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Climate Warming and Disease Risks for Terrestrial and Marine Biota

To improve the ability to predict epidemics in wild populations, it will be necessary to separate the independent and interactive effects of multiple climate drivers on disease impact.
Infectious diseases can cause rapid population declines or species extinctions. Many pathogens of terrestrial and marine taxa are sensitive to temperature, rainfall, and humidity, creating synergisms that could affect biodiversity. Climate warming can increase pathogen development and survival rates, disease transmission, and host susceptibility. Although most host-parasite systems are predicted to experience more frequent or severe disease impacts with warming, a subset of pathogens might decline

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Climate Warming and Disease Risks for
Terrestrial and Marine Biota
C. Drew Harvell,
* Charles E. Mitchell,
Jessica R. Ward,
Sonia Altizer,
Andrew P. Dobson,
Richard S. Ostfeld,
Michael D. Samuel
Infectious diseases can cause rapid population declines or species extinctions. Many
pathogens of terrestrial and marine taxa are sensitive to temperature, rainfall, and
humidity, creating synergisms that could affect biodiversity. Climate warming can
increase pathogen development and survival rates, disease transmission, and host
susceptibility. Although most host-parasite systems are predicted to experience more
frequent or severe disease impacts with warming, a subset of pathogens might decline
with warming, releasing hosts from disease. Recently, changes in El Nin˜o–Southern
Oscillation events have had a detectable influence on marine and terrestrial patho-
gens, including coral diseases, oyster pathogens, crop pathogens, Rift Valley fever, and
human cholera. To improve our ability to predict epidemics in wild populations, it will
be necessary to separate the independent and interactive effects of multiple climate
drivers on disease impact.
nfectious diseases are strong biotic forces
that can threaten biodiversity by catalyzing
population declines and accelerating ex-
tinctions. Pathogens are implicated in recent
declines of Australian and Central American
frogs (1, 2), Hawaiian forest birds, and Afri-
can wild dogs (3). Invertebrate extinctions
associated with disease include the Polyne-
sian tree snail (4) and a marine limpet (5).
Pathogens also contribute to declines of
threatened species such as lions (Fig. 1),
cranes, eagles, and black-footed ferrets (6, 7).
Plant pathogens can cause problems not only
for their immediate hosts but also for their
associated fauna and ecological communities.
For example, the Asian chestnut blight fun-
gus (Cryphonectria parasitica) effectively
extirpated the American chestnut (Castanea
dentata) from eastern United States forests
(8), causing the apparent extinction of sev-
eral phytophagous insects (9). In Australia,
the root-infecting fungus Phytophthora
cinnamomi converted large areas of Euca-
lyptus forest to monocot-dominated open
savanna (10), eliminating potential nest
sites and food for many animals (11, 12).
Anthropogenic climate change is having
measurable effects on ecosystems, communi-
ties, and populations (13). Understanding
links between infectious disease and climate
is more difficult, given the paucity of baseline
disease data, the multivariate nature of cli-
mate change, and nonlinear thresholds in
both disease and climate processes (14). As-
sociations between climate and disease do not
necessarily imply causation, but results from
correlational studies and short-term experi-
ments can help us to separate the effects of
climate from other components of global
change. We review the potential consequenc-
es of temperature changes on infectious dis-
eases and consider the hypothesis that climate
warming will affect host-pathogen interac-
tions by (i) increasing pathogen development
rates, transmission, and number of genera-
