
augmentation reduced the number of training iteration s sig-
nificantly, as compared with training with the corresponding
non-augmented data.
We have visualized some of the learned filters from the
first convolutional layer of the network in Figure 2. From
the visualization, it is clear that the learned filters have a
structured shape, and that some of the filters roughly re-
semble different spectral b a n d -p a s s filters.
Due to the inherent nature of hyperspectral data, dis-
cernment of good features for hyperspectral image classi-

fication is difficult. Therefore, in this paper, we have pre-
sented a new approach towards hyperspectral image classi-
fication based on deep convolutional neural networks. To
evalua te the effectiveness of the method, we performed ex-
periments on a commonly-used hyp er s pectral ima g e dataset.
Our experimental results have shown that the neural net-
work model can learn s tr u c tu r ed features resembling differ-
ent spectral band-pass filters d ir ec tly from the input data.
These features prove useful for hyperspectral image classi-
fication, which makes end-to-end learning applicable t o hy-
perspectral scene understandin g .
The research activities as described in this paper were
funded by Ghent University and the Interdisciplinary Re-
search Institute iMinds.
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Frequently Asked Questions (14)
Q1. What have the authors contributed in "Hyperspectral image classification with convolutional neural networks" ?

In this paper, however, the authors propose a feature learning approach for hyperspectral image classification based on convolutional neural networks ( CNNs ). Their experimental results, conducted on a commonlyused remote sensing hyperspectral dataset, show that the proposed method provides classification results that are among the state-of-the-art, without using any prior knowledge or engineered features. 

Some of the well-established feature extraction approaches are based on dimensionality reduction methods, such as principal component analysis (PCA) [11], or independent component analysis (ICA) [24]. 

Discriminant analysis methods [1, 3] have been used to learn a projection matrix in order to maximize a separability criterion of the projected data. 

Due to network generalization issues [10], deep CNNs for image classification tasks require a large number of images to prevent overfitting, and thus appear inadequate for the HSI classification problem, where a dataset typically consists of a single capture of a scene. 

The network consists of 5 layers: three convolutional layers with width 16, followed by two fully connected layers with 800 units each. 

One of the principal techniques in hyperspectral image analysis is image classification, where a label is assigned to each pixel based on its characteristics. 

With a moderate geometrical resolution of 20 m per pixel, and 16 land cover classes, this dataset poses a challenging classification problem due to the unbalanced number of samples per class, and high inter-class similarity of samples in the dataset. 

The input to the network consists of the eight-connected neighborhood of a hyperspectral pixel, to account for the spatial information context. 

Note that the size of the filters in the first convolutional layer is 9 × 16, where the first dimension accounts for the total number of pixels in the spatial neighborhood window of the input pixel, and the second dimension is the width of the filter. 

This is advantageous for image analysis, because each hyperspectral pixel comprises of a large number (in the order of hundreds) of measurements of the electromagnetic spectrum and carries more information as compared to color pixels, which provide data only from the visible range of the spectrum. 

to be able to calculate coordinates of data in a lowerdimensional space, manifold learning methods [8, 7] try to estimate the intrinsic geometry of the manifold embedded in the high-dimensional hyperspectral data space. 

They have been successfully combined with support vector machines [6], which are known for their good generalization properties for highdimensional data with lower effective dimensionality [19]. 

From the results in Table 2, it can be seen that only when using a very low number of augmented labeled samples for training (5%), there is improvement in the classification scores over the non-augmented counterpart. 

The authors also attempted dropout regularization [22] in the fully connected layers, however, this did not improve the classification results.