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Photonic crystal fiber based plasmonic sensors

In this article, the development of highly sensitive miniaturized sensors that allow real-time quantification of analytes is highly desirable in medical diagnostics, veterinary testing, food safety, and environmental monitoring.
The development of highly-sensitive miniaturized sensors that allow real-time quantification of analytes is highly desirable in medical diagnostics, veterinary testing, food safety, and environmental monitoring. Photonic Crystal Fiber Surface Plasmon Resonance (PCF SPR) has emerged as a highly-sensitive portable sensing technology for testing chemical and biological analytes. PCF SPR sensing combines the advantages of PCF technology and plasmonics to accurately control the evanescent field and light propagation properties in single or multimode configurations. This review discusses fundamentals and fabrication of fiber optic technologies incorporating plasmonic coatings to rationally design, optimize and construct PCF SPR sensors as compared to conventional SPR sensing. PCF SPR sensors with selective metal coatings of fibers, silver nanowires, slotted patterns, and D-shaped structures for internal and external microfluidic flows are reviewed. This review also includes potential applications of PCF SPR sensors, identifies perceived limitations, challenges to scaling up, and provides future directions for their commercial realization.

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University of Birmingham
Photonic Crystal Fiber Based Plasmonic Sensors
Rifat, Ahmmed A.; Ahmed, Rijab; Yetisen, Ali; Butt, Haider; Sabouri, Aydin; Mahdiraji, G.
Amouzad; Yun, Seok Hyun; Mahamd Adikan, Faisal Rafiq
Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND)
Document Version
Peer reviewed version
Citation for published version (Harvard):
Rifat, AA, Ahmed, R, Yetisen, A, Butt, H, Sabouri, A, Mahdiraji, GA, Yun, SH & Mahamd Adikan, FR 2017,
'Photonic Crystal Fiber Based Plasmonic Sensors', Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, vol. 243, pp. 311-325.
Link to publication on Research at Birmingham portal
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Accepted Manuscript
Title: Photonic Crystal Fiber Based Plasmonic Sensors
Author: Ahmmed A. Rifat Rajib Ahmed Ali K. Yetisen
Haider Butt Aydin Sabouri G. Amouzad Mahdiraji Seok Hyun
Yun F.R. Mahamd Adikan
PII: S0925-4005(16)31911-6
Reference: SNB 21323
To appear in: Sensors and Actuators B
Received date: 26-7-2016
Revised date: 20-11-2016
Accepted date: 22-11-2016
Please cite this article as: Ahmmed A.Rifat, Rajib Ahmed, Ali K.Yetisen, Haider
Butt, Aydin Sabouri, G.Amouzad Mahdiraji, Seok Hyun Yun, F.R.Mahamd Adikan,
Photonic Crystal Fiber Based Plasmonic Sensors, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical
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Photonic Crystal Fiber Based Plasmonic Sensors
Ahmmed A. Rifat,
Rajib Ahmed,
Ali K. Yetisen,
Haider Butt,
Aydin Sabouri,
Amouzad Mahdiraji,
Seok Hyun Yun,
and F. R. Mahamd Adikan
Integrated Lightwave Research Group, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur-50603, Malaysia
Nanotechnology Laboratory, School of Engineering Sciences, University of Birmingham,
Birmingham B15 2TT, UK
Harvard Medical School and Wellman Center for Photomedicine, Massachusetts General
Hospital, 65 Landsdowne Street, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
*Corresponding author:
The development of highly-sensitive miniaturized sensors that allow real-time quantification of
analytes is highly desirable in medical diagnostics, veterinary testing, food safety, and
environmental monitoring. Photonic Crystal Fiber Surface Plasmon Resonance (PCF SPR) has
emerged as a highly-sensitive portable sensing technology for testing chemical and biological
analytes. PCF SPR sensing combines the advantages of PCF technology and plasmonics to
accurately control the evanescent field and light propagation properties in single or multimode
configurations. This review discusses fundamentals and fabrication of fiber optic technologies
incorporating plasmonic coatings to rationally design, optimize and construct PCF SPR sensors
as compared to conventional SPR sensing. PCF SPR sensors with selective metal coatings of
fibers, silver nanowires, slotted patterns, and D-shaped structures for internal and external
microfluidic flows are reviewed. This review also includes potential applications of PCF SPR
sensors, identifies perceived limitations, challenges to scaling up, and provides future directions
for their commercial realization.
Keywords: Surface Plasmon Resonance, Photonic Crystal Fibers, Optical Fiber Sensors,

