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The design and analysis of experiments.

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Journal ArticleDOI

Measuring the Power of Hierarchical Cluster Analysis

TL;DR: The concept of power for monotone invariant clustering procedures is developed via the possible partitions of objects at each iteration level in the obtained hierarchy in this article, and the probability of rejecting the randomness hypothesis is obtained empirically for the possible types of partitions of the n objects employed.
Journal ArticleDOI

Split-plot designs for robust product experimentation

TL;DR: This paper focuses on the use of statistical experimental designs in designing products to be robust to environmental conditions and aims to minimize the effect of variation from environmental sources.
Journal ArticleDOI

The acromioclavicular capsule as a restraint to posterior translation of the clavicle: a biomechanical analysis.

TL;DR: To avoid excessive posterior translation of the clavicle after distal clavicles excision, surgical techniques that spare the posterior and superior acromioclavicular capsular ligaments should be used.
Journal ArticleDOI

On randomization testing in vegetation science: multifactor comparisons of relevé groups

TL;DR: The general idea of randomization testing is discussed, a method is described and its application in group comparisons is interpreted, which has versatility of testing uni- or multifactor designs, which is novel in phytocoenological applications.
Journal ArticleDOI

The Unit of Analysis: Group Means Versus Individual Observations

TL;DR: This article showed that when random factors are properly identified and included in the analysis, the results (Fs and critical Fs) are identical in balanced ANOVA designs, irrespective of whether group means or individual observations are employed.