tions per year; (ii) relaxing overwintering
restrictions on pathogen life cycles (Fig. 2);
and (iii) modifying host susceptibility to in-
fection. Changes in these mechanisms could
cause pathogen range expansions and host
declines, or could release hosts from disease
control by interfering with the precise condi-
tions required by many parasites. Clearly, not
all pathogens have equal potential to control
host populations or to be affected by warm-
ing. We predict that climate warming will
disproportionately affect pathogens with
complex life cycles or those that infect non-
homeothermic hosts during one or more life
cycle phases.
Despite known impacts of infectious dis-
eases, the combined effects of climate change
and disease on biodiversity have rarely been
considered (2, 15–17). Difficulty in separat-
ing directional climate change from short-
term variation has made it challenging to
associate climate warming with disease prev-
alence or severity. For most wild populations,
there are no long-term records of disease
prevalence or baseline estimates of disease
impacts on fitness. Recent work on human,
crop, and forest pathogens, for which long-
term data exist, shows sensitivity of some
pathogens and vectors to climate factors (18
23). It is therefore likely that pathogens af-
fecting wild populations will experience sim-
ilar climate-driven changes.
Climate: Current and Predicted
Terrestrial systems. The rate of climate
change resulting from increased greenhouse
gases and changes in land and water use is
expected to be rapid on an evolutionary time
scale (16 ). The Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) (24 ) provides pro-
jections for terrestrial ecosystems. Mean
global surface air temperature is projected to
increase by 1.4° to 5.8°C by 2100 relative to
1990, with the magnitude of the increase
varying both spatially and temporally. Conti-
nental regions and higher latitudes are pro-
jected to warm more than coastal regions and
the tropics. Nighttime minimum temperatures
are expected to increase more than daytime
maximum temperatures, and winter tempera-
tures are expected to increase more than sum-
mer temperatures. Warming will alter other
aspects of climate relevant to disease, partic-
ularly humidity and precipitation. Some areas
will experience more intense precipitation
events and increased humidity while others
have an increased risk of drought. Generally,
globally averaged water vapor pressure,
evaporation, and precipitation are projected
to increase (24 ). However, predicted changes
in hydrologic variables are much less robust
than changes in temperature, so we focus on
the potential effects of temperature.
Marine systems. The direct components of
predicted climate change affecting marine or-
ganisms over the next century are (i) temper-
ature increase, (ii) sea level increase and sub-
sequent changes in ocean circulation, and (iii)
decrease in salinity (24 ). Coastal ocean tem-
perature increases are expected to be slightly
lower than the IPCC projected increases for
land, but still rise measurably. Sea level is
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology,
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA.
ment of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, University
of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA.
of Environmental Studies, Emory University, Atlanta,
GA 30322, USA.
Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology,
159 Sapsucker Woods Road, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA.
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology,
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA.
stitute of Ecosystem Studies, Box AB, 65 Sharon
Turnpike, Millbrook, NY 12545, USA.
U.S. Geological
Survey–National Wildlife Health Center, Madison, WI
53711, USA.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-
21 JUNE 2002 VOL 296 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org2158

