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The design and analysis of experiments.

In this article, Monterey describes a books design and analysis of experiments, and the pronouncement as without difficulty as perspicacity of this design and analyses of experiments montgomery can be taken as skillfully as picked to act.
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Journal ArticleDOI

A Generalization of the T-Method of Multiple Comparisons for Interactions

TL;DR: In this paper, it was shown that the T-method holds for homoscedastic and equally correlated normally distributed random variables in factorial experiments on partially balanced incomplete blocks (PBIB).
Book ChapterDOI

Analysis of Variance Techniques

TL;DR: In this article, an experimental strategy for quality improvement in the widest sense is discussed, under the heading of Response Surface Experimentation, an approach based on regression analysis and on the so-called analysis of variance.
Journal ArticleDOI

Monte Carlo F-II: A Computer Program for Analysis of Variance F-Tests By Means of Permutation

Abstract: AN exact analysis of variance F-test can be obtained through a permutation procedure due to Fisher (1935), and from a theoretical point of view the normal theory P-test is an approximation to this exact test. Although a large number of computer programs exist for the usual normal-theory analysis of variance and its associated F-tests, only a single special purpose program has been reported for the F-test under permutation (Baker and Collier, 1961). The present paper describes a general purpose program for obtaining the empirical distributions of variance ratios under permutation for a wide class of experimental designs. I n order to clarify the nature of this computer program, a brief description of the permutation procedure is presented in the paragraph below. Under the permutation procedure the distribution of a particular variance ratio, say Ft, can be produced from just the data collected in a single experiment. The distribution is obtained by permuting the sample data in accordance with the constraints imposed by the experimental design and by computing Ft for that permutation pattern. The data are then repermuted, Ft recalculated, and the process repeated until a sufficient number of F,'s have been obtained to form the empirical distribution of Ft. One then defines a critical region on this distribution, say the upper five percent of the cases, and if the value of Ft yielded by the sample data falls in this region,
Journal ArticleDOI

Cultivar-by-management interaction effects on timothy yield and quality evaluation

TL;DR: Cultivar by management was generally the largest interaction with very low correlations between contrasting managements at the first harvest, however, stability parameter analysis indicated that most cultivars ...