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Digitizing the chemical senses

This review, with the focus squarely on the domain of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), summarizes the state-of-the-art in the area and suggests that mixed reality solutions are currently the most plausible as far as delivering flavour experiences digitally is concerned.
Review paper assesses the possibilities and pitfalls around the digitization of the chemical senses.Possibilities include delivery of ambient fragrance, digital flavour experiences.We highlight how the majority of the attempts at successful commercialization have failed, often in the face of consumer ambivalence over the perceived benefits/utility.Ultimately, we suggest that mixed reality solutions are currently the most plausible as far as delivering (or rather modulating) flavour experiences digitally is concerned.The identify key problems with digital fragrance delivery related to attention and attribution (i.e., being aware of stimulation and believing that it is doing the work). Many people are understandably excited by the suggestion that the chemical senses can be digitized; be it to deliver ambient fragrances (e.g., in virtual reality or health-related applications), or else to transmit flavour experiences via the internet. However, to date, progress in this area has been surprisingly slow. Furthermore, the majority of the attempts at successful commercialization have failed, often in the face of consumer ambivalence over the perceived benefits/utility. In this review, with the focus squarely on the domain of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), we summarize the state-of-the-art in the area. We highlight the key possibilities and pitfalls as far as stimulating the so-called lower senses of taste, smell, and the trigeminal system are concerned. Ultimately, we suggest that mixed reality solutions are currently the most plausible as far as delivering (or rather modulating) flavour experiences digitally is concerned. The key problems with digital fragrance delivery are related to attention and attribution. People often fail to detect fragrances when they are concentrating on something else; And even when they detect that their chemical senses have been stimulated, there is always a danger that they attribute their experience (e.g., pleasure) to one of the other senses this is what we call the fundamental attribution error. We conclude with an outlook on digitizing the chemical senses and summarize a set of open-ended questions that the HCI community has to address in future explorations of smell and taste as interaction modalities

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Digitizing the chemical senses: possibilities & pitfalls
Article (Accepted Version)
Spence, Charles, Obrist, Marianna, Velasco, Carlos and Ranasinghe, Nimesha (2017) Digitizing
the chemical senses: possibilities & pitfalls. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies,
107. pp. 62-74. ISSN 1071-5819
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Digitizing the chemical senses:
Possibilities & pitfalls
Charles Spence (University of Oxford),
Marianna Obrist (University of Sussex),
Carlos Velasco (BI Norwegian Business School),
& Nimesha Ranasinghe (National University of Singapore)
DATE: JUNE, 2017
CORRESPONDENCE TO: Prof. Charles Spence, Department of Experimental Psychology,
University of Oxford, Oxford, OX1 3UD, UK. E-mail:

Many people are understandably excited by the suggestion that the chemical senses can be
digitized; be it to deliver ambient fragrances (e.g., in virtual reality or health-related
applications), or else to transmit flavour experiences via the internet. However, to date,
progress in this area has been surprisingly slow. Furthermore, the majority of the attempts at
successful commercialization have failed, often in the face of consumer ambivalence over the
perceived benefits/utility. In this review, with the focus squarely on the domain of Human-
Computer Interaction (HCI), we summarize the state-of-the-art in the area. We highlight the
key possibilities and pitfalls as far as stimulating the so-called ‘lower’ senses of taste, smell,
and the trigeminal system are concerned. Ultimately, we suggest that mixed reality solutions
are currently the most plausible as far as delivering (or rather modulating) flavour
experiences digitally is concerned. The key problems with digital fragrance delivery are
related to attention and attribution. People often fail to detect fragrances when they are
concentrating on something else; And even when they detect that their chemical senses have
been stimulated, there is always a danger that they attribute their experience (e.g., pleasure) to
one of the other senses – this is what we call ‘the fundamental attribution error’. We conclude
with an outlook on digitizing the chemical senses and summarize a set of open-ended
questions that the HCI community has to address in future explorations of smell and taste as
interaction modalities.