expected to rise by 0.09 to 0.88 m. Effects on
ocean circulation and potential climate
feedbacks cause large uncertainty in many
climate predictions. For example, the direc-
tion of the North Atlantic Oscillation,
which influences temperate climate and has
been hypothesized to affect Caribbean dis-
ease outbreaks (25), is determined by
warming in tropical oceans (20). In addi-
tion to a mean increase in temperature,
extremes are expected to increase and in-
termittent phenomena such as El Nin˜o may
change (21, 22).
Impacts of Climate
on Disease
Plant disease. Climate
change can influence
plant disease by altering
biological processes of
the pathogen, host, or
disease-spreading or-
ganisms. Direct effects
on pathogens are likely
to be strongest, al-
though different patho-
gen life stages may vary
in their climatic suscep-
tibilities. Winter is a
major period of patho-
gen mortality, potential-
ly killing more than
99% of the pathogen
population annually
(26). Greater overwin-
tering success of patho-
gens will likely increase
disease severity. Be-
cause temperatures are
expected to increase
more in winter than in
other seasons, this pop-
ulation bottleneck may
be removed for many
Several plant dis-
eases are more severe
after mild winters or
during warmer temper-
atures (27), which sug-
gests that directional
climate warming will alter plant disease
severity (23). For example, laboratory and
Australian field studies indicate that the
fungus causing Mediterranean oak decline,
Phytophthora cinnamomi, causes more se-
vere root rot at higher temperatures than the
current Mediterranean average (28). In a
14-year field study in England, the Dutch
elm disease fungus (Ophiostoma novo-
ulmi) caused greater defoliation in warmer
years (29). In a 39-year dendrochronologi-
cal study in Maine, beech bark cankering
by Nectria spp. was worse after mild win-
ters or dry autumns—conditions favoring
survival and spread of the beech scale in-
sect, which predisposes beech to fungal
infection (30). Wheat stripe rust (Puccinia
striiformis) in the Pacific Northwest was less
severe during years of low temperature and
rainfall from 1969 to 1986 (18).
The number of generations for polycyclic
pathogens and seasonal growth of other patho-
gens may increase under climate change
through two mechanisms—longer growing sea-
sons and accelerated pathogen development.
Temperature optima for within-host growth of
fungal pathogens are generally 20° to 25°C,
with maxima of 30°C or higher (31, 32), so
effects of climate warming on growth will de-
pend on pathogens and locales. Because of
nonlinear effects of temperature on growth, the
effect of climate warming on pathogen growth
rate will depend not only on changes in mean
temperature, but also on temperature variability
For foliar fungi, temperature and water
availability interact to determine fungal infec-
tion (initial penetration of the plant) and sporu-
lation. Both infection and sporulation often re-
quire close to 100% relative humidity. These
moist conditions occur most commonly dur-
ing overnight dewfall, making temperature at
this time a critical variable. Because night
temperatures are projected to increase more
than day temperatures, climate warming may
increase or decrease fungal infection and
sporulation, depending on whether tempera-
tures move closer to or farther from the typ-
ical optimum of 24°C (32) (Fig. 1).
Climatic variation can also influence
host resistance and growth. Warming can
decrease plant resistance to both fungi and
viruses (27 ). Plant species that have faster
growth rates in warmer climates may also
experience increased disease severity, be-
cause higher host density increases the
transmission of many pathogens (33).
Also, increased above ground plant bio-
mass influences canopy humidity, which of-
ten affects foliar fungal disease spread (32).
The most severe and least predictable dis-
ease outbreaks might occur if climate change
alters host or pathogen geographic ranges,
causing formerly disjunct species and popu-
lations to converge (34). The potential for
such outbreaks is illustrated by the import of
Asian chestnut and European elm logs to the
United States, thereby introducing chestnut
blight and Dutch elm disease, which then
spread rapidly through their new hosts (8,
Fig. 1. Diseases of potential conservation significance or with climate links. (A) Spores of the protozoan parasite
Ophryocystis elektroschirrha are sandwiched between abdominal scales of their host, the monarch butterfly. Climate
warming that extends the breeding season of their hosts in temperate North America may also increase the prevalence
of this disease, and heavily infected populations currently persist in mild climates where hosts breed year-round. [Photos
by Karen Oberhauser and De Cansler] (B) Diseased lion infested with Stomoxys flies during a canine distemper outbreak
(81) in the Ngorongoro Crater, Africa (February 2001). [Photo by Craig Packer] (C) Lesions and tumors on sea fans
(Gorgonia ventalina) caused by the temperature-sensitive fungus Aspergillus sydowii. Scale bar, 5 cm. [Photo by Kiho Kim]
(D) A leaf spot disease of Aster azureus caused by the fungus Septoria sp. The spread of such foliar fungal pathogens often
depends critically on temperature and moisture. [Photo by Charles Mitchell]

