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Continuous control of the nonlinearity phase for harmonic generations

The continuous phase engineering of the effective nonlinear polarizability enables complete control over the propagation of harmonic generation signals, paving the way for highly compact nonlinear nanophotonic devices.
The capability of locally engineering the nonlinear optical properties of media is crucial in nonlinear optics. Although poling is the most widely employed technique for achieving locally controlled nonlinearity, it leads only to a binary nonlinear state, which is equivalent to a discrete phase change of π in the nonlinear polarizability. Here, inspired by the concept of spin-rotation coupling, we experimentally demonstrate nonlinear metasurfaces with homogeneous linear optical properties but spatially varying effective nonlinear polarizability with continuously controllable phase. The continuous phase control over the local nonlinearity is demonstrated for second and third harmonic generation by using nonlinear metasurfaces consisting of nanoantennas of C3 and C4 rotational symmetries, respectively. The continuous phase engineering of the effective nonlinear polarizability enables complete control over the propagation of harmonic generation signals. Therefore, this method seamlessly combines the generation and manipulation of harmonic waves, paving the way for highly compact nonlinear nanophotonic devices.

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University of Birmingham
Continuous control of the nonlinearity phase for
harmonic generations
Li, Guixin; Zhang, Shuang; Chen, Shumei; Pholchai, Nitipat; Reineke, Bernhard; Wong, Polis
Wing Han; Yue Bun Pun, Edwin; Cheah, Kok-wai; Zentgraf, Thomas
None: All rights reserved
Document Version
Peer reviewed version
Citation for published version (Harvard):
Li, G, Zhang, S, Chen, S, Pholchai, N, Reineke, B, Wong, PWH, Yue Bun Pun, E, Cheah, K & Zentgraf, T 2015,
'Continuous control of the nonlinearity phase for harmonic generations', Nature Materials, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 607-
Link to publication on Research at Birmingham portal
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Published as above, final version of record available at 10.1038/nmat4267
Checked 14/5/18
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Continuous control of nonlinearity phase for harmonic generations
Guixin Li
, Shumei Chen
, Nitipat Pholchai
, Bernhard Reineke
, Polis Wing Han Wong
Edwin Yue Bun Pun
, Kok Wai Cheah
*, Thomas Zentgraf
*, and Shuang Zhang
School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK
Department of Physics, Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
Department of Physics, University of Paderborn, Warburger Straße 100, D-33098 Paderborn, Germany
Department of Industrial Physics and Medical Instrumentation, King Mongkut's University of
Technology North Bangkok, 1518 Pibulsongkram Road, Bangkok 10800, Thailand
Lasers and Optics Research Group, King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, 1518
Pibulsongkram Road, Bangkok 10800, Thailand
Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, 83 Tat Chee Ave, Hong Kong
The capability of locally engineering the nonlinear optical properties of media is crucial in
nonlinear optics. While poling is the most widely employed technique for achieving locally
controlled nonlinearity, it only leads to a binary nonlinear state, which is equivalent to a discrete
phase change of π in the nonlinear polarizability. Here, inspired by the concept of spin rotation
coupling, we experimentally demonstrate nonlinear metasurfaces with homogeneous linear
optical properties but spatially varying effective nonlinear polarizability with continuously
controllable phase. The continuous phase control over the local nonlinearity is demonstrated for
second and third harmonic generations by using nonlinear metasurfaces consisting of
nanoantennas of C3 and C4 rotational symmetries, respectively. The continuous phase
engineering of the effective nonlinear polarizability enables complete control over the
propagation of harmonic generation signals. Therefore, it seamlessly combines the generation
and manipulation of the harmonic waves, paving the way for highly compact nonlinear
nanophotonic devices.

