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Accelerated chemistry in the reaction between the hydroxyl radical and methanol at interstellar temperatures facilitated by tunnelling

It is shown that, despite the presence of a barrier, the rate coefficient for the reaction between the hydroxyl radical (OH) and methanol--one of the most abundant organic molecules in space--is almost two orders of magnitude larger at 63 K than previously measured at ∼200 K.
Understanding the abundances of molecules in dense interstellar clouds requires knowledge of the rates of gas-phase reactions between uncharged species. However, because of the low temperatures within these clouds, reactions with an activation barrier were considered too slow to play an important role. Here we show that, despite the presence of a barrier, the rate coefficient for the reaction between the hydroxyl radical (OH) and methanol--one of the most abundant organic molecules in space--is almost two orders of magnitude larger at 63 K than previously measured at ∼200 K. We also observe the formation of the methoxy radical product, which was recently detected in space. These results are interpreted by the formation of a hydrogen-bonded complex that is sufficiently long-lived to undergo quantum-mechanical tunnelling to form products. We postulate that this tunnelling mechanism for the oxidation of organic molecules by OH is widespread in low-temperature interstellar environments.

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Version: Accepted Version
Shannon, RJ, Blitz, MA, Goddard, A et al. (1 more author) (2013) Accelerated chemistry in
the reaction between the hydroxyl radical and methanol at interstellar temperatures
facilitated by tunnelling. Nature Chemistry, 5 (9). 745 - 749. ISSN 1755-4330
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Accelerated chemistry in the reaction of OH with methanol at interstellar temperatures
facilitated by tunnelling
Robin J. Shannon
, Mark. A. Blitz
, Andrew Goddard
and Dwayne E. Heard
School of Chemistry, University of Leeds, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK
National Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Leeds, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, LS2
Understanding the abundances of molecules observed in dense interstellar clouds requires
knowledge of the rates of gas phase reactions between two neutral species. However,
reactions possessing an activation barrier were considered too slow to play any important
role at the low temperatures in these clouds. Here we show that despite the presence of a
barrier the rate coefficient for the reaction between the hydroxyl radical (OH) and methanol,
one of the most abundant organic molecules in space, is almost two orders of magnitude
larger at 63K than previously measured at ~200K. We also observe formation of the
methoxy radical product that was recently detected in space. These results are interpreted
through the formation of a hydrogen-bonded complex that is sufficiently long-lived to
undergo quantum mechanical tunnelling to form products. We postulate that this tunnelling
mechanism for the oxidation of organic molecules by OH is widespread in low temperature
interstellar environments.
The importance of neutral neutral reactions has been highlighted in low temperature
environments such as the interstellar medium (ISM) and in dense molecular clouds of star forming
regions [1]. However, the chemical databases or networks used to model such environments
contain a relatively small number of this class of reaction [2]. Those reactions that have been
studied at relevant low temperatures (< 200 K) already occur quickly at room temperature, with
> 10
[3-4], and do not possess any significant barrier to reaction. In this
paper, we show that despite the presence of an energy barrier, the reaction between OH and
methanol proceeds to products rapidly at very low temperatures, which we interpret via a
mechanism involving the formation of a weak hydrogen bonded association adduct, and quantum
mechanical tunnelling, as shown schematically in Figure 1. These two features are present in
many reactions involving hydrogen atom transfer and we propose that this behaviour exhibited by
the reaction of methanol with OH may be widespread under the low temperature conditions found
in space.