35). Conversely, after the introduction of
wheat from the Old World to Brazil and
coffee from Africa to Asia, each crop suf-
fered epidemics caused by fungi native to its
new habitat (36, 37).
Wildlife diseases. Climate
change is most likely to affect
free-living, intermediate, or
vector stages of pathogens in-
fecting terrestrial animals. Of
these, vector-borne diseases
are the strongest candidates
for altered abundance and
geographic range shifts be-
cause rising temperatures will
affect vector distribution, par-
asite development, and trans-
mission rates (38). Many vec-
tor-transmitted diseases are
climate limited because para-
sites cannot complete devel-
opment before the vectors die.
Vector-borne human patho-
gens such as malaria, African
trypanosomiasis, Lyme dis-
ease, tick-borne encephalitis,
yellow fever, plague, and den-
gue have increased in inci-
dence or geographic range in
recent decades (39, 40). Sim-
ilarly, vector-borne diseases
of livestock, particularly Afri-
can horse sickness and blue-
tongue viruses, recently ex-
panded their ranges (27 ). Most of these diseas-
es have expanded into regions of higher lati-
tude, in each case accompanied by apparent
expansion in the ranges of mosquito, tick, and
midge vectors. Whether these expansions are
due primarily to climate change or other anthro-
pogenic influences (e.g., habitat alteration or
drug-resistant pathogen strains) is controversial,
as is predicting future distributional changes in
disease prevalence. For example, location-spe-
cific, long-term data show that climate did not
change in an African highland area where ma-
laria increased (41). In fact, expansion of anti-
malarial resistance and failed vector control
programs are probably as important as climate
factors in driving recent malaria expansions.
The hypothesis that warming in recent de-
cades has caused latitudinal shifts of vectors
and diseases is supported by laboratory and
field studies showing that (i) arthropod vectors
and parasites die or fail to develop below
threshold temperatures (42); (ii) rates of vector
reproduction, population growth, and biting in-
crease (up to a limit) with increasing tempera-
ture; and (iii) parasite development rates and
period of infectivity increase with temperature
(42). Another line of evidence supporting
strong links between climate and vector-borne
disease consists of correlations between warm-
er, wetter conditions associated with El Nin˜o
events and outbreaks of malaria, dengue, Rift
Valley fever, African horse sickness, and
plague (27). Correlations between El Nin˜o
events and disease outbreaks, however, are not
perfect, in part because El Nin˜o does not always
produce heavy rains, and in part because other
biophysical and epidemiological factors are in-
volved (43).
Helminth parasites of terrestrial wildlife that
release eggs or free-living stages into the envi-
ronment or use invertebrate intermediate hosts
are susceptible to changes in temperature and
humidity at several stages of their life cycles.
Bioclimatographs that combine local data on
moisture and temperature have traditionally
been used to monitor and predict outbreaks of
gastrointestinal nematodes of livestock. Several
processes control associations between cli-
mate and the abundance and geographic range
of nematodes and other macroparasites. First,
development and embryonation success are
temperature dependent in larval parasites, and
a degree-days concept is widely used to es-
tablish conditions that optimize parasite
growth (44). For example, in Schistosoma
mansoni, a human pathogen in an interme-
diate host, a 10°C increase in temperature
can cut development time in half [from 35