1 Introduction
Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensors have attracted lots of interests due to their unique
capabilities such as high sensitivity and wide range of applications in environment monitoring
[1], food safety [2, 3], water testing [4], liquid detection [5, 6], gas detection [7, 8], biosensing
[9, 10], and medical diagnostics [11], including drug detection [12, 13], bioimaging [14],
biological analyte [15, 16], and chemical detection [16-19] (Figure 1). SPR effects are also
utilized in optoelectronic devices such as optical tunable filters [20, 21], modulators [22, 23],
SPR imaging [24, 25], and thin-film thickness monitoring [26, 27]. Besides the SPR techniques
some other optical sensing techniques are also available such as microring resonators,
waveguides, and resonant mirror [28, 29]. In 1950s, surface plasmons (SPs) were theoretically
introduced by Ritchie [30]. Based on SPs using the attenuated total reflection (ATR) method,
prism coupled SPR Otto configuration was studied by Otto [31], where the prism and plasmonic
metal layer were separated by a dielectric (sample) medium. The sensing technique in this study
was quite sophisticated as it was required to maintain a finite gap between the prism and metallic
layer. The Otto configuration was upgraded by Kretschmann setup, where the prism and metallic
layer were in direct contact [32]. To date, Kretschmann and Otto configurations have been
among top popular techniques for generating the surface plasmon waves (SPWs). By matching
the frequency of incident photons and surface electrons, free electrons are resonating which
results in generation and propagation of SPW along the metal-dielectric interface. [33, 34]. The
fundamental principle of conventional SPR sensors are also described (Supporting Information,
Figure S1). In the 1980s, a SPR sensor was experimentally demonstrated for chemical and
biological detection [15]. SPR sensors require a metallic layer that enables transport of large
amount of the free electrons. These free electrons are contributing in negative permittivity, which

is essential for plasmonic materials. Conventional prism based Kretschmann setup is widely used
for SPR sensors, where a prism coated with plasmonic materials is used [18]. As dielectric
refractive index (RI) is altered, the propagation constant of the surface plasmon mode is altered
which results in changing the coupling conditions or properties of light wave and SPW [16].
Although the performance of prism based SPR sensors (Kretschmann setup) is robust, they
are suffering from bulky configuration due to the required optical and mechanical components.
These requirements limit the optimization and practical application of these devices at point-of-
care settings [18]. The bulky optomechanical components required for the angular interrogation
in these devices are also at high costs. Commercial SPR systems such as Biacore, GE Healthcare
are also not competitive compared to other devices for industrial application. The conventional
SPR sensors are not suitable for field-based applications as a results of moving optical and
mechanical parts [18]. The limitations of conventional SPR sensors led to emerging the
conventional optical fiber based SPR sensor for chemical sensing applications in the 1990s [17].
There have been various configurations proposed for optical fiber based SPR sensors to provide
wider operating range and higher resolution [35-38]. However, optical fiber based SPR sensors
are required to direct the incident light at a narrow angle. A planar photonic crystal waveguide-
based SPR biosensor was reported where the low refractive index analyte was used for matching
the phases [39]. In late 20s, the microstructured optical fiber (MOF) based SPR was proposed
[40]. To date, numerous PCF SPR sensors have been demonstrated with different configuration
of PCF structures which altering the prism [41-60]. PCF based SPR sensing are capable to be

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Frequently Asked Questions (21)
Q1. What are the main parameters for analyzing the performance of the PCF SPR sensors?