The local phase of the nonlinear polarizability determines how the generated nonlinear light in
the material will interfere during its generation and propagation processes. In general one is
interested in a constructive conversion of the fundamental to the nonlinear light while a wave is
propagating through the material. However, the chromatic dispersion prevents from an efficient
conversion due to the different propagation velocity of light for the different wavelengths. If the
phase of the induced nonlinear material polarization can be controlled locally without modifying
the linear properties such a mismatch can be avoided and the nonlinear process would be more
efficient. Up to date there has been no demonstration of a material that allows continuous and
arbitrary phase control for the local nonlinear polarizability. Such a nonlinear material would
enable exact phase matching conditions for nonlinear optical processes, in contrast to the widely
utilized quasi-phase matching scheme in which only the sign of the nonlinear polarizability can
be manipulated
. It may remove additional undesired nonlinear processes which are introduced
by the higher Fourier components of the nonlinear susceptibility in a periodically poled system.
Metamaterials on the other hand provide a high degree of freedom for tailoring the local optical
properties on a subwavelength scale. Nevertheless, they were mostly used for tailoring the linear
optical properties.
The phase control over the nonlinear polarizability of the metamaterial is inspired by the
concept of spin rotation coupling of light which has been utilized to control the wavefront of
light in the linear regime
. This novel concept has been applied to the design of various types
of functional metasurfaces
. These types of metasurfaces, which consist of plasmonic
structures with subwavelength feature size (sometimes called “artificial atoms”), can be
engineered to show rotation controlled local geometric phase shifts. This concept has been
employed for flat lens imaging, generation of vortex beams, three-dimensional holography, and
optical spin-orbital interaction
. Here we apply the concept of spin rotation coupling of light
to the nonlinear regime leading to a nonlinear material polarization with arbitrarily controllable
phase profile. For demonstration we show that this concept can be implemented by metasurfaces
containing plasmonic antennas. However, we like to note that the concept of continuous phase
control is universal and can be applied also to dielectric and bulk-like metamaterials.
We start by considering a single subwavelength plasmonic or dielectric nanostructure
(resembling a dielectric dipole) embedded in an isotropic nonlinear medium (Fig. 1a). We will
show that when excited by a circularly polarized fundamental beam, the phase of the nonlinear
polarization of the artificial atom can be controlled geometrically by the orientation of the
structure through a spin rotation coupling. For an incident fundamental beam with circular
polarization state
propagating along +z direction, the electric field can be expressed
, where
represents the state of left- or right- handed circular
polarization, respectively. The excitation of the nanostructures (e. g. the plasmonic nanorods)
together with the nonlinear medium in close vicinity of the structure where the field can be
strongly enhanced, locally forms an effective nonlinear dipole moment:
is the n
harmonic nonlinear polarizability tensor of the nanostructure with orientation
angle of
. We employ a coordinate rotation to analyze the dependence of the nonlinear dipole
moment on the orientation angle of the nanostructure. In the local coordinate of the nanostructure
(referred to as local frame) as shown in Fig. 1a where the local coordinate (x’, y’) axes are