to 12 days (45)]. However, predicting the
net impact of climate warming on these
parasites is difficult because warming in-
creases both development rates and larval
mortality rates. Resolving the impact of
climate warming in such systems remains a
research priority. Another climate-sensitive
process in terrestrial nematodes and other
parasites is timing of hypobiosis, or arrested
development, determined by temperature and
moisture (27). For example, in Trichostrongy-
lus tenuis, a nematode parasite of red grouse,
larval hypobiosis occurs dur-
ing winter and is responsible
for seasonal disease occur-
rence and springtime mortal-
ity in red grouse (46).
Disease and climate-medi-
ated synergies affect many
wild avian populations. Field
and laboratory studies demon-
strate that avian malaria (Plas-
modium relictum) and pox
(Poxvirus avium) introduced
into Hawaii caused marked
declines in endemic forest
birds (Fig. 3) (47 ), and that
disease risk follows an eleva-
tion gradient. Malaria and pox
transmission are more intense
in mid-elevation forests where
mosquitoes and endemic birds
have the greatest overlap, and
are lowest at high elevations
where mosquitoes are limited
by cool temperatures. Trans-
mission of malaria and pox
therefore varies from endemic
transmission in warm, low-el-
evation forests to irregular
outbreaks at mid-elevation
forests. Temperature differ-
ences along this gradient affect factors that
contribute to vector capacity and determine the
basic reproductive ratio of this disease (48),
including the abundance of mosquito vectors,
vector oviposition rate, larval development,
adult survival, biting rate, and incubation time
(27). These factors contribute to vector capacity
and determine the basic reproductive ratio of
this disease (48) in birds.
The spread of certain viral, protozoan, and
nematode parasites in temperate insects may be
favored by warmer climates that increase the
host’s breeding season. Prevalence of the pro-
tozoan parasite Ophryocystis elektroscirrha
(Fig. 1) is higher in monarch butterfly popula-
tions that breed year-round in warm regions
than in more seasonal climates where monarchs
migrate long distances between breeding in-
tervals (49). Substantial decay of gypsy moth
nuclear polyhedrosis virus on host egg cases
during winter results in small epidemics early
in the summer, followed by a larger wave of
infection later in the season (50). Thus, con-
ditions that enhance pathogen winter survival
or extend host breeding periods should in-
crease the abundance of many viral and pro-
tozoan insect parasites.
Warming might limit certain emerging
wildlife diseases. Amphibian population de-
clines in Central America and Australia are
linked to emerging chytrid and iridoviral dis-
Fig. 2. The influence of an average 1.5° rise in temperature on the basic reproduc-
tive number R
of a hypothetical pathogen. When R
is above 1, a pathogen will
increase. The lower blue line illustrates the average weekly temperature before
climate change; the upper red line illustrates average weekly temperature after an
average 1.5° temperature increase. The lower green line corresponds to R
below this temperature the pathogen declines in abundance. The pathogen increas-
es at temperatures above this, and we assume that disease problems become
severe when temperature exceeds the pink line and epidemic above the purple line.
The figure illustrates that increases in temperature not only allow the peak value
of R
to increase, but also lead to an increased annual duration of the period during
which the pathogen is a problem.
21 JUNE 2002 VOL 296 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org2160