Both the popular press and the general public are fascinated by the possibilities associated
with the digitization of the chemical senses (e.g., Berenstein, 2015; Cuthbertson, 2015; Lant
& Norman, 2017; Marks, 2013; Obrist, Tuch, & Hornbæk, 2014; Platt, 1999). And indeed,
much research has been conducted in this area in recent decades (as documented by the many
papers and sessions at the technology conferences in HCI such as ACM CHI, UIST, and TEI,
not to mention, by the various papers referenced in this review). That said, there are still a
number of key questions with regard to the digitization of the chemical senses that will need
to be addressed before any real progress can be made in delivering plausible (i.e.,
commercially viable and appealing) solutions to market. These include: What do you want to
digitize? Why do you want to digitize it? How do you plan to digitize it? What are the
limitations, both technical and psychological, to digital transmission/delivery that are
relevant to the chemical senses? It is only by addressing such questions that the various
pitfalls that have been highlighted by a number of the high-profile failures in this area in
recent years can be avoided (e.g., Dusi, 2014; Twilley, 2016; Velasco, Obrist, Petit,
Karunanayaka, Cheok, & Spence, 2016).
Introducing the chemical senses
At the outset, when thinking about the digitization of the chemical senses, it is important to
note that there are at least three senses that may be the target of any digital intervention: 1)
Stimulation of the sense of taste (gustation); 2) Stimulation of the sense of smell (olfaction
via either the orthonasal or retronasal route; e.g., Rozin, 1982; Small, Gerber, Mak, &
Hummel, 2005); and 3) trigeminal stimulation (responsible for detecting sensations such as
heat and cold along with various food textures that are related to biting and chewing actions;
e.g., Burdach, Kroeze, & Koster, 1984; Dodd & Kelly, 1991; Lundström, Boesveldt, &
Albrecht, 2011; Spence & Piqueras-Fiszman, 2016; Viana, 2011).
The delivery of ambient scent is the simplest application of digitizing the chemical senses,
since it requires only orthonasal olfactory stimulation (e.g., as when we inhale/sniff). Such
scents might or might not be food (i.e., flavour) related. To date, digitally-controlled scent
have been used to augment the immersion in audio-visual entertainment/training
applications (Cole, 2016; see Ischer, Baron, Mermoud, Cayeux, Porcherot, Sander, &
Delplanque, 2014, for a review). More generally, ambient scents have been used to trigger
specific moods, emotions (Herz, 2002; Leenders, Smidts, & El Haji, in press; Moss, Cook,
Wesnes, & Duckett, 2003; Rétiveau, Chambers, & Milliken, 2004), nostalgia/memories (Chu
When considering the digitization of smell, it would seem natural to consider digitally-controlled chemical
delivery systems, electric (or perhaps thermal) stimulation, or a combination of both. Chemicals are naturally
processed by our olfactory system, nevertheless, researchers have also explored direct electric stimulation of the
olfactory receptors as means to evoke odour sensations (Hariri, Mustafa, Karunanayaka, & Cheok, 2016). It is
important to recognize, though, that such stimulation does not give rise to the perception of odours as does
following chemical stimulation (Weiss et al., 2016). In that sense, as for to date, it seems more plausible to
digitizing the sense of smell via digitally-controlled chemicals.

