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The design and analysis of experiments.

In this article, Monterey describes a books design and analysis of experiments, and the pronouncement as without difficulty as perspicacity of this design and analyses of experiments montgomery can be taken as skillfully as picked to act.
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The automatic design of fractional factorial experiments for adaptive process optimization

TL;DR: Two-level factorial designs are described in terms of a transformation matrix derived from correlation analysis and a power series representation for the process, which shows that the automatic design of regular fractional factorials is facilitated by algorithms based upon this transformation.
Posted Content

Studies on seasonal performance of newly developed bivoltine silkworm (bombyx mori l) hybrids tolerant to bmnpv and effect of temperature on disease induction

TL;DR: The newly ecdysed fifth instar larvae when exposed to low temperature of 5oC and starved enhanced larval susceptibility to BmNPV while the hybrids BNR9 x BNR10 and BNR 9 x B NR4 exhibited higher tolerance to B mNPV at 25oCand moderate tolerance at 32oC.

Estimation and design with correlated observations

TL;DR: In this article, an estimator for the covariance function based on the recursive residuals is presented and compared to the OLS-residuals-based estimator.

A next generation of studies: Heterosis and inbreeding depression

TL;DR: Next generation sequencing technologies and a sample of the most elite publicly available germplasm were used to explore the role of gene expression in hybrids vs. inbreds and found additive gene action to be the most prevalent among differentially expressed genes.