eases (1). The geographic ranges of the chytrid
epizootic are currently limited by a requirement
for cool, moist, high-altitude conditions; hence,
this pathogen may be one of a few for which
climate warming could disrupt disease spread
(27). Entomopathogenic fungi of insects are
also projected to decrease with climate warm-
ing. Fungal entomopathogens typically have
higher prevalence and cause greater mortality
under cool, humid conditions. The gypsy moth
fungus (Entomophaga maimaiga) released to
North America in the early 1900s did not affect
host populations until the cool, wet spring of
1989 (51). Outbreaks of another insect patho-
gen (Entomophthora muscae) in muscoid flies
usually coincide with periods of high rainfall
and cool temperatures (52). Hot, dry conditions
are thought to limit fungal growth and sporula-
tion and may also enhance insect immunity and
behavioral fevers (52). Thus, climate warming
may limit some fungal entomopathogens and
release insects from pathogen pressure (27 ).
Significant climate change will restructure
communities as the current geographic ranges
of species shift poleward. If vector-transmit-
ted pathogens expand their ranges out from
the tropics, they will experience a decreased
diversity of hosts in temperate environments.
This will focus the biting activities of their
vectors on a less diverse host community,
increasing the impact of pathogens on poten-
tially novel hosts and reducing the dilution
effect proposed by Schmidt and Ostfeld (53).
Ecological restructuring and
impacts on parasite-host rela-
tionships have at least three im-
portant implications for terres-
trial conservation biology: (i)
increasing the spread of patho-
gens into the temperate zone,
where lower net biodiversity
should reduce buffering effects
that occur in more diverse trop-
ical communities (53); (ii) trig-
gering elevational changes of
pathogen distribution in moun-
tainous regions; and (iii) modi-
fying seasonal patterns of
pathogen outbreaks in temper-
ate regions (Fig. 2).
Marine diseases. Recent pa-
pers have shown links between
pathogens and changing ocean
temperatures, including human
diseases such as cholera (19, 54 )
and emerging coral pathogens
(55). The coral bleaching associ-
ated with the 1998 El Nin˜o event was the most
geographically extensive and severe in recorded
history (56, 57), causing pronounced mortality
worldwide. Although reported only as bleach-
ing-related mortality, the demise of some corals
in the 1998 bleaching was accelerated by op-
portunistic infections, such as the mass mortal-
ity of the gorgonian coral Briareum asbestinum
(58). Three coral pathogens grow well at tem-
peratures close to or exceeding probable host
optima, which suggests that they would in-
crease in warmer seas (27) (Fig. 1). The bacte-
rium Vibrio shiloi is temperature sensitive and
causes bleaching in the coral Oculina patag-
onica (59). Heat-induced viruses could also be
involved in temperature-induced coral bleach-
ing (60). Another climatic anomaly hypothe-
sized to initiate coral disease is transport of
aeolian dust from Saharan Africa (mediated by
a shift in the North Atlantic Oscillation) to the
Caribbean (61).
Growth rates of marine bacteria (62) and
fungi (63) are positively correlated with
temperature. Among marine fungi, opti-
mum temperatures for growth coincide
with thermal stress and bleaching for many
corals (63, 64), leading to likely co-occur-
rence of bleaching and fungal infection.
Among marine invertebrates and eelgrass,
many epizootics of unidentified pathogens
are linked to temperature increases, but the
mechanisms for pathogenesis are unknown
(27 ). In 1999, gorgonian corals, scleractin-
ian corals, zoanthids, and sponges in the
Ligurian Sea were affected by a tempera-
ture-linked epizootic, where mortality like-
ly resulted from the effects of environmen-
tal stress and an unidentified opportunistic
pathogen (65). Although many disease-re-
lated mass mortalities in the ocean are as-
sociated with warming waters, coldwater
disease of salmonids is favored by low
temperatures. Signs of infection appear
when water temperatures are to 10°C
and disappear in warmer water (66 ).
Increased ocean temperature also causes
pathogen range expansions. A notable exam-
ple is the mid-1980s northward expansion of
oyster diseases (67, 68). Eastern oyster dis-
ease on the U.S. east coast (Perkinsus mari-
nus) extended its range from Long Island to
Maine during a winter warming trend in
which the winter cold-water barrier to patho-
gen growth was removed. El Nin˜o events are
also implicated in Eastern oyster diseases in
the Gulf of Mexico, where Perkinsus is en-
demic. Gulf-wide P. marinus infection inten-
sity and prevalence drop during cold, wet El
Nin˜o events and rise during warm, dry La
Nin˜a events (69).
Although there is evidence for temper-
ature- and climate-related links in some
marine diseases, lack of reliable baselines
and incomplete disease time series compli-
cate the partitioning of climate effects and
other anthropogenic disturbances. A time
series sufficiently long to detect climate
effects is only available for oyster disease
(70) and cholera (19, 71). Hayes et al.(25)
posit a detectable increase in biological
disturbances related to the North Atlantic
Oscillation, but lack of baselines prevents
accounting for the contribution of other
anthropogenic factors such as eutrophica-
tion, overfishing (72), and aquaculture.
Links between climate change and disease will
increase the severity of threats associated with
climate warming. Increased disease can con-
tribute to population or species declines, espe-
cially for generalist pathogens infecting multi-
ple host species. The greatest im-
pacts of disease may result from a
relatively small number of emer-
gent pathogens. Epidemics
caused when these infect new
hosts with little resistance or tol-
erance may lead to population de-
clines, such as those that fol-
lowed tree pathogen invasions in
North America during the last
century. Although we have em-
phasized threats of intensified
parasitism, the loss of parasites
can also affect biodiversity by re-
leasing hosts from a major source
of population regulation.
The most detectable effects
of directional climate warming
on disease relate to geographic
range expansion of pathogens
such as Rift Valley fever, den-
gue, and Eastern oyster disease.
Factors other than climate
change—such as changes in
land use, vegetation, pollution, or increase in
drug-resistant strains—may underlie these
range expansions. Nonetheless, the numerous
mechanisms linking climate warming and
disease spread support the hypothesis that
climate warming is contributing to ongoing
range expansions.
We found no unequivocal examples of nat-
Fig. 3. Culex mosquitoes are the vectors responsible for transmitting avian
malaria (Plasmodium relictum) and avian pox (Poxvirus avium) to endemic
Hawaiian forest birds such as the apapne (Himatione sanguinea). [Photo by
Jack Jeffrey]

