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The design and analysis of experiments.

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Journal ArticleDOI

Distributional gradients and variability of macroelement concentrations in the crowns of plantation grownPinus resinosa (AIT.)

N. B. Comerford
- 01 Oct 1981 - 
TL;DR: The vertical distribution of inorganic nutrient concentrations in red pine were dependent on the foliage age; older foliage did not show an average vertical gradient while younger foliage did show a significant gradient.

Modeling Techniques in Predictive Analytics: Business Problems and Solutions with R

TL;DR: Thomas W. Miller addresses multiple business challenges and business cases, including segmentation, brand positioning, product choice modeling, pricing research, finance, sports, text analytics, sentiment analysis, and social network analysis, using data visualization and statistical graphics.
Journal ArticleDOI

Statistical power analysis for hemodynamic cardiovascular safety pharmacology studies in beagle dogs.

TL;DR: The replicated Latin square design for cardiovascular safety pharmacology studies is shown to have at least an 80% power of detecting changes from control of at least a 10% increments in systolic and diastolic pressure and a 15% increment in heart rate and dP/dt(max).
Journal ArticleDOI

Factitous Purpura Presenting as Autoerythrocyte Sensitization

E. Davidson
- 11 Jan 1964 - 
TL;DR: A new entity, " autoerythrocyte sensitization," has been defined within this group of patients, as the injection or extravasation of autologous red cells into the skin of these patients produces local signs of inflammation followed by ecchymosis.
Journal ArticleDOI

Twinning in dairy cattle and its relation to production.

TL;DR: An estimate of the amount by which the production following the birth of twins is lowered by the physiological extra load, or strain, of producing twins is considered.