In the field of chemical kinetics, the rate at which a reaction proceeds is governed by the potential
energy surface (PES) upon which that reaction occurs. If there is an overall barrier, this acts as a
bottleneck to reaction and only molecules with sufficient energy are able to surmount this barrier
and proceed to products. The relationship between the rate coefficient, k, and temperature is often
represented by the Arrhenius equation:
where E
is an empirical parameter which is related to the overall barrier for reaction and A is
related to the frequency of reactant collisions that have the correct geometry for reaction. The rate
coefficient for the reaction between OH and methanol is relatively small at room temperature [5],
increasing at higher temperature as shown in Figure 2. Therefore, the reaction of OH with
methanol and other reactions with a significant barrier to products have hitherto been considered
too slow to be important in low temperature environments such as the ISM, dense molecular
clouds of star-forming regions, or the atmospheres of other planets. However, closer inspection of
Figure 2 reveals that the Arrhenius plot is curved, with the apparent activation barrier to reaction
decreasing as temperature is lowered. Deviation from Arrhenius behaviour is not uncommon and it
is often explained by the reaction not proceeding via a single-step, involving a weakly bound
intermediate [4], or due to the presence of quantum mechanical tunnelling (QMT) [6].
Weakly bound complexes have also been invoked to explain rate coefficients that increase
as the temperature is lowered [7]. Electronic structure calculations by Xu and Lin [8] for the
reaction between OH and methanol have shown the presence of a weakly-bound (~ 20 kJ mol
hydrogen-bonded complex prior to the barrier to reaction, as shown in Figure 1. However, around
room temperature and above this weakly bound complex has too short a lifetime to significantly
influence the reactions kinetics. Experimental [9] and theoretical [10] studies have shown that the
reaction of OH with HNO
proceeds through tunnelling via an association complex at low
temperatures, with a modest negative temperature dependence of the rate coefficient being
observed below 300K. However, at the lowest temperature studied, 240 K, the measured rate
coefficient (2×10
) is still three orders of magnitude lower than would be
expected for a barrierless reaction. In a theoretical study, Herbst [11] showed that tunnelling in the
H + H
reaction leads to an observed negative temperature dependence in the rate coefficient,
but in the limit of 0 K the rate coefficient for this reaction was still predicted to be many orders of
magnitude lower than would be expected for a barrierless process. We postulate that a mechanism
involving a weakly bound complex may lead to rate coefficients at low temperature which are
similar in magnitude to those expected for an entirely barrierless reaction. Such a mechanism
could then play an important role in cold temperature environments such as in space. In this work
we show experimentally that the rate coefficient for the reaction of OH with methanol increases
dramatically as the temperature is lowered to 63 K. We also use the PES of Xu and Lin [8] and

statistical rate theory calculations using a master equation approach to show that the formation of
the OH-methanol complex and QMT can explain these findings.
Figure 3 shows an example of the decay of OH radicals as they are removed by reaction with
methanol at 82 K. Kinetic analysis (see Methods and Supplementary Information Figures S4 and
S5) yields the removal rate coefficient, k
, and the rate coefficient for the reaction of OH and
methanol, k
, the latter obtained from the dependence of k
on the methanol concentration. Figure
2 compares values of k
measured here at 63 K and 82 K with previous results at higher
temperatures [5,12-13], demonstrating a significant enhancement in k
at lower temperatures, with
/ k
1,T=210 K
= 72. Figure 4 shows that k
is essentially independent of the density of N
The reaction of OH with methanol proceeds by abstraction of a hydrogen atom at either the
methyl or the hydroxyl site, with activation barriers of 4.2 and 15.0 kJ mol
, respectively [8]:
OH + H
O (R1a)
O + H
O (R1b)
However, this reaction is not a single step. A schematic of the PES for the OH + CH
OH reaction
calculated by Xu and Lin [8] is shown in Figure 1, where it can be seen that the reaction consists of
three elementary reactions:
C (R1,1)
OH (R1,-1)
products (either R1a or R1b) (R1,2)
The increase in the overall rate coefficient, k
, at low temperature can be understood by examining
how the relative contributions from these three elementary reactions change with temperature. At
high temperatures the complex (C) will be formed with a significant amount of internal energy and
will rapidly re-dissociate back to reactants. The reaction then appears to be a single step process
over a barrier to products with k
displaying a normal Arrhenius behaviour, as observed at higher
temperatures (Figure 2). However, as the temperature decreases C will be formed with less
internal energy on average and as such its lifetime with respect to re-dissociation will increase.
Therefore at very low temperatures, the rate coefficient k
will then be determined not by the
barrier associated with process R1,2, but instead by the barrierless association R1,1, i.e. the
reaction is complete once the complex is formed. The temperature at which this transition occurs is