rotated by an angle of
with respect to the laboratory frame (x, y), the fundamental wave
acquires a geometric phase due to the rotation spin coupling effect
where the index L denotes the nanostructure’s local coordinate frame. The n
nonlinear polarizability in the structure’s local frame is simply
. Thus, the n
nonlinear dipole moment in the local frame is given by
,0 0
() ()
n n n in
pE Ee
ωσ σσθ
The nonlinear dipole moment can be decomposed into two in-plane rotating dipoles
(characterized by the circular polarization states
and -
) as
nn n
,L ,L , ,L ,
pp p
ωω ω
,, ,,
nn in
pp e
ωω σθ
θσ θ σ
After transforming back to the laboratory frame the two rotating dipole moments are given by
nni ni
ppe e
ωωσθ σθ
θσ θ σ
ωωσθ σθ
θσ θ σ
The nonlinear polarizabilities of the nanostructure can therefore be expressed as,
Thus, geometric phases of
are introduced to the nonlinear polarizabilities
of the n
harmonic generation with the same or the opposite circular polarization to that of the
fundamental wave, respectively. According to the selection rules for harmonic generation of
circular polarized fundamental waves, a single nanostructure with m-fold rotational symmetry
only allows harmonic orders of
1n lm
, where
is an integer, and the ‘+’ and - sign
correspond to harmonic generation of the same and opposite circular polarization, respectively
. The phases of the nonlinear polarizability for an incident fundamental wave of circular
polarization, for various orders of harmonic generation and nanostructures of various rotational
symmetries, are given in the Supplementary Materials (Table S1).
Hence for a nanorod structure with two-fold rotational symmetry (C2), THG signals with
both the same and opposite circular polarizations as that of the fundamental wave can be
generated. According to equation (6), they have a spin dependent phase of 2
and 4
respectively (Fig. 1b). On the other hand, a nanostructure with four-fold rotational symmetry
(C4) does not allow a THG process for the same polarization state as the incident polarization.
Hence, only a single THG signal, that of the opposite circular polarization, is generated with a
geometric phase of
(Fig. 1c). Importantly, due to the local isotropic response of the C4
structure, both the polarization state and the propagation of the fundamental wave will not be
affected when transmitting through a metamaterial consisting of such C4 nanostructures of
arbitrary orientations. Thus, by assembling the C4 nanostructures with spatially varying
orientations in a 3-D or 2-D lattice, a nonlinear metamaterial or metasurface can be formed
which show homogeneous linear properties, but locally a well-defined nonlinear polarizability
distribution for a circularly polarized fundamental wave.

We verify this concept of spin-rotation induced nonlinear phase by designing and
fabricating three nonlinear binary phase gratings consisting of 2D arrays of plasmonic
nanocrosses with a local C4 rotational symmetry (Fig. 2a-c). These binary nonlinear phase
gratings can be easily used to characterize the relative phase of the nonlinear polarization
between C4 nanostructures of different orientations. Sample A consists of nanocrosses of
identical orientation along the entire lattice and a periodicity of a = 400 nm in both x- and y- axis
directions, while Sample B and Sample C consist of supercells of nanocrosses with two different
orientations and a superperiod of P = 3.2 µm (eight crosses per unit cell). The difference between
the orientation angles of the two subsets of nanocrosses within a unit cell is π/8 and π/4 for
Sample B and C, respectively. For the C4 structures, only THG of the opposite circular
polarization as that of the incident fundamental beam is generated with a geometric phase of
. Thus, the introduced nonlinear phase for Sample B and Sample C correspond to nonlinear
phase gratings with phase difference of π/2 and π between the two subunits, respectively. For the
binary nonlinear grating with period larger than the THG wavelength, the distribution of the
nonlinear signal in different diffraction orders is solely determined by the phase difference
between the two subsets. Thus, by experimentally measuring the ratio between the 0
and the 1
order THG signals, we are able to verify the orientation controlled induced phase difference
between the two subsets of nanocrosses within a unit cell in Sample B and C.
First, we coat a nonlinear active medium (PFO) on top of these three phase gratings to
form a gold/PFO hybrid metasurface (see Methods Section). The linear optical properties of the
hybrid phase gratings are characterized by using Fourier transformation infrared spectrometry.
From the measured transmission spectra (Fig. 2d), we identify that the localized Plasmon
resonance is around at wavelength: λ ~ 1230 nm for all three samples, and this also confirmed by
the numerical simulation. Subsequently, we measured the THG signal from these three samples
for a fundamental wavelength at the resonance dip to maximize the Plasmon enhanced nonlinear
response from the samples. As shown previously
, the combination of the strong field
enhancement and large nonlinear polarizability of the plasmonic structures gives rise to a large
nonlinear optical effect in such plasmonic system, making it easy to detect the generated
nonlinear signal.
In the next step we illuminated the samples with short laser pulses at 1240 nm and
measured the THG signal on a CCD camera. Our THG measurements with circular polarized
incident light confirm the selection rules for the C4 symmetry structure as the THG signals with
identical polarization states as the fundamental wave (RCP-RCP and LCP-LCP) are very weak
for all three samples and therefore not visible in Fig. 2e. Sample A, with spatially homogenous
orientation of the nanocrosses, only gives rise to a 0
order THG. On the other hand, Sample B
and Sample C, with their superlattice periodicity greater than the wavelength of the THG light,
emit THG into the first diffraction orders. For Sample B where the phase difference between the
third order nonlinearity of the two subsets of nanocrosses is π/2 the ratio between the 0
and the 1
order THG signals is predicted to be ~ 2.4:1 (see Supplementary Materials Fig. S1
and the corresponding discussion). The measured ratio is around 2.8:1, which agrees very well
with the theoretical prediction. The π phase difference between the nonlinear polarizabilities of
the two subsets of the nanocrosses in Sample C is expected to result in a complete destructive
interference for the 0
order THG signal, which is confirmed by the measurement shown in the
most right panel of Fig. 2e. The orientation angle dependent phase of nonlinearity is further
confirmed by numerically calculating the contribution to the far field THG radiation from each

