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The design and analysis of experiments.

In this article, Monterey describes a books design and analysis of experiments, and the pronouncement as without difficulty as perspicacity of this design and analyses of experiments montgomery can be taken as skillfully as picked to act.
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Journal ArticleDOI

Determination of the significance of in vitro blast cell [3H]thymidine labelling indices obtained initially and serially during induction therapy of acute non-lymphocytic leukemia

TL;DR: Serial measurements of the in vitro [3H]thymidine autoradiographic labelling indices (LI) of leukemic bone marrow blast cells were obtained in children with ANLL undergoing induction with a cell-cycle based sequential combination chemotherapy schedule.
Journal ArticleDOI

ABO blood groups, leprosy, and serum proteins.

TL;DR: A number of relationships of serum protein fractions with age, sex, and state of the infection, most of which are known from the literature, could be confirmed.
Journal ArticleDOI

Randomization algorithms in BASIC for experimental design

TL;DR: These programs will aid in randomization of treatments within positions and replicates when a degree of uniformity or spacing of treatments is desired in order to increase the power of statistical tests.
Journal ArticleDOI

Analyzing the shape parameter effects on the performance of the mixed-flow fan using CFD & Factorial design

TL;DR: In this paper, the effect of shape parameters on the performance of mixed-flow fans was analyzed using CFD and DOE methods, and the optimum models with improved fan performance were created using linear regression equations derived from 24-1 fractional factorial design.
Journal ArticleDOI

The Correlation and Dependence between Two F Statistics with the Same Denominator

TL;DR: In this article, the correlation between two F statistics formed by using two independent chi-squared random variables as the numerators and a third central variate as the common denominator is derived.