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The design and analysis of experiments.

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Journal ArticleDOI

Augmented Designs with One-Way Elimination of Heterogeneity

Walter T. Federer
- 01 Sep 1961 - 
TL;DR: The class of augmented experimental designs known as augmented designs was introduced by the author in 1955 to fill a need arising in screening new strains of sugar cane and soil fumigants used in growing pineapples as mentioned in this paper.
Journal ArticleDOI

Strategies for Improving Precision in Group-Randomized Experiments

TL;DR: In this paper, the authors consider when and to what extent matching or covariance adjustment can reduce the number of groups needed to achieve adequate power and when these approaches actually reduce power.
Journal ArticleDOI

Statistical methods suitable for the analysis of plant tissue culture data

TL;DR: Examples of experimental designs, means separation procedures, data transformations and presentation methods suitable for plant cell and tissue culture data are presented.
Journal ArticleDOI

The effect of incentives in web surveys: application and ethical considerations

TL;DR: In this article, the authors compared the different incentives offered to respondents of web-based surveys and found that offering a luggage tag to each respondent and including them in a draw for a bigger value prize (a personal digital assistant) yields the highest response rate.
Journal ArticleDOI

The Role of a Second Control Group in an Observational Study

TL;DR: The possibility of using more than one control group has been briefly mentioned in general discussions of observational studies, and many observational studies have used two control groups as discussed by the authors, and the topic is developed in several directions by using a formal notation for observational studies.