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The design and analysis of experiments.

In this article, Monterey describes a books design and analysis of experiments, and the pronouncement as without difficulty as perspicacity of this design and analyses of experiments montgomery can be taken as skillfully as picked to act.
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Journal ArticleDOI

A Simple Approach to Analyse Non-Orthogonal Data

TL;DR: In this article, an alternative and simple procedure to analyse the non-orthogonal data due to some missing observations is presented, which is applied to (i) two way classification with unequal number of observations per cell; (ii) randomized block designs with some missing data; (iii) balanced incomplete block designs and also illustrated with the help of numerical examples.
Book ChapterDOI

Multiple Vergleiche mittels Permutationstests

Kira Schulz
TL;DR: The meisten gangigen Testprozeduren fur multiple Vergleiche mittels Permutationstests (vgl. z.B. α-Adjustierungen) sind aufgrund der komplizierten Struktur der Permutationshypothesen-Verbande ebenfalls nicht ubertragbar as mentioned in this paper.

Effect of road noise on certain aspects of driver's performance.

Robert Luiz
TL;DR: Experimental results indicate that noise does affect the performance time in a simulated V driving task and subject's age and driving experience were not found to be significant variables in the study.