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The design and analysis of experiments.

In this article, Monterey describes a books design and analysis of experiments, and the pronouncement as without difficulty as perspicacity of this design and analyses of experiments montgomery can be taken as skillfully as picked to act.
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Bayesian Estimation of Genotypes Means, Precision, and Genetic Gain Due to Selection from Routinely Used Barley Trials

TL;DR: Accounting for incomplete blocks, rather than ignoring them, using a Bayesian approach showed a large reduction in esti- mates of error variance components and large increases in heritability and genetic gain.
Journal ArticleDOI

Computing the Analysis of Variance Table for Experiments Involving Qualitative Factors and Zero Amounts of Quantitative Factors

TL;DR: In this article, the analysis of variance table for experiments involving quantitative and qualitative factors including zero amounts is presented in the remainder of this paper, which is appropriate for experiments with zero amounts.
Journal ArticleDOI

An Algorithm for Optimized Design of Maneuvering Experiments

TL;DR: Properties of an adjusted version of Mitchell's algorithm for synthesis of D-optimized experimental designs for response estimation were studied numerically for a third-order polynomial linear regression model widely used in ship maneuvering.