ural changes in severity or prevalence resulting
from directional climate warming per se. How-
ever, current data on temperature-dependent
pathogen development and replication rates, and
on associations between disease occurrence and
climate variation, suggest several ways in which
climate warming has altered and will alter dis-
ease severity or prevalence. In the temperate
zone, shorter, milder winters are expected to
increase disease spread. In tropical oceans,
warmer summers may increase host susceptibil-
ity through thermal stress. Decreased severity or
prevalence with increasing temperature is ex-
pected for several types of diseases, such as
amphibian chytridiomycosis, coldwater disease
of fish, and fungal pathogens of insects.
Given the challenge of linking disease im-
pacts and directional climate change for well-
studied agricultural, maricultural, and human
diseases, it is not yet possible to predict the
consequences for biodiversity. Very few empir-
ical studies directly explore the relationship be-
tween climate and transmission of or resistance
to disease. Even fewer explore interactions be-
tween temperature and components of a patho-
gen’s life cycle (29, 73, 74). We therefore iden-
tify four priorities for research to improve our
ability to predict impacts of climate change on
1. Collect baseline data on diseases of wild
populations. Baseline disease data are critical to
predict changes in a warming climate, but such
data are rarely collected for nonhuman, nonag-
ricultural, or noncommercial systems. Monitor-
ing programs for the prevalence and severity of
wildlife diseases and their population- and com-
munity-level impacts must be implemented for
a wider range of natural systems.
2. Separate the effects of multiple cli-
mate variables on disease. To accurately
predict future responses to climate change,
we must quantify the direct and synergistic
effects of multiple climate variables, such
as temperature and moisture, on disease.
Separating the effects of these variables
will require experimental manipulation in
the lab or field. Pathogens with complex
life cycles present a particular challenge
because different life stages may be affect-
ed by variables with opposite effects on
parasite fitness.
3. Forecast epidemics. Forecasting models
using climate variables can effectively predict
outbreaks for some crop and human diseases.
Crop disease programs have long been in effect:
Potato late blight (Phytophora infestans) is cor-
rectly forecasted 92% of years on the basis of
number of days of rain (75), and rice blast
(Pyricularia oryzae) models based on tempera-
ture and moisture forecast when an epidemic
will start and when to apply fungicide for opti-
mal control (76 ). Such forecasting programs are
also in development for human diseases with
climate sensitivity, such as Rift Valley fever,
which is associated with warm El Nin˜o events
of high rainfall (43, 77 ), and cholera is predict-
able from sea surface temperature associations
with El Nin˜o (19). The National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration’s coral bleaching
program uses sea surface temperature increases
in a location-specific algorithm to predict when
and where coral bleaching will occur (78). Sim-
ilar disease forecasting models should be devel-
oped for other threatened populations and cou-
pled to models predicting epidemic impacts on
host abundance. Implementing such forecasting
systems for diseases of threatened populations
would allow intervention before climate-in-
duced epidemics endanger host populations.
4. Evaluate the role of evolution. The rate of
adaptation and evolution is an important un-
known in any prediction of climate impacts
(79). Overlooking the role of evolution can be
particularly dangerous with infectious diseases
(80). If shifts in host or parasite ranges lead to
disease emergence, the rate of pathogen evo-
lution and host evolutionary response could
be critical to predicting disease spread and
subsequent effects on biological diversity.
References and Notes
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working group on Diseases and Conservation run by
A.P.D. and a sabbatical for C.D.H., C. Greene for
oceanographic and climate advice, and L. Gerber and
K. Kim for comments on the manuscript. Also sup-
ported by NSF grant OCE 9818830 (C.D.H.).
Supplementary Online Material
Table S1
21 JUNE 2002 VOL 296 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org2162
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Q1. What contributions have the authors mentioned in the paper "Climate warming and disease risks for terrestrial and marine biota" ?

