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Open AccessBook

The design and analysis of experiments.

In this article, Monterey describes a books design and analysis of experiments, and the pronouncement as without difficulty as perspicacity of this design and analyses of experiments montgomery can be taken as skillfully as picked to act.
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Journal ArticleDOI

Estimation of missing cells in randomized block and Latin square designs

TL;DR: In this paper, classical missing cell formulas for the randomized block design and Latin square design are derived using the modified cell means model, and the role of the assumptions of no interaction for these designs is made clear in the development.

Evaluation of Fecal DNA PreservationTechniques and Effects of Sample Age andDiet on Genotyping Success

TL;DR: Analysis of DNA degradation rates revealed that samples collected as early as 5 days of age yielded DNA that was highly degraded relative to samples collected on day 1, suggesting that the optimal preservation technique depended on the food remains comprising the scat.
Journal ArticleDOI

Patterns of labeling of intraspinal reactive cells in rats injected with [3H]thymidine prior to or following sciatic axotomy

TL;DR: These particular applications of [ 3 H]thymidine autoradiography provide valuable information on reactions of the central nervous system to injury but are of little value in determining origins of the reactive cells.
Journal ArticleDOI

Random selection algorithms for spatial and temporal sampling.

TL;DR: Seven BASIC programs are presented that use algorithms for selection of treatments and samples in spatial and temporal contexts and examples of program use and output are presented for experiments with bark beetles responding to pheromone blends and colonizing host trees.