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The design and analysis of experiments.

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Journal ArticleDOI

Design and Analysis of Factorial Experiments Via Interactive Computing in APL

Barry H. Margolin
- 01 May 1976 - 
TL;DR: The desirability of utilizing single-degree-of-freedom pseudo-factors in both the design and analysis phases of such experiments is exhibited, and the detection of and compensation for heterogeneity of variance and outliers are discussed.
Book ChapterDOI

Probabilistic Causation Without Probability

TL;DR: The failure of Hume's "constant conjunction" to describe apparently causal relations in science and everyday life has led to various "probabilistic" theories of causation of which (Suppes 1970) is an important example as mentioned in this paper.
Journal ArticleDOI

Comparison of cerebellar purkinje cell simple spike discharges in adult rats after undernutrition during the suckling period and nutritionally normal rats

TL;DR: The spontaneous activity of cerebellar Purkinje cells was compared in rats undernourished during the suckling period and subsequently nutritionally rehabilitated (PU rats), with that in rats of the same strain and of similar age fed normally (age controls), and in normally fed rats ofthe same strain but approximately one month younger (weight controls).
Book ChapterDOI

21 Block and other designs used in agriculture

TL;DR: This chapter provides information on several designs that are currently being used in agriculture along with information on construction, published tabulations, and computer programs available for generating these designs.