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Frequently Asked Questions (16)
Q1. What is the widely used technique for achieving nonlinearity?

While poling is the most widely employed technique for achieving locally controlled nonlinearity, it only leads to a binary nonlinear state, which is equivalent to a discrete phase change of π in the nonlinear polarizability. 

The concept of fair dealing under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 ( CCDPA ) was introduced in this paper. 

One key application of the 2-D nonlinear metasurfaces is the realization of nonlinear holograms, where a beam at fundamental wavelength can be converted to arbitrary beam profile at different wavelength. 

According to the selection rules for harmonic generation of circular polarized fundamental waves, a single nanostructure with m-fold rotational symmetry only allows harmonic orders of 1n lm= ± , where l is an integer, and the ‘+’ and ‘-‘ sign correspond to harmonic generation of the same and opposite circular polarization, respectively1821. 

While the 0th order has the same circular polarization as the incident beam, the beam with the opposite circular polarization is diffracted into the +1 or -1 order, depending on the incident circular polarization state. 

Such a nonlinear material would enable exact phase matching conditions for nonlinear optical processes, in contrast to the widely utilized quasi-phase matching scheme in which only the sign of the nonlinear polarizability can be manipulated1-6. 

For the C2 sample (Fig. 4b), the THG signal is generated in four different diffraction orders, -2, -1, +1 and +2, which correspond to the incident/transmitted polarization of RCP/LCP, RCP/RCP, LCP/LCP and LCP/RCP, respectively. 

On the other hand, for the C4 metasurface, only THG with polarization opposite to that of the incident beam is generated with the phase gradient of4σθ , which corresponds to the first diffraction orders for the C4 metasurfaces with period of Δθ =π/2 for the orientation angle. 

This diffraction effect arises from the spin dependent geometric phase in the linear regime, which has been investigated previously12. 

The local phase of the nonlinear polarizability determines how the generated nonlinear light in the material will interfere during its generation and propagation processes. 

For a circularly polarized dipole in the x-y plane, the emitted THG into a diffraction angle of ϕ in general contains both LCP and RCP components, with the ratio given by ).cos1/()cos1( ϕϕ +− 

the C4 metasurface can be considered as a homogeneous optical surface in the linear regime, despite the spatial variation of the orientation angle along the surface. 

the introduced nonlinear phase for Sample B and Sample C correspond to nonlinear phase gratings with phase difference of π/2 and π between the two subunits, respectively. 

These binary nonlinear phase gratings can be easily used to characterize the relative phase of the nonlinear polarization between C4 nanostructures of different orientations. 

The π phase difference between the nonlinear polarizabilities of the two subsets of the nanocrosses in Sample C is expected to result in a complete destructive interference for the 0th order THG signal, which is confirmed by the measurement shown in the most right panel of Fig. 2e. 

the authors coat a nonlinear active medium (PFO) on top of these three phase gratings to form a gold/PFO hybrid metasurface (see Methods Section).