controlled by the binding energy of the complex and the rate of tunnelling through the abstraction
barrier. The OH-methanol complex binding energy is ~ 20 kJ mol
, and at room temperature the
kinetics are close to the high temperature regime and the rate coefficient is relatively small with k
= k
+ k
= 9 × 10
[5]. However, at the very low temperatures of the present
study the complex is relatively long-lived, and thus the measured rate coefficients are closer to the
collision encounter limit.
There are two possible fates for the complex at low temperatures when dissociation to
reactants is very slow. Either C is stabilised through unreactive collisions with the buffer gas (N
these experiments), which is not particularly interesting as this does not lead to chemical products.
Alternatively the OH moiety bound in C may abstract a hydrogen atom to form products, which is
chemically of greater interest. Abstraction via channels R1a and R1b over the barriers shown in
Figure 1 would appear to be ruled out as there is insufficient energy. However, in the case of
abstraction of light hydrogen atoms there is a significant probability of going through the barrier
rather than over it via quantum mechanical tunnelling (QMT) [6]. In a single-step process, QMT
normally manifests itself via non-Arrhenius behaviour being displayed at low temperatures, though
still with a positive activation energy and the rate coefficient decreasing at lower temperatures.
However, for the present system, QMT is not occurring in a single-step reaction from reactants to
products, rather from the hydrogen-bonded complex C, which has a lifetime that is rapidly
increasing as the temperature is lowered.
If the complex C were just being collisionally stabilised under our experimental conditions,
the rate coefficient k
would be expected to be strongly dependent on the total gas number density.
However, as shown in Figure 4, k
is almost independent of the total gas density, providing strong
evidence for the proposed QMT mechanism. Tunnelling corrections to rate coefficients calculated
by classical transition state theory (transmission coefficients) are now calculated routinely [14-15],
and Figure 2 shows the overall rate coefficient k
calculated by a chemical master equation
incorporating QMT using a parabolic Eckhart type barrier (see Methods and Supplementary
Information). Although there are more detailed approaches to calculating transmission coefficients
[16], the approach adopted here is to simply demonstrate that the weakly-bound complex/QMT
mechanism is capable of showing a marked increase in the rate coefficients at lower temperatures,
as seen in the experimental data in Figure 2.
To emphasize further the crucial role of tunnelling in this reaction, Figure 5 shows the
calculated individual rate coefficients, k
and k
as a function of energy, together with the initial
Boltzmann distribution of energies within the complex, C, formed in the OH reaction with methanol
at both 300 K and 70 K. It is important to note the crossover of the rate coefficients k
and k
~1750 cm
, below which tunnelling becomes more favourable than re-dissociation of the complex.
At 300 K, the Boltzmann energy distribution has a negligible population of molecules below the k
and k
crossing point, however, at 70 K, midway between the two experimental temperatures of

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Q1. What are the contributions in this paper?

In this paper, the authors used a chemical master equation incorporating quantum mechanical tunnelling ( QMT ) using a parabolic Eckhart type barrier ( see Methods and Supplementary Information ). 

In a single-step process, QMTnormally manifests itself via non-Arrhenius behaviour being displayed at low temperatures, thoughstill with a positive activation energy and the rate coefficient decreasing at lower temperatures. 

If the complex C were just being collisionally stabilised under their experimental conditions,the rate coefficient k1 would be expected to be strongly dependent on the total gas number density. 

The OH-methanol complex binding energy is ~ 20 kJ mol-1, and at room temperature thekinetics are close to the high temperature regime and the rate coefficient is relatively small with k1 = k1a + k1b = 9 × 10 -13 cm3 molecule-1 s-1 [5]. 

Although the temperatures in some star forming environmentsare close to 80 K [22], for other stellar and interstellar environments the temperatures areconsiderably lower, and the gas density is extremely low. 

In a theoretical study, Herbst [11] showed that tunnelling in theC2H + H2 reaction leads to an observed negative temperature dependence in the rate coefficient, but in the limit of 0 K the rate coefficient for this reaction was still predicted to be many orders ofmagnitude lower than would be expected for a barrierless process. 

at the very low temperatures of the presentstudy the complex is relatively long-lived, and thus the measured rate coefficients are closer to thecollision encounter limit. 

for the present system, QMT is not occurring in a single-step reaction from reactants toproducts, rather from the hydrogen-bonded complex C, which has a lifetime that is rapidlyincreasing as the temperature is lowered. 

In conclusion, this study has shown that for the reaction between OH and methanol the ratecoefficient displays a large negative dependence on temperature below 200 K, with an increase ofabout two orders of magnitude at ~70 K. 

The importance of neutral – neutral reactions has been highlighted in low temperatureenvironments such as the interstellar medium (ISM) and in dense molecular clouds of star formingregions [1]. 

Theseresults further highlight the role that a pre-reaction hydrogen bonded OH complex plays in lowtemperature kinetics, in this case the adduct is sufficiently long lived to facilitate tunnelling, themajority proceeding via the higher activation barrier to form CH3O. 

The relationship between the rate coefficient, k, and temperature is oftenrepresented by the Arrhenius equation:TEaeTk RA)( (1)where Ea is an empirical parameter which is related to the overall barrier for reaction and A is related to the frequency of reactant collisions that have the correct geometry for reaction. 

The authors postulate that a mechanisminvolving a weakly bound complex may lead to rate coefficients at low temperature which aresimilar in magnitude to those expected for an entirely barrierless reaction. 

At 298 K the master equation predicts(see Supplementary Information Figure S7) that the branching ratio for the channel forming CH3O is 0.36, which is consistent with experimental measurements which show CH2OH is the dominant product [18]. 

Currently this reaction is not included in astrochemical networks and given the high abundances ofboth methanol and OH in star-forming regions, these results indicate that the reaction of OH withmethanol may provide a significant loss for methanol at low temperatures. 

Although there are more detailed approaches to calculating transmission coefficients[16], the approach adopted here is to simply demonstrate that the weakly-bound complex/QMTmechanism is capable of showing a marked increase in the rate coefficients at lower temperatures,as seen in the experimental data in Figure 2.