In this paper, the authors identify four priorities for research to improve the ability to predict impacts of climate change on disease: 1 ) Collect baseline data on diseases of wild populations. 

In fact, expansion of antimalarial resistance and failed vector control programs are probably as important as climate factors in driving recent malaria expansions. 

The direct components of predicted climate change affecting marine organisms over the next century are (i) temperature increase, (ii) sea level increase and subsequent changes in ocean circulation, and (iii) decrease in salinity (24). 

If shifts in host or parasite ranges lead to disease emergence, the rate of pathogen evolution and host evolutionary response could be critical to predicting disease spread and subsequent effects on biological diversity. 

Many pathogens of terrestrial and marine taxa are sensitive to temperature, rainfall, and humidity, creating synergisms that could affect biodiversity. 

Nighttime minimum temperatures are expected to increase more than daytime maximum temperatures, and winter temperatures are expected to increase more than summer temperatures. 

Another climatic anomaly hypothesized to initiate coral disease is transport of aeolian dust from Saharan Africa (mediated by a shift in the North Atlantic Oscillation) to the Caribbean (61). 

vector-borne diseases of livestock, particularly African horse sickness and bluetongue viruses, recently ex-panded their ranges (27). 

Such forecasting programs are also in development for human diseases with climate sensitivity, such as Rift Valley fever, which is associated with warm El Niño eventsof high rainfall (43, 77), and cholera is predictable from sea surface temperature associations with El Niño (19). 

Whether these expansions are due primarily to climate change or other anthropogenic influences (e.g., habitat alteration or drug-resistant pathogen strains) is controversial, as is predicting future distributional changes in disease prevalence. 

The gypsy moth fungus (Entomophaga maimaiga) released to North America in the early 1900s did not affect host populations until the cool, wet spring of 1989 (51). 

Pathogens are implicated in recent declines of Australian and Central American frogs (1, 2), Hawaiian forest birds, and African wild dogs (3). 

Pathogens also contribute to declines of threatened species such as lions (Fig. 1), cranes, eagles, and black-footed ferrets (6, 7). 

the numerous mechanisms linking climate warming and disease spread support the hypothesis that climate warming is contributing to ongoing range expansions. 

In a 14-year field study in England, the Dutch elm disease fungus (Ophiostoma novoulmi) caused greater defoliation in warmer years (29). 

The authors review the potential consequences of temperature changes on infectious diseases and consider the hypothesis that climate warming will affect host-pathogen interactions by (i) increasing pathogen development rates, transmission, and number of generations per year; (ii) relaxing overwintering restrictions on pathogen life cycles (Fig. 2); and (iii) modifying host susceptibility to infection. 

This will focus the biting activities of their vectors on a less diverse host community, increasing the impact of pathogens on potentially novel hosts and reducing the dilution effect proposed by Schmidt and Ostfeld (53). 

Malaria and pox transmission are more intense in mid-elevation forests where mosquitoes and endemic birds have the greatest overlap, and are lowest at high elevations where mosquitoes are limited by cool temperatures. 

Although there is evidence for temperature- and climate-related links in some marine diseases, lack of reliable baselines and incomplete disease time series complicate the partitioning of climate effects and other anthropogenic disturbances.