& Downes, 2000, 2002; Doop, Mohr, Folley, Brewer, & Park, 2006; Tortell, Luigi, Dozois,
Bouchard, Morie, & Ilan, 2007), induce hunger, and even bias our everyday behaviours
(Holland, Hendriks, & Aarts, 2005).
By contrast, stimulation of the sense of taste, retronasal olfaction,
and possibly also the
trigeminal sense are needed in order to deliver an authentic-tasting flavour experiences (e.g.,
Bult, de Wijk, & Hummel, 2007; Piqueras-Fiszman & Spence, 2016). Just think, for example,
about simulating the minty sensation associated with compounds such as 1-methol (the
principal flavour in mint). All three of these sensory systems are needed if one is to deliver
the characteristic minty aroma, the slightly bitter taste, and the cooling mouth-feel (involving
the tactile thermal nociceptors) associated with the experience of this particular stimulus
(Nagata, Dalton, Doolittle, & Breslin, 2005). Of course, it is not enough simply to stimulate
these senses; The relative intensity of these digital stimuli also needs to be right, as does the
time-course of increasing and decreasing sensation (see Obrist, Comber, Subramanian,
Piqueras-Fiszman, Velasco, & Spence, 2014; Stuckey, 2012), if one wants to simulate a
genuinely-compelling (i.e., authentic) minty sensation.
Taste (strictly-speaking, gustation) and flavour (the latter referring to the combined input of
gustatory, olfactory, and possibly also trigeminal stimulation) are undoubtedly complex
concepts to try and disentangle, both at the theoretical and at the empirical levels (see Spence,
Smith, & Auvray, 2015, for a review). Matters are made more confusing by the existence of
phenomenon such as oral referral (of odours to the oral cavity; see Spence, 2016a, for a
review), and the fact that different terms are sometimes used in different languages to refer to
these two percepts (e.g., Rozin, 1982; Spence, 2017a). Here it is perhaps helpful to bear in
mind that stimulation of the taste-buds on the human tongue may only give rise to the
sensation of sweet, bitter, salty, sour, and umami.
Everything else that we enjoy while tasting
the meaty, the fruity, the floral, the herbaceous, and the roasted etc. are all delivered by
the sense of smell instead.
That is, by volatile molecules hitting the olfactory receptors
embedded in the nasal mucosa. It is one of the tricks of the mind that so much of this
information, transduced by the olfactory receptors in the nose is referred to the mouth, giving
us all the illusion that we are tasting (this is what it is referred to as ‘oral referral’). So, when
talking about the digitization of the chemical senses, one needs to keep taste distinct from
tasting (the latter normally used to refer to the flavour perceived; see Spence et al., 2015). It
is worth bearing in mind that it has widely been estimated that 75-95% of what we think we
taste really reflects information delivered by the sense of smell (see Spence, 2015a, for a
Retronasal olfaction is based on the volatile-rich air that is pulsed out from the back of the nose whenever we
swallow (e.g., Bojanowski & Hummel, 2012).
That said, a growing number of researchers now believe that oleogustus, or fatty acid, should be considered as
the sixth taste (e.g., Keast & Costanzo, 2015; Running, Craig, & Mattes, 2015). Then there is kokumi, not to
mention the recently-discovered taste for glucose oligomers (Lapis, Penner, & Lim, 2016). However, while we
may well be able to discriminate these stimuli in taste tests, it is not so clear that they are all necessarily
associated with a clearly identifiable taste percept.
It is currently unclear whether the metallic sensation one sometimes gets is a taste, a retronasal aroma, or a
flavour (see Skinner, Lim, Tarrega, Ford, Linforth, & Hort, in press; Spence et al., 2015).

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Q1. What are the contributions in this paper?

In this review, with the focus squarely on the domain of HumanComputer Interaction ( HCI ), the authors summarize the state-of-the-art in the area. Ultimately, the authors suggest that mixed reality solutions are currently the most plausible as far as delivering ( or rather modulating ) flavour experiences digitally is concerned. 

Of course, perhaps the focus for development should not be so much on augmenting the experiences for those with their senses intact, but rather on catering to the section of the population who might be blind or partially-sighted, deaf or deaf-blind ( going beyond current efforts for the sense of touch, cf. Hamilton-Fletcher, Obrist, Watten, Mengucci, & Ward, 2016 ; Wall & Brewster 2006 ), as this is the group who may appreciate the possibilities associated with the digital modulation of their residual chemical senses the most ( see Keller, 1923, 1933 ). What exactly does the future for digitization and the chemical senses hold, especially for the designers, developers, innovators working in the field of HCI ? Will it contribute to the growing field of food-interaction design ( e. g., Comber, Ganglbauer, Choi, Hoonhout, Rogers, O'Hara, & Maitland, 2012 ; Hupfield & Rodden, 2012 ) and its augmentation in VR ( Narumi, 2016 ) ? Or will ambient orthonasal olfactory cues find a place in enhancing entertainment, VR, educational, and training simulations ?