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The design and analysis of experiments.

In this article, Monterey describes a books design and analysis of experiments, and the pronouncement as without difficulty as perspicacity of this design and analyses of experiments montgomery can be taken as skillfully as picked to act.
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Journal ArticleDOI

Growth and development of seminal and crown roots of wheat seedlings as affected by temperature

TL;DR: In this paper, the optimum temperature for root growth of wheat seedlings (Triticum aestivum L.), and to evaluate the effects of temperature on growth and development of seminal and crown roots was determined for air temperatures of 10, 20, 25 and 30°C.

Revealing Statistical Principles

TL;DR: Part 1: planning a study why statistics protocol types of observations study design, sample surveys sampling organisation measuring instruments sampling error sample designs sample size, and more.
Journal ArticleDOI

Der Einflu\ der Durchblutung auf die Wasser- und Salzresorption im Jejunum der Ratte

TL;DR: The influenee of intestinal blood flow on water, solute and glueose absorption can be referred to 3 factors: a) drainage by blood, b) inhibition of active transport mechanisms by anoxia during low blood flow, and c) damage to the villi as a result of insufficient blood flow.
Journal ArticleDOI

A Comparison of Overt and Covert Response in Programmed Learning

TL;DR: Stolurow et al. as discussed by the authors conducted a study to determine the relative effectiveness of overt and covert practice during learning when some basic concepts of descriptive statistics were taught by programmed self-instruction using a cut back page, linear programmed text.
Proceedings ArticleDOI

Towards a new benchmarking paradigm in EDA: analysis of equivalence class mutant circuit distributions

TL;DR: It is argued that the proposed selection of mutants from the respective equivalence class represents an important set of benchmarks since it can consistently show that design objectives, being optimized by various algorithms, behave as random variables and give rise to well-designed distributions of circuit mutants.