Wavelength and amplitude interrogation methods are considered as main parameter for analyzing sensing performance of the PCF SPR sensors. 

This review discusses fundamentals and fabrication of fiber optic technologies incorporating plasmonic coatings to rationally design, optimize and construct PCF SPR sensors as compared to conventional SPR sensing. This review also includes potential applications of PCF SPR sensors, identifies perceived limitations, challenges to scaling up, and provides future directions for their commercial realization. 

Potential future work should focus on ( i ) proof of concept demonstration to real PCF SPR sensor development and ( ii ) detection of analytes for wider range of chemical and biological samples. In contrast to fluorescent sensors, the PCF SPR may be configured to be reusable for incessant monitoring applications. Uniform nanolayer coating can be achieved by CVD. Similar sensors can be built at lower frequencies ( mid-IR and THz ) by replacing metals with polaritonic materials and polaritons instead of plasmons [ 151 ]. 

To enhance the sensitivity of the sensor, the plasmonic metal layer is required to be coated for improving the interaction of the evanescent field and surface free electrons. 

It increases the absorption of analytes owing to the high surface to volume ratio results in improvement of the sensing performance [103-105]. 

Due to the change of refractive index of dielectric medium (sample), neff of SPP changes results in the reducing resonance peak and shift in resonance wavelength. 

Placing the silver nanowires in the 2nd ring reduces the transmission loss which allows fiber length of 2-3 cm to observe the SPR sensing. 

Due to small length of sample PCF, it is required to align or splice it with the normal single mode fiber (SMF) to implement it experimentally. 

In PCF SPR sensors, evanescent field penetrates into the cladding region and interacts with the plasmonic metal surface, which excites the free electrons of the surface. 

requiring metal coating on circular surface of PCFs is of the major issues which prevents the practical realization of PCF SPR sensor. 

For instance, the core-guided leakymode propagation can be controlled by using different types of PCF structures such as hexagonal, square, octagonal, decagonal, hybrid, and their guiding properties can be improved by changing its geometry [72, 91]. 

the novel plasmonic materials, metal oxides contacts such as indium tin oxide (ITO) recently have gained attention in SPR sensing [47]. 

To overcome the metal coating and liquid-analyte infiltration inside the air-holes, externally coated PCF SPR sensing approaches have been proposed. 

To simplify the fabrication process, Popescu et al. [134] used single circular gold and sample layers outside the fiber structure which facilitates simplified fabrication process as well as simple sensing process. 

the problem of large confinement loss in PCFs also can be controlled by optimizing the air holes geometry and increasing the number of rings. 

Numerical and analytical investigations of PCF SPR sensors have shown their capability in providing high sensitivity with respect to small RI changes in external stimuli. 

Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensors have attracted lots of interests due to their unique capabilities such as high sensitivity and wide range of applications in environment monitoring [1], food safety [2, 3], water testing [4], liquid detection [5, 6], gas detection [7, 8], biosensing [9, 10], and medical diagnostics [11], including drug detection [12, 13], bioimaging [14], biological analyte [15, 16], and chemical detection [16-19] (Figure 1). 

Regular PCF structures for SPR sensing could be fabricated by standard stack-and-draw fiber drawing method combined with external coatings to reduce the complexity in fabrication. 

In vicinity of the solid-core, two large air holes are positioned close to the solid-core in order to enhance the sensing performance of the figure of merit 478.3 RIU-1, which is the highest sensitivity FOM among the reported PCF sensors to date. 

Hollow-core PCF has been experimentally developed for the RI detection, where the core is filled with liquid and silver nanowires (Figure 3f) [118], resulting in wavelength sensitivity of 14,240 nm/RIU. 

Although the performance of prism based SPR sensors (Kretschmann setup) is robust, they are suffering from bulky configuration due to the required